public static void ChangeFieldRank(Field f, int dir) { int i = getFieldIndexInParentCollection(f); if (i >= 0 && i < f.SectionIDObject.FieldSectionIDs.Count) { int oldRank = f.Rank; if (dir == -1 && i == 0) { return; } if (dir == 1 && i == f.SectionIDObject.FieldSectionIDs.Count - 1) { return; } f.Rank = ((Field)f.SectionIDObject.FieldSectionIDs[i + dir]).Rank; ((Field)f.SectionIDObject.FieldSectionIDs[i + dir]).Rank = oldRank; SFGlobal.ObjectManager.PersistChanges(f); SFGlobal.ObjectManager.PersistChanges(f.SectionIDObject.FieldSectionIDs[i + dir]); SFGlobal.ObjectManager.Resync(f); SFGlobal.ObjectManager.Resync(f.SectionIDObject.FieldSectionIDs[i + dir]); SFGlobal.ObjectManager.Resync(f.SectionIDObject); } SFGlobal.AlertUser("Changed Field: " + f.Title + " Rank"); }
public static Node GetNode(string nodePath) { System.Web.HttpContext context = System.Web.HttpContext.Current; if (context.Application["nodeRoot"] != null) { try { Node n; if (SFGlobal.IsUserCMS()) { n = (Node)context.Application["nodeRoot"]; } else { n = (Node)context.Application["nodeRootPublic"]; } System.Collections.ArrayList s = new System.Collections.ArrayList(nodePath.Split('*')); return(n.Find(s)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("user isn't loaded.", e); //return null; } } else { return(null); } }
public static void RemoveSection(FormSection fs) { SFGlobal.ObjectManager.MarkForDeletion(fs); SFGlobal.ObjectManager.PersistChanges(fs); SFGlobal.ObjectManager.Resync(fs.FormObject); SFGlobal.AlertUser("Section: " + fs.Title + " Deleted"); }
public static void ChangeSectionRank(FormSection fs, int dir) { int i = getSectionIndexInParentCollection(fs); if (i >= 0 && i < fs.FormObject.FormSections.Count) { int oldRank = fs.Rank; if (dir == -1 && i == 0) { return; } if (dir == 1 && i == fs.FormObject.FormSections.Count - 1) { return; } fs.Rank = ((FormSection)fs.FormObject.FormSections[i + dir]).Rank; ((FormSection)fs.FormObject.FormSections[i + dir]).Rank = oldRank; SFGlobal.ObjectManager.PersistChanges(fs); SFGlobal.ObjectManager.PersistChanges(fs.FormObject.FormSections[i + dir]); SFGlobal.ObjectManager.Resync(fs.FormObject); SFGlobal.ObjectManager.Resync(fs); SFGlobal.ObjectManager.Resync(fs.FormObject.FormSections[i + dir]); } SFGlobal.AlertUser("Changed Section: " + fs.Title + " rank"); }
public void submit_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string u = SFGlobal.SqlCleanString(username.Text); string p = Dury.SiteFoundry.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricEncryption.ComputeHash(password.Text, SFGlobal.EncryptionMethod, SFGlobal.EncryptionSalt); //string p = SFGlobal.SqlCleanString(password.Text); string userGroup = this.getUserGroup(u, p); if (userGroup != null) { FormsAuthenticationTicket authTicket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(1, username.Text, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(30), false, userGroup); string encryptedTicket = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(authTicket); HttpCookie authCookie = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, encryptedTicket); Response.Cookies.Add(authCookie); //if (Request.QueryString["RequestedUrl"] == null || Request.QueryString["RequestedUrl"] == "") Response.Redirect("admin/default.aspx"); //else // Response.Redirect(Request.QueryString["RequestedUrl"]); //msg.Text = userGroup; } else { msg.Text = "login invalid"; } }
public static FormSection AddSection(Form f, string title, string description) { FormSection fs = (FormSection)SFGlobal.ObjectManager.GetObject(typeof(FormSection)); fs.FormID = f.FormID; fs.Title = title; fs.Description = description; fs.Rank = getSectionNextRank(f); SFGlobal.ObjectManager.PersistChanges(fs); SFGlobal.ObjectManager.Resync(fs); SFGlobal.AlertUser("Section: " + fs.Title + " Added"); return(fs); }
public static Field AddFieldToSection(FormSection fs, int fieldType, string title, string groupName, string description, bool isRequired, bool isValidated, string validationExpression) { Field f = (Field)SFGlobal.ObjectManager.GetObject(typeof(Field)); f.SectionID = fs.FormSectionID; f.FieldTypeID = fieldType; f.Title = title; f.Description = description; f.GroupName = groupName; f.IsRequired = isRequired; f.IsValidated = isValidated; f.ValidationExpression = validationExpression; f.Rank = getFieldNextRank(fs); SFGlobal.ObjectManager.PersistChanges(f); SFGlobal.ObjectManager.Resync(fs); SFGlobal.AlertUser("Field added"); return(f); }
/// <summary> /// gets a UserPrincipal object. /// if a forms-auth cookie exists, then it loads that. if no cookie is present, then the user is assigned public access /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static UserPrincipal FetchUser() { System.Web.HttpContext context = System.Web.HttpContext.Current; HttpCookie authCookie = context.Request.Cookies[FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName]; int userID; string username; ArrayList userGroups; // add default permissions for unauthenticated (ie. non-cookied 'public') user if (authCookie == null) { userGroups = new ArrayList(); userGroups.Add("Public"); userID = 1; username = "******"; } else { FormsAuthenticationTicket authTicket = null; try { authTicket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(authCookie.Value); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DuryTools.ErrorHandler(ex.Message, ex); } if (null == authTicket) { SFGlobal.RedirectToLogin(); } // array of items from cookie has the userID as the first element (so we remove it). all other elements are user roles userGroups = new ArrayList(authTicket.UserData.Split(new char[] { '|' })); userID = int.Parse(userGroups[0].ToString()); username = authTicket.Name; userGroups.RemoveAt(0); } return(SFGlobal.CreateUserPrincipal(userID, username, userGroups)); }
private static void fsw_Changed(object sender, System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs e) { SFGlobal.Start(); }
public static void SaveForm(Form f) { SFGlobal.ObjectManager.PersistChanges(f); SFGlobal.ObjectManager.Resync(f); SFGlobal.AlertUser("Form Saved"); }
public static void RemoveField(Field f) { SFGlobal.ObjectManager.MarkForDeletion(f); SFGlobal.ObjectManager.PersistChanges(f); SFGlobal.AlertUser("Field: " + f.Title + " Deleted!"); }
public static void SaveField(Field f) { SFGlobal.ObjectManager.PersistChanges(f); SFGlobal.ObjectManager.Resync(f); SFGlobal.AlertUser("Saved Field: " + f.Title); }
public static void SaveFormSection(FormSection fs) { SFGlobal.ObjectManager.PersistChanges(fs); SFGlobal.ObjectManager.Resync(fs); SFGlobal.AlertUser("Section: " + fs.Title + " Saved"); }