public void Pulse(int type, WireTileset wire) { this.Spawn(); SFX.Play("click"); }
public override void Update() { base.Update(); this.offDir = (sbyte)1; if ((double)this._hitPoints <= 0.0) { if (this.graphic != this._toreUp) { float num1 = this._fluidLevel * 0.5f; float num2 = this._fluidLevel * 0.5f; FluidData fluid = this._fluid; fluid.amount = num1 / 20f; for (int index = 0; index < 20; ++index) { Level.Add((Thing) new Fluid(this.x + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f), this.y + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f), new Vec2(Rando.Float(-4f, 4f), Rando.Float(-4f, 0.0f)), fluid)); } fluid.amount = num2; Level.Add((Thing) new Fluid(this.x, this.y - 8f, new Vec2(0.0f, -1f), fluid)); Level.Add((Thing)SmallSmoke.New(this.x, this.y)); SFX.Play("bulletHitWater"); SFX.Play("crateDestroy"); } this.graphic = (Sprite)this._toreUp; this._onFire = false; this.burnt = 0.0f; this._weight = 0.1f; this._collisionSize.y = 8f; this._collisionOffset.y = -3f; } this.burnSpeed = 0.0015f; if (this._onFire && (double)this.burnt < 0.899999976158142) { if ((double)this.burnt > 0.300000011920929) { this.graphic = this._melting; } this.yscale = (float)(0.5 + (1.0 - (double)this.burnt) * 0.5); this.centery = (float)(8.0 - (double)this.burnt * 7.0); this._collisionOffset.y = (float)((double)this.burnt * 7.0 - 8.0); this._collisionSize.y = (float)(16.0 - (double)this.burnt * 7.0); } if (!this._bottomHoles && (double)this.burnt > 0.600000023841858) { this._bottomHoles = true; this._holes.Add(new FluidStream(0.0f, 0.0f, new Vec2(-1f, -1f), 1f, new Vec2(-7f, 8f)) { holeThickness = 2f }); this._holes.Add(new FluidStream(0.0f, 0.0f, new Vec2(1f, -1f), 1f, new Vec2(7f, 8f)) { holeThickness = 2f }); } if (this._owner != null) { this.hSpeed = this.owner.hSpeed; this.vSpeed = this.owner.vSpeed; } if (this._alternate == 0) { foreach (FluidStream hole in this._holes) { hole.onFire = this.onFire; hole.hSpeed = this.hSpeed; hole.vSpeed = this.vSpeed; hole.DoUpdate(); hole.position = this.Offset(hole.offset); hole.sprayAngle = this.OffsetLocal(hole.startSprayAngle); float num1 = (float)(1.0 - ((double)hole.offset.y - (double)this.topLocal) / ((double)this.bottomLocal - (double)this.topLocal)); if ((double)hole.x > (double)this.left - 2.0 && (double)hole.x < (double)this.right + 2.0 && (double)num1 < (double)this._fluidLevel) { float num2 = Maths.Clamp(this._fluidLevel - num1, 0.1f, 1f) * 0.008f * hole.holeThickness; FluidData fluid = this._fluid; fluid.amount = num2; hole.Feed(fluid); this._fluidLevel -= num2; this._lossAccum += num2; while ((double)this._lossAccum > 0.0500000007450581) { this._lossAccum -= 0.05f; if (this.sequence != null && this.sequence.isValid && ChallengeLevel.running) { ++ChallengeLevel.goodiesGot; SFX.Play("tinyTick"); } } } } } this.weight = this._fluidLevel * 10f; ++this._alternate; if (this._alternate <= 4) { return; } this._alternate = 0; }
public override void Selected(ContextMenu item) { SFX.Play("highClick", 0.3f); if (item.text == "@NEWICONTINY@New File...") { this._dialog.Open("Save File As..."); Editor.lockInput = (ContextMenu)this._dialog; } else if ( && this._type != ContextFileType.All) { if (!this._selectLevels) { if (!this._save) { this.Close(); string str = this._currentDirectory + "/" +; if (this._loadLevel) { (Level.current as Editor).LoadLevel(str); } else if (this._type == ContextFileType.ArcadeStyle) { this.result = Editor.TextureToString((Texture2D)Content.Load <Tex2D>(str)); } else { this.result = str.Replace(this._rootFolder, ""); } } else { this._overwriteDialog.Open("OVERWRITE " + + "?"); Editor.lockInput = (ContextMenu)this._overwriteDialog; this._doOverwriteDialog = true; this._overwriteDialog.result = false; this._overwriteName =; Editor.tookInput = true; } } else { if (!(item is ContextCheckBox contextCheckBox)) { return; } contextCheckBox.isChecked = !contextCheckBox.isChecked; if (!contextCheckBox.isChecked) { Editor.activatedLevels.Remove(contextCheckBox.path); } else { Editor.activatedLevels.Add(contextCheckBox.path); } } } else { this.ClearItems(); this.SetDirectory(this._currentDirectory + "/" +; } }
protected override void PlayFireSound() => SFX.Play("dartGunFire", 0.7f, Rando.Float(0.2f) - 0.1f);
public override void Update() { HUD.CloseCorner(HUDCorner.TopLeft); this._dialog.DoUpdate(); if (this._dialog.opened) { return; } Editor.lockInput = (ContextMenu)null; if (this._dialog.result != null && this._dialog.result != "") { string result = this._dialog.result; LevelPlaylist levelPlaylist = new LevelPlaylist(); levelPlaylist.levels.AddRange((IEnumerable <string>)Editor.activatedLevels); XDocument doc = new XDocument(); doc.Add((object)levelPlaylist.Serialize()); DuckFile.SaveXDocument(doc, DuckFile.levelDirectory + result + ".play"); this.SetCurrentFolder(this._rootDirectory); this._dialog.result = (string)null; } else { if (this._selectedLevel == null) { this._exiting = true; } if (Editor.activatedLevels.Count > 0) { if (!this.showPlaylistOption) { this.showPlaylistOption = true; HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomLeft, "@RAGDOLL@NEW PLAYLIST"); } } else if (this.showPlaylistOption) { this.showPlaylistOption = false; HUD.CloseCorner(HUDCorner.BottomLeft); } if (this._deleteFile.value) { foreach (string str in this._selectedLevel.levelsInside) { Editor.activatedLevels.Remove(str); } Editor.activatedLevels.Remove(this._selectedLevel.path); if (this._selectedLevel.itemType == LSItemType.Folder) { DuckFile.DeleteFolder(DuckFile.levelDirectory + this._selectedLevel.path); } else if (this._selectedLevel.itemType == LSItemType.Playlist) { DuckFile.Delete(DuckFile.levelDirectory + this._selectedLevel.path); } else { DuckFile.Delete(DuckFile.levelDirectory + this._selectedLevel.path + ".lev"); } Thread.Sleep(100); this.SetCurrentFolder(this._currentDirectory); this._deleteFile.value = false; } if (this._exiting) { HUD.CloseAllCorners(); Graphics.fade = Lerp.Float(Graphics.fade, 0.0f, 0.04f); if ((double)Graphics.fade >= 0.00999999977648258) { return; } this.isClosed = true; } else { Graphics.fade = Lerp.Float(Graphics.fade, 1f, 0.04f); if (Input.Pressed("UP")) { if (this._selectedItem > 0) { --this._selectedItem; } if (this._selectedItem < this._topIndex) { this._topIndex = this._selectedItem; } } else if (Input.Pressed("DOWN")) { if (this._selectedItem < this._items.Count <LSItem>() - 1) { ++this._selectedItem; } if (this._selectedItem >= this._topIndex + this._maxItems) { this._topIndex = this._selectedItem + 1 - this._maxItems; } } else if (Input.Pressed("LEFT")) { this._selectedItem -= this._maxItems - 1; if (this._selectedItem < 0) { this._selectedItem = 0; } if (this._selectedItem < this._topIndex) { this._topIndex = this._selectedItem; } } else if (Input.Pressed("RIGHT")) { this._selectedItem += this._maxItems - 1; if (this._selectedItem > this._items.Count <LSItem>() - 1) { this._selectedItem = this._items.Count <LSItem>() - 1; } if (this._selectedItem >= this._topIndex + this._maxItems) { this._topIndex = this._selectedItem + 1 - this._maxItems; } } else if (Input.Pressed("SHOOT")) { if (this._selectedLevel.itemType != LSItemType.UpFolder) { if (this._selectedLevel.itemType == LSItemType.Folder || this._selectedLevel.itemType == LSItemType.Playlist || this._selectedLevel.itemType == LSItemType.Workshop) { if (!this._selectedLevel.enabled) { this._selectedLevel.enabled = true; this._selectedLevel.partiallyEnabled = false; Editor.activatedLevels.AddRange((IEnumerable <string>) this._selectedLevel.levelsInside); } else { this._selectedLevel.enabled = false; this._selectedLevel.partiallyEnabled = false; foreach (string str in this._selectedLevel.levelsInside) { Editor.activatedLevels.Remove(str); } } } else if (Editor.activatedLevels.Contains(this._selectedLevel.path)) { Editor.activatedLevels.Remove(this._selectedLevel.path); } else { Editor.activatedLevels.Add(this._selectedLevel.path); } } } else if (Input.Pressed("SELECT")) { if (this._selectedLevel.itemType == LSItemType.Workshop) { this.SetCurrentFolder(this._selectedLevel.path); } else if (this._selectedLevel.itemType == LSItemType.Folder || this._selectedLevel.itemType == LSItemType.Playlist) { this.SetCurrentFolder(this._rootDirectory + this._selectedLevel.path); } else if (this._selectedLevel.itemType == LSItemType.UpFolder) { this.FolderUp(); } } else if (Input.Pressed("QUACK")) { if (this._currentDirectory != this._rootDirectory) { this.FolderUp(); } } else if (Input.Pressed("START")) { this._exiting = true; } else if (Input.Pressed("RAGDOLL")) { this._dialog.Open("New Playlist..."); Editor.lockInput = (ContextMenu)this._dialog; } else if (Input.Pressed("GRAB") && MonoMain.pauseMenu != this._confirmMenu && (this._selectedLevel.itemType != LSItemType.UpFolder && this._selectedLevel.itemType != LSItemType.Workshop)) { LevelSelect._skipCompanionOpening = true; MonoMain.pauseMenu = (UIComponent)this._confirmMenu; this._confirmMenu.Open(); SFX.Play("pause", 0.6f); } this.PositionItems(); if (this._selectedLevel != this._lastSelection) { if (this._lastSelection == null || this._selectedLevel.itemType != this._lastSelection.itemType) { HUD.CloseCorner(HUDCorner.BottomRight); if (this._selectedLevel.itemType == LSItemType.UpFolder) { HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomRight, "@SELECT@Return"); } else if (this._selectedLevel.itemType == LSItemType.Folder || this._selectedLevel.itemType == LSItemType.Playlist || this._selectedLevel.itemType == LSItemType.Workshop) { HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomRight, "@SHOOT@Toggle"); HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomRight, "@SELECT@Open"); } else { HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomRight, "@SHOOT@Toggle"); } } this._lastSelection = this._selectedLevel; } if (this._selectedLevel != this._previewItem) { if (this._selectedLevel.itemType == LSItemType.Level) { this._preview = Content.GeneratePreview(this._selectedLevel.path); this._previewSprite = this._preview == null ? (Sprite)null : new Sprite(this._preview, 0.0f, 0.0f); } else { this._previewSprite = (Sprite)null; } this._previewItem = this._selectedLevel; } foreach (Thing thing in this._items) { thing.Update(); } } } }
public override void Update() { if ( { if (this._captureTarget == null) { this._captureTarget = !this._resizable ? new RenderTarget2D(152, 152) : new RenderTarget2D(1280, 720); } MonoMain.autoPauseFade = false; if (Input.Down("LEFT")) { --this._capturePosition.x; } if (Input.Down("RIGHT")) { ++this._capturePosition.x; } if (Input.Down("UP")) { --this._capturePosition.y; } if (Input.Down("DOWN")) { ++this._capturePosition.y; } float num = (float)(DuckGame.Graphics.width / 320); if (this._resizable) { this._captureSize += this._captureSize * ((float)-((double)InputProfile.DefaultPlayer1.leftTrigger - (double)InputProfile.DefaultPlayer1.rightTrigger) * 0.1f); if ((double)this._captureSize.x > 1280.0) { this._captureSize.x = 1280f; } if ((double)this._captureSize.y > 720.0) { this._captureSize.y = 720f; } Vec2 vec2 = this._capturePosition * num; if ((double)vec2.x < 0.0) { vec2.x = 0.0f; } if ((double)vec2.y < 0.0) { vec2.y = 0.0f; } this._capturePosition = vec2 / num; } DuckGame.Graphics.SetRenderTarget(this._captureTarget); Camera camera = new Camera(this._capturePosition.x * num, this._capturePosition.y * num, (float)(int)this._captureSize.x * num, (float)(int)this._captureSize.y * num); DuckGame.Graphics.Clear(Color.Black); Viewport viewport = DuckGame.Graphics.viewport; DuckGame.Graphics.viewport = new Viewport(0, 0, (int)((double)this._captureSize.x * (double)num), (int)((double)this._captureSize.y * (double)num)); DuckGame.Graphics.screen.Begin(SpriteSortMode.BackToFront, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, DepthStencilState.DepthRead, RasterizerState.CullNone, (MTEffect)null, camera.getMatrix()); DuckGame.Graphics.Draw((Tex2D)MonoMain.screenCapture, 0.0f, 0.0f); DuckGame.Graphics.screen.End(); DuckGame.Graphics.viewport = viewport; DuckGame.Graphics.SetRenderTarget((RenderTarget2D)null); if (Input.Pressed("SELECT")) { SFX.Play("cameraFlash"); Editor.previewCapture = (Texture2D)(Tex2D)this._captureTarget; this._captureTarget = (RenderTarget2D)null; new UIMenuActionOpenMenu((UIComponent)this, (UIComponent)this._closeMenu).Activate(); } else if (Input.Pressed("QUACK")) { SFX.Play("consoleCancel"); new UIMenuActionOpenMenu((UIComponent)this, (UIComponent)this._closeMenu).Activate(); } } base.Update(); }
public override void Update() { this.backgroundColor = Color.Black; if ( || { this._background.visible = false; foreach (Thing challenge in this._challenges) { challenge.visible = false; } this._prizeTable.visible = false; } else { this._background.visible = true; foreach (Thing challenge in this._challenges) { challenge.visible = true; } this._prizeTable.visible = true; } if (this._state == this._desiredState && this._state != ArcadeState.UnlockMachine && this._state != ArcadeState.LaunchChallenge) { if (!this._quitting) { if (Input.Pressed("START")) { this._pauseGroup.Open(); this._pauseMenu.Open(); MonoMain.pauseMenu = this._pauseGroup; if (!this._paused) { Music.Pause(); SFX.Play("pause", 0.6f); this._paused = true; this._duck.immobilized = true; } this.simulatePhysics = false; return; } if (this._paused && MonoMain.pauseMenu == null) { this._paused = false; SFX.Play("resume", 0.6f); if (this._quit.value) { this._quitting = true; } else { Music.Resume(); this._duck.immobilized = false; this.simulatePhysics = true; } } } else { Graphics.fade = Lerp.Float(Graphics.fade, 0.0f, 0.02f); if ((double)Graphics.fade <= 0.00999999977648258) { Level.current = (Level) new TitleScreen(); } } } if (this._paused) { return; } this._hud.Update(); if (this._hud.launchChallenge) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.LaunchChallenge; } if (this._desiredState != this._state) { = false; bool flag = false; if (this._desiredState == ArcadeState.ViewChallenge) { this._duck.alpha = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._duck.alpha, 0.0f, 0.1f); this._followCam.manualViewSize = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._followCam.manualViewSize, 2f, 0.16f); if ((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 30.0) { Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 0.0f, 0.08f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 0.0f, 0.08f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 1f, 0.08f); if ((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 3.0 && (double)this._hud.alpha == 1.0 && (double)Layer.Game.fade == 0.0) { flag = true; } } } else if (this._desiredState == ArcadeState.Normal) { if (!this._flipState) { this._followCam.Clear(); this._followCam.Add((Thing)this._duck); HUD.CloseAllCorners(); } this._duck.alpha = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._duck.alpha, 1f, 0.1f, 1.1f); if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewChallenge || this._state == ArcadeState.UnlockScreen) { this._followCam.manualViewSize = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._followCam.manualViewSize, this._followCam.viewSize, 0.14f, 1.05f); } Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.05f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.05f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); this._unlockScreen.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._unlockScreen.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); if (((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 0.0 || (double)this._followCam.manualViewSize == (double)this._followCam.viewSize) && ((double)this._hud.alpha == 0.0 && (double)Layer.Game.fade == 1.0)) { flag = true; this._followCam.manualViewSize = -1f; this._duck.alpha = 1f; } } else if (this._desiredState == ArcadeState.UnlockMachine) { if (!this._flipState) { this._followCam.Clear(); this._followCam.Add((Thing)this._unlockMachines[0]); HUD.CloseAllCorners(); } if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewChallenge) { this._followCam.manualViewSize = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._followCam.manualViewSize, this._followCam.viewSize, 0.14f, 1.05f); } this._duck.alpha = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._duck.alpha, 1f, 0.1f, 1.1f); Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.05f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.05f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); this._unlockScreen.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._unlockScreen.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); this._unlockMachineWait = 1f; if (((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 0.0 || (double)this._followCam.manualViewSize == (double)this._followCam.viewSize) && ((double)this._hud.alpha == 0.0 && (double)Layer.Game.fade == 1.0)) { flag = true; this._followCam.manualViewSize = -1f; this._duck.alpha = 1f; } } else if (this._desiredState == ArcadeState.LaunchChallenge) { if (!this._flipState) { HUD.CloseAllCorners(); } Music.volume = Lerp.Float(Music.volume, 0.0f, 0.01f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 0.0f, 0.02f); this._unlockScreen.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._unlockScreen.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); if ((double)this._hud.alpha == 0.0) { flag = true; } } if (this._desiredState == ArcadeState.UnlockScreen) { this._duck.alpha = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._duck.alpha, 0.0f, 0.1f); this._followCam.manualViewSize = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._followCam.manualViewSize, 2f, 0.16f); if ((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 30.0) { Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 0.0f, 0.08f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 0.0f, 0.08f); this._unlockScreen.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._unlockScreen.alpha, 1f, 0.08f); if ((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 3.0 && (double)this._unlockScreen.alpha == 1.0 && (double)Layer.Game.fade == 0.0) { flag = true; } } } this._flipState = true; if (this._launchedChallenge) { Layer.Background.fade = 0.0f; Layer.Game.fade = 0.0f; } if (!flag) { return; } this._flipState = false; HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._state = this._desiredState; if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewChallenge) { if (this._afterChallenge) { Music.Play(nameof(Arcade)); this._afterChallenge = false; } this._hud.MakeActive(); = false; } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.LaunchChallenge) { Arcade.currentArcade = this; foreach (Thing thing in this.things[typeof(ChallengeConfetti)]) { Level.Remove(thing); } Music.Stop(); Level.current = (Level) new ChallengeLevel(this._hud.selected.challenge.fileName); this._desiredState = ArcadeState.ViewChallenge; this._hud.launchChallenge = false; this._launchedChallenge = false; this._afterChallenge = true; } else { if (this._state == ArcadeState.UnlockMachine) { return; } if (this._state == ArcadeState.Normal) { this._unlockMachines.Clear(); foreach (ArcadeMachine challenge in this._challenges) { if (challenge.CheckUnlocked()) { this._unlockMachines.Add(challenge); } } if (this._unlockMachines.Count > 0) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.UnlockMachine; } else { = true; } } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.UnlockScreen) { this._unlockScreen.MakeActive(); = false; } else { if (this._state != ArcadeState.ViewSpecialChallenge) { return; } if (this._afterChallenge) { Music.Play(nameof(Arcade)); this._afterChallenge = false; } Chancy.afterChallenge = true; Chancy.afterChallengeWait = 1f; = false; } } } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.Normal || this._state == ArcadeState.UnlockMachine) { Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.08f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.08f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); if (this._state == ArcadeState.Normal) { object obj = (object)null; foreach (ArcadeMachine challenge in this._challenges) { double length = (double)(this._duck.position - challenge.position).length; if (challenge.hover) { obj = (object)challenge; if (Input.Pressed("SHOOT")) { this._hud.activeChallengeGroup =; this._desiredState = ArcadeState.ViewChallenge; this._followCam.manualViewSize = this._followCam.viewSize; this._followCam.Clear(); this._followCam.Add((Thing)challenge); HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._hoverMachine = (ArcadeMachine)null; this._hoverThing = (object)null; return; } } if (this._prizeTable.hover) { obj = (object)this._prizeTable; if (Input.Pressed("SHOOT")) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.UnlockScreen; this._followCam.manualViewSize = this._followCam.viewSize; this._followCam.Clear(); this._followCam.Add((Thing)this._prizeTable); HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._hoverMachine = (ArcadeMachine)null; this._hoverThing = (object)null; return; } } } if (this._hoverThing == obj) { return; } HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._hoverThing = obj; this._hoverMachine = !(this._hoverThing is ArcadeMachine) ? (ArcadeMachine)null : obj as ArcadeMachine; if (this._hoverMachine != null) { HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomLeft, "PLAY@SHOOT@", this._duck.inputProfile); string text = + " "; foreach (string challenge in { ChallengeSaveData saveData = Challenges.GetSaveData(Challenges.GetChallenge(challenge).levelID, this._duck.profile); if (saveData.trophy == TrophyType.Baseline) { text += "@BASELINE@"; } else if (saveData.trophy == TrophyType.Bronze) { text += "@BRONZE@"; } else if (saveData.trophy == TrophyType.Silver) { text += "@SILVER@"; } else if (saveData.trophy == TrophyType.Gold) { text += "@GOLD@"; } else if (saveData.trophy == TrophyType.Platinum) { text += "@PLATINUM@"; } else if (saveData.trophy == TrophyType.Developer) { text += "@DEVELOPER@"; } } HUD.AddCornerMessage(HUDCorner.TopLeft, text); } else { if (!this._prizeTable.hover) { return; } HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomRight, "@SHOOT@SPEND TICKETS", this._duck.inputProfile); HUD.AddCornerCounter(HUDCorner.BottomLeft, "@TICKET@ ", new FieldBinding((object)[0], "ticketCount"), animateCount: true); } } else { if (this._state != ArcadeState.UnlockMachine) { return; } this._unlockMachineWait -= 0.02f; if ((double)this._unlockMachineWait >= 0.0) { return; } if (this._unlockingMachine) { this._unlockingMachine = false; this._followCam.Clear(); this._followCam.Add((Thing)this._unlockMachines[0]); this._unlockMachineWait = 1f; } else if (this._unlockMachines.Count > 0) { this._unlockMachines[0].unlocked = true; this._unlockMachines.RemoveAt(0); this._unlockingMachine = this._unlockMachines.Count > 0; SFX.Play("lightTurnOn", pitch: Rando.Float(-0.1f, 0.1f)); this._unlockMachineWait = 1f; } else { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.Normal; } } } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewChallenge) { Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 0.0f, 0.05f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 0.0f, 0.05f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 1f, 0.05f); if (!this._hud.quitOut) { return; } this._hud.quitOut = false; this._desiredState = ArcadeState.Normal; } else { if (this._state != ArcadeState.UnlockScreen || !this._unlockScreen.quitOut) { return; } this._unlockScreen.quitOut = false; this._desiredState = ArcadeState.Normal; } }
public override void Update() { ChallengeLevel._timer.Update(); if (this._fading) { DuckGame.Graphics.fade = Lerp.Float(DuckGame.Graphics.fade, 0.0f, 0.05f); if ((double)DuckGame.Graphics.fade >= 0.00999999977648258) { return; } if (this._validityTest) { ArcadeTestDialogue.success = this._challenge.wonTrophies.Count > 0 && this._challenge.wonTrophies[0].type == TrophyType.Developer; Level.current = (Level)ArcadeTestDialogue.currentEditor; DuckGame.Graphics.fade = 1f; } else { if (this.things[typeof(EditorTestLevel)].Count <Thing>() > 0) { Level.current = (Level)(this.things[typeof(EditorTestLevel)].First <Thing>() as EditorTestLevel).editor; Music.Stop(); } else { Level.current = Arcade.currentArcade == null ? (Level)ArcadeLevel.currentArcade : (Level)Arcade.currentArcade; } this._fading = false; } } else { if ((double)this._restartMessageWait > 0.0) { this._restartMessageWait -= 0.008f; } else { HUD.CloseCorner(HUDCorner.TopLeft); } if (this._doRestart) { ChallengeLevel.running = false; this._waitForRestart -= 0.04f; if ((double)this._waitForRestart <= 0.0) { this._restarting = true; } } this._waitFade -= 0.04f; if (!this._didFade && (double)this._waitFade <= 0.0 && (double)DuckGame.Graphics.fade < 1.0) { DuckGame.Graphics.fade = Lerp.Float(DuckGame.Graphics.fade, 1f, 0.04f); } else if (this._restarting) { ChallengeLevel.running = false; this.transitionSpeedMultiplier = 2f; EditorTestLevel editorTestLevel = (EditorTestLevel)null; if (this.things[typeof(EditorTestLevel)].Count <Thing>() > 0) { editorTestLevel = this.things[typeof(EditorTestLevel)].First <Thing>() as EditorTestLevel; } Level.current = !(this._level != "") ? (Level) new ChallengeLevel(this._levelData, this._validityTest) : (Level) new ChallengeLevel(this._level); Level.current.transitionSpeedMultiplier = 2f; ((ChallengeLevel)Level.current)._waitSpawn = 0.0f; if (editorTestLevel == null) { return; } Level.current.AddThing((Thing)editorTestLevel); } else { if ((double)this._waitFade > 0.0) { return; } this._didFade = true; if (this._finished) { ChallengeLevel.running = false; this.PauseLogic(); if ((double)this._finishWait > 0.0) { this._finishWait -= 0.01f; } else { if (!this._playedEndMusic) { this._playedEndMusic = true; Level.current.simulatePhysics = false; ArcadeFrame arcadeFrame = (ArcadeFrame)null; if (this._win) { if (ArcadeLevel.currentArcade != null) { arcadeFrame = ArcadeLevel.currentArcade.GetFrame(); if (arcadeFrame != null) { Vec2 renderTargetSize = arcadeFrame.GetRenderTargetSize(); float renderTargetZoom = arcadeFrame.GetRenderTargetZoom(); if (this._captureTarget == null) { this._captureTarget = new RenderTarget2D((int)((double)renderTargetSize.x * 6.0), (int)((double)renderTargetSize.y * 6.0)); } int num = DuckGame.Graphics.width / 320; Camera camera = new Camera(0.0f, 0.0f, (float)this._captureTarget.width * renderTargetZoom, (float)this._captureTarget.height * renderTargetZoom); if (ChallengeLevel._duck != null) { Layer.HUD.visible = false; MonoMain.RenderGame(MonoMain.screenCapture); Layer.HUD.visible = true; Matrix result; Matrix.CreateOrthographicOffCenter(0.0f, (float)MonoMain.screenCapture.width, (float)MonoMain.screenCapture.height, 0.0f, 0.0f, -1f, out result); result.M41 += -0.5f * result.M11; result.M42 += -0.5f * result.M22; Matrix matrix =; Vec3 vec3 = (Vec3)DuckGame.Graphics.viewport.Project((Vector3) new Vec3(ChallengeLevel._duck.cameraPosition.x, ChallengeLevel._duck.cameraPosition.y, 0.0f), (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Matrix)result, (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Matrix)matrix, (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Matrix)Matrix.Identity); DuckGame.Graphics.SetRenderTarget(this._captureTarget); = new Vec2(vec3.x, vec3.y); if ((double)camera.bottom > (double)MonoMain.screenCapture.height) { camera.centerY = (float)MonoMain.screenCapture.height - camera.height / 2f; } if ((double) < 0.0) { camera.centerY = camera.height / 2f; } if ((double)camera.right > (double)MonoMain.screenCapture.width) { camera.centerX = (float)MonoMain.screenCapture.width - camera.width / 2f; } if ((double)camera.left < 0.0) { camera.centerX = camera.width / 2f; } DuckGame.Graphics.Clear(Color.Black); DuckGame.Graphics.screen.Begin(SpriteSortMode.BackToFront, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, DepthStencilState.DepthRead, RasterizerState.CullNone, (MTEffect)null, camera.getMatrix()); DuckGame.Graphics.Draw((Tex2D)MonoMain.screenCapture, 0.0f, 0.0f); DuckGame.Graphics.screen.End(); DuckGame.Graphics.SetRenderTarget((RenderTarget2D)null); } } } if (this._challenge.wonTrophies.Count > 0 && this._challenge.wonTrophies[0].type == TrophyType.Developer) { SFX.Play("developerWin"); } else { SFX.Play("challengeWin"); } this._showEndTextWait = 1f; } else { SFX.Play("challengeLose"); this._showEndTextWait = 1f; } if (this._challenge.wonTrophies.Count > 0) { this._trophyGroup = new UIComponent( / 2f, / 2f, 0.0f, 0.0f); this._trophyMenu = new UIMenu("@LWING@" + + "@RWING@", / 2f, / 2f, 210f, conString: "@DPAD@MOVE @SELECT@SELECT"); UIDivider uiDivider1 = new UIDivider(false, 0.0f, 6f); UIDivider uiDivider2 = new UIDivider(true, 0.0f); SpriteMap spriteMap = new SpriteMap("challengeTrophy", 70, 65); if (this._challenge.wonTrophies.Count > 0) { if (this._challenge.wonTrophies[0].type == TrophyType.Bronze) { spriteMap.frame = 1; uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText("BRONZE", Colors.Bronze, UIAlign.Top), true); } else if (this._challenge.wonTrophies[0].type == TrophyType.Silver) { spriteMap.frame = 2; uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText("SILVER", Colors.Silver, UIAlign.Top), true); } else if (this._challenge.wonTrophies[0].type == TrophyType.Gold) { spriteMap.frame = 3; uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText("GOLD", Colors.Gold, UIAlign.Top), true); } else if (this._challenge.wonTrophies[0].type == TrophyType.Platinum) { spriteMap.frame = 4; uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText("PLATINUM", Colors.Platinum, UIAlign.Top), true); } else if (this._challenge.wonTrophies[0].type == TrophyType.Developer) { spriteMap.frame = 5; uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText("UR THE BEST", Colors.Developer, UIAlign.Top), true); } } uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText(" ", Color.White, UIAlign.Left), true); bool flag = false; ChallengeSaveData saveData = Challenges.GetSaveData(, ChallengeLevel._duck.profile); int bestTime = saveData.bestTime; if (saveData.bestTime == 0 || (int)(ChallengeLevel.timer.elapsed.TotalSeconds * 1000.0) < saveData.bestTime) { saveData.bestTime = (int)(ChallengeLevel.timer.elapsed.TotalSeconds * 1000.0); } if (this._challenge.wonTrophies[0].type > saveData.trophy) { saveData.trophy = this._challenge.wonTrophies[0].type; if (saveData.trophy > TrophyType.Silver) { flag = true; } } int targets1 = saveData.targets; if (ChallengeLevel.targetsShot > saveData.targets) { saveData.targets = ChallengeLevel.targetsShot; } int targets2 = saveData.targets; if (ChallengeLevel.goodiesGot > saveData.goodies) { saveData.goodies = ChallengeLevel.goodiesGot; } if (this._challenge.challenge.hasTimeRequirements) { uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText("TIME", Color.White, UIAlign.Left), true); uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText(MonoMain.TimeString(ChallengeLevel.timer.elapsed, small: true), Color.Lime, UIAlign.Right), true); uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText(" ", Color.White, UIAlign.Left), true); if (targets1 != 0) { if ((double)bestTime < ChallengeLevel.timer.elapsed.TotalSeconds * 1000.0) { TimeSpan span = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(ChallengeLevel.timer.elapsed.TotalSeconds * 1000.0 - (double)bestTime); uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText("DIFFERENCE", Color.White, UIAlign.Left), true); uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText("+" + MonoMain.TimeString(span, small: true), Color.Red, UIAlign.Right), true); } else { TimeSpan span = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds((double)bestTime - ChallengeLevel.timer.elapsed.TotalSeconds * 1000.0); uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText("DIFFERENCE", Color.White, UIAlign.Left), true); uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText("-" + MonoMain.TimeString(span, small: true), Color.Lime, UIAlign.Right), true); flag = true; } } else { uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText(" ", Color.White, UIAlign.Left), true); uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText(" ", Color.White, UIAlign.Left), true); } } if (saveData.trophy < TrophyType.Gold) { flag = false; } if (this._challenge.challenge.countTargets) { if (this._challenge.challenge.prefix != "" && this._challenge.challenge.prefix != null) { uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText(this._challenge.challenge.prefix, Color.White, UIAlign.Left), true); } else { uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText("TARGETS", Color.White, UIAlign.Left), true); } string textVal = Convert.ToString(ChallengeLevel.targetsShot); Color c = Color.Lime; if (targets1 != 0) { if (targets1 < ChallengeLevel.targetsShot) { int num = ChallengeLevel.targetsShot - targets1; c = Color.Lime; textVal = textVal + " (+" + Convert.ToString(num) + ")"; flag = true; } else if (targets1 > ChallengeLevel.targetsShot) { int num = targets1 - ChallengeLevel.targetsShot; c = Color.Red; textVal = textVal + " (-" + Convert.ToString(num) + ")"; } else { c = Color.White; } } uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText(textVal, c, UIAlign.Right), true); uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText(" ", Color.White, UIAlign.Left), true); } if (this._challenge.challenge.countGoodies) { if (this._challenge.challenge.prefix != "" && this._challenge.challenge.prefix != null) { uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText(this._challenge.challenge.prefix, Color.White, UIAlign.Left), true); } else { uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText("NUMBER", Color.White, UIAlign.Left), true); } string textVal = Convert.ToString(ChallengeLevel.goodiesGot); Color c = Color.Lime; if (targets2 != 0) { if (targets2 < ChallengeLevel.goodiesGot) { int num = ChallengeLevel.goodiesGot - targets2; c = Color.Lime; textVal = textVal + " (+" + Convert.ToString(num) + ")"; flag = true; } else if (targets2 > ChallengeLevel.goodiesGot) { int num = targets2 - ChallengeLevel.goodiesGot; c = Color.Red; textVal = textVal + " (-" + Convert.ToString(num) + ")"; } else { c = Color.White; } } uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText(textVal, c, UIAlign.Right), true); uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText(" ", Color.White, UIAlign.Left), true); } uiDivider2.rightSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIImage((Sprite)spriteMap, UIAlign.Right), true); uiDivider1.leftSection.Add((UIComponent)uiDivider2, true); uiDivider1.rightSection.vertical = false; uiDivider1.rightSection.borderSize.y = 2f; if (this._validityTest) { if (this._challenge.wonTrophies.Count > 0 && this._challenge.wonTrophies[0].type == TrophyType.Developer) { uiDivider1.rightSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIMenuItem("CONTINUE ", (UIMenuAction) new UIMenuActionCloseMenuSetBoolean(this._trophyGroup, this._quit), UIAlign.Left), true); } else { uiDivider1.rightSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIMenuItem("RETRY", (UIMenuAction) new UIMenuActionCloseMenuSetBoolean(this._trophyGroup, this._restart), UIAlign.Left), true); } } else { uiDivider1.rightSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIMenuItem("CONTINUE ", (UIMenuAction) new UIMenuActionCloseMenuSetBoolean(this._trophyGroup, this._quit), UIAlign.Left), true); uiDivider1.rightSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIMenuItem("RETRY", (UIMenuAction) new UIMenuActionCloseMenuSetBoolean(this._trophyGroup, this._restart), UIAlign.Left), true); } this._trophyMenu.Add((UIComponent)uiDivider1, true); this._trophyMenu.Close(); this._trophyGroup.Add((UIComponent)this._trophyMenu, false); this._trophyGroup.Close(); Level.Add((Thing)this._trophyGroup); if (arcadeFrame != null && flag && saveData != null) { saveData.frameID = arcadeFrame._identifier; saveData.frameImage = Editor.TextureToString((Texture2D)(Tex2D)this._captureTarget); arcadeFrame.saveData = saveData; } Challenges.Save(; Profiles.Save(ChallengeLevel._duck.profile); } else { this._trophyGroup = new UIComponent( / 2f, / 2f, 0.0f, 0.0f); this._trophyMenu = new UIMenu("@LWING@" + + "@RWING@", / 2f, / 2f, 210f, conString: "@DPAD@MOVE @SELECT@SELECT"); UIDivider uiDivider1 = new UIDivider(false, 0.0f, 6f); UIDivider uiDivider2 = new UIDivider(true, 0.0f); uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText("FAILED", Color.Red, UIAlign.Top), true); uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText(" ", Color.White, UIAlign.Left), true); uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText(" ", Color.White, UIAlign.Left), true); uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText(" ", Color.Lime, UIAlign.Right), true); uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText(" ", Color.White, UIAlign.Left), true); uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText(" ", Color.White, UIAlign.Left), true); uiDivider2.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIText(" ", Color.White, UIAlign.Left), true); uiDivider2.rightSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIImage((Sprite) new SpriteMap("challengeTrophy", 70, 65) { frame = 0 }, UIAlign.Right), true); uiDivider1.leftSection.Add((UIComponent)uiDivider2, true); uiDivider1.rightSection.vertical = false; uiDivider1.rightSection.borderSize.y = 2f; uiDivider1.rightSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIMenuItem("CONTINUE ", (UIMenuAction) new UIMenuActionCloseMenuSetBoolean(this._trophyGroup, this._quit), UIAlign.Left), true); uiDivider1.rightSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIMenuItem("RETRY", (UIMenuAction) new UIMenuActionCloseMenuSetBoolean(this._trophyGroup, this._restart), UIAlign.Left), true); this._trophyMenu.Add((UIComponent)uiDivider1, true); this._trophyMenu.Close(); this._trophyGroup.Add((UIComponent)this._trophyMenu, false); this._trophyGroup.Add((UIComponent)Options.optionsMenu, false); Options.openOnClose = this._trophyMenu; this._trophyGroup.Close(); Level.Add((Thing)this._trophyGroup); } } if ((double)this._showEndTextWait > 0.0) { this._showEndTextWait -= 0.01f; } else { this._fontFade = 1f; if ((double)this._showResultsWait > 0.0) { this._showResultsWait -= 0.01f; } else if (!this._showedEndMenu) { this._trophyGroup.Open(); this._trophyMenu.Open(); MonoMain.pauseMenu = this._trophyGroup; SFX.Play("pause", 0.6f, -0.2f); this._showedEndMenu = true; } if (this._restart.value) { this._restarting = true; SFX.Play("resume", 0.6f); } else { if (!this._quit.value) { return; } this._fading = true; SFX.Play("resume", 0.6f); } } } } else { this._waitSpawn -= 0.06f; if ((double)this._waitSpawn > 0.0) { return; } if (this._pendingSpawns != null && this._pendingSpawns.Count > 0) { this._waitSpawn = 0.5f; Duck pendingSpawn = this._pendingSpawns[0]; this.AddThing((Thing)pendingSpawn); this._pendingSpawns.RemoveAt(0); Vec3 color = pendingSpawn.profile.persona.color; Level.Add((Thing) new SpawnLine(pendingSpawn.x, pendingSpawn.y, 0, 0.0f, new Color((int)color.x, (int)color.z, (int)color.z), 32f)); Level.Add((Thing) new SpawnLine(pendingSpawn.x, pendingSpawn.y, 0, -4f, new Color((int)color.x, (int)color.y, (int)color.z), 4f)); Level.Add((Thing) new SpawnLine(pendingSpawn.x, pendingSpawn.y, 0, 4f, new Color((int)color.x, (int)color.y, (int)color.z), 4f)); SFX.Play("pullPin", 0.7f); ChallengeLevel._duck = pendingSpawn; this._challenge = this.things[typeof(ChallengeMode)].First <Thing>() as ChallengeMode; ChallengeLevel.random = this._challenge.random.value; = pendingSpawn; ChallengeLevel._timer.maxTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((double)this._challenge.challenge.trophies[0].timeRequirement); HUD.AddCornerTimer(HUDCorner.BottomRight, "", (Timer)ChallengeLevel._timer); if (this._challenge.challenge.countTargets) { int targets = this._challenge.challenge.trophies[0].targets; HUD.AddCornerCounter(HUDCorner.BottomLeft, "@RETICULE@", new FieldBinding((object)this, "targetsShot"), targets > 0 ? targets : 0); } if (this._challenge.challenge.countGoodies) { MultiMap <System.Type, ISequenceItem> multiMap = new MultiMap <System.Type, ISequenceItem>(); foreach (ISequenceItem element in Level.current.things[typeof(ISequenceItem)]) { System.Type type = element.GetType(); SequenceItem sequence = (element as Thing).sequence; if (sequence.isValid && sequence.type == SequenceItemType.Goody) { multiMap.Add(type, element); } } System.Type key = (System.Type)null; int num = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <System.Type, List <ISequenceItem> > keyValuePair in (MultiMap <System.Type, ISequenceItem, List <ISequenceItem> >)multiMap) { if (keyValuePair.Value.Count > num) { key = keyValuePair.Key; num = keyValuePair.Value.Count; } } if (key != (System.Type)null) { ISequenceItem sequenceItem = multiMap[key][0]; string text = "@STARGOODY@"; switch (sequenceItem) { case LapGoody _: case InvisiGoody _: text = "@LAPGOODY@"; break; case SuitcaseGoody _: text = "@SUITCASEGOODY@"; break; case Window _: case YellowBarrel _: case Door _: text = "@RETICULE@"; break; } int goodies = this._challenge.challenge.trophies[0].goodies; HUD.AddCornerCounter(HUDCorner.BottomLeft, text, new FieldBinding((object)this, "goodiesGot"), goodies > 0 ? goodies : 0); } } if (this._firstStart) { if (ChallengeLevel.random) { IEnumerable <Thing> thing = this.things[typeof(ISequenceItem)]; if (thing.Count <Thing>() > 0) { thing.ElementAt <Thing>(Rando.Int(thing.Count <Thing>() - 1)).sequence.BeginRandomSequence(); } } else { foreach (TargetDuck targetDuck in this.things[typeof(TargetDuck)]) { if (targetDuck.sequence.order == 0) { targetDuck.sequence.Activate(); } } } this._firstStart = false; } if (!Music.stopped) { return; } if ((string) == "") { Music.Load("Challenging"); } else if ((string) == "donutmystery") { Music.Load("spacemystery"); } else { Music.Load(Music.FindSong((string); } } else if (!this._started) { this._waitAfterSpawn -= 0.06f; if ((double)this._waitAfterSpawn > 0.0) { return; } ++this._waitAfterSpawnDings; if (this._waitAfterSpawnDings > 2) { this._started = true; this.simulatePhysics = true; ChallengeLevel.running = true; SFX.Play("ding"); ChallengeLevel._timer.Start(); if (Music.stopped) { Music.PlayLoaded(); } } else { SFX.Play("preStartDing"); } this._waitSpawn = 1.1f; } else { this._fontFade -= 0.1f; if ((double)this._fontFade < 0.0) { this._fontFade = 0.0f; } this.PauseLogic(); } } } } }
public override void Update() { if (this.owner == null) { this._walkFrames = 0; --this._framesInHand; if (this._framesInHand < -60) { this._bounceDuck = (Duck)null; } if (this._bounceDuck != null) { float length = (this._bounceDuck.position - this.position).length; if ((double)length < 16.0) { this.hSpeed = this._bounceDuck.hSpeed; } if (this._bounceDuck.holdObject == null && (double)this.vSpeed < 1.0 && ((double) + 8.0 > (double)this.y && (double)length < 16.0)) { this._bounceDuck.GiveHoldable((Holdable)this); this._framesInHand = 0; } } } else { if (this._framesInHand < 0) { this._framesInHand = 0; } if (!this.owner.action && (double)Math.Abs(this.owner.hSpeed) > 0.5 && this._framesInHand > 6) { this._bounceDuck =; float hSpeed =;; this.vSpeed = 2f; this.hSpeed = hSpeed * 1.1f; this._framesInHand = 0; } else { if ((double)Math.Abs(this.owner.hSpeed) > 0.5 && { ++this._walkFrames; } else if ( { --this._walkFrames; } if (this._walkFrames < 0) { this._walkFrames = 0; } if (this._walkFrames > 20) { SFX.Play("basketballWhistle");; this._walkFrames = 0; } this._bounceDuck = (Duck)null; ++this._framesInHand; } } base.Update(); }
public override void Update() { if ( { if (this._doLobbySearch && this._lobbies.Count == 0) { this._lobbies.Clear(); this._doLobbySearch = false; Steam.SearchForLobby((User)null); } if (!this._doLobbySearch && this._lobbies.Count == 0 && Steam.lobbySearchComplete) { int lobbiesFound = Steam.lobbiesFound; List <WorkshopItem> items = new List <WorkshopItem>(); for (int index = 0; index < lobbiesFound; ++index) { Lobby searchLobbyAtIndex = Steam.GetSearchLobbyAtIndex(index); UIServerBrowser.LobbyData lobbyData1 = new UIServerBrowser.LobbyData(); lobbyData1.lobby = searchLobbyAtIndex; string str1 = searchLobbyAtIndex.GetLobbyData("name"); if (str1 == null || str1 == "") { str1 = "DG Lobby"; } = str1; lobbyData1.modHash = searchLobbyAtIndex.GetLobbyData("modhash"); lobbyData1.requiredWins = searchLobbyAtIndex.GetLobbyData("requiredwins"); lobbyData1.restsEvery = searchLobbyAtIndex.GetLobbyData("restsevery"); lobbyData1.wallMode = searchLobbyAtIndex.GetLobbyData("wallmode"); lobbyData1.customLevels = searchLobbyAtIndex.GetLobbyData("customLevels"); lobbyData1.version = searchLobbyAtIndex.GetLobbyData("version"); lobbyData1.started = searchLobbyAtIndex.GetLobbyData("started"); lobbyData1.type = searchLobbyAtIndex.GetLobbyData("type"); lobbyData1.numSlots = searchLobbyAtIndex.GetLobbyData("numSlots"); string lobbyData2 = searchLobbyAtIndex.GetLobbyData("mods"); if (lobbyData2 != null && lobbyData2 != "") { string str2 = lobbyData2; char[] chArray = new char[1] { '|' }; foreach (string str3 in str2.Split(chArray)) { if (str3 == "LOCAL") { lobbyData1.hasLocalMods = true; } else { WorkshopItem workshopItem = WorkshopItem.GetItem(Convert.ToUInt64(str3)); items.Add(workshopItem); lobbyData1.workshopItems.Add(workshopItem); } } } lobbyData1.maxPlayers = searchLobbyAtIndex.GetLobbyData("maxplayers"); this._lobbies.Add(lobbyData1); } if (items.Count > 0) { Steam.RequestWorkshopInfo(items); } this._doLobbySearch = true; } } if (this._pressWait > 0) { --this._pressWait; } if ( { this._downloadModsMenu.DoUpdate(); if (!UIMenu.globalUILock && (Input.Pressed("QUACK") || Keyboard.Pressed(Keys.Escape))) { this._downloadModsMenu.Close(); this.Open(); return; } } else if ( { if (this._gamepadMode) { if (this._hoverIndex < 0) { this._hoverIndex = 0; } } else { this._hoverIndex = -1; for (int index = 0; index < this._maxLobbiesToShow && this._scrollItemOffset + index < this._lobbies.Count; ++index) { if (new Rectangle((float)(int)(this._box.x - this._box.halfWidth), (float)(int)(this._box.y - this._box.halfHeight + (float)(36 * index)), (float)((int)this._box.width - 14), 36f).Contains(Mouse.position)) { this._hoverIndex = this._scrollItemOffset + index; break; } } } if (this._hoverIndex != -1) { if (Input.Pressed("SHOOT")) { this.RefreshLobbySearch(); SFX.Play("rockHitGround", 0.8f); } if (this._lobbies.Count > 0) { UIServerBrowser._selectedLobby = this._lobbies[this._hoverIndex]; if (Input.Pressed("SELECT") && this._pressWait == 0 && this._gamepadMode || !this._gamepadMode && Mouse.left == InputState.Pressed) { if (!UIServerBrowser._selectedLobby.canJoin) { SFX.Play("consoleError"); } else { SFX.Play("consoleSelect"); if (UIServerBrowser._selectedLobby.workshopItems.Count == 0 || UIServerBrowser._selectedLobby.hasFirstMod && UIServerBrowser._selectedLobby.hasRestOfMods) { MonoMain.pauseMenu = (UIComponent)null; MonoMain.closeMenuUpdate.Clear(); Level.current = (Level) new JoinServer(; return; } new UIMenuActionOpenMenu((UIComponent)this, (UIComponent)this._downloadModsMenu).Activate(); } } } } else { UIServerBrowser._selectedLobby = (UIServerBrowser.LobbyData)null; } if (this._gamepadMode) { this._draggingScrollbar = false; if (Input.Pressed("DOWN")) { ++this._hoverIndex; } else if (Input.Pressed("UP")) { --this._hoverIndex; } if (Input.Pressed("STRAFE")) { this._hoverIndex -= 10; } else if (Input.Pressed("RAGDOLL")) { this._hoverIndex += 10; } if (this._hoverIndex < 0) { this._hoverIndex = 0; } if ((double)(this._oldPos - Mouse.positionScreen).lengthSq > 200.0) { this._gamepadMode = false; } } else { if (!this._draggingScrollbar) { if (Mouse.left == InputState.Pressed && this.ScrollBarBox().Contains(Mouse.position)) { this._draggingScrollbar = true; this._oldPos = Mouse.position; } if ((double)Mouse.scroll > 0.0) { this._scrollItemOffset += 5; this._hoverIndex += 5; } else if ((double)Mouse.scroll < 0.0) { this._scrollItemOffset -= 5; this._hoverIndex -= 5; if (this._hoverIndex < 0) { this._hoverIndex = 0; } } } else if (Mouse.left != InputState.Down) { this._draggingScrollbar = false; } else { Vec2 vec2 = Mouse.position - this._oldPos; this._oldPos = Mouse.position; this.scrollBarOffset += (int)vec2.y; if (this.scrollBarOffset > this.scrollBarScrollableHeight) { this.scrollBarOffset = this.scrollBarScrollableHeight; } else if (this.scrollBarOffset < 0) { this.scrollBarOffset = 0; } this._scrollItemOffset = (int)((double)(this._lobbies.Count - this._maxLobbiesToShow) * (double)((float)this.scrollBarOffset / (float)this.scrollBarScrollableHeight)); } if (Input.Pressed("ANY")) { this._gamepadMode = true; this._oldPos = Mouse.positionScreen; } } if (this._scrollItemOffset < 0) { this._scrollItemOffset = 0; } else if (this._scrollItemOffset > Math.Max(0, this._lobbies.Count - this._maxLobbiesToShow)) { this._scrollItemOffset = Math.Max(0, this._lobbies.Count - this._maxLobbiesToShow); } if (this._hoverIndex >= this._lobbies.Count) { this._hoverIndex = this._lobbies.Count - 1; } else if (this._hoverIndex >= this._scrollItemOffset + this._maxLobbiesToShow) { this._scrollItemOffset += this._hoverIndex - (this._scrollItemOffset + this._maxLobbiesToShow) + 1; } else if (this._hoverIndex >= 0 && this._hoverIndex < this._scrollItemOffset) { this._scrollItemOffset -= this._scrollItemOffset - this._hoverIndex; } this.scrollBarOffset = this._scrollItemOffset == 0 ? 0 : (int)Lerp.FloatSmooth(0.0f, (float)this.scrollBarScrollableHeight, (float)this._scrollItemOffset / (float)(this._lobbies.Count - this._maxLobbiesToShow)); if (!Editor.hoverTextBox && !UIMenu.globalUILock && (Input.Pressed("QUACK") || Keyboard.Pressed(Keys.Escape))) { new UIMenuActionOpenMenu((UIComponent)this, (UIComponent)this._openOnClose).Activate(); return; } } if (this._showingMenu) { HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._showingMenu = false; } base.Update(); }
public override void Update() { if (this._pressWait > 0) { --this._pressWait; } if ( { if (!UIMenu.globalUILock && (Input.Pressed("QUACK") || Keyboard.Pressed(Keys.Escape))) { this._editModMenu.Close(); this.Open(); return; } } else if ( { if (this._transferItem != null && !this._needsUpdateNotes) { if (!this._transferring) { if (this._transferItem.result == SteamResult.OK) { WorkshopItemData dat = new WorkshopItemData(); if (this._selectedMod.configuration.workshopID == 0UL) { this._selectedMod.configuration.SetWorkshopID(; = this._selectedMod.configuration.displayName; dat.description = this._selectedMod.configuration.description; dat.visibility = RemoteStoragePublishedFileVisibility.Private; dat.tags = new List <string>(); dat.tags.Add("Mod"); } else { dat.changeNotes = this._updateTextBox.text; } string pathString = + "/content/"; DuckFile.CreatePath(pathString); string path1 = pathString + "screenshot.png"; if (!File.Exists(path1)) { File.Delete(path1); Tex2D screenshot = this._selectedMod.screenshot; Stream stream = (Stream)DuckFile.Create(path1); ((Texture2D)screenshot.nativeObject).SaveAsPng(stream, screenshot.width, screenshot.height); stream.Dispose(); } dat.previewPath = path1; string str = DuckFile.workshopDirectory + (object) + "/content"; if (Directory.Exists(str)) { Directory.Delete(str, true); } DuckFile.CreatePath(str); UIModManagement.DirectoryCopy(, str + "/" +, true); if (Directory.Exists(str + + "/build")) { Directory.Delete(str + + "/build", true); } if (Directory.Exists(str + + "/.vs")) { Directory.Delete(str + + "/.vs", true); } if (File.Exists(str + + "/" + + "_compiled.dll")) { string path2 = str + + "/" + + "_compiled.dll"; File.SetAttributes(path2, FileAttributes.Normal); File.Delete(path2); } if (File.Exists(str + + "/" + + "_compiled.hash")) { string path2 = str + + "/" + + "_compiled.hash"; File.SetAttributes(path2, FileAttributes.Normal); File.Delete(path2); } dat.contentFolder = str; this._transferItem.ApplyWorkshopData(dat); if (this._transferItem.needsLegal) { Steam.ShowWorkshopLegalAgreement("312530"); } this._transferring = true; this._transferItem.ResetProcessing(); } } else if (this._transferItem.finishedProcessing) { Steam.OverlayOpenURL("" + (object); Directory.Delete(DuckFile.workshopDirectory + (object) + "/", true); this._transferItem.ResetProcessing(); this._transferItem = (WorkshopItem)null; this._transferring = false; } base.Update(); return; } if (this._gamepadMode) { if (this._hoverIndex < 0) { this._hoverIndex = 0; } } else { this._hoverIndex = -1; for (int index = 0; index < this._maxModsToShow && this._scrollItemOffset + index < this._mods.Count; ++index) { if (new Rectangle((float)(int)(this._box.x - this._box.halfWidth), (float)(int)(this._box.y - this._box.halfHeight + (float)(36 * index)), (float)((int)this._box.width - 14), 36f).Contains(Mouse.position)) { this._hoverIndex = this._scrollItemOffset + index; break; } } } if (this._transferItem != null) { if (this._updateTextBox != null) { Editor.hoverTextBox = false; this._updateTextBox.position = new Vec2((float)((double)this._box.x - (double)this._box.halfWidth + 16.0), (float)((double)this._box.y - (double)this._box.halfHeight + 48.0)); this._updateTextBox.size = new Vec2(this._box.width - 32f, this._box.height - 80f); this._updateTextBox._maxLines = (int)((double)this._updateTextBox.size.y / (double)this._fancyFont.characterHeight); this._updateTextBox.Update(); float stringWidth = DuckGame.Graphics.GetStringWidth(this._updateButtonText, scale: 2f); float height = DuckGame.Graphics.GetStringHeight(this._updateButtonText) * 2f; this._updateButton = new Rectangle(this._box.x - stringWidth / 2f, (float)((double)this._box.y + (double)this._box.halfHeight - 24.0), stringWidth, height); if (this._updateButton.Contains(Mouse.position) && Mouse.left == InputState.Pressed) { this._needsUpdateNotes = false; this._updateTextBox.LoseFocus(); } else if (Keyboard.Pressed(Keys.Escape)) { this._needsUpdateNotes = false; this._transferItem = (WorkshopItem)null; this._updateTextBox.LoseFocus(); new UIMenuActionOpenMenu((UIComponent)this, (UIComponent)this._editModMenu).Activate(); return; } } } else if (this._hoverIndex != -1) { this._selectedMod = this._mods[this._hoverIndex]; if (Input.Pressed("SHOOT")) { if (this._selectedMod != null && this._selectedMod.configuration != null) { if (this._selectedMod.configuration.disabled) { this._selectedMod.configuration.Enable(); } else { this._selectedMod.configuration.Disable(); } this.modsChanged = true; SFX.Play("rockHitGround", 0.8f); } } else if (Input.Pressed("SELECT") && this._pressWait == 0 && this._gamepadMode || !this._gamepadMode && Mouse.left == InputState.Pressed) { if (this._selectedMod != null) { this._editModMenu.title = this._selectedMod.configuration.loaded ? "|YELLOW|" + this._selectedMod.configuration.displayName : "|YELLOW|" +; this._editModMenu.Remove((UIComponent)this._deleteOrUnsubItem); this._editModMenu.Remove((UIComponent)this._uploadItem); this._editModMenu.Remove((UIComponent)this._visitItem); if (!this._selectedMod.configuration.isWorkshop && this._selectedMod.configuration.loaded) { this._uploadItem.text = this._selectedMod.configuration.workshopID == 0UL ? "UPLOAD" : "UPDATE"; this._editModMenu.Insert((UIComponent)this._uploadItem, 1, true); } if (!this._selectedMod.configuration.isWorkshop && !this._selectedMod.configuration.loaded) { this._deleteOrUnsubItem.text = "DELETE"; this._editModMenu.Insert((UIComponent)this._deleteOrUnsubItem, 1, true); } else if (this._selectedMod.configuration.isWorkshop) { this._deleteOrUnsubItem.text = "UNSUBSCRIBE"; this._editModMenu.Insert((UIComponent)this._deleteOrUnsubItem, 1, true); } if (this._selectedMod.configuration.isWorkshop) { this._editModMenu.Insert((UIComponent)this._visitItem, 1, true); } this._disableOrEnableItem.text = this._selectedMod.configuration.disabled ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE"; this._editModMenu.dirty = true; SFX.Play("rockHitGround", 0.8f); new UIMenuActionOpenMenu((UIComponent)this, (UIComponent)this._editModMenu).Activate(); return; } Steam.OverlayOpenURL("§ion=readytouseitems&requiredtags%5B%5D=Mod"); } } else { this._selectedMod = (Mod)null; } if (this._gamepadMode) { this._draggingScrollbar = false; if (Input.Pressed("DOWN")) { ++this._hoverIndex; } else if (Input.Pressed("UP")) { --this._hoverIndex; } if (Input.Pressed("STRAFE")) { this._hoverIndex -= 10; } else if (Input.Pressed("RAGDOLL")) { this._hoverIndex += 10; } if (this._hoverIndex < 0) { this._hoverIndex = 0; } if ((double)(this._oldPos - Mouse.positionScreen).lengthSq > 200.0) { this._gamepadMode = false; } } else { if (!this._draggingScrollbar) { if (Mouse.left == InputState.Pressed && this.ScrollBarBox().Contains(Mouse.position)) { this._draggingScrollbar = true; this._oldPos = Mouse.position; } if ((double)Mouse.scroll > 0.0) { this._scrollItemOffset += 5; this._hoverIndex += 5; } else if ((double)Mouse.scroll < 0.0) { this._scrollItemOffset -= 5; this._hoverIndex -= 5; if (this._hoverIndex < 0) { this._hoverIndex = 0; } } } else if (Mouse.left != InputState.Down) { this._draggingScrollbar = false; } else { Vec2 vec2 = Mouse.position - this._oldPos; this._oldPos = Mouse.position; this.scrollBarOffset += (int)vec2.y; if (this.scrollBarOffset > this.scrollBarScrollableHeight) { this.scrollBarOffset = this.scrollBarScrollableHeight; } else if (this.scrollBarOffset < 0) { this.scrollBarOffset = 0; } this._scrollItemOffset = (int)((double)(this._mods.Count - this._maxModsToShow) * (double)((float)this.scrollBarOffset / (float)this.scrollBarScrollableHeight)); } if (Input.Pressed("ANY")) { this._gamepadMode = true; this._oldPos = Mouse.positionScreen; } } if (this._scrollItemOffset < 0) { this._scrollItemOffset = 0; } else if (this._scrollItemOffset > Math.Max(0, this._mods.Count - this._maxModsToShow)) { this._scrollItemOffset = Math.Max(0, this._mods.Count - this._maxModsToShow); } if (this._hoverIndex >= this._mods.Count) { this._hoverIndex = this._mods.Count - 1; } else if (this._hoverIndex >= this._scrollItemOffset + this._maxModsToShow) { this._scrollItemOffset += this._hoverIndex - (this._scrollItemOffset + this._maxModsToShow) + 1; } else if (this._hoverIndex >= 0 && this._hoverIndex < this._scrollItemOffset) { this._scrollItemOffset -= this._scrollItemOffset - this._hoverIndex; } this.scrollBarOffset = this._scrollItemOffset == 0 ? 0 : (int)Lerp.FloatSmooth(0.0f, (float)this.scrollBarScrollableHeight, (float)this._scrollItemOffset / (float)(this._mods.Count - this._maxModsToShow)); if (!Editor.hoverTextBox && !UIMenu.globalUILock && (Input.Pressed("QUACK") || Keyboard.Pressed(Keys.Escape))) { if (this.modsChanged) { this.Close(); MonoMain.pauseMenu = DuckNetwork.OpenModsRestartWindow(this._openOnClose); } else { new UIMenuActionOpenMenu((UIComponent)this, (UIComponent)this._openOnClose).Activate(); } this.modsChanged = false; return; } } if (this._showingMenu) { HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._showingMenu = false; } base.Update(); }
// Token: 0x0600230C RID: 8972 public override void Update() { base.Update(); float num = 1f; if (this.souped) { num = 1.3f; } if (this._swordSwing.finished) { this._swordSwing.speed = 0f; } if (this._hitWait > 0) { this._hitWait--; } if (this._gas < 0.01f) { this.ammo = 0; } this._framesExisting++; if (this._framesExisting > 100) { this._framesExisting = 100; } float pitch = this.souped ? 0.3f : 0f; this._sound.lerpVolume = ((this._started && !this._throttle) ? 0.6f : 0f); this._sound.pitch = pitch; if (this._started) { this._warmUp += 0.001f; if (this._warmUp > 1f) { this._warmUp = 1f; } if (!this._puffClick && this._idleWave > 0.9f) { this._skipSmoke = !this._skipSmoke; if (this._throttle || !this._skipSmoke) { Level.Add(SmallSmoke.New(base.x + (float)(this.offDir * 4), base.y + 5f, this._smokeFlipper ? -0.1f : 0.8f, 0.7f)); this._smokeFlipper = !this._smokeFlipper; this._puffClick = true; } } else if (this._puffClick && this._idleWave < 0f) { this._puffClick = false; } if (this._pullState < 0) { float num2 = 1f + Maths.NormalizeSection(this._engineSpin, 1f, 2f) * 2f; float num3 = this._idleWave; if (num2 > 1f) { num3 = this._spinWave; } this.handOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this.handOffset, new Vec2(0f, 2f + num3 * num2), 0.23f); this._holdOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this._holdOffset, new Vec2(1f, 2f + num3 * num2), 0.23f); float num4 = Maths.NormalizeSection(this._engineSpin, 1f, 2f) * 3f; this._rotSway = this._idleWave.normalized * num4 * 0.03f; } else { this._rotSway = 0f; } this._gas -= 3E-05f; if (this._throttle) { this._gas -= 0.0002f; } if (this._gas < 0f) { this._gas = 0f; this._started = false; this._throttle = false; } if (this._triggerHeld) { if (this._releasedSincePull) { if (!this._throttle) { this._throttle = true; SFX.Play("chainsawBladeRevUp", 0.5f, pitch, 0f, false); } this._engineSpin = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._engineSpin, 4f, 0.1f, 1f); } } else { if (this._throttle) { this._throttle = false; if (this._engineSpin > 1.7f) { SFX.Play("chainsawBladeRevDown", 0.5f, pitch, 0f, false); } } this._engineSpin = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._engineSpin, 0f, 0.1f, 1f); this._releasedSincePull = true; } } else { this._warmUp -= 0.001f; if (this._warmUp < 0f) { this._warmUp = 0f; } this._releasedSincePull = false; this._throttle = false; } this._bladeSound.lerpSpeed = 0.1f; this._throttleWait = Lerp.Float(this._throttleWait, this._throttle ? 1f : 0f, 0.07f); this._bladeSound.lerpVolume = ((this._throttleWait > 0.96f) ? 0.6f : 0f); if (this._struggling) { this._bladeSound.lerpVolume = 0f; } this._bladeSoundLow.lerpVolume = ((this._throttleWait > 0.96f && this._struggling) ? 0.6f : 0f); this._bladeSound.pitch = pitch; this._bladeSoundLow.pitch = pitch; if (this.owner == null) { this.collisionOffset = new Vec2(-8f, -6f); this.collisionSize = new Vec2(13f, 11f); } else if ( != null && ( || { this.collisionOffset = new Vec2(-8f, -6f); this.collisionSize = new Vec2(6f, 11f); } else { this.collisionOffset = new Vec2(-8f, -6f); this.collisionSize = new Vec2(10f, 11f); } if (this.owner != null) { this._resetDuck = false; if (this._pullState == -1) { if (!this._started) { this.handOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this.handOffset, new Vec2(0f, 2f), 0.25f); this._holdOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this._holdOffset, new Vec2(1f, 2f), 0.23f); } this._upWait = 0f; } else if (this._pullState == 0) { this._animRot = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._animRot, -0.4f, 0.15f, 1f); this.handOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this.handOffset, new Vec2(-2f, -2f), 0.25f); this._holdOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this._holdOffset, new Vec2(-4f, 4f), 0.23f); if (this._animRot <= -0.35f) { this._animRot = -0.4f; this._pullState = 1; this.PullEngine(); } this._upWait = 0f; } else if (this._pullState == 1) { this._releasePull = false; this._holdOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this._holdOffset, new Vec2(2f, 3f), 0.23f); this.handOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this.handOffset, new Vec2(-4f, -2f), 0.23f); this._animRot = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._animRot, -0.5f, 0.07f, 1f); if (this._animRot < -0.45f) { this._animRot = -0.5f; this._pullState = 2; } this._upWait = 0f; } else if (this._pullState == 2) { if (this._releasePull || !this._triggerHeld) { this._releasePull = true; if (this._started) { this.handOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this.handOffset, new Vec2(0f, 2f + this._idleWave.normalized), 0.23f); this._holdOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this._holdOffset, new Vec2(1f, 2f + this._idleWave.normalized), 0.23f); this._animRot = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._animRot, 0f, 0.1f, 1f); if (this._animRot > -0.07f) { this._animRot = 0f; this._pullState = -1; } } else { this._holdOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this._holdOffset, new Vec2(-4f, 4f), 0.24f); this.handOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this.handOffset, new Vec2(-2f, -2f), 0.24f); this._animRot = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._animRot, -0.4f, 0.12f, 1f); if (this._animRot > -0.44f) { this._releasePull = false; this._animRot = -0.4f; this._pullState = 3; this._holdOffset = new Vec2(-4f, 4f); this.handOffset = new Vec2(-2f, -2f); } } } this._upWait = 0f; } else if (this._pullState == 3) { this._releasePull = false; this._upWait += 0.1f; if (this._upWait > 6f) { this._pullState = -1; } } this._bladeSpin += this._engineSpin; while (this._bladeSpin >= 1f) { this._bladeSpin -= 1f; int num5 = this._sprite.frame + 1; if (num5 > 15) { num5 = 0; } this._sprite.frame = num5; } this._engineSpin = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._engineSpin, 0f, 0.1f, 1f); this._engineResistance = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._engineResistance, 1f, 0.01f, 1f); this._hold = -0.4f; = new Vec2(8f, 7f); this._framesSinceThrown = 0; } else { this._rotSway = 0f; this._shing = false; this._animRot = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._animRot, 0f, 0.18f, 1f); if (this._framesSinceThrown == 1) { this._throwSpin = base.angleDegrees; } this._hold = 0f; base.angleDegrees = this._throwSpin; = new Vec2(8f, 7f); bool flag = false; bool flag2 = false; if ((Math.Abs(this.hSpeed) + Math.Abs(this.vSpeed) > 2f || !base.grounded) && this.gravMultiplier > 0f) { if (!base.grounded && Level.CheckRect <Block>(this.position + new Vec2(-8f, -6f), this.position + new Vec2(8f, -2f), null) != null) { flag2 = true; } if (!flag2 && !this._grounded && Level.CheckPoint <IPlatform>(this.position + new Vec2(0f, 8f), null, null) == null) { if (this.offDir > 0) { this._throwSpin += (Math.Abs(this.hSpeed) + Math.Abs(this.vSpeed)) * 1f + 5f; } else { this._throwSpin -= (Math.Abs(this.hSpeed) + Math.Abs(this.vSpeed)) * 1f + 5f; } flag = true; } } if (!flag || flag2) { this._throwSpin %= 360f; if (this._throwSpin < 0f) { this._throwSpin += 360f; } if (flag2) { if (Math.Abs(this._throwSpin - 90f) < Math.Abs(this._throwSpin + 90f)) { this._throwSpin = Lerp.Float(this._throwSpin, 90f, 16f); } else { this._throwSpin = Lerp.Float(-90f, 0f, 16f); } } else if (this._throwSpin > 90f && this._throwSpin < 270f) { this._throwSpin = Lerp.Float(this._throwSpin, 180f, 14f); } else { if (this._throwSpin > 180f) { this._throwSpin -= 360f; } else if (this._throwSpin < -180f) { this._throwSpin += 360f; } this._throwSpin = Lerp.Float(this._throwSpin, 0f, 14f); } } } if (Math.Abs(this._angle) > 1f) { this._flood += 0.005f; if (this._flood > 1f) { this._flooded = true; this._started = false; } this._gasDripFrames++; if (this._gas > 0f && this._flooded && this._gasDripFrames > 2) { FluidData gas = Fluid.Gas; gas.amount = 0.003f; this._gas -= 0.005f; if (this._gas < 0f) { this._gas = 0f; } Level.Add(new Fluid(base.x, base.y, Vec2.Zero, gas, null, 1f)); this._gasDripFrames = 0; } if (this._gas <= 0f) { this._started = false; } } else { this._flood -= 0.008f; if (this._flood < 0f) { this._flood = 0f; } } if ( != null) { = 1f; if (this._skipSpark > 0) { this._skipSpark++; if (this._skipSpark > 2) { this._skipSpark = 0; } } if ( && this._throttle && this._skipSpark == 0) { if (Level.CheckLine <Block>(this.barrelStartPos + new Vec2(0f, 8f), base.barrelPosition + new Vec2(0f, 8f), null) != null) { this._skipSpark = 1; Vec2 value = this.position + base.barrelVector * 5f; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { Level.Add(Spark.New(value.x, value.y, new Vec2((float)this.offDir * Rando.Float(0f, 2f), Rando.Float(0.5f, 1.5f)), 0.02f)); value += base.barrelVector * 2f; this._fireTrailWait -= 0.5f; if (this.souped && this._fireTrailWait <= 0f) { this._fireTrailWait = 1f; SmallFire smallFire = SmallFire.New(value.x, value.y, (float)this.offDir * Rando.Float(0f, 2f), Rando.Float(0.5f, 1.5f), false, null, true, null, false); smallFire.waitToHurt = Rando.Float(1f, 2f); smallFire.whoWait = (this.owner as Duck); Level.Add(smallFire); } } if (this.offDir > 0 && this.owner.hSpeed < (float)(this.offDir * 6) * num) { this.owner.hSpeed = (float)(this.offDir * 6) * num; } else if (this.offDir < 0 && this.owner.hSpeed > (float)(this.offDir * 6) * num) { this.owner.hSpeed = (float)(this.offDir * 6) * num; } } else if (this.offDir > 0 && this.owner.hSpeed < (float)(this.offDir * 3) * num) { this.owner.hSpeed = (float)(this.offDir * 3) * num; } else if (this.offDir < 0 && this.owner.hSpeed > (float)(this.offDir * 3) * num) { this.owner.hSpeed = (float)(this.offDir * 3) * num; } } if (this._pullState == -1) { if (!this._throttle) { this._animRot = MathHelper.Lerp(this._animRot, 0.3f, 0.2f); this.handOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this.handOffset, new Vec2(-2f, 2f), 0.25f); this._holdOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this._holdOffset, new Vec2(-3f, 4f), 0.23f); } else if (this._shing) { this._animRot = MathHelper.Lerp(this._animRot, -1.8f, 0.4f); this.handOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this.handOffset, new Vec2(1f, 0f), 0.25f); this._holdOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this._holdOffset, new Vec2(1f, 2f), 0.23f); if (this._animRot < -1.5f) { this._shing = false; } } else if ( { this._animRot = MathHelper.Lerp(this._animRot, 0.4f, 0.2f); this.handOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this.handOffset, new Vec2(1f, 0f), 0.25f); this._holdOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this._holdOffset, new Vec2(1f, 2f), 0.23f); } else if ("UP")) { this._animRot = MathHelper.Lerp(this._animRot, -0.9f, 0.2f); this.handOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this.handOffset, new Vec2(1f, 0f), 0.25f); this._holdOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this._holdOffset, new Vec2(1f, 2f), 0.23f); } else { this._animRot = MathHelper.Lerp(this._animRot, 0f, 0.2f); this.handOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this.handOffset, new Vec2(1f, 0f), 0.25f); this._holdOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this._holdOffset, new Vec2(1f, 2f), 0.23f); } } } else if (!this._resetDuck && base.prevOwner != null) { PhysicsObject physicsObject = base.prevOwner as PhysicsObject; if (physicsObject != null) { physicsObject.frictionMult = 1f; } this._resetDuck = true; } if (this._skipDebris > 0) { this._skipDebris++; } if (this._skipDebris > 3) { this._skipDebris = 0; } this._struggling = false; if (this.owner != null && this._started && this._throttle && !this._shing) { (this.Offset(base.barrelOffset) - this.position).Normalize(); this.Offset(base.barrelOffset); IEnumerable <IAmADuck> enumerable = Level.CheckLineAll <IAmADuck>(this.barrelStartPos, base.barrelPosition); Block block3 = Level.CheckLine <Block>(this.barrelStartPos, base.barrelPosition, null); if (this.owner != null) { foreach (MaterialThing materialThing in Level.CheckLineAll <MaterialThing>(this.barrelStartPos, base.barrelPosition)) { if (materialThing.Hurt((materialThing is Door) ? 1.8f : 0.5f)) { if ( != null && && materialThing is Door && (materialThing as Door)._jammed) { materialThing.Destroy(new DTImpale(this)); } else { this._struggling = true; if ( != null) { = 4f; } if (this._skipDebris == 0) { this._skipDebris = 1; Vec2 value2 = Collision.LinePoint(this.barrelStartPos, base.barrelPosition, materialThing.rectangle); if (value2 != Vec2.Zero) { value2 += base.barrelVector * Rando.Float(0f, 3f); Vec2 vec = -base.barrelVector.Rotate(Rando.Float(-0.2f, 0.2f), Vec2.Zero); if (materialThing.physicsMaterial == PhysicsMaterial.Wood) { WoodDebris woodDebris = WoodDebris.New(value2.x, value2.y); woodDebris.hSpeed = vec.x * 3f; woodDebris.vSpeed = vec.y * 3f; Level.Add(woodDebris); } else if (materialThing.physicsMaterial == PhysicsMaterial.Metal) { Spark spark = Spark.New(value2.x, value2.y, Vec2.Zero, 0.02f); spark.hSpeed = vec.x * 3f; spark.vSpeed = vec.y * 3f; Level.Add(spark); } } } } } } } bool flag3 = false; if (block3 != null && !(block3 is Door)) { this.Shing(block3); if (block3 is Window) { block3.Destroy(new DTImpact(this)); } } else { foreach (Thing thing in Level.current.things[typeof(Sword)]) { Sword sword = (Sword)thing; if (sword.owner != null && sword.crouchStance && !sword.jabStance && Collision.LineIntersect(this.barrelStartPos, base.barrelPosition, sword.barrelStartPos, sword.barrelPosition)) { this.Shing(sword); sword.Shing(); sword.owner.hSpeed += (float)this.offDir * 3f; sword.owner.vSpeed -= 2f; += -(float)this.offDir * 3f; -= 2f; = 1f; = 1f; flag3 = true; } } if (!flag3) { Thing ignore = null; if ( != null) { ignore =; } QuadLaserBullet quadLaserBullet = Level.CheckLine <QuadLaserBullet>(this.position, base.barrelPosition, null); if (quadLaserBullet != null) { this.Shing(quadLaserBullet); Vec2 travel =; float length = travel.length; float num6 = 1f; if (this.offDir > 0 && travel.x < 0f) { num6 = 1.5f; } else if (this.offDir < 0 && travel.x > 0f) { num6 = 1.5f; } if (this.offDir > 0) { travel = new Vec2(length * num6, 0f); } else { travel = new Vec2(-length * num6, 0f); } = travel; } else { Helmet helmet = Level.CheckLine <Helmet>(this.barrelStartPos, base.barrelPosition, ignore); if (helmet != null && helmet.equippedDuck != null) { this.Shing(helmet); helmet.owner.hSpeed += (float)this.offDir * 3f; helmet.owner.vSpeed -= 2f; = 1f; helmet.Hurt(0.53f); flag3 = true; } else { if ( != null) { ignore =; } ChestPlate chestPlate = Level.CheckLine <ChestPlate>(this.barrelStartPos, base.barrelPosition, ignore); if (chestPlate != null && chestPlate.equippedDuck != null) { this.Shing(chestPlate); chestPlate.owner.hSpeed += (float)this.offDir * 3f; chestPlate.owner.vSpeed -= 2f; = 1f; chestPlate.Hurt(0.53f); flag3 = true; } } } } } if (!flag3) { foreach (Thing thing2 in Level.current.things[typeof(Chainsaw)]) { Chainsaw chainsaw = (Chainsaw)thing2; if (chainsaw != this && chainsaw.owner != null && Collision.LineIntersect(this.barrelStartPos, base.barrelPosition, chainsaw.barrelStartPos, chainsaw.barrelPosition)) { this.Shing(chainsaw); chainsaw.Shing(this); chainsaw.owner.hSpeed += (float)this.offDir * 2f; chainsaw.owner.vSpeed -= 1.5f; += -(float)this.offDir * 2f; -= 1.5f; = 1f; = 1f; flag3 = true; if (Recorder.currentRecording != null) { Recorder.currentRecording.LogBonus(); } } } } if (!flag3) { foreach (IAmADuck amADuck in enumerable) { if (amADuck != { MaterialThing materialThing2 = amADuck as MaterialThing; if (materialThing2 != null) { materialThing2.velocity += new Vec2((float)this.offDir * 0.8f, -0.8f); materialThing2.Destroy(new DTImpale(this)); if ( != null) { = 0; } } } } } } }
// Token: 0x06002308 RID: 8968 public override bool Hit(Bullet bullet, Vec2 hitPos) { SFX.Play("ting", 1f, 0f, 0f, false); return(base.Hit(bullet, hitPos)); }
public override void Update() { if (! { this.collisionOffset = new Vec2(-6f, -2f); this.collisionSize = new Vec2(12f, 3f); } base.Update(); if (! && (double)Math.Abs(this.prevAngle - this.angle) > 0.100000001490116) { Vec2 vec2_1 = new Vec2(14f, 3f); Vec2 vec2_2 = new Vec2(-7f, -2f); Vec2 vec2_3 = new Vec2(4f, 14f); Vec2 vec2_4 = new Vec2(-2f, -7f); float num = (float)Math.Abs(Math.Sin((double)this.angle)); this.collisionSize = vec2_1 * (1f - num) + vec2_3 * num; this.collisionOffset = vec2_2 * (1f - num) + vec2_4 * num; this.prevAngle = this.angle; } this.UpdatePinState(); if (this._sprite.imageIndex == 2) { this._mineFlash.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._mineFlash.alpha, 0.4f, 0.08f); } else { this._mineFlash.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._mineFlash.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); } if (this._armed) { this._sprite.speed = 2f; } if (this._thrown && this.owner == null) { this._thrown = false; if ((double)Math.Abs(this.hSpeed) + (double)Math.Abs(this.vSpeed) > 0.400000005960464) { this.angleDegrees = 180f; } } if (this._armed) { ++this._framesSinceArm; } if (!this._pin && this._grounded && (!this._armed || this._framesSinceArm > 4)) { this.canPickUp = false; float addWeight = this.addWeight; IEnumerable <PhysicsObject> physicsObjects = Level.CheckLineAll <PhysicsObject>(new Vec2(this.x - 6f, this.y - 3f), new Vec2(this.x + 6f, this.y - 3f)); List <Duck> duckList1 = new List <Duck>(); Duck duck = (Duck)null; bool flag = false; foreach (Thing previousThing in this.previousThings) { if (previousThing.isServerForObject) { flag = true; } } this.previousThings.Clear(); foreach (PhysicsObject physicsObject in physicsObjects) { if (physicsObject != this && physicsObject.owner == null && (!(physicsObject is Holdable) || (physicsObject as Holdable).canPickUp && (physicsObject as Holdable).hoverSpawner == null) && (double)Math.Abs(physicsObject.bottom - this.bottom) <= 6.0) { this.previousThings.Add(physicsObject); switch (physicsObject) { case Duck _: case TrappedDuck _: case RagdollPart _: addWeight += 5f; Duck key1 = physicsObject as Duck; if (physicsObject is TrappedDuck) { key1 = (physicsObject as TrappedDuck).captureDuck; } else if (physicsObject is RagdollPart && (physicsObject as RagdollPart).doll != null) { key1 = (physicsObject as RagdollPart).doll.captureDuck; } if (key1 != null) { duck = key1; if (!this._ducksOnMine.ContainsKey(key1)) { this._ducksOnMine[key1] = 0.0f; } Dictionary <Duck, float> ducksOnMine; Duck key2; (ducksOnMine = this._ducksOnMine)[key2 = key1] = ducksOnMine[key2] + Maths.IncFrameTimer(); duckList1.Add(key1); continue; } continue; default: addWeight += physicsObject.weight; continue; } } } List <Duck> duckList2 = new List <Duck>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <Duck, float> keyValuePair in this._ducksOnMine) { if (!duckList1.Contains(keyValuePair.Key)) { duckList2.Add(keyValuePair.Key); } else { keyValuePair.Key.profile.stats.timeSpentOnMines += Maths.IncFrameTimer(); } } foreach (Duck key in duckList2) { this._ducksOnMine.Remove(key); } if ((double)addWeight < (double)this._holdingWeight && flag) { Thing.Fondle((Thing)this, DuckNetwork.localConnection); if (!this._armed) { this.Arm(); } else { this._timer = -1f; } } if (this._armed && (double)addWeight > (double)this._holdingWeight) { if (!this._clicked && duck != null) { ++duck.profile.stats.minesSteppedOn; } this._clicked = true; if (Network.isActive) { this._netDoubleBeep.Play(); } else { SFX.Play("doubleBeep"); } } this._holdingWeight = addWeight; } if ((double)this._timer < 0.0 && this.isServerForObject) { this._timer = 1f; this.BlowUp(); } this.addWeight = 0.0f; }
public override void Update() { this.yOffset = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this.yOffset, this.down ? 150f : 0.0f, 0.3f, 1.1f); if (this.down) { if (this._unlocks.Count == 0) { if (!this.finished) { this.finished = true; this.Close(); } } else { this._downWait -= 0.06f; if ((double)this._downWait <= 0.0) { this._openWait = 1f; this._wrapped = true; this._downWait = 1f; this._unlock = this._unlocks.First <Unlockable>(); this._unlocks.RemoveAt(0); this.down = false; SFX.Play("pause", 0.6f); } } } else { this._openWait -= 0.06f; if ((double)this._openWait <= 0.0 && this._wrapped && !this._flash) { this._flash = true; } if (this._flash) { Graphics.flashAdd = Lerp.Float(Graphics.flashAdd, 1f, 0.2f); if ((double)Graphics.flashAdd > 0.990000009536743) { this._wrapped = !this._wrapped; if (!this._wrapped) { if (this._unlock != null && == "UR THE BEST") { this._oldSong = Music.currentSong; Music.Play("jollyjingle"); } SFX.Play("harp"); HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomRight, "@SELECT@CONTINUE"); this._unlock.DoUnlock(); } this._flash = false; } } else { Graphics.flashAdd = Lerp.Float(Graphics.flashAdd, 0.0f, 0.2f); } if (!this._wrapped && Input.Pressed("SELECT")) { HUD.CloseAllCorners(); SFX.Play("resume", 0.6f); if (this._oldSong != null && this._unlock != null && == "UR THE BEST") { Music.Play(this._oldSong); } this.down = true; } } base.Update(); }
public override void UpdateParts() { if (!this.doubleUpdating && Input.Down("JUMP")) { this.doubleUpdating = true; this.UpdateParts(); this.doubleUpdating = false; } if (!this.down && (double)this.yOffset > -1.0) { if ((double)this._initialWait < 1.0) { this._initialWait += 0.06f; } else if ((double)this._insertCoin < 1.0) { if (!this._chinged) { SFX.Play("ching", pitch: Rando.Float(0.4f, 0.6f)); this._chinged = true; } this._insertCoinInc += 0.008f; this._insertCoin += this._insertCoinInc; } else { this._insertCoin = 1f; if ((double)this._afterInsertWait < 1.0) { this._afterInsertWait += 0.2f; } else { if ((double)this._gachaWait >= 0.200000002980232 && !this.played) { this.played = true; SFX.Play("gachaSound", pitch: Rando.Float(-0.1f, 0.1f)); } if (!this._coined && (double)this._gachaWait > 0.200000002980232) { SFX.Play("gachaCoin", pitch: Rando.Float(0.4f, 0.6f)); this._coined = true; } this._gachaWait += 0.04f; if ((double)this._gachaWait >= 1.0) { this._gachaWait = 1f; this.gachaSpeed += 0.25f; if ((double)this.gachaSpeed > 6.0) { this.gachaSpeed = 6f; } this.gachaY += this.gachaSpeed; if ((double)this.gachaY > 50.0 && (double)this.gachaSpeed > 0.0) { if ((double)this.gachaSpeed > 0.800000011920929) { SFX.Play("gachaBounce", pitch: 0.2f); } this.gachaY = 50f; this.gachaSpeed = (float)(-(double)this.gachaSpeed * 0.400000005960464); } float num = 8f; this._toyVelocity.y += 0.2f; Vec2 toyPosition1 = this._toyPosition; if ((double)toyPosition1.length > (double)num) { Vec2 toyPosition2 = this._toyPosition; this._toyPosition = toyPosition1.normalized * num; Vec2 vec2 = this._toyPosition - toyPosition2; this._toyVelocity += vec2; if ((double)vec2.length > 1.0) { SFX.Play("gachaBounce", pitch: (0.7f + Rando.Float(0.2f))); } this._toyAngleLerp = Maths.PointDirection(Vec2.Zero, this._toyPosition); } Vec2 leftStick =; if ( is Keyboard) { if ("LEFT")) { leftStick.x = -1f; } if ("RIGHT")) { leftStick.x = 1f; } if ("UP")) { leftStick.y = 1f; } if ("DOWN")) { leftStick.y = -1f; } } this._toyVelocity += (this._lastStick - leftStick) * new Vec2(2f, -2f); this._lastStick = leftStick; this._toyVelocity.x = Math.Max(Math.Min(this._toyVelocity.x, 3f), -3f); this._toyVelocity.y = Math.Max(Math.Min(this._toyVelocity.y, 3f), -3f); this._toyPosition += this._toyVelocity; if (!this.opened) { this._toyAngle = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._toyAngle, this._toyAngleLerp, 0.1f); this._eggOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this._eggOffset, leftStick * 8f, 0.3f); } else { this._toyAngle = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._toyAngle, -90f, 0.1f); this._eggOffset = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this._eggOffset, Vec2.Zero, 0.3f); this._toyPosition = Lerp.Vec2Smooth(this._toyPosition, Vec2.Zero, 0.3f); } this._openWait += 0.029f; if ((double)this._openWait >= 1.0) { if (!this.didOpenToyCorner) { HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomRight, "@SELECT@OPEN TOY"); this.didOpenToyCorner = true; } if (Input.Pressed("SELECT") && !this.opened) { this.opened = true; SFX.Play("gachaOpen", pitch: Rando.Float(0.1f, 0.3f)); this._gachaEgg.frame += 2; } if (this.opened) { this._swapWait += 0.06f; if ((double)this._swapWait >= 1.0) { if (!this._swapped) { SFX.Play("harp"); HUD.CloseAllCorners(); HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomRight, "@SELECT@CONTINUE"); Profiles.experienceProfile.SetNumFurnitures((int)this._contains.index, Profiles.experienceProfile.GetNumFurnitures((int)this._contains.index) + 1); } this._starGrow += 0.05f; this._swapped = true; } } } } } } } this.yOffset = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this.yOffset, this.down ? -250f : 0.0f, 0.4f); if (this.down) { if (this._swapped) { this.finished = true; this.Close(); } else { this._downWait -= 0.06f; if ((double)this._downWait <= 0.0) { this._downWait = 1f; this.down = false; SFX.Play("gachaGet", pitch: -0.4f); } } } if (!this.down && this._swapped && Input.Pressed("SELECT")) { this.played = false; this._gachaWait = 0.0f; this._openWait = 0.0f; this.finished = false; this.opened = false; this._swapWait = 0.0f; this._swapped = false; this._starGrow = 0.0f; this._insertCoin = 0.0f; this._insertCoinInc = 0.0f; this._afterInsertWait = 0.0f; this._chinged = false; this.gachaY = 0.0f; this.gachaSpeed = 0.0f; this.doubleUpdating = false; ++this._prizesGiven; this._eggOffset = Vec2.Zero; this._toyPosition = Vec2.Zero; this._toyVelocity = Vec2.Zero; this._lastStick = Vec2.Zero; this._toyAngle = 0.0f; this._toyAngleLerp = 0.0f; this._coined = false; this._initialWait = 0.0f; this.didOpenToyCorner = false; HUD.CloseAllCorners(); SFX.Play("resume", 0.6f); if (this.prizes.Count > 4) { this.prizes.RemoveAt(0); this.LoadNextPrize(); } else { this.down = true; this._swapped = true; } } base.UpdateParts(); }
public override void Update() { if (this.owner is Duck owner) { if (this.isServerForObject) { this.handPitch = owner.inputProfile.leftTrigger; this.notePitch = !owner.inputProfile.Down("SHOOT") ? 0.0f : this.handPitch + 0.01f; } if ((double)this.notePitch != (double)this.prevNotePitch) { if ((double)this.notePitch != 0.0) { int num = (int)Math.Round((double)this.notePitch * 12.0); if (num < 0) { num = 0; } if (num > 12) { num = 12; } if (this.noteSound == null) { this.hitPitch = this.notePitch; this.noteSound = SFX.Play("sax" + Change.ToString((object)num)); Level.Add((Thing) new MusicNote(this.barrelPosition.x, this.barrelPosition.y, this.barrelVector)); } else { this.noteSound.Pitch = Maths.Clamp((float)(((double)this.notePitch - (double)this.hitPitch) * 0.100000001490116), -1f, 1f); } } else if (this.noteSound != null) { this.noteSound.Stop(); this.noteSound = (Sound)null; } } if (this._raised) { this.handAngle = 0.0f; this.handOffset = new Vec2(0.0f, 0.0f); this._holdOffset = new Vec2(0.0f, 2f); this.collisionOffset = new Vec2(-4f, -7f); this.collisionSize = new Vec2(8f, 16f); this.OnReleaseAction(); } else { this.handOffset = new Vec2((float)(5.0 + (1.0 - (double)this.handPitch) * 2.0), (float)((1.0 - (double)this.handPitch) * 4.0 - 2.0)); this.handAngle = (float)((1.0 - (double)this.handPitch) * 0.400000005960464) * (float)this.offDir; this._holdOffset = new Vec2((float)(4.0 + (double)this.handPitch * 2.0), this.handPitch * 2f); this.collisionOffset = new Vec2(-1f, -7f); this.collisionSize = new Vec2(2f, 16f); } } else { this.collisionOffset = new Vec2(-4f, -7f); this.collisionSize = new Vec2(8f, 16f); } this.prevNotePitch = this.notePitch; base.Update(); }
public override void Update() { this._waveMult = Lerp.Float(this._waveMult, 0.0f, 0.1f); if (this.isServerForObject) { this._magnetActive = this.action; } else if (this._magnetActive) { this._waveMult = 1f; } if ((double)this._beamSound.Volume > 0.00999999977648258 && this._beamSound.State != SoundState.Playing) { this._beamSound.Play(); } else if ((double)this._beamSound.Volume < 0.00999999977648258 && this._beamSound.State == SoundState.Playing) { this._beamSound.Stop(); } this._beamSound.Volume = Maths.LerpTowards(this._beamSound.Volume, this._magnetActive ? 0.1f : 0.0f, 0.1f); Vec2 p1_1 = this.Offset(this.barrelOffset); if (this._magnetActive && != null && == this) { foreach (MagnaLine line in this._lines) { line.Update(); = true; float num = this._ammoType.range; if (this._hasRay) { num = (this.barrelPosition - this._rayHit).length; } line.dist = num; } if (this._grabbed == null && this._stuck == null) { Holdable holdable1 = (Holdable)null; float val1 = 0.0f; Vec2 normalized1 = this.barrelVector.Rotate(Maths.DegToRad(90f), Vec2.Zero).normalized; for (int index = 0; index < 3; ++index) { Vec2 p1_2 = p1_1; if (index == 0) { p1_2 += normalized1 * 8f; } else if (index == 2) { p1_2 -= normalized1 * 8f; } foreach (Holdable holdable2 in Level.CheckLineAll <Holdable>(p1_2, p1_2 + this.barrelVector * this._ammoType.range)) { if (holdable2 != this && holdable2 != this.owner && (holdable2.owner != this.owner && holdable2.physicsMaterial == PhysicsMaterial.Metal) && ( == null || !( is MagnetGun))) { float length = (holdable2.position - p1_1).length; if (holdable1 == null || (double)length < (double)val1) { val1 = length; holdable1 = holdable2; } } } } this._hasRay = false; if (holdable1 != null && Level.CheckLine <Block>(p1_1, holdable1.position) == null) { float num = (float)((1.0 - (double)Math.Min(val1, this._ammoType.range) / (double)this._ammoType.range) * 0.800000011920929); if (holdable1.owner is Duck duck && !(duck.holdObject is MagnetGun) && (double)num > 0.300000011920929) { if (!(holdable1 is Equipment) || holdable1.equippedDuck == null) { duck.ThrowItem(false); duck = (Duck)null; } else if (holdable1 is TinfoilHat) { duck.Unequip(holdable1 as Equipment); duck = (Duck)null; } } Vec2 normalized2 = (p1_1 - holdable1.position).normalized; // TODO if (duck != null && holdable1 is Equipment) if (false) { if (duck.ragdoll != null) { duck.ragdoll.makeActive = true; return; } if (!(holdable1.owner.realObject is Duck) && Network.isActive) { return; } holdable1.owner.realObject.hSpeed += normalized2.x * num; holdable1.owner.realObject.vSpeed += (float)((double)normalized2.y * (double)num * 4.0); if ((holdable1.owner.realObject as PhysicsObject).grounded && (double)holdable1.owner.realObject.vSpeed > 0.0) { holdable1.owner.realObject.vSpeed = 0.0f; } } else { this.Fondle((Thing)holdable1); holdable1.hSpeed += normalized2.x * num; holdable1.vSpeed += (float)((double)normalized2.y * (double)num * 4.0); if (holdable1.grounded && (double)holdable1.vSpeed > 0.0) { holdable1.vSpeed = 0.0f; } } this._hasRay = true; this._rayHit = holdable1.position; if (this.isServerForObject && (double)val1 < 20.0) { if (holdable1 is Equipment && != null) { this._grabbed = holdable1.owner.realObject; = true; = true;; if (!(holdable1.owner.realObject is Duck)) { holdable1.owner.realObject.owner = this.owner; Thing.SuperFondle(holdable1.owner.realObject, DuckNetwork.localConnection); } } else { this._grabbed = (Thing)holdable1; holdable1.owner = this.owner; if (holdable1 is Grenade) { (holdable1 as Grenade).OnPressAction(); } } this.attachIndex += 1; } } else if (this.isServerForObject && this._stuck == null && ((double)Math.Abs(this.angle) < 0.0500000007450581 || (double)Math.Abs(this.angle) > 1.5)) { Vec2 position = this.owner.position; if ( { position.y += 4f; } Vec2 hitPos; Block block = Level.CheckRay <Block>(position, position + this.barrelVector * this._ammoType.range, out hitPos); this._hasRay = true; this._rayHit = hitPos; if (block != null && block.physicsMaterial == PhysicsMaterial.Metal) { float num = (float)((1.0 - (double)Math.Min((block.position - position).length, this._ammoType.range) / (double)this._ammoType.range) * 0.800000011920929); Vec2 vec2 = hitPos -; float length = vec2.length; vec2.Normalize(); this.owner.hSpeed += vec2.x * num; this.owner.vSpeed += vec2.y * num; if ((double)length < 20.0) { this._stuck = block; this._stickPos = hitPos; this._stickNormal = -this.barrelVector; this.attachIndex += 1; } } } } } else { if (this.isServerForObject) { if (this._grabbed != null) { this._grabbed.angle = 0.0f; if (this._grabbed is Holdable grabbed) { grabbed.owner = (Thing)null; grabbed.ReturnToWorld(); this.ReturnItemToWorld((Thing)grabbed); } if (this._grabbed is Duck grabbed2) { grabbed2.immobilized = false; grabbed2.gripped = false; grabbed2.crippleTimer = 1f; } this._grabbed.visible = true; this._grabbed.enablePhysics = true; this._grabbed.hSpeed = this.barrelVector.x * 5f; this._grabbed.vSpeed = this.barrelVector.y * 5f; this._grabbed = (Thing)null; this._collisionSize = new Vec2(14f, this._collisionSize.y); } if (this._stuck != null) { this._stuck = (Block)null; if (this.owner != null && !this._raised) { = 6; } } } foreach (MagnaLine line in this._lines) { = false; } } if (Network.isActive) { if (this._grabbed != null) { if (this._grabbed is TrappedDuck && this._grabbed.connection != this.connection) { this._grabbed = (Thing)(this._grabbed as TrappedDuck)._duckOwner; if (this._grabbed != null) { Duck grabbed2 = this._grabbed as Duck; grabbed2.immobilized = true; grabbed2.gripped = true; grabbed2.ThrowItem(); grabbed2._trapped = (TrappedDuck)null; } } if (this._grabbed is Duck grabbed) { grabbed.isGrabbedByMagnet = true; if (this.isServerForObject) { this.Fondle((Thing)grabbed); this.Fondle((Thing)grabbed.holdObject); foreach (Thing t in grabbed._equipment) { this.Fondle(t); } this.Fondle((Thing)grabbed._ragdollInstance); this.Fondle((Thing)grabbed._trappedInstance); this.Fondle((Thing)grabbed._cookedInstance); } } } if (this._grabbed == null && this._prevGrabDuck != null && this._prevGrabDuck is Duck) { (this._prevGrabDuck as Duck).isGrabbedByMagnet = false; } this._prevGrabDuck = this._grabbed; } if (this._grabbed != null && this.owner != null) { if (this.isServerForObject) { this.Fondle(this._grabbed); } this._grabbed.hSpeed = this.owner.hSpeed; this._grabbed.vSpeed = this.owner.vSpeed; this._grabbed.angle = this.angle; this._grabbed.visible = false; this._grabbed.offDir = this.offDir; this._grabbed.enablePhysics = false; this._collisionSize = new Vec2(16f + this._grabbed.width, this._collisionSize.y); if (this._grabbed is Duck grabbed) { grabbed.grounded = true; grabbed.sliding = false; grabbed.crouch = false; } else { this._grabbed.owner = (Thing)this; } } if (this.localAttachIndex < this.attachIndex) { for (int index = 0; index < 2; ++index) { Level.Add((Thing)SmallSmoke.New(p1_1.x + Rando.Float(-1f, 1f), p1_1.y + Rando.Float(-1f, 1f))); } SFX.Play("grappleHook"); for (int index = 0; index < 6; ++index) { Level.Add((Thing)Spark.New(p1_1.x - this.barrelVector.x * 2f + Rando.Float(-1f, 1f), p1_1.y - this.barrelVector.y * 2f + Rando.Float(-1f, 1f), this.barrelVector + new Vec2(Rando.Float(-1f, 1f), Rando.Float(-1f, 1f)))); } this.localAttachIndex = this.attachIndex; } if (this.isServerForObject) { if (this._magnetActive && this._raised && ( != null && ! && this._grabbed == null) { this._keepRaised = true; } else { this._keepRaised = false; } if (this._stuck != null && != null) { if ((double)this._stickPos.y < (double)this.owner.position.y - 8.0) { this.owner.position = this._stickPos + this._stickNormal * 12f; this._raised = true; this._keepRaised = true; } else { this.owner.position = this._stickPos + this._stickNormal * 16f; this._raised = false; this._keepRaised = false; } this.owner.hSpeed = this.owner.vSpeed = 0.0f; = true; } else if (this._stuck == null && != null) { = false; } if (this.owner == null && this.prevOwner != null) { if (this.prevOwner is Duck prevOwner) { prevOwner.moveLock = false; } this._prevOwner = (Thing)null; } } base.Update(); }
public override void PostDrawLayer(Layer layer) { if (NetworkDebugger._instances.Count == 0) { return; } if (layer == Layer.Console) { if (NetworkDebugger._interfaces[0].pin || (double)Mouse.xConsole < (double)Layer.Console.width / 2.0 && (double)Mouse.yConsole < (double)Layer.Console.height / 2.0) { DevConsoleCore core = DevConsole.core; DevConsole.core = NetworkDebugger._instances[0].consoleCore; NetworkDebugger._interfaces[0].Draw(NetworkDebugger._instances[0].network); DevConsole.core = core; } else { NetworkDebugger._interfaces[0].visible = false; } if (NetworkDebugger._interfaces[1].pin || (double)Mouse.xConsole > (double)Layer.Console.width / 2.0 && (double)Mouse.yConsole < (double)Layer.Console.height / 2.0) { if (NetworkDebugger._instances.Count > 1) { DevConsoleCore core = DevConsole.core; DevConsole.core = NetworkDebugger._instances[1].consoleCore; NetworkDebugger._interfaces[1].Draw(NetworkDebugger._instances[1].network); DevConsole.core = core; } } else { NetworkDebugger._interfaces[1].visible = false; } if (NetworkDebugger._interfaces[2].pin || (double)Mouse.xConsole <(double)Layer.Console.width / 2.0 && (double)Mouse.yConsole> (double) Layer.Console.height / 2.0) { if (NetworkDebugger._instances.Count > 2) { DevConsoleCore core = DevConsole.core; DevConsole.core = NetworkDebugger._instances[2].consoleCore; NetworkDebugger._interfaces[2].Draw(NetworkDebugger._instances[2].network); DevConsole.core = core; } } else { NetworkDebugger._interfaces[2].visible = false; } if (NetworkDebugger._interfaces[3].pin || (double)Mouse.xConsole > (double)Layer.Console.width / 2.0 && (double)Mouse.yConsole > (double)Layer.Console.height / 2.0) { if (NetworkDebugger._instances.Count > 3) { DevConsoleCore core = DevConsole.core; DevConsole.core = NetworkDebugger._instances[3].consoleCore; NetworkDebugger._interfaces[3].Draw(NetworkDebugger._instances[3].network); DevConsole.core = core; } } else { NetworkDebugger._interfaces[3].visible = false; } if (this._connectionArrow == null) { this._connectionArrow = new SpriteMap("connectionArrow", 56, 13); this._connectionArrow.CenterOrigin(); this._connectionX = new Sprite("connectionX"); this._connectionX.CenterOrigin(); } for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (NetworkDebugger._instances.Count > i && NetworkDebugger._instances[i].active) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { if (i != j && NetworkDebugger._instances.Count > j && NetworkDebugger._instances[j].active) { NetworkConnection networkConnection1 = NetworkDebugger._instances[i].network.core.connections.FirstOrDefault <NetworkConnection>((Func <NetworkConnection, bool>)(x => x.identifier == NetworkDebugger.GetID(j))); NetworkConnection networkConnection2 = NetworkDebugger._instances[j].network.core.connections.FirstOrDefault <NetworkConnection>((Func <NetworkConnection, bool>)(x => x.identifier == NetworkDebugger.GetID(i))); Vec2 vec2_1 = NetworkDebugger._interfaces[i].position + new Vec2((float)(DuckGame.Graphics.width / 4 - 10), (float)(DuckGame.Graphics.height / 4 - 10)); Vec2 vec2_2 = NetworkDebugger._interfaces[j].position + new Vec2((float)(DuckGame.Graphics.width / 4 - 10), (float)(DuckGame.Graphics.height / 4 - 10)); Vec2 p2 = vec2_2 - vec2_1; Vec2 vec2_3 = p2.normalized.Rotate(Maths.DegToRad(90f), Vec2.Zero); float num1 = -Maths.PointDirection(Vec2.Zero, p2); float num2 = 0.0f; if (networkConnection1 != null) { float num3 = 0.0f; float num4 = 0.0f; if (networkConnection2 != null) { num3 = NetworkDebugger.GetReceived(networkConnection1.identifier, networkConnection2.identifier); num4 = NetworkDebugger.GetSent(networkConnection1.identifier, networkConnection2.identifier); num2 = 6f; } this._connectionArrow.frame = networkConnection1.status != ConnectionStatus.Connected ? 0 : 3; this._connectionArrow.angleDegrees = num1; this._connectionArrow.alpha = 1f; this._connectionArrow.depth = new Depth(0.92f); Vec2 vec2_4 = (vec2_1 + vec2_2) / 2f + vec2_3 * num2; DuckGame.Graphics.Draw((Sprite)this._connectionArrow, vec2_4.x, vec2_4.y); if (networkConnection1.status != ConnectionStatus.Disconnecting) { this._connectionX.depth = new Depth(0.98f); Vec2 vec2_5 = vec2_4 - p2.normalized * 22f; if ((double)(Mouse.positionConsole - vec2_5).length < 8.0) { this._connectionX.alpha = 1f; if (this.lefpres) { networkConnection1.Disconnect(); SFX.Play("quack"); } } else { this._connectionX.alpha = 0.4f; } DuckGame.Graphics.Draw(this._connectionX, vec2_5.x, vec2_5.y); } if ((double)num4 > 0.0) { ++this._connectionArrow.frame; this._connectionArrow.alpha = num4; this._connectionArrow.depth = new Depth(0.95f); DuckGame.Graphics.Draw((Sprite)this._connectionArrow, vec2_4.x, vec2_4.y); --this._connectionArrow.frame; } if ((double)num3 > 0.0) { this._connectionArrow.frame += 2; this._connectionArrow.alpha = num3; this._connectionArrow.depth = new Depth(0.95f); DuckGame.Graphics.Draw((Sprite)this._connectionArrow, vec2_4.x, vec2_4.y); this._connectionArrow.frame -= 2; } } } } } } } base.PostDrawLayer(layer); }
public override void Update() { if (this.owner is Duck owner) { if (this.isServerForObject) { if (owner.inputProfile.Pressed("SHOOT")) { this.currentPitch = 2; } if (owner.inputProfile.Pressed("STRAFE")) { this.currentPitch = 0; } if (owner.inputProfile.Pressed("RAGDOLL")) { this.currentPitch = 1; } if ((double)owner.inputProfile.leftTrigger > 0.5 && !this.leftPressed) { this.currentPitch = 2; this.leftPressed = true; } if ((double)owner.inputProfile.rightTrigger > 0.5 && !this.rightPressed) { this.currentPitch = 3; this.rightPressed = true; } if (owner.inputProfile.Released("STRAFE") && this.currentPitch == 0) { this.currentPitch = -1; } if (owner.inputProfile.Released("SHOOT") && this.currentPitch == 2) { this.currentPitch = -1; } if (owner.inputProfile.Released("RAGDOLL") && this.currentPitch == 1) { this.currentPitch = -1; } if ((double)owner.inputProfile.leftTrigger <= 0.5) { if (this.currentPitch == 2 && this.leftPressed) { this.currentPitch = -1; } this.leftPressed = false; } if ((double)owner.inputProfile.rightTrigger <= 0.5) { if (this.currentPitch == 3 && this.rightPressed) { this.currentPitch = -1; } this.rightPressed = false; } this.notePitch = this.currentPitch < 0 || this._raised ? 0.0f : (float)((double)this.currentPitch / 3.0 + 0.00999999977648258); } if ((double)this.notePitch != (double)this.prevNotePitch) { if ((double)this.notePitch != 0.0) { if (this.noteSound != null) { this.noteSound.Stop(); this.noteSound = (Sound)null; } int num = (int)Math.Round((double)this.notePitch * 3.0); if (num < 0) { num = 0; } if (num > 12) { num = 12; } if (this.noteSound == null) { this.hitPitch = this.notePitch; this.noteSound = SFX.Play("trumpet0" + Change.ToString((object)(num + 1)), 0.8f); Level.Add((Thing) new MusicNote(this.barrelPosition.x, this.barrelPosition.y, this.barrelVector)); } else { this.noteSound.Pitch = Maths.Clamp((float)(((double)this.notePitch - (double)this.hitPitch) * 0.00999999977648258), -1f, 1f); } } else if (this.noteSound != null) { this.noteSound.Stop(); this.noteSound = (Sound)null; } } if (this._raised) { this.collisionOffset = new Vec2(4f, -4f); this.collisionSize = new Vec2(8f, 8f); this._holdOffset = new Vec2(0.0f, 0.0f); this.handOffset = new Vec2(0.0f, 0.0f); this.OnReleaseAction(); } else { this.collisionOffset = new Vec2(-6f, -4f); this.collisionSize = new Vec2(8f, 8f); this._holdOffset = new Vec2(10f, -2f); this.handOffset = new Vec2(5f, -2f); } } else { this.leftPressed = false; this.rightPressed = false; this.currentPitch = -1; this.collisionOffset = new Vec2(-6f, -4f); this.collisionSize = new Vec2(8f, 8f); this._holdOffset = new Vec2(6f, 2f); } this.prevNotePitch = this.notePitch; base.Update(); }
public override void Update() { Options.openOnClose = this._pauseMenu; if (this.spawnKey) { if ((double)this.spawnKeyWait > 0.0) { this.spawnKeyWait -= Maths.IncFrameTimer(); } else { SFX.Play("ching"); this.spawnKey = false; Key key = new Key(this._prizeTable.x, this._prizeTable.y); key.vSpeed = -4f; key.depth = this._duck.depth + 50; Level.Add((Thing)SmallSmoke.New(key.x + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f), key.y + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f))); Level.Add((Thing)SmallSmoke.New(key.x + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f), key.y + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f))); Level.Add((Thing)SmallSmoke.New(key.x + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f), key.y + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f))); Level.Add((Thing)SmallSmoke.New(key.x + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f), key.y + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f))); Level.Add((Thing)key); } } Chancy.Update(); if (this._pendingSpawns != null && this._pendingSpawns.Count > 0) { Duck pendingSpawn = this._pendingSpawns[0]; this.AddThing((Thing)pendingSpawn); this._pendingSpawns.RemoveAt(0); this._duck = pendingSpawn; this._arcade = this.things[typeof(ArcadeMode)].First <Thing>() as ArcadeMode; } Layer.Lighting.fade = Layer.Lighting2.fade = 1f - Math.Min(1f, Math.Max(0.0f, (float)((1.0 - (double)Layer.Game.fade) * 1.5))); this.backgroundColor = Color.Black; if ( || { foreach (Thing challenge in this._challenges) { challenge.visible = false; } this._prizeTable.visible = false; } else { foreach (Thing challenge in this._challenges) { challenge.visible = true; } this._prizeTable.visible = true; } if (this._state == this._desiredState && this._state != ArcadeState.UnlockMachine && this._state != ArcadeState.LaunchChallenge) { if (!this._quitting) { if (Input.Pressed("START")) { this._pauseGroup.Open(); this._pauseMenu.Open(); MonoMain.pauseMenu = this._pauseGroup; if (!this._paused) { Music.Pause(); SFX.Play("pause", 0.6f); this._paused = true; this._duck.immobilized = true; } this.simulatePhysics = false; return; } if (this._paused && MonoMain.pauseMenu == null) { this._paused = false; SFX.Play("resume", 0.6f); if (this._quit.value) { this._quitting = true; } else { Music.Resume(); this._duck.immobilized = false; this.simulatePhysics = true; } } } else { Graphics.fade = Lerp.Float(Graphics.fade, 0.0f, 0.02f); if ((double)Graphics.fade > 0.00999999977648258) { return; } Level.current = (Level) new TitleScreen(); return; } } if (this._paused) { return; } if (this._hud.launchChallenge) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.LaunchChallenge; } if (this._desiredState != this._state) { = false; bool flag = false; if (this._desiredState == ArcadeState.ViewChallenge) { this._duck.alpha = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._duck.alpha, 0.0f, 0.1f); this._followCam.manualViewSize = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._followCam.manualViewSize, 2f, 0.16f); if ((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 30.0) { Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 0.0f, 0.08f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 0.0f, 0.08f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 1f, 0.08f); if ((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 3.0 && (double)this._hud.alpha == 1.0 && (double)Layer.Game.fade == 0.0) { flag = true; } } } else if (this._desiredState == ArcadeState.Normal) { if (!this._flipState) { this._followCam.Clear(); this._followCam.Add((Thing)this._duck); HUD.CloseAllCorners(); } this._duck.alpha = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._duck.alpha, 1f, 0.1f, 1.1f); if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewChallenge || this._state == ArcadeState.UnlockScreen) { this._followCam.manualViewSize = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._followCam.manualViewSize, this._followCam.viewSize, 0.14f, 1.05f); } Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.05f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.05f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); this._unlockScreen.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._unlockScreen.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); if (((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 0.0 || (double)this._followCam.manualViewSize == (double)this._followCam.viewSize) && ((double)this._hud.alpha == 0.0 && (double)Layer.Game.fade == 1.0)) { flag = true; this._followCam.manualViewSize = -1f; this._duck.alpha = 1f; } if (Unlockables.HasPendingUnlocks()) { MonoMain.pauseMenu = (UIComponent) new UIUnlockBox(Unlockables.GetPendingUnlocks().ToList <Unlockable>(), / 2f, / 2f, 190f); } } else if (this._desiredState == ArcadeState.ViewSpecialChallenge || this._desiredState == ArcadeState.ViewChallengeList || this._desiredState == ArcadeState.ViewProfileSelector) { if (!this._flipState) { this._followCam.Clear(); this._followCam.Add((Thing)this._duck); HUD.CloseAllCorners(); } this._duck.alpha = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._duck.alpha, 1f, 0.1f, 1.1f); if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewChallenge || this._state == ArcadeState.UnlockScreen) { this._followCam.manualViewSize = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._followCam.manualViewSize, this._followCam.viewSize, 0.14f, 1.05f); } Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.05f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.05f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); this._unlockScreen.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._unlockScreen.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); if (((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 0.0 || (double)this._followCam.manualViewSize == (double)this._followCam.viewSize) && ((double)this._hud.alpha == 0.0 && (double)Layer.Game.fade == 1.0)) { flag = true; this._followCam.manualViewSize = -1f; this._duck.alpha = 1f; } } else if (this._desiredState == ArcadeState.UnlockMachine) { if (!this._flipState) { this._followCam.Clear(); this._followCam.Add((Thing)this._unlockMachines[0]); HUD.CloseAllCorners(); } if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewChallenge) { this._followCam.manualViewSize = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._followCam.manualViewSize, this._followCam.viewSize, 0.14f, 1.05f); } this._duck.alpha = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._duck.alpha, 1f, 0.1f, 1.1f); Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.05f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.05f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); this._unlockScreen.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._unlockScreen.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); this._unlockMachineWait = 1f; if (((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 0.0 || (double)this._followCam.manualViewSize == (double)this._followCam.viewSize) && ((double)this._hud.alpha == 0.0 && (double)Layer.Game.fade == 1.0)) { flag = true; this._followCam.manualViewSize = -1f; this._duck.alpha = 1f; } } else if (this._desiredState == ArcadeState.LaunchChallenge) { if (!this._flipState) { HUD.CloseAllCorners(); } Music.volume = Lerp.Float(Music.volume, 0.0f, 0.01f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 0.0f, 0.02f); this._unlockScreen.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._unlockScreen.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); if ((double)this._hud.alpha == 0.0) { flag = true; } } if (this._desiredState == ArcadeState.UnlockScreen) { this._duck.alpha = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._duck.alpha, 0.0f, 0.1f); this._followCam.manualViewSize = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._followCam.manualViewSize, 2f, 0.16f); if ((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 30.0) { Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 0.0f, 0.08f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 0.0f, 0.08f); this._unlockScreen.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._unlockScreen.alpha, 1f, 0.08f); if ((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 3.0 && (double)this._unlockScreen.alpha == 1.0 && (double)Layer.Game.fade == 0.0) { flag = true; } } } this._flipState = true; if (this._launchedChallenge) { Layer.Background.fade = 0.0f; Layer.Game.fade = 0.0f; } if (!flag) { return; } this._flipState = false; HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._state = this._desiredState; if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewChallenge) { if (this._afterChallenge) { Music.Play("Arcade"); this._afterChallenge = false; } this._hud.MakeActive(); Level.Add((Thing)this._hud); = false; } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.LaunchChallenge) { ArcadeLevel.currentArcade = this; foreach (Thing thing in this.things[typeof(ChallengeConfetti)]) { Level.Remove(thing); } Music.Stop(); Level.current = (Level) new ChallengeLevel(this._hud.selected.challenge.fileName); if (!this.launchSpecialChallenge) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.ViewChallenge; this._hud.launchChallenge = false; this._launchedChallenge = false; this._afterChallenge = true; } else { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.ViewSpecialChallenge; this._hud.launchChallenge = false; this._launchedChallenge = false; this._afterChallenge = true; this.launchSpecialChallenge = false; } } else { if (this._state == ArcadeState.UnlockMachine) { return; } if (this._state == ArcadeState.Normal) { this._unlockMachines.Clear(); foreach (ArcadeMachine challenge in this._challenges) { if (challenge.CheckUnlocked()) { this._unlockMachines.Add(challenge); } } if (this._unlockMachines.Count > 0) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.UnlockMachine; } else { if (!this.basementWasUnlocked && Unlocks.IsUnlocked("BASEMENTKEY",[0])) { this.spawnKey = true; this.basementWasUnlocked = true; } = true; } } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewSpecialChallenge) { = false; if (this._afterChallenge) { Music.Play("Arcade"); this._afterChallenge = false; HUD.AddCornerCounter(HUDCorner.TopLeft, "@TICKET@ ", new FieldBinding((object)[0], "ticketCount"), animateCount: true); Chancy.afterChallenge = true; Chancy.afterChallengeWait = 1f; } else { HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomLeft, "ACCEPT@SELECT@"); HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomRight, "@QUACK@CANCEL"); HUD.AddCornerCounter(HUDCorner.TopLeft, "@TICKET@ ", new FieldBinding((object)[0], "ticketCount"), animateCount: true); } = false; } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewProfileSelector) { = false; ArcadeHatConsole arcadeHatConsole = (ArcadeHatConsole)Level.First <ArcadeHatConsole>(); if (arcadeHatConsole == null) { return; } HUD.CloseAllCorners(); arcadeHatConsole.Open(); } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewChallengeList) { = false; HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomLeft, "ACCEPT@SELECT@"); HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomRight, "@QUACK@BACK"); } else { if (this._state != ArcadeState.UnlockScreen) { return; } this.basementWasUnlocked = Unlocks.IsUnlocked("BASEMENTKEY",[0]); this._unlockScreen.MakeActive(); = false; } } } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.Normal || this._state == ArcadeState.UnlockMachine) { Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.08f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.08f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); if (this._state == ArcadeState.Normal) { object obj = (object)null; foreach (ArcadeMachine challenge in this._challenges) { double length = (double)(this._duck.position - challenge.position).length; if (challenge.hover) { obj = (object)challenge; if (Input.Pressed("SHOOT")) { this._hud.activeChallengeGroup =; this._desiredState = ArcadeState.ViewChallenge; this._followCam.manualViewSize = this._followCam.viewSize; this._followCam.Clear(); this._followCam.Add((Thing)challenge); HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._hoverMachine = (ArcadeMachine)null; this._hoverThing = (object)null; return; } } if (this._prizeTable.hover) { obj = (object)this._prizeTable; if (Input.Pressed("SHOOT")) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.UnlockScreen; this._followCam.manualViewSize = this._followCam.viewSize; this._followCam.Clear(); this._followCam.Add((Thing)this._prizeTable); HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._hoverMachine = (ArcadeMachine)null; this._hoverThing = (object)null; return; } } } if (Chancy.hover && Input.Pressed("SHOOT")) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.ViewSpecialChallenge; HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._hoverMachine = (ArcadeMachine)null; this._hoverThing = (object)null; Chancy.hover = false; Chancy.lookingAtChallenge = true; Chancy.OpenChallengeView(); } else { ArcadeHatConsole arcadeHatConsole = (ArcadeHatConsole)Level.First <ArcadeHatConsole>(); if (arcadeHatConsole != null && Input.Pressed("SHOOT") && arcadeHatConsole.hover) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.ViewProfileSelector; HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._hoverMachine = (ArcadeMachine)null; this._hoverThing = (object)null; } else { Chancy.hover = false; if (!Chancy.atCounter) { if ((double)(this._duck.position - Chancy.standingPosition).length < 22.0) { obj = (object)Chancy.context; Chancy.hover = true; } if ((double)Chancy.standingPosition.x < (double) - 16.0 || (double)Chancy.standingPosition.x > (double) + 16.0 || ((double)Chancy.standingPosition.y < (double) - 16.0 || (double)Chancy.standingPosition.y > (double) + 16.0)) { Chancy.atCounter = true; Chancy.activeChallenge = (ChallengeData)null; } } else if (this._prizeTable.hoverChancyChallenge) { obj = (object)this._arcade; if (Input.Pressed("SHOOT")) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.ViewChallengeList; HUD.CloseAllCorners(); Chancy.OpenChallengeList(); this._hoverMachine = (ArcadeMachine)null; this._hoverThing = (object)null; Chancy.hover = false; Chancy.lookingAtList = true; return; } } if (this._hoverThing == obj) { return; } HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._hoverThing = obj; this._hoverMachine = !(this._hoverThing is ArcadeMachine) ? (ArcadeMachine)null : obj as ArcadeMachine; if (this._hoverMachine != null) { HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomLeft, "PLAY@SHOOT@"); string text = + " "; foreach (string challenge1 in { ChallengeData challenge2 = Challenges.GetChallenge(challenge1); if (challenge2 != null) { ChallengeSaveData saveData = Challenges.GetSaveData(challenge2.levelID, this._duck.profile); if (saveData.trophy == TrophyType.Baseline) { text += "@BASELINE@"; } else if (saveData.trophy == TrophyType.Bronze) { text += "@BRONZE@"; } else if (saveData.trophy == TrophyType.Silver) { text += "@SILVER@"; } else if (saveData.trophy == TrophyType.Gold) { text += "@GOLD@"; } else if (saveData.trophy == TrophyType.Platinum) { text += "@PLATINUM@"; } else if (saveData.trophy == TrophyType.Developer) { text += "@DEVELOPER@"; } } } HUD.AddCornerMessage(HUDCorner.TopLeft, text); } else if (this._prizeTable.hover) { if (this._prizeTable.hoverChancyChallenge) { HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomRight, "@SHOOT@VIEW CHALLENGES"); } else { HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomRight, "@SHOOT@SPEND TICKETS"); HUD.AddCornerCounter(HUDCorner.BottomLeft, "@TICKET@ ", new FieldBinding((object)[0], "ticketCount"), animateCount: true); } } else { switch (obj) { case ArcadeMode _: if (!this._prizeTable.hoverChancyChallenge) { break; } HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomRight, "@SHOOT@VIEW CHALLENGES"); break; case Chancy _: HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomLeft, "CHANCY@SHOOT@"); break; } } } } } else { if (this._state != ArcadeState.UnlockMachine) { return; } this._unlockMachineWait -= 0.02f; Layer.Lighting2.targetFade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Lighting2.targetFade, 0.5f, 0.01f); if ((double)this._unlockMachineWait >= 0.0) { return; } if (this._unlockingMachine) { this._unlockingMachine = false; this._followCam.Clear(); this._followCam.Add((Thing)this._unlockMachines[0]); this._unlockMachineWait = 1f; } else if (this._unlockMachines.Count > 0) { this._unlockMachines[0].unlocked = true; this._unlockMachines.RemoveAt(0); this._unlockingMachine = this._unlockMachines.Count > 0; SFX.Play("lightTurnOn", pitch: Rando.Float(-0.1f, 0.1f)); this._unlockMachineWait = 1f; Layer.Lighting2.targetFade = 1f; } else { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.Normal; } } } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewChallenge) { Graphics.fade = Lerp.Float(Graphics.fade, 1f, 0.05f); Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 0.0f, 0.05f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 0.0f, 0.05f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 1f, 0.05f); if (!this._hud.quitOut) { return; } this._hud.quitOut = false; this._desiredState = ArcadeState.Normal; if (Chancy.activeChallenge != null) { return; } List <ChallengeData> chancyChallenges = Challenges.GetEligibleIncompleteChancyChallenges([0]); if (chancyChallenges.Count <= 0) { return; } Vec2 position = this._duck.position; ArcadeMachine arcadeMachine = Level.Nearest <ArcadeMachine>(this._duck.x, this._duck.y); if (arcadeMachine != null) { position = arcadeMachine.position; } chancyChallenges.OrderBy <ChallengeData, int>((Func <ChallengeData, int>)(v => v.GetRequirementValue())); Chancy.AddProposition(chancyChallenges[chancyChallenges.Count - 1], position); } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.UnlockScreen) { if (!this._unlockScreen.quitOut) { return; } this._unlockScreen.quitOut = false; this._desiredState = ArcadeState.Normal; } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewSpecialChallenge) { if (!this.launchSpecialChallenge) { Graphics.fade = Lerp.Float(Graphics.fade, 1f, 0.05f); if (Input.Pressed("QUACK")) { if (this.returnToChallengeList) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.ViewChallengeList; Chancy.hover = false; Chancy.lookingAtList = true; } else { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.Normal; } Chancy.lookingAtChallenge = false; HUD.CloseAllCorners(); SFX.Play("consoleCancel"); } else { if (!Input.Pressed("SELECT")) { return; } this.launchSpecialChallenge = true; SFX.Play("consoleSelect"); } } else { Graphics.fade = Lerp.Float(Graphics.fade, 0.0f, 0.05f); if ((double)Graphics.fade >= 0.00999999977648258) { return; } this._hud.launchChallenge = true; this._hud.selected = new ChallengeCard(0.0f, 0.0f, Chancy.activeChallenge); HUD.CloseAllCorners(); } } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewChallengeList) { Graphics.fade = Lerp.Float(Graphics.fade, 1f, 0.05f); if (Input.Pressed("QUACK")) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.Normal; Chancy.lookingAtChallenge = false; Chancy.lookingAtList = false; HUD.CloseAllCorners(); SFX.Play("consoleCancel"); } else { if (!Input.Pressed("SELECT")) { return; } Chancy.AddProposition(Chancy.selectedChallenge, Chancy.standingPosition); this.returnToChallengeList = true; this._desiredState = ArcadeState.ViewSpecialChallenge; HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._hoverMachine = (ArcadeMachine)null; this._hoverThing = (object)null; Chancy.hover = false; Chancy.lookingAtChallenge = true; Chancy.lookingAtList = false; Chancy.OpenChallengeView(); } } else { if (this._state != ArcadeState.ViewProfileSelector) { return; } Graphics.fade = Lerp.Float(Graphics.fade, 1f, 0.05f); ArcadeHatConsole arcadeHatConsole = (ArcadeHatConsole)Level.First <ArcadeHatConsole>(); if (arcadeHatConsole == null || arcadeHatConsole.IsOpen()) { return; } foreach (ArcadeMachine challenge in this._challenges) { challenge.unlocked = challenge.CheckUnlocked(false); } this._unlockMachines.Clear(); this.UpdateDefault(); this._desiredState = ArcadeState.Normal; } }
public void ButtonPressed(ToolbarButton button) { SFX.Play("highClick", 0.3f); ContextMenu contextMenu1 = (ContextMenu)null; Vec2 vec2 = new Vec2(2f, 21f); if (button == this._newButton) { this.Closed(); this._newMenu = new ContextMenu((IContextListener)this, hasToproot: true, topRoot: button.position); this._newMenu.x = this.position.x - vec2.x; this._newMenu.y = this.position.y + vec2.y; this._newMenu.root = true; this._newMenu.depth = this.depth + 10; this.Selected(); this._newMenu.AddItem(new ContextMenu((IContextListener)this) { itemSize = { x = 60f }, text = "NEW" }); this._newMenu.AddItem(new ContextMenu((IContextListener)this) { itemSize = { x = 60f }, text = "NEW ONLINE" }); ContextMenu contextMenu2 = new ContextMenu((IContextListener)this); contextMenu2.itemSize.x = 60f; contextMenu2.text = "ARCADE"; contextMenu2.AddItem(new ContextMenu((IContextListener)this) { itemSize = { x = 60f }, text = "NEW ARCADE" }); contextMenu2.AddItem(new ContextMenu((IContextListener)this) { itemSize = { x = 60f }, text = "NEW CHALLENGE" }); contextMenu2.AddItem(new ContextMenu((IContextListener)this) { itemSize = { x = 60f }, text = "NEW ARCADE MACHINE" }); this._newMenu.AddItem(contextMenu2); this._newMenu.AddItem(new ContextMenu((IContextListener)this) { itemSize = { x = 60f }, text = "CANCEL" }); Level.Add((Thing)this._newMenu); this._newMenu.opened = true; contextMenu1 = this._newMenu; } if (button == this._saveButton) { this.Closed(); this._saveMenu = new ContextMenu((IContextListener)this, hasToproot: true, topRoot: button.position); this._saveMenu.x = this.position.x - vec2.x; this._saveMenu.y = this.position.y + vec2.y; this._saveMenu.root = true; this._saveMenu.depth = this.depth + 10; this.Selected(); this._saveMenu.AddItem(new ContextMenu((IContextListener)this) { itemSize = { x = 60f }, text = "SAVE" }); this._saveMenu.AddItem(new ContextMenu((IContextListener)this) { itemSize = { x = 60f }, text = "SAVE AS" }); Level.Add((Thing)this._saveMenu); this._saveMenu.opened = true; contextMenu1 = this._saveMenu; } if (button == this._gridButton) { this.Closed(); this._gridMenu = new ContextMenu((IContextListener)this, hasToproot: true, topRoot: button.position); this._gridMenu.x = this.position.x - vec2.x; this._gridMenu.y = this.position.y + vec2.y; this._gridMenu.root = true; this._gridMenu.depth = this.depth + 10; this.Selected(); this._gridMenu.AddItem(new ContextMenu((IContextListener)this) { itemSize = { x = 60f }, text = "8x8" }); this._gridMenu.AddItem(new ContextMenu((IContextListener)this) { itemSize = { x = 60f }, text = "16x16" }); this._gridMenu.AddItem(new ContextMenu((IContextListener)this) { itemSize = { x = 60f }, text = "32x32" }); Level.Add((Thing)this._gridMenu); this._gridMenu.opened = true; contextMenu1 = this._gridMenu; } if (button == this._loadButton) { Editor current = Level.current as Editor; current.Load(); current.CloseMenu(); } if (button == this._steamButton) { Editor current = Level.current as Editor; current.SteamUpload(); current.CloseMenu(); } if (button == this._playButton) { (Level.current as Editor).Play(); } if (button == this._quitButton) { this.Closed(); this._quitMenu = new ContextMenu((IContextListener)this, hasToproot: true, topRoot: button.position); this._quitMenu.x = this.position.x - vec2.x; this._quitMenu.y = this.position.y + vec2.y; this._quitMenu.root = true; this._quitMenu.depth = this.depth + 10; this.Selected(); this._quitMenu.AddItem(new ContextMenu((IContextListener)this) { itemSize = { x = 60f }, text = "QUIT" }); this._quitMenu.AddItem(new ContextMenu((IContextListener)this) { itemSize = { x = 60f }, text = "CANCEL" }); Level.Add((Thing)this._quitMenu); this._quitMenu.opened = true; contextMenu1 = this._quitMenu; } if (contextMenu1 == null || (double)contextMenu1.y + (double)contextMenu1.menuSize.y <= (double) - 4.0) { return; } float y = contextMenu1.y; contextMenu1.y = - 4f - contextMenu1.menuSize.y; contextMenu1._toprootPosition.y += contextMenu1.y - y; if (this.owner is ContextMenu owner) { owner._openedOffset = 0.0f; owner.y = contextMenu1.y - 16f - owner.menuSize.y; owner.PositionItems(); } contextMenu1.PositionItems(); }
public override void Update() { this.impacting.Clear(); if (this._up && this._popup && this.holdObject is Gun) { Gun holdObject = this.holdObject as Gun; float num = 300f; if (holdObject.ammoType != null) { num = holdObject.ammoType.range; } Vec2 vec2 = this.holdObject.position + new Vec2((float)this.offDir * num, 0.0f); foreach (Duck duck in Level.current.things[typeof(Duck)].Where <Thing>((Func <Thing, bool>)(d => !(d is TargetDuck)))) { if ((Collision.Line(this.holdObject.position + new Vec2(0.0f, -5f), vec2 + new Vec2(0.0f, -5f), duck.rectangle) || Collision.Line(this.holdObject.position + new Vec2(0.0f, 5f), vec2 + new Vec2(0.0f, 5f), duck.rectangle)) && Level.CheckLine <Block>(this.holdObject.position, duck.position) == null) { this._waitFire -= 0.03f; break; } } bool flag = false; if ((double)this._autoFireWait > 0.0) { this._autoFireWait -= Maths.IncFrameTimer(); if ((double)this._autoFireWait <= 0.0) { flag = true; } } if ((double)this._waitFire <= 0.0 || flag) { holdObject.PressAction(); this._waitFire = 1f; } if ((double)this._waitFire < 1.0) { this._waitFire += 0.01f; } } this.UpdateCollision(); this.UpdateSkeleton(); if ((double)this._hitPoints <= 0.0) { this.Destroy((DestroyType) new DTCrush((PhysicsObject)null)); } if (!this._up) { this._timeCount = 0.0f; if (this._popup) { this._upSpeed += 0.1f; } if (this._stance != TargetStance.Fly) { this.yscale += this._upSpeed; if ((double)this.yscale < 1.0) { return; } this.yscale = 1f; this._upSpeed = 0.0f; this._up = true; SFX.Play("grappleHook", 0.7f, Rando.Float(-0.2f, 0.2f)); Level.Add((Thing)SmallSmoke.New(this.x - 4f, this.y)); Level.Add((Thing)SmallSmoke.New(this.x + 4f, this.y)); this.SpawnHoldObject(); if (this.helmet) { Helmet helmet = new Helmet(this.x, this.y); Level.Add((Thing)helmet); this.Equip((Equipment)helmet); } if (!this.chestPlate) { return; } ChestPlate chestPlate = new ChestPlate(this.x, this.y); Level.Add((Thing)chestPlate); this.Equip((Equipment)chestPlate); } else { this.xscale += this._upSpeed; if ((double)this.xscale < 1.0) { return; } this.xscale = 1f; this._upSpeed = 0.0f; this._up = true; SFX.Play("grappleHook", 0.7f, Rando.Float(-0.2f, 0.2f)); Level.Add((Thing)SmallSmoke.New(this.x - 4f, this.y)); Level.Add((Thing)SmallSmoke.New(this.x + 4f, this.y)); if (this.helmet) { Helmet helmet = new Helmet(this.x, this.y); Level.Add((Thing)helmet); this.Equip((Equipment)helmet); } if (!this.chestPlate) { return; } ChestPlate chestPlate = new ChestPlate(this.x, this.y); Level.Add((Thing)chestPlate); this.Equip((Equipment)chestPlate); } } else { this._timeCount += Maths.IncFrameTimer(); if (this._popup && (double)this.time.value != 0.0 && (double)this._timeCount >= (double)this.time.value) { SFX.Play("grappleHook", 0.2f, Rando.Float(-0.2f, 0.2f)); this.PopDown(); } else { if (!this._popup) { this._upSpeed += 0.1f; } if (this._stance != TargetStance.Fly) { this.yscale -= this._upSpeed; if ((double)this.yscale >= 0.0) { return; } this.yscale = 0.0f; this._upSpeed = 0.0f; this._up = false; SFX.Play("grappleHook", 0.2f, Rando.Float(-0.2f, 0.2f)); Level.Add((Thing)SmallSmoke.New(this.x - 4f, this.y)); Level.Add((Thing)SmallSmoke.New(this.x + 4f, this.y)); this._hitPoints = this._maxHealth = 0.1f; } else { this.xscale -= this._upSpeed; if ((double)this.xscale >= 0.0) { return; } this.xscale = 0.0f; this._upSpeed = 0.0f; this._up = false; SFX.Play("grappleHook", 0.2f, Rando.Float(-0.2f, 0.2f)); Level.Add((Thing)SmallSmoke.New(this.x - 4f, this.y)); Level.Add((Thing)SmallSmoke.New(this.x + 4f, this.y)); this._hitPoints = this._maxHealth = 0.1f; } } } }
public static void Initialize() { MonoMain.loadMessage = "Loading SFX"; SFX.SearchDir("Content/Audio/SFX"); }
// Token: 0x060015CD RID: 5581 public override void Update() //When used { Duck duck = this.owner as Duck; if (duck != null) { if (base.isServerForObject) { this.handPitch = 1f - Mouse.x / * 2f; if (this.handPitch < 0f) //Prevents hand and pitch going too far { float currentpitch = this.handPitch; float neededpitch = 0f - this.handPitch; this.handPitch = currentpitch + neededpitch; } if (duck.inputProfile.Down("SHOOT")) { this.notePitch = this.handPitch + 0.01f; } else { this.notePitch = 0f; } } if (this.notePitch != this.prevNotePitch) { if (this.notePitch != 0f) { int num = (int)Math.Round((double)(this.notePitch * 12f)); if (num < 0) { num = 0; } if (num > 12) { num = 12; } if (this.noteSound == null) { this.hitPitch = this.notePitch; Sound sound = SFX.Play("trombone" + Change.ToString(num), 1f, 0f, 0f, false); this.noteSound = sound; Level.Add(new MusicNote(base.barrelPosition.x, base.barrelPosition.y, base.barrelVector)); } else { this.noteSound.Pitch = Maths.Clamp(this.notePitch - this.hitPitch, -1f, 1f); } } else if (this.noteSound != null) { this.noteSound.Stop(); this.noteSound = null; } } if (this._raised) { this.handAngle = 0f; this.handOffset = new Vec2(0f, 0f); this._holdOffset = new Vec2(0f, 2f); this.collisionOffset = new Vec2(-4f, -7f); this.collisionSize = new Vec2(8f, 16f); } else //Hand pitch { this.handOffset = new Vec2(6f + (1f - this.handPitch) * 4f, -4f + (1f - this.handPitch) * 4f); this.handAngle = (1f - this.handPitch) * 0.4f * (float)this.offDir; this._holdOffset = new Vec2(5f + this.handPitch * 2f, -9f + this.handPitch * 2f); this.collisionOffset = new Vec2(-4f, -7f); this.collisionSize = new Vec2(2f, 16f); this._slideVal = 1f - this.handPitch; } } else { this.collisionOffset = new Vec2(-4f, -5f); this.collisionSize = new Vec2(8f, 11f); } this.prevNotePitch = this.notePitch; base.Update(); }
public override void Update() { if (this._desiredTransition != this._transition) { this._fade = Lerp.Float(this._fade, 0.0f, 0.06f); if ((double)this._fade <= 0.0) { this._transition = this._desiredTransition; if (this._transition == DoorTransition.Profile) { Graphics.fade = 0.0f; Level.current = (Level) new LockerRoom(this._profile); } else if (this._transition == DoorTransition.Exit) { Graphics.fade = 0.0f; Level.current = (Level) new TitleScreen(); } else if (this._transition == DoorTransition.Album) { Graphics.fade = 0.0f; Level.current = (Level) new Album(); } } } else { this._fade = Lerp.Float(this._fade, 1f, 0.06f); if (this._selectorPosition == this._desiredSelectorPosition) { if ("LEFT")) { this.SelectUp(); } if ("RIGHT")) { this.SelectDown(); } if ("SELECT") && this._profile != null) { this._desiredTransition = DoorTransition.Profile; HUD.CloseAllCorners(); } } if ("QUACK")) { this._desiredTransition = DoorTransition.Exit; HUD.CloseAllCorners(); } if ("GRAB")) { this._desiredTransition = DoorTransition.Album; HUD.CloseAllCorners(); } if ((double)this._slideTo != 0.0 && (double)this._slide != (double)this._slideTo) { this._slide = Lerp.Float(this._slide, this._slideTo, 0.05f); } else if ((double)this._slideTo != 0.0 && (double)this._slide == (double)this._slideTo) { this._slide = 0.0f; this._slideTo = 0.0f; SFX.Play("textLetter", 0.7f); this._selectorPosition = this._desiredSelectorPosition; if (this._profiles.Count > 0) { this._profile = this._profiles[this._selectorPosition]; } } } base.Update(); }
public override void UpdateParts() { if (!this.doubleUpdating && Input.Down("JUMP")) { this.doubleUpdating = true; this.UpdateParts(); this.doubleUpdating = false; } if ((double)this.yOffset < 1.0) { if ((double)this._insertCoin < 1.0) { this._insertCoinInc += 0.008f; this._insertCoin += this._insertCoinInc; } else { if (!this._chinged) { SFX.Play("ching", pitch: Rando.Float(0.4f, 0.6f)); this._chinged = true; } this._insertCoin = 1f; if ((double)this._afterInsertWait < 1.0) { this._afterInsertWait += 0.32f; } else { if ((double)this._gachaWait >= 0.5 && !this.played) { this.played = true; SFX.Play("gachaSound", pitch: Rando.Float(-0.1f, 0.1f)); } this._gachaWait += 0.1f; if ((double)this._gachaWait >= 1.0) { this.gachaSpeed += 0.25f; if ((double)this.gachaSpeed > 6.0) { this.gachaSpeed = 6f; } this.gachaY += this.gachaSpeed; if ((double)this.gachaY > 50.0 && (double)this.gachaSpeed > 0.0) { if ((double)this.gachaSpeed > 0.800000011920929) { SFX.Play("gachaBounce", pitch: 0.2f); } this.gachaY = 50f; this.gachaSpeed = (float)(-(double)this.gachaSpeed * 0.400000005960464); } this._openWait += 0.019f; if ((double)this._openWait >= 1.0) { if (!this.opened) { this.opened = true; SFX.Play("gachaOpen", pitch: Rando.Float(0.1f, 0.3f)); this._gachaEgg.frame += 2; } this._swapWait += 0.06f; if ((double)this._swapWait >= 1.0) { if (!this._swapped) { SFX.Play("harp"); HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomRight, "@SELECT@CONTINUE"); Profiles.experienceProfile.SetNumFurnitures((int)this._contains.index, Profiles.experienceProfile.GetNumFurnitures((int)this._contains.index) + 1); } this._starGrow += 0.05f; this._swapped = true; } } } } } } this.yOffset = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this.yOffset, this.down ? 150f : 0.0f, 0.4f, 1.1f); if (this.down) { if (this._swapped) { this.finished = true; this.Close(); } else { this._downWait -= 0.06f; if ((double)this._downWait <= 0.0) { this._downWait = 1f; this.down = false; SFX.Play("gachaGet", pitch: -0.4f); } } } if (this._swapped && Input.Pressed("SELECT")) { HUD.CloseAllCorners(); SFX.Play("resume", 0.6f); this.down = true; } base.UpdateParts(); }
public override void Update() { base.Update(); this._sprite.frame = this._owner == null || this._raised ? 0 : 1; this._raiseArm = Lerp.Float(this._raiseArm, 0.0f, 0.05f); this._preachWait = Lerp.Float(this._preachWait, 0.0f, 0.06f); this._ringPulse = Lerp.Float(this._ringPulse, 0.0f, 0.05f); if (Network.isActive) { if (this.isServerForObject) { if (this.controlling1) { Duck duck = this.GetDuck(0); if (duck != null) { if (duck.listenTime <= 0) { this.controlling1 = false; } else { this.Fondle((Thing)duck); this.Fondle((Thing)duck.holdObject); foreach (Thing t in duck._equipment) { this.Fondle(t); } this.Fondle((Thing)duck._ragdollInstance); this.Fondle((Thing)duck._trappedInstance); this.Fondle((Thing)duck._cookedInstance); } } } if (this.controlling2) { Duck duck = this.GetDuck(1); if (duck != null) { if (duck.listenTime <= 0) { this.controlling2 = false; } else { this.Fondle((Thing)duck); this.Fondle((Thing)duck.holdObject); foreach (Thing t in duck._equipment) { this.Fondle(t); } this.Fondle((Thing)duck._ragdollInstance); this.Fondle((Thing)duck._trappedInstance); this.Fondle((Thing)duck._cookedInstance); } } } if (this.controlling3) { Duck duck = this.GetDuck(2); if (duck != null) { if (duck.listenTime <= 0) { this.controlling3 = false; } else { this.Fondle((Thing)duck); this.Fondle((Thing)duck.holdObject); foreach (Thing t in duck._equipment) { this.Fondle(t); } this.Fondle((Thing)duck._ragdollInstance); this.Fondle((Thing)duck._trappedInstance); this.Fondle((Thing)duck._cookedInstance); } } } if (this.controlling4) { Duck duck = this.GetDuck(3); if (duck != null) { if (duck.listenTime <= 0) { this.controlling4 = false; } else { this.Fondle((Thing)duck); this.Fondle((Thing)duck.holdObject); foreach (Thing t in duck._equipment) { this.Fondle(t); } this.Fondle((Thing)duck._ragdollInstance); this.Fondle((Thing)duck._trappedInstance); this.Fondle((Thing)duck._cookedInstance); } } } } else { Duck duck1 = this.GetDuck(0); if (duck1 != null) { if (this.controlling1) { duck1.listening = true; duck1.Fondle((Thing)duck1.holdObject); foreach (Equipment equipment in duck1._equipment) { duck1.Fondle((Thing)equipment); } duck1.Fondle((Thing)duck1._ragdollInstance); duck1.Fondle((Thing)duck1._trappedInstance); duck1.Fondle((Thing)duck1._cookedInstance); } if (!this.controlling1 && this.prevControlling1) { duck1.listening = false; } this.prevControlling1 = this.controlling1; } Duck duck2 = this.GetDuck(1); if (duck2 != null) { if (this.controlling2) { duck2.listening = true; duck2.Fondle((Thing)duck2.holdObject); foreach (Equipment equipment in duck2._equipment) { duck2.Fondle((Thing)equipment); } duck2.Fondle((Thing)duck2._ragdollInstance); duck2.Fondle((Thing)duck2._trappedInstance); duck2.Fondle((Thing)duck2._cookedInstance); } if (!this.controlling2 && this.prevControlling2) { duck2.listening = false; } this.prevControlling2 = this.controlling2; } Duck duck3 = this.GetDuck(2); if (duck3 != null) { if (this.controlling3) { duck3.listening = true; duck3.Fondle((Thing)duck3.holdObject); foreach (Equipment equipment in duck3._equipment) { duck3.Fondle((Thing)equipment); } duck3.Fondle((Thing)duck3._ragdollInstance); duck3.Fondle((Thing)duck3._trappedInstance); duck3.Fondle((Thing)duck3._cookedInstance); } if (!this.controlling3 && this.prevControlling3) { duck3.listening = false; } this.prevControlling3 = this.controlling3; } Duck duck4 = this.GetDuck(3); if (duck4 != null) { if (this.controlling4) { duck4.listening = true; duck4.Fondle((Thing)duck4.holdObject); foreach (Equipment equipment in duck4._equipment) { duck4.Fondle((Thing)equipment); } duck4.Fondle((Thing)duck4._ragdollInstance); duck4.Fondle((Thing)duck4._trappedInstance); duck4.Fondle((Thing)duck4._cookedInstance); } if (!this.controlling4 && this.prevControlling4) { duck4.listening = false; } this.prevControlling4 = this.controlling4; } } } if (this._triggerHeld && this.isServerForObject && ( != null && (double)this._preachWait <= 0.0 & < 1) && { if (Network.isActive) { this._netPreach.Play(); } else { SFX.Play("preach" + (object)Rando.Int(5), Rando.Float(0.8f, 1f), Rando.Float(-0.2f, -0.3f)); } = (int)(byte)Rando.Int(12, 30); += (float) / 0.1f * Maths.IncFrameTimer(); this._preachWait = Rando.Float(1.8f, 2.5f); this._ringPulse = 1f; if (Rando.Int(1) == 0) { this._raiseArm = Rando.Float(1.2f, 2f); } Ragdoll ragdoll = Level.Nearest <Ragdoll>(this.x, this.y, (Thing)this); if (ragdoll != null && ragdoll.captureDuck != null && (ragdoll.captureDuck.dead && Level.CheckLine <Block>(, ragdoll.position) == null) && (double)(ragdoll.position - < (double)this._ammoType.range) { if (Network.isActive) { this.Fondle((Thing)ragdoll.captureDuck); this.Fondle((Thing)ragdoll); Send.Message((NetMessage) new NMLayToRest(ragdoll.captureDuck.profile.networkIndex)); } ragdoll.captureDuck.LayToRest(; } foreach (Duck duck in Level.current.things[typeof(Duck)]) { if (duck != && duck.grounded && (!(duck.holdObject is GoodBook) && Level.CheckLine <Block>(, duck.position) == null) && (double)(duck.position - < (double)this._ammoType.range) { if (duck.dead) { this.Fondle((Thing)duck); duck.LayToRest(; } else if (duck.converted != && != duck && != { if (Network.isActive) { if (duck.profile.networkIndex == (byte)0) { this.controlling1 = true; } if (duck.profile.networkIndex == (byte)1) { this.controlling2 = true; } if (duck.profile.networkIndex == (byte)2) { this.controlling3 = true; } if (duck.profile.networkIndex == (byte)3) { this.controlling4 = true; } } duck.listening = true; this.Fondle((Thing)duck); this.Fondle((Thing)duck.holdObject); foreach (Thing t in duck._equipment) { this.Fondle(t); } this.Fondle((Thing)duck._ragdollInstance); this.Fondle((Thing)duck._trappedInstance); this.Fondle((Thing)duck._cookedInstance); duck.listenTime = 80; if ((double)this.owner.x < (double)duck.x) { duck.offDir = (sbyte)-1; } else { duck.offDir = (sbyte)1; } duck.ThrowItem(false); duck.conversionResistance -= 30; if (duck.conversionResistance <= 0) { duck.ConvertDuck( != null ? :; if (Network.isActive) { Send.Message((NetMessage) new NMConversion(duck.profile.networkIndex,; } duck.conversionResistance = 50; } } } } } this._haloAlpha = Lerp.Float(this._haloAlpha, !this._triggerHeld || == null || ! ? 0.0f : 1f, 0.05f); }
public override void Update() { this._selectBeam.color = new Color(0.5f, (float)(0.200000002980232 + (double)this._wave2.normalized * 0.200000002980232), (float)(0.300000011920929 + (double)this._wave.normalized * 0.300000011920929)) * (1f + this._flash); this._flash = Maths.CountDown(this._flash, 0.1f); this._spawnWait -= 0.025f; if ((double)this._spawnWait < 0.0) { Level.Add((Thing) new MultiBeamParticle(this.x, this.y + 190f, -0.8f - this._wave.normalized, false, Color.Cyan * 0.8f)); Level.Add((Thing) new MultiBeamParticle(this.x, this.y + 190f, -0.8f - this._wave2.normalized, true, Color.LightBlue * 0.8f)); this._spawnWait = 1f; } using (IEnumerator <Duck> enumerator = Level.CheckRectAll <Duck>(this.position -, this.position - + new Vec2(this._collisionSize.x, this._collisionSize.y)).GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { Duck d = enumerator.Current; if (!this._ducks.Any <BeamDuck>((Func <BeamDuck, bool>)(t => == d))) { float num = (double)d.y >= 100.0 ? 130f : 40f; SFX.Play("stepInBeam"); d.immobilized = true; d.crouch = false; d.sliding = false; if (d.holdObject != null) { this._guns.Add((Thing)d.holdObject); } d.ThrowItem(); d.solid = false; d.grounded = false; this._ducks.Add(new BeamDuck() { duck = d, entryHeight = num, leaving = false, entryDir = (double)d.x < (double)this.x ? -1 : 1, sin = new SinWave(0.1f), sin2 = new SinWave(0.05f) }); this.entered = true; } } } foreach (Holdable holdable in Level.CheckRectAll <Holdable>(this.position -, this.position - + new Vec2(this._collisionSize.x, this._collisionSize.y))) { if (holdable.owner == null && !this._guns.Contains((Thing)holdable)) { this._guns.Add((Thing)holdable); } } int count = this._ducks.Count; int num1 = 0; float num2 = 40f; float num3 = (float)(((double)this._beamHeight - (double)num2 * 2.0) / (count > 1 ? (double)(count - 1) : 1.0)); for (int index = 0; index < this._ducks.Count; ++index) { BeamDuck duck = this._ducks[index]; if (duck.leaving) { = true; = this._leaveLeft ? -4f : 4f; = 0.0f; if ((double)Math.Abs( - this.x) > 24.0) { = false; this._ducks.RemoveAt(index); --index; continue; } } else { = Lerp.FloatSmooth(, this.position.x + (float)duck.sin2 * 1f, 0.2f); = Lerp.FloatSmooth(, (float)((double)num2 + (double)num3 * (double)index + (double)(float)duck.sin * 2.0), 0.08f); = 0.0f; = 0.0f; } if (!TitleScreen.hasMenusOpen &&"RIGHT")) { duck.leaving = true; this._leaveLeft = false; = (sbyte)1; this.entered = false; } ++num1; } for (int index = 0; index < this._guns.Count; ++index) { Thing gun = this._guns[index]; gun.vSpeed = 0.0f; gun.hSpeed = 0.0f; if ((double)Math.Abs(this.position.x - gun.position.x) < 6.0) { gun.position = Vec2.Lerp(gun.position, new Vec2(this.position.x, gun.position.y - 3f), 0.1f); gun.alpha = Maths.LerpTowards(gun.alpha, 0.0f, 0.1f); if ((double)gun.alpha <= 0.0) { gun.y = -200f; this._guns.RemoveAt(index); --index; } } else { gun.position = Vec2.Lerp(gun.position, new Vec2(this.position.x, gun.position.y), 0.2f); } } base.Update(); }
public override void Update() { if (!UIMenu.globalUILock && this._isMenu && !this._close) { bool flag = false; if (this._vertical) { if (!this._animating && Input.Pressed("UP")) { --this._selection; flag = true; } if (!this._animating && Input.Pressed("DOWN")) { ++this._selection; flag = true; } } else { if (!this._animating && Input.Pressed("LEFT")) { --this._selection; flag = true; } if (!this._animating && Input.Pressed("RIGHT")) { ++this._selection; flag = true; } } if (this._backButton != null && !this._animating && Input.Pressed("QUACK")) { this._backButton.Activate("SELECT"); } List <UIComponent> list = this._components.Where <UIComponent>((Func <UIComponent, bool>)(val => val is UIMenuItem)).ToList <UIComponent>(); if (this._selection >= list.Count) { this._selection = 0; } else if (this._selection < 0) { this._selection = list.Count - 1; } if (flag) { SFX.Play("textLetter", 0.7f); } this._hoverControlString = (string)null; for (int index = 0; index < list.Count; ++index) { UIMenuItem uiMenuItem = list[index] as UIMenuItem; uiMenuItem.selected = index == this._selection; if (index == this._selection) { this._hoverControlString = uiMenuItem.controlString; if (uiMenuItem.isEnabled) { if (!this._animating && (Input.Pressed("SELECT") || Input.Pressed("SHOOT") || Input.Pressed("START"))) { uiMenuItem.Activate("SELECT"); SFX.Play("rockHitGround", 0.7f); } else if (!this._animating && Input.Pressed("GRAB")) { uiMenuItem.Activate("GRAB"); } else if (!this._animating && Input.Pressed("LEFT")) { uiMenuItem.Activate("LEFT"); } else if (!this._animating && Input.Pressed("RIGHT")) { uiMenuItem.Activate("RIGHT"); } } } } } base.Update(); }