public static List<LocationModel> GetLocations(DSModel db, params uint[] locationIDs)
            if (db == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("db");
            if (locationIDs.Length == 0)
                return new List<LocationModel>();

            string sql = @"
                  ToBool(0) AS IsChanged
                FROM locations l
                WHERE l.LocationID IN (@LocationID);";
            sql = sql.Replace("@LocationID",string.Join<uint>(",",locationIDs));
            var items = db.ExecuteQuery<LocationModel>(sql).ToList();
            foreach (var i in items)
                if (i.ConfirmationContactID.HasValue)
                    i.ConfirmationContact = ContactRepository.GetContacts(db, i.ConfirmationContactID.Value).FirstOrDefault();
                if (i.InvoiceContactID.HasValue)
                    i.InvoiceContact = ContactRepository.GetContacts(db, i.InvoiceContactID.Value).FirstOrDefault();
                if (i.DispatchContactID.HasValue)
                    i.DispatchContact = ContactRepository.GetContacts(db, i.DispatchContactID.Value).FirstOrDefault();

                i.IsChanged = false;

            return items;
        public ManagerBase(DSModel context)
            if (context == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("context");

            this.DbContext = context;
        public static LocationModel GetLocation(DSModel db, uint locationID)
            if (db == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("db");

            return LocationRepository.GetLocations(db, locationID).FirstOrDefault();
        public static CheckResult ValidateSave(DSModel db, DriverLicenseModel model)
            CheckResult res = new CheckResult(model);

            if (model.DriverID == 0)
                res.AddError("Driver cannot be empty!", model.GetName(p => p.DriverID));
            if (model.LicenseID == 0)
                res.AddError("License type cannot be empty!", model.GetName(p => p.LicenseID));
            if (model.IssueDate == DateTime.MinValue)
                res.AddError("Issue date cannot be empty!", model.GetName(p => p.IssueDate));
            if (model.ExpirationDate == DateTime.MinValue)
                res.AddError("Expiration date cannot be empty!", model.GetName(p => p.ExpirationDate));
            if (model.MVRReviewDate.HasValue && model.MVRReviewDate.Value.Date < model.IssueDate.Date)
                res.AddError("MVR review date cannot be earlier than Issue date!", model.GetName(p => p.MVRReviewDate));
            if (model.IssueDate.Date > model.ExpirationDate.Date)
                res.AddError("Expiration date cannot be earlier than Issue date!", model.GetName(p => p.ExpirationDate));
            if (model.Permits.Count == 0)
                res.AddError("At least one permit must be selected!", model.GetName(p => p.Permits));

            //overlap check
            var check = db.DriversLicenses
                .Where(d =>
                    d.DriverLicenseID != model.DriverLicenseID &&
                    d.DriverID == model.DriverID &&
                    d.IssueDate < model.ExpirationDate &&
                    d.ExpirationDate > model.IssueDate)
            if (check != null)
                res.AddError("There is an overlapping license already!");

            return res;
        private static void InsertDriver(DSModel db, KeyBinder key, DriverModel model)
            Driver poco = new Driver();
            if (model.DriverCode == string.Empty)
                poco.DriverCode = "D" + DriverRepository.PeekDriverCode(db, "D");
                poco.DriverCode = model.DriverCode;
            poco.FirstName = model.FirstName;
            poco.SecondName = model.SecondName;
            poco.LastName = model.LastName;
            poco.DateOfBirth = model.DateOfBirth;
            poco.DateOfHire = model.DateOfHire;
            poco.CellPhone = model.CellPhone;
            poco.EmergencyPhone = model.EmergencyPhone;
            poco.Email = model.Email;
            poco.PayRateOverride = model.PayRateOverride;
            poco.IsEnabled = model.IsEnabled;
            foreach (var l in model.Locations)
                    new LocationsDriver()
                        LocationID = l.LocationID,
                        Driver = poco,
                        TravelPay = l.TravelPay
                key.AddKey(poco, l, poco.GetName(p => p.DriverID));

            key.AddKey(poco, model, poco.GetName(p => p.DriverID));
        public static ContactModel GetContact(DSModel db, uint contactID)
            if (db == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("db");

            return ContactRepository.GetContacts(db, contactID).FirstOrDefault();
        public static CompanyModel GetCompany(DSModel db, uint companyID)
            if (db == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("db");

            var poco = db.Companies.Where(c => c.CompanyID == companyID).FirstOrDefault();
            if (poco == null)
                return null;

            CompanyModel mod = new CompanyModel();
            mod.CompanyID = poco.CompanyID;
            mod.CompanyName = poco.CompanyName;
            mod.CompanyCode = poco.CompanyCode;
            mod.CompanyAddress1 = poco.CompanyAddress1;
            mod.CompanyAddress2 = poco.CompanyAddress2;
            mod.CompanyCity = poco.CompanyCity;
            mod.CompanyState = poco.CompanyState;
            mod.CompanyPostCode = poco.CompanyPostCode;
            mod.CompanyFax = poco.CompanyFax;
            mod.CompanyPhone = poco.CompanyPhone;
            mod.CompanyEmail = poco.CompanyEmail;
            mod.LunchTime = poco.LunchTime;
            mod.TrainingTime = poco.TrainingTime;
            mod.IsEnabled = poco.IsEnabled;
            mod.Locations.AddRange(LocationRepository.GetLocationsByCompany(db, companyID));

            mod.IsChanged = false;

            return mod;
        public static DriverModel GetDriver(DSModel db, uint driverID)
            if (db == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("db");

            var poco = db.Drivers.Where(d => d.DriverID == driverID).FirstOrDefault();
            if (poco == null)
                return null;

            DriverModel mod = new DriverModel();
            mod.DriverID = poco.DriverID;
            mod.DriverCode = poco.DriverCode;
            mod.FirstName = poco.FirstName;
            mod.SecondName = poco.SecondName;
            mod.LastName = poco.LastName;
            mod.DateOfBirth = poco.DateOfBirth;
            mod.DateOfHire = poco.DateOfHire;
            mod.CellPhone = poco.CellPhone;
            mod.EmergencyPhone = poco.EmergencyPhone;
            mod.Email = poco.Email;
            mod.PayRateOverride = poco.PayRateOverride;
            mod.IsEnabled = poco.IsEnabled;
            mod.IsChanged = false;
            mod.Locations = poco.LocationsDrivers.Select(q => new LocationDriverModel() { LocationDriverID = q.LocationDriverID, CompanyID = q.Location.CompanyID, DriverID = q.DriverID, LocationID = q.LocationID, TravelPay = q.TravelPay, IsChanged = false }).ToList();

            return mod;
        public static string PeekCompanyCode(DSModel db, string prefix)
            if (db == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("db");

            return db.ExecuteScalar<string>("SELECT PeekCompanyCode(@Prefix)", new MySqlParameter("Prefix", prefix));
Example #10
        private static void SendSMS(DSModel db, SMSService sms, NotificationModel notice)
                string senderNumber = GLOB.Settings.Get<string>(16);
                string[] managementNumbers = GLOB.Settings.Get<string>(17).Split(';');

                List<string> numbersToSend = new List<string>();
                if (notice.ReminderType == (uint)ReminderType.Driver || notice.ReminderType == (uint)ReminderType.MVR)
                    numbersToSend.Add("1" + notice.CellPhone.Replace("-", string.Empty).Replace(" ", string.Empty).Trim());
                if (notice.ReminderType == (uint)ReminderType.Management || notice.ReminderType == (uint)ReminderType.MVR)

                bool status = false;
                foreach (string number in numbersToSend)
                        if (sms.SendSMS(senderNumber, number, notice.Message))
                            status = true;
                    catch { }

                NotificationRepository.UpdateNotificationStatus(db, notice, status);
            catch { }
Example #11
        public static DSModel GetContext()
            var db = new DSModel(DB.ConnectionString);

            db.ADO = new DSModel.ADOQuery(db);
Example #12
        private static void SendEmail(DSModel db, EmailService email, NotificationModel notice)
                string senderEmail = GLOB.Settings.Get<string>(20);
                string[] managementEmails = GLOB.Settings.Get<string>(21).Split(';');

                List<string> emailsToSend = new List<string>();
                if (notice.ReminderType == (uint)ReminderType.Driver || notice.ReminderType == (uint)ReminderType.MVR)
                if (notice.ReminderType == (uint)ReminderType.Management || notice.ReminderType == (uint)ReminderType.MVR)

                bool status = false;
                foreach (string address in emailsToSend)
                        if (!email.SendEmail(senderEmail, address, notice.Message, notice.Message).Result.Failed)
                            status = true;
                    catch { }

                NotificationRepository.UpdateNotificationStatus(db, notice, status);
            catch { }
        private static List<InvoiceDetailModel> GetDetails(DSModel db, uint invoiceID)
            if (db == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("db");

            return db.InvoicesDetails
                .Where(i => i.InvoiceID == invoiceID)
                .Select(i => new InvoiceDetailModel()
                    InvoiceDetailID = i.InvoiceDetailID,
                    InvoiceID = i.InvoiceID,
                    InvoiceDetailDate = i.InvoiceDetailDate,
                    InvoiceDetailName = i.InvoiceDetailName,
                    InvoiceDetailTotalTime = i.InvoiceDetailTotalTime,
                    InvoiceDetailOverTime = i.InvoiceDetailOverTime,
                    InvoiceDetailRegularRate = i.InvoiceDetailRegularRate,
                    InvoiceDetailOverRate = i.InvoiceDetailOverRate,
                    InvoiceDetailRegularPay = i.InvoiceDetailRegularPay,
                    InvoiceDetailOvertimePay = i.InvoiceDetailOvertimePay,
                    InvoiceDetailGroupName = i.InvoiceDetailGroupName,
                    InvoiceDetailGroupPosition = i.InvoiceDetailGroupPosition,
                    IsChanged = false
        public static void SaveHolidays(DSModel db, KeyBinder key, List<HolidayModel> model)
            if (db == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("db");
            if (key == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("key");
            if (model == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("model");

            var holidaysToDelete = db.Holidays.ToList();
            foreach (var h in holidaysToDelete.ToList())
                var check = model.Where(hh => hh.HolidayDate == h.HolidayDate).FirstOrDefault();
                if (check == null)

            foreach (var h in model)
                Holiday poco = new Holiday();
                poco.HolidayDate = h.HolidayDate;
                key.AddKey(poco, h, h.GetName(p => p.HolidayDate));
 private CompanyManager(DSModel db, CompanyModel company, List<CompanyLicensePayRateModel> license, List<CompanyInvoicingPayRateModel> invoice)
     : base(db)
     this.ActiveModel = company;
     this.LicensePayRates = license;
     this.InvoicePayRates = invoice;
        public static CheckResult ValidateSave(DSModel db, DriverModel model)
            CheckResult res = new CheckResult(model);
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.FirstName))
                res.AddError("Please enter a First Name of the driver!", model.GetName(p => p.FirstName));
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.SecondName))
                res.AddWarning("Missing Second Name of the driver!", model.GetName(p => p.SecondName));
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.LastName))
                res.AddError("Please enter a Last Name of the driver!", model.GetName(p => p.LastName));
            //if (model.LicenseID == 0)
            //    res.AddError("Please select a license!", model.GetName(p => p.LicenseID));
            //if (!model.LicenseExpirationDate.HasValue)
            //    res.AddError("Please enter a license expiration date", model.GetName(p => p.LicenseExpirationDate));
            if (model.PayRateOverride < 0.0m)
                res.AddError("Please enter a positive number for Pay Rate Override!", model.GetName(p => p.PayRateOverride));
            if (model.DriverCode != string.Empty)
                var check = db.Drivers.Where(d => d.DriverCode == model.DriverCode && d.DriverID != model.DriverID).FirstOrDefault();
                if (check != null)
                    res.AddError("Another driver already uses this Driver Code! Use Peek or leave blank to autogenerate!", model.GetName(p => p.DriverCode));
            foreach (var l in model.Locations)
                if (l.LocationID == 0)
                    res.AddError("Please choose a Location for hte travel pay!", "LocationID");
                if (l.TravelPay == 0.0m)
                    res.AddError("Please enter a positive non-zero number for Travel Pay!", "TravelPay");

            return res;
 private static void UpdateBlob(DSModel db, KeyBinder key, FileBlobModel model)
     FileBlob poco = db.FileBlobs.Where(b => b.BlobID == model.BlobID).FirstOrDefault();
     if (poco == null)
         throw new ArgumentException("File does not exist!", "BlobID");
Example #18
        public XF_TestForm()

            this.DbContext = DB.GetContext();

            this.Load += XF_TestForm_Load;
        public static List<UtilityModel<uint>> GetReports(DSModel db)
            if (db == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("db");

            return db.Reports
                .Select(r => new UtilityModel<uint>(r.ReportID, r.ReportName))
        public XF_ReportOpen(DSModel db)

            this.DbContext = db;

            this.Load += XF_ReportOpen_Load;
            gridViewReports.RowCellClick += gridViewReports_RowCellClick;
        private static void InsertBlob(DSModel db, KeyBinder key, FileBlobModel model)
            key.AddRollback(model.BlobID, model, model.GetName(p => p.BlobID));
            FileBlob poco = new FileBlob();

            key.AddKey(poco, model, model.GetName(p => p.BlobID));
        public static List<UtilityModel<uint>> GetReminderKinds(DSModel db)
            List<UtilityModel<uint>> list = new List<UtilityModel<uint>>();
            list.Add(new UtilityModel<uint>(1, "Driver"));
            list.Add(new UtilityModel<uint>(2, "Management"));
            list.Add(new UtilityModel<uint>(3, "MVR"));

            return list;
        public static List<DriverLicenseReminderModel> GetDriverLicenseReminders(DSModel db, uint driverLicenseID)
            if (db == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("db");

            return db.DriversLicensesReminders
                .Where(d => d.DriverLicenseID == driverLicenseID)
                .Select(d => new DriverLicenseReminderModel(d))
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all license notifications to be sent
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="db"></param>
        /// <param name="checkDate"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List<NotificationModel> GetLicenseNotifications(DSModel db, DateTime checkDate = default(DateTime))
            if (db == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("db");

            if (checkDate == DateTime.MinValue)
                checkDate = DateTime.Now.Date;

            return db.ExecuteQuery<NotificationModel>("CALL GetLicenseNotifications(@CheckDate);", new MySqlParameter("CheckDate", checkDate.Date)).ToList();
        public static FileBlobModel GetBlob(DSModel db, uint blobID)
            if (db == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("db");

            return db.FileBlobs
                .Where(b => b.BlobID == blobID)
                .Select(b => new FileBlobModel(b))
        public static List<MedicalTypeModel> GetMedicalTypes(DSModel db)
            if (db == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("db");

            return db.ConstMedicalTypes
                .OrderBy(m => m.MedTypePosition)
                .Select(m => new MedicalTypeModel(m))
        public static List<DriverMedicalReminderModel> GetReminders(DSModel db, uint driverMedicalID)
            if (db == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("db");

            return db.DriversMedicalsReminders
                .Where(r => r.DriverMedicalID == driverMedicalID)
                .Select(r => new DriverMedicalReminderModel(r))
        private static void UpdateMedical(DSModel db, KeyBinder key, DriverMedicalModel model)
            var poco = db.DriversMedicals
                .Where(m => m.DriverMedicalID == model.DriverMedicalID)

            SaveReminders(db, key, model, poco);
 private static Contact InsertContact(DSModel db, KeyBinder key, ContactModel model)
     Contact poco = new Contact();
     poco.ContactName = model.ContactName;
     poco.ContactPhone = model.ContactPhone;
     poco.ContactEmail = model.ContactEmail;
     key.AddKey(poco, model, model.GetName(p => p.ContactID));
     return poco;
        private static void InsertMedical(DSModel db, KeyBinder key, DriverMedicalModel model)
            DriversMedical poco = new DriversMedical();

            key.AddKey(poco, model, model.GetName(p => p.DriverMedicalID));
            SaveReminders(db, key, model, poco);
        public static CheckResult ValidateSaveView(DSModel db, FileBlobViewModel model)
            CheckResult res = new CheckResult(model);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.BlobName))
                res.AddError("File name cannot bet empty!", model.GetName(p => p.BlobName));
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.BlobExtension))
                res.AddError("File extension cannot be empty!", model.GetName(p => p.BlobExtension));

            return res;
Example #32
        public static string Get(DSModel db, string sqlName)
            if (db == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("db");

            if (!_Cache.ContainsKey(sqlName))
                var sql = db.SqlQueries.Where(q => q.QueryName == sqlName).FirstOrDefault();
                if (sql == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("No such sql with the specified name!");

                _Cache.Add(sqlName, sql.QuerySQL);

Example #33
 public static void Log(DSModel db, LogType type, string location, string message)
     DriverSolutions.DAL.Log log = new Log();
         log.LogType     = (byte)type;
         log.LogLocation = location;
         log.LogMessage  = message;
     catch (Exception ex)
             File.AppendAllText("error.log", log.ToMessage());
         catch { }
Example #34
 public static void Log(DSModel db, Exception ex, string location = "")
     Logger.Log(db, LogType.Error, (location == "" ? "Error" : location), ex.ToString());
 public ADOQuery(DSModel context)
     this.DB = context;