Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Same as Spline.EvaluatePosition but the result is transformed by the computer's transform
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="percent">Evaluation percent</param>
        /// <param name="address">Optional address if junctions should be used</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Vector3 EvaluatePosition(double percent)
            Vector3 result = spline.EvaluatePosition(percent);

            if (_space == SplineComputer.Space.Local)
                result = TransformPoint(result);
Example #2
        public static void DrawSpline(Spline spline, Color color, double from = 0.0, double to = 1.0, bool drawThickness = false, bool thicknessAutoRotate = false)
            double add = spline.moveStep;

            if (add < 0.0025)
                add = 0.0025;
            double percent   = from;
            Color  prevColor = Handles.color;

            Handles.color = color;
            if (drawThickness)
                Camera       editorCamera = SceneView.currentDrawingSceneView.camera;
                SplineResult fromResult   = spline.Evaluate(percent);
                SplineResult toResult     = new SplineResult();
                Vector3      fromNormal   = fromResult.normal;
                if (thicknessAutoRotate)
                    fromNormal = (editorCamera.transform.position - fromResult.position).normalized;
                Vector3 fromRight = Vector3.Cross(fromResult.direction, fromNormal).normalized *fromResult.size * 0.5f;
                while (true)
                    percent = DMath.Move(percent, to, add);
                    spline.Evaluate(toResult, percent);
                    Vector3 toNormal = toResult.normal;
                    if (thicknessAutoRotate)
                        toNormal = (editorCamera.transform.position - toResult.position).normalized;
                    Vector3 toRight = Vector3.Cross(toResult.direction, toNormal).normalized *toResult.size * 0.5f;

                    Handles.DrawLine(fromResult.position + fromRight, toResult.position + toRight);
                    Handles.DrawLine(fromResult.position - fromRight, toResult.position - toRight);
                    Handles.DrawLine(fromResult.position + fromRight, fromResult.position - fromRight);
                    if (percent == to)
                    fromNormal = toNormal;
                    fromRight  = toRight;
                Vector3 fromPoint = spline.EvaluatePosition(percent);
                Vector3 toPoint   = new Vector3();
                while (true)
                    percent = DMath.Move(percent, to, add);
                    toPoint = spline.EvaluatePosition(percent);
                    Handles.DrawLine(fromPoint, toPoint);
                    if (percent == to)
                    fromPoint = toPoint;
            Handles.color = prevColor;
        public static void DrawSpline(Spline spline, Color color, double from = 0.0, double to = 1.0, bool drawThickness = false, bool thicknessAutoRotate = false)
            double add = spline.moveStep;

            if (add < 0.0025)
                add = 0.0025;
            Color prevColor = Handles.color;

            Handles.color = color;
            int iterations = spline.iterations;

            if (drawThickness)
                Transform editorCamera = SceneView.currentDrawingSceneView.camera.transform;
                if (positions.Length != iterations * 6)
                    positions = new Vector3[iterations * 6];
                SplineResult prevResult = spline.Evaluate(from);
                Vector3      prevNormal = prevResult.normal;
                if (thicknessAutoRotate)
                    prevNormal = (editorCamera.position - prevResult.position).normalized;
                Vector3 prevRight  = Vector3.Cross(prevResult.direction, prevNormal).normalized *prevResult.size * 0.5f;
                int     pointIndex = 0;
                for (int i = 1; i < iterations; i++)
                    double       p         = DMath.Lerp(from, to, (double)i / (iterations - 1));
                    SplineResult newResult = spline.Evaluate(p);
                    Vector3      newNormal = newResult.normal;
                    if (thicknessAutoRotate)
                        newNormal = (editorCamera.position - newResult.position).normalized;
                    Vector3 newRight = Vector3.Cross(newResult.direction, newNormal).normalized *newResult.size * 0.5f;

                    positions[pointIndex] = prevResult.position + prevRight;
                    positions[pointIndex + iterations * 2] = prevResult.position - prevRight;
                    positions[pointIndex + iterations * 4] = newResult.position - newRight;
                    positions[pointIndex] = newResult.position + newRight;
                    positions[pointIndex + iterations * 2] = newResult.position - newRight;
                    positions[pointIndex + iterations * 4] = newResult.position + newRight;
                    prevResult = newResult;
                    prevRight  = newRight;
                    prevNormal = newNormal;
                if (positions.Length != iterations * 2)
                    positions = new Vector3[iterations * 2];
                Vector3 prevPoint  = spline.EvaluatePosition(from);
                int     pointIndex = 0;
                for (int i = 1; i < iterations; i++)
                    double p = DMath.Lerp(from, to, (double)i / (iterations - 1));
                    positions[pointIndex] = prevPoint;
                    positions[pointIndex] = spline.EvaluatePosition(p);
                    prevPoint = positions[pointIndex - 1];
            Handles.color = prevColor;