private bool ParentIsValidForBlocker(RoomNode pNode, EdgeNode pBlocker) { if (pNode.Children.Count == 0) { return(false); } List <RoomNode> ancestors = AncestorsOf(Root, pNode); switch ((NodeType)pBlocker[Data.Type]) { case NodeType.Barrier: int numSwitches = 0; foreach (RoomNode n in ancestors) { numSwitches += (NodeType)n[Data.Type] == NodeType.Switch && (char)n[Data.ID] == (char)pBlocker[Data.ID] ? 1 : 0; } return(numSwitches == ((List <Node>)pBlocker[Data.Switches]).Count); case NodeType.Door: int numKeys = 0; foreach (RoomNode n in ancestors) { numKeys += (NodeType)n[Data.Type] == NodeType.Key ? 1 : 0; } return(numKeys > NumOfTypeInGraph(NodeType.Door, Root)); } return(false); }
public int NumOfTypeInGraph(NodeType pType, RoomNode pNode) { foreach (RoomNode n in pNode.Children) { return(NumOfTypeInGraph(pType, n) + (NodeType)pNode[Data.Type] == pType ? 1 : 0); } return((NodeType)pNode[Data.Type] == pType ? 1 : 0); }
// Create a node with data as a lsit of key value pairs public Node(RoomNode pParent, params KeyValuePair <Data, object>[] pData) { Parent = pParent; Data = new Dictionary <Data, object>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <Data, object> d in pData) { SetData(d.Key, d.Value); } }
// Add an edge node between this node and a child of this node // Returns whether the operation succeeded. public bool AddEdgeNode(RoomNode pChild, EdgeNode pEdge) { if (!Children.Contains(pChild)) { return(false); } Edges[Children.IndexOf(pChild)] = pEdge; pEdge.Parent = this; pEdge.Child = pChild; return(true); }
// Add a child to this node. // Returns whether the operation succeeded. public bool AddChild(RoomNode pChild) { if (Children.Contains(pChild) || !CanAcceptChildren) { return(false); } Children.Add(pChild); pChild.Parent = this; Edges.Add(null); return(true); }
private List <RoomNode> DescendantsOf(RoomNode pNode) { List <RoomNode> nodes = new List <RoomNode>(); nodes.Add(pNode); foreach (RoomNode n in pNode.Children) { nodes.AddRange(DescendantsOf(n)); } return(nodes); }
// Return a list of the ancestors of a given node. private List <RoomNode> AncestorsOf(RoomNode pNode, RoomNode pTarget) { List <RoomNode> descendants = DescendantsOf(pTarget); List <RoomNode> allNodes = DescendantsOf(Root); List <RoomNode> ascendants = new List <RoomNode>(); foreach (RoomNode n in allNodes) { if (!descendants.Contains(n)) { ascendants.Add(n); } } return(ascendants); }
// Generate a list of all the nodes in the graph. public List <Node> GenerateNodeList(int pComplexity, GaussianParam[] pGaussianParams) { UnityEngine.Random.InitState(Seed); if (pGaussianParams.Length < REQUIRED_PARAM_COUNT) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarningFormat("Node generation failed! Required {0} gaussian params, but received {1}", REQUIRED_PARAM_COUNT, pGaussianParams.Length); return(new List <Node>()); } // Generate a list of all the nodes in this dungeon graph. List <Node> nodes = new List <Node>(); // There is always one entrance, one big key, and one boss nodes.Add(new RoomNode(null, NodeData.Item(Data.Type, NodeType.Entrance))); nodes.Add(new RoomNode(null, NodeData.Item(Data.Type, NodeType.Boss))); nodes.Add(new RoomNode(null, NodeData.Item(Data.Type, NodeType.BigKey))); nodes.Add(new EdgeNode(null, null, NodeData.Item(Data.Type, NodeType.BigDoor))); // There are a number of keys. There is an equal number of doors. int numDoors = NumRooms(pGaussianParams, pComplexity, 0); for (int i = 0; i < numDoors; i++) { nodes.Add(new EdgeNode(null, null, NodeData.Item(Data.Type, NodeType.Door))); nodes.Add(new RoomNode(null, NodeData.Item(Data.Type, NodeType.Key))); } // There are a number of switches, each group of which corresponds to one barrier. int numSwitchGroups = NumRooms(pGaussianParams, pComplexity, 1); for (int i = 0; i < numSwitchGroups; i++) { // Add the barrier that corresponds with the switches. char id = (char)(i % 25 + 65); Node nBarrier = new EdgeNode(null, null, NodeData.Item(Data.Type, NodeType.Barrier), NodeData.Item(Data.ID, id), NodeData.Item(Data.Switches, new List <Node>())); List <Node> switchList = new List <Node>(); nodes.Add(nBarrier); // Add a number of switches that correspond to the barrier int numSwitches = UnityEngine.Mathf.Clamp(NumRooms(pGaussianParams, pComplexity, 2), 2, int.MaxValue); for (int j = 0; j < numSwitches; j++) { Node nSwitch = new RoomNode(null, NodeData.Item(Data.Type, NodeType.Switch), NodeData.Item(Data.ID, id)); nodes.Add(nSwitch); switchList.Add(nSwitch); } // Set the barrier's switch list nBarrier.SetData(Data.Switches, new List <Node>(switchList)); } // There are a number of filler rooms. int numFillerRooms = NumRooms(pGaussianParams, pComplexity, 3); for (int i = 0; i < numFillerRooms; i++) { nodes.Add(new Node(null, NodeData.Item(Data.Type, NodeType.Fill))); } // There are a small number of minibosses. int numBonusRooms = NumRooms(pGaussianParams, pComplexity, 4); for (int i = 0; i < numBonusRooms; i++) { nodes.Add(new Node(null, NodeData.Item(Data.Type, NodeType.Bonus))); } // There are a small number of bonus rooms. int numMinibosses = NumRooms(pGaussianParams, pComplexity, 5); for (int i = 0; i < numMinibosses; i++) { nodes.Add(new Node(null, NodeData.Item(Data.Type, NodeType.Miniboss))); } return(nodes); }
// Set the parent/child relationships of each node in the given list. public void ArrangeNodes(List <Node> pNodeList) { UnityEngine.Random.InitState(Seed); Root = pNodeList[0].ToRoomNode; RoomNode bossNode = pNodeList[1].ToRoomNode; RoomNode bigKeyNode = pNodeList[2].ToRoomNode; EdgeNode bigDoorNode = pNodeList[3].ToEdgeNode; List <RoomNode> parents = new List <RoomNode>(); List <RoomNode> rooms = new List <RoomNode>(); List <EdgeNode> edges = new List <EdgeNode>(); // Remove the saved nodes. pNodeList.RemoveRange(0, 4); parents.Add(Root); // Organize the remaining nodes by behavior foreach (Node n in pNodeList) { if (n.IsBlocker) { edges.Add(n.ToEdgeNode); } else { rooms.Add(n.ToRoomNode); } } // For the rooms, assign them as parents if necessary and set each node's parent. foreach (RoomNode n in rooms) { parents[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, parents.Count)].AddChild(n); if (n.IsValidParent) { parents.Add(n); } } // Assign the remaining special room/edge nodes. parents[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, parents.Count)].AddChild(bigKeyNode); parents[parents.Count - 1].AddChild(bossNode); parents[parents.Count - 1].AddEdgeNode(bossNode, bigDoorNode); // For the edges, assign their children and parents in a valid way foreach (EdgeNode n in edges) { List <RoomNode> children = new List <RoomNode>(); List <RoomNode> validParents = new List <RoomNode>(); int parentIndex = -1; foreach (RoomNode p in parents) { if (ParentIsValidForBlocker(p, n)) { validParents.Add(p); } } parentIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, validParents.Count - 1); if (validParents.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < validParents[parentIndex].Children.Count; i++) { if (validParents[parentIndex].Edges[i] == null) { children.Add(validParents[parentIndex].Children[i]); } } } validParents[parentIndex].AddEdgeNode(children[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, children.Count)], n); } }
// Create a new room node with data as dictionary. public EdgeNode(RoomNode pParent, RoomNode pChild, Dictionary <Data, object> pData) : base(pParent, pData) { Child = pChild; }
// Create an edge node with data as params public EdgeNode(RoomNode pParent, RoomNode pChild, params KeyValuePair <Data, object>[] pData) : base(pParent, pData) { Child = pChild; }
// Create a new room node with data as dictionary. public RoomNode(RoomNode pParent, Dictionary <Data, object> pData) : base(pParent, pData) { Children = new List <RoomNode>(); Edges = new List <EdgeNode>(); }
// Create a new room node with data as params. public RoomNode(RoomNode pParent, params KeyValuePair <Data, object>[] pData) : base(pParent, pData) { Children = new List <RoomNode>(); Edges = new List <EdgeNode>(); }
// Create a node with data as a dictionary public Node(RoomNode pParent, Dictionary <Data, object> pData) { Parent = pParent; Data = pData; }