internal static bool IsForeground(IntPtr ptr) { IntPtr hwnd = ProcessHandler.GetForegroundWindow(); if (hwnd.ToString().Equals(ptr.ToString())) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
private void RunPaint() { Console.WriteLine("Welcome to EliteDangerousCrosshair v1.0.1 by RobCubed!"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("* * * Now works on multi-screens/any screen! * * *"); Console.WriteLine("Remember, Elite Dangerous *must* be in windowed mode for this to function."); Console.WriteLine("CTRL+SHIFT+F1 will enable/disable the crosshairs."); Console.WriteLine("--------------------------------------------"); string gameName = "EliteDangerous32"; IntPtr ptr = ProcessHandler.WaitForProcessByName(gameName); EDCrossHair.ProcessHandler.RECT clientRect = ProcessHandler.GetRect(ptr); bool coordinatesFound; int newPointX; int newPointY; while (true) { if (activate) { ptr = ProcessHandler.WaitForProcessByName(gameName); clientRect = ProcessHandler.GetRect(ptr); if (ProcessHandler.IsForeground(ptr)) { bufferedPanel.programFocus = true; } else { bufferedPanel.programFocus = false; } Point point; x = clientRect.Width / 2; y = clientRect.Height / 2; coordinatesFound = false; point = new Point(); coordinatesFound = ProcessHandler.ClientToScreen(ptr, ref point); finalLocX = point.X; finalLocY = point.Y; if (!locationUpdate.IsBusy) { locationUpdate.RunWorkerAsync(); } newPointX = point.X + x; newPointY = point.Y + y; if (coordinatesFound == true && (newPointX != bufferedPanel.xDraw || newPointY != bufferedPanel.yDraw)) { bufferedPanel.xDraw = newPointX; bufferedPanel.yDraw = newPointY; bufferedPanel.xScreen = clientRect.Width; bufferedPanel.yScreen = clientRect.Height; } } else { bufferedPanel.programFocus = false; } } }