Example #1
        internal double[] calculateDyDt(double[] vols, double[] forcing)
            double[] tempDyDt = new double[lengthOfStateVector];

            for (int i = 0; i < vols.Length; i++) //MB: Constraining to volumes above or equal to zero.
                if (vols[i] < 0)
                    vols[i] = 0;

            foreach (Connection con in connections)
                    int    j = con.from;
                    double x = con.calculateFlow(vols);
                    tempDyDt[j] -= x;
                    if (con.to != System.Int32.MaxValue) //outlets are given MaxValue as magic number.
                        tempDyDt[con.to] += x;
                catch (Exception ex1)
                    Exception ex2 = new Exception("Time t=: " + t + " Error calculating flow: " + nodes[con.from].name + " to " + nodes[con.to].name + "   vol in from node=" + vols[con.from], ex1);
                    throw ex2;

            tempDyDt = RungeKutta4.arrSum(tempDyDt, forcing);

Example #2
      internal double[] calculateDyDt(double[] vols, double[] forcing)
          double[] tempDyDt = new double[lengthOfStateVector];

          for (int i = 0; i < vols.Length; i++)   //MB: Constraining to volumes above or equal to zero.
              if (vols[i] < 0)
                  vols[i] = 0;

          for (int i = 0; i < qSplits.Length; i++)
              qSplits[i]     = 0;
              qMassSplits[i] = 0;
          foreach (Connection con in connections)
                  if (!con.bFromFlowDivider)
                      double q = con.calculateFlow(vols);
                      tempDyDt[con.from] -= q;

                      double qMass = 0;
                      if (bIncludeWQ)
                          if (vols[con.from] < virtuallyZero)
                              qMass = 0;
                              qMass = q * vols[con.from + NhydraulicStates] / vols[con.from];  //mass flux calculated as flow times mass / volume;

                          tempDyDt[con.from + NhydraulicStates] -= qMass;

                      if (con.bToFlowDivider)
                          this.qSplits[con.to] += q;  //add flow to the right flow divider.
                          if (bIncludeWQ)
                              this.qMassSplits[con.to] += qMass;
                          if (con.to != System.Int32.MaxValue)   //outlets are given MaxValue as magic number.
                              tempDyDt[con.to] += q;
                              if (bIncludeWQ)
                                  tempDyDt[con.to + NhydraulicStates] += qMass;
                      if (con.bIsOutput)
                          con.accumFlow(q);  //for calculating output flow as avereage of all solver steps.
                          if (bIncludeWQ)
              catch (Exception ex1)
                  Exception ex2 = new Exception("Time t=: " + t + " Error calculating flow: " + nodes[con.from].name + " to " + nodes[con.to].name + "   vol in from node=" + vols[con.from], ex1);
                  throw ex2;

          foreach (FlowDivider fd in flowDividers)
              //if (bIncludeWQ) throw new NotImplementedException("WQ not implemented for flow dividers yet");
              int      Ncons = fd.connections.Count;
              double[] qs    = new double[Ncons];
              int[]    stateVectorIndexes = new int[Ncons];
              int      i = 0;
              foreach (FlowDividerConnection con in fd.connections)
              {                                        //calculate flow from all flow dividers. The flow to has been calculated above.
                  qs[i] = con.calculateFlow(qSplits);
                  if (con.to != System.Int32.MaxValue) //outlets are given MaxValue as magic number.
                      tempDyDt[con.to]     += qs[i];
                      stateVectorIndexes[i] = con.to;
                  if (con.bIsOutput)
                      con.accumFlow(qs[i]);                 //for calculating output flow as avereage of all solver steps.
              if (bIncludeWQ)
                  double sumx         = qs.Sum();//total flow from divider.
                  double qMassInTotal = qMassSplits[fd.index] + fd.qMassFixed;
                  for (int j = 0; j < Ncons; j++)
                      double qMassx;
                      if (sumx < virtuallyZero)
                          qMassx = 0;
                          qMassx = qMassInTotal * qs[j] / sumx;

                      tempDyDt[stateVectorIndexes[j] + NhydraulicStates] += qMassx;
                      if (fd.connections[j].bIsOutput)

          tempDyDt = RungeKutta4.arrSum(tempDyDt, forcing);