Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the distance to a Point, if this distance is smaller than MaxDist. Otherwise <see cref="Utils.big"/> will be returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Point">A Point</param>
        /// <param name="MaxDist">Maximal distance</param>
        /// <param name="LineLam">A value for which the nearest point in the array can evaluated with <see cref="Value"/></param>
        /// <returns>Distance.</returns>

        public double Distance(xyz Point, double MaxDist, out double LineLam)
            double   result = Utils.big;
            xyz      Dummy;
            int      i;
            double   di, _lam;
            LineType L2;

            LineLam = -1;
            for (i = 1; i < Count; i++)
                L2 = new LineType(this[i - 1], this[i].sub(this[i - 1]));

                di = L2.Distance(Point, out _lam, out Dummy);

                if (!Utils.Less(_lam, 0) && !Utils.Less(1, _lam))
                    if (!Utils.Less(MaxDist, di) && (Utils.Less(di, result)))
                        result = di;

                        if (Utils.Equals(_lam, 1))
                            LineLam = i;
                            LineLam = i - 1 + _lam;
                    double _di = Point.dist(this[i]);
                    if (!Utils.Less(MaxDist, _di) && (Utils.Less(_di, result)))
                        result  = _di;
                        LineLam = i;
                    if (i == 1)
                        _di = Point.dist(this[0]);
                        if (!Utils.Less(MaxDist, _di) && (Utils.Less(_di, result)))
                            result  = _di;
                            LineLam = 0;

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if the array is convex.
        /// <remarks>The Array must be flat.</remarks>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if the array is convex.</returns>
        public bool IsConvex()
            if (Count < 3)
            xyz A = this[0];

            int j = 1;

            while ((j < Count) && (A.dist(this[j]) < 0.0000001))
            if (j == Count)
            xyz B = this[j];

            while ((j < Count) && ((A.dist(this[j]) < 0.0000001) || (B.dist(this[j]) < 0.0000001)))
            if (j == Count)
            xyz C = this[j];

            xyz V = (A - B) & (C - B);

            for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
                int v = i - 1; if (v < 0)
                    v = Count - 1;
                int n = i + 1; if (n >= Count)
                    n = 0;
                A = this[v];
                C = this[n];
                B = this[i];
                if (Utils.Less(((A - B) & (C - B)) * V, 0))
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This method calculates the distance to a Line L
        /// The parameter Lam1 can be taken to calculate the point, which has the lowest distance to
        /// the other Line L . Nearest1 = Value(Lam1).
        /// The parameter Lam2 can be taken to calculate the point of L , which has the lowest distance to
        /// the Linetype this. Nearest2 = L.Value(Lam2).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="L">The other LineType</param>
        /// <param name="Lam1">Paramter which belongs to this line : Nearest1 = Value(Lam1)</param>
        /// <param name="Lam2">Paramter which belongs to the Line L: Nearest2 = L.Value(Lam2)</param>
        /// <param name="Nearest1">The point on the Line, which has the smallest distance to the Line L</param>
        /// <param name="Nearest2">The point on the Line L, which has the smallest distance </param>
        /// <returns>Returns the distance to the line L</returns>

        public double Distance(LineType L, out double Lam1, out double Lam2, out xyz Nearest1, out xyz Nearest2)
            xyz    PQ  = L.P.sub(P);
            double PQV = PQ.Scalarproduct(Direction);
            double PQW = PQ.Scalarproduct(L.Direction);
            double vv  = Direction.Scalarproduct(Direction);
            double ww  = L.Direction.Scalarproduct(L.Direction);
            double vw  = L.Direction.Scalarproduct(Direction);
            double Det = vv * ww - vw * vw;

            if (Det == 0)// parallele
                xyz    n      = PQ.cross(Direction).cross(Direction).normalized();
                double result = PQ.Scalarproduct(n);
                Nearest2 = P.add(n.mul(result));
                Nearest1 = P;
                Lam1     = 0;
                Lam2     = L.Direction.normalized().Scalarproduct(Nearest2.sub(L.P));
                Lam1     = (PQV * ww - PQW * vw) / Det;
                Lam2     = -(PQW * vv - PQV * vw) / Det;
                Nearest1 = P.add(Direction.mul(Lam1));
                Nearest2 = L.P.add(L.Direction.mul(Lam2));

Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// sets the position of the shaft and of the top.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Shaft">the shaft</param>
        /// <param name="Top">the top</param>
        public void SetShaftAndTop(xyz Shaft, xyz Top)
            Base B = Base.DoComplete(Shaft, Top - Shaft);

            this._Transformation = B.ToMatrix();
            Size = Top.dist(Shaft);
Example #5
        private double getZoomFactor()
            //Matrix PrInv = Device.ProjectionMatrix.invert();
            //double z = Device.ViewPort.Width/Device.PixelsPerUnit/((PrInv * new xyz(1, 0,0)).x - (PrInv * new xyz(-1, 0, 0)).x);
            xyz P1 = Device.ProjectionMatrix.multaffin(new xyz(0, 1, 0));
            xyz P0 = Device.ProjectionMatrix.multaffin(new xyz(0, 0, 0));

            return(P1.dist(P0) / DefZoom);
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// internal
        /// </summary>
        internal void setDefZoom()
            xyz P1 = Device.ProjectionMatrix.multaffin(new xyz(0, 1, 0));
            xyz P0 = Device.ProjectionMatrix.multaffin(new xyz(0, 0, 0));

            DefZoom = P1.dist(P0);
            //Matrix PrInv = Device.ProjectionMatrix.invert();
            //DefZoom = ((PrInv * new xyz(1, 0, -1)).x - (PrInv * new xyz(-1, 0, -1)).x) ;
Example #7
 /// <summary>
 /// This method calculates the distance to a point Pt.
 /// The parameter Lam can be used to calculate the nearest point of the LineType, which is
 /// also returned by the outvalue Nearest
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Pt">Point to calculate the distance to the LineType</param>
 /// <param name="Lam">Parameter to calculate the nearest point</param>
 /// <param name="Nearest">Point on the Line, with the lowest distance to Pt</param>
 /// <returns>Returns the distance from the line to the point Pt</returns>
 public double Distance(xyz Pt, out double Lam, out xyz Nearest)
     if (Utils.Equals(Direction.length(), 0))
         Lam     = 0;
         Nearest = P;
     Lam     = Direction.normalized().Scalarproduct(Pt.sub(P)) / Direction.length();
     Nearest = P.add(Direction.mul(Lam));
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// overrides this method and calculates a point on the cone in u, v parameters. This point is
        /// nearest to the given <b>Point</b>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Point"> specifies a 3D-Points, for which a near point on the cone will be calculated and
        /// whose u and v value will be returned.</param>
        /// <returns>Resturns the u and v parameter of a near point on the Cone</returns>
        public override xy ProjectPoint(xyz Point)
            xyz    p    = Base.Relativ(Point);
            double u1   = System.Math.Atan2(p.y, p.x);
            Double v    = p.z;
            xyz    Test = Value(u1 / UFactor, v / VFactor);

            if (Test.dist(Point) > 0.05)
            return(new xy(u1 / UFactor, v / VFactor));
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// overrides the <see cref="ProjectPoint(xyz)"/> method of <see cref="Surface"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Point">Point, wich will be projected th the surface</param>
        /// <returns>u amd v parameter. A call <b>Point</b></returns>
        public override xy  ProjectPoint(xyz Point)
            xyz    p     = Base.Relativ(Point);
            xyz    PD    = new xyz(0, 0, 0);
            xyz    PU    = new xyz(0, 0, 0);
            double Lam   = -1;
            double Param = -1;

            DownPlane.Cross(new LineType(p, Direction), out Lam, out PD);
            UpPlane.Cross(new LineType(p, Direction), out Lam, out PU);

            xyzArray A = CurveArray;

            xyz R = StandardBase.Relativ(p);

            double u    = Curve.Arcus(new xy(R.X, R.y));
            xy     PP11 = Curve.Value(u);

            if (PP11.dist(new xy(R.X, R.Y)) > 0.5)
            A.Distance(new LineType(p, Direction), 1e10, out Param, out Lam);
            if (Height < 0)
                double v = p.dist(PD) / PU.dist(PD);

                xyz PP = Value(u, v);

                return(new xy(u, v));
                xy       pt  = Curve.Value(u);
                xyz      K   = StandardBase.BaseX * pt.x + StandardBase.BaseY * pt.y;
                Plane    P   = new Plane(Base.BaseO, Base.BaseZ);
                LineType L   = new LineType(K, Direction);
                xyz      pkt = new xyz(0, 0, 0);
                P.Cross(L, out Lam, out pkt);
                double v   = pkt.dist(p) / Height;
                xyz    PP1 = Value(u, v);

                return(new xy(u, v));
Example #10
 /// <summary>
 /// gives the height of the screen in world coordinates.
 /// <param name="ReferencePoint">when the projection is perspectivly, the referencepoint gives the depth, for which the height will be calcluated.
 /// When the projection is orthogonal this point is not used. See also <see cref="FieldOfView"/>.
 /// </param>
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>the width of the screen in world coordinates.</returns>
 public double getWorldHeight(xyz ReferencePoint)
     if (FieldOfView <= 0.01)
         return((double)this.ViewPort.Height / PixelsPerUnit);
         if (ProjectMatrixInvalid)
             ProjectMatrixInvert = ProjectionMatrix.invert();
         ProjectMatrixInvalid = false;
         xyz P = ProjectionMatrix * ReferencePoint;
         xyz A = ProjectMatrixInvert * new xyz(0, 1, P.z);
         xyz B = ProjectMatrixInvert * new xyz(0, -1, P.z);
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the distance to a line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="L">A line</param>
        /// <param name="MaxDist">maximal distance</param>
        /// <param name="param">Parameter relative to this curve</param>
        /// <param name="lam">Prameter relative to L</param>
        /// <returns>The distance</returns>
        public double Distance(LineType L, double MaxDist, out double param, out double lam)
            double  result = Utils.big;
            xyArray a      = new xyArray(Resolution + 1);

            this.ToArray(a, 0);
            double di = a.Distance(L, MaxDist, out param, out lam);

            xyz    P = L.Value(lam);
            xyz    Q = Value(param).toXYZ();
            double T = P.dist(Q);

            if (!Utils.Less(MaxDist, di))
                param  = this.fromParam + param * toParam / Resolution;
                result = di;
Example #12
 /// <summary>
 /// calculate a pixels to world lenght.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="P">a refrence point, which is needed in case of perspective representation.</param>
 /// <param name="Pixels">Number of pixels</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public double PixelToWorld(Drawing3d.xyz P, int Pixels)
     if (ProjectMatrixInvalid)
         ProjectMatrixInvert = ProjectionMatrix.invert();
     ProjectMatrixInvalid = false;
     if (FieldOfView > 0.01)
         xyz    q = ProjectionMatrix * P;
         xyz    A = ProjectMatrixInvert * (new xyz(0, 0, q.z));
         xyz    B = ProjectMatrixInvert * (new xyz(1, 0, q.z));
         double d = A.dist(B);
         return(Pixels * d / (ViewPort.Width / 2));
         return((ProjectMatrixInvert.multaffin(new xyz((float)Pixels / (float)(ViewPort.Width / 2), 0, 0))).length());
Example #13
        bool schnittkegel(LineType L, out xyz Pt, out xy uv)
            uv = new xy(0, 0);
            Pt = new xyz(0, 0, 0);
            double Rdh = Radius / Height;
            xyz    U   = L.P + L.Direction;

            L.P.z       = Height - L.P.z;
            U.z         = Height - U.z;
            L.Direction = U - L.P;
            double A             = (L.Direction.x * L.Direction.x) + (L.Direction.y * L.Direction.y) - Rdh * Rdh * L.Direction.z * L.Direction.z;
            double B             = 2 * L.P.x * L.Direction.x + 2 * L.P.y * L.Direction.y - 2 * Rdh * Rdh * L.P.z * L.Direction.z;
            double C             = L.P.x * L.P.x + L.P.y * L.P.y - Rdh * Rdh * L.P.z * L.P.z;
            double Diskriminante = Math.Sqrt(B * B - 4 * A * C);

            if (Diskriminante < 0)
            double t1 = (-B + Diskriminante) / (2 * A);
            double t2 = (-B - Diskriminante) / (2 * A);
            xyz    P1 = L.P + L.Direction * t1;

            P1.z = Height - P1.z;
            xyz P2 = L.P + L.Direction * t2;

            P2.z = Height - P2.z;

            if (P1.dist(L.P) < P2.dist(L.P))
                Pt = P1;
                uv = ProjectPoint(Pt);
                Pt = P2;
                uv = ProjectPoint(Pt);

Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// gets the nearest point on the torus and return this as (u,v) parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Point">Specifies the point for which a nearst point shold be calculated.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the (u,v) parameters of the nearest point.</returns>
        public override xy ProjectPoint(xyz Point)
            xyz p = Base.Relativ(Point);

            double u = System.Math.Atan2(p.y, p.x);
            double v = System.Math.Atan2(p.z, p.x * System.Math.Cos(u) + p.y * System.Math.Sin(u) - OuterRadius);

            if (OuterRadius < InnerRadius)
                double u1 = u + Math.PI;
                double v1 = System.Math.Atan2(p.z, p.x * System.Math.Cos(u1) + p.y * System.Math.Sin(u1) - OuterRadius);
                xyz    Q  = Value(u / UFactor, v / VFactor);

                xyz Q1 = Value(u1 / UFactor, v1 / VFactor);

                if (Q1.dist(p) < Q.dist(p))
                    return(new xy(u1 / UFactor, v1 / VFactor));

            return(new xy(u / UFactor, v / VFactor));
Example #15
        bool Check()
            int FC = FaceList.Count;
            int KC = EdgeCurveList.Count;
            int EC = VertexList.Count;
            int CT = EC - KC + FC - 2; // Euler

            if (CT == 0)
                int ED = EdgeList.Count;
                if (ED == 2 * KC)
                {  /* Ok*/
                {//   return false;
                //  return false;
                for (int i = 0; i < EdgeCurveList.Count; i++)
                    Edge[] Edges = EdgeCurveList[i].Tag as Edge[];
                    if (Edges != null)
                        if ((Edges[0] == null) || (Edges[1] == null))
                            if (EdgeList.IndexOf(Edges[0]) == -1)

                            if (EdgeList.IndexOf(Edges[1]) == -1)

                    if (EdgeCurveList[i].A.dist(EdgeCurveList[i].B) < 0.0001)
            if (!CheckEdges())
            ;                      // return false;
            for (int i = 0; i < FaceList.Count; i++)
                Face F = FaceList[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < F.Bounds.Count; j++)
                    EdgeLoop EL = F.Bounds[j];
                    for (int k = 0; k < EL.Count; k++)
                        Edge E       = EL[k];
                        int  OutLoop = -1;

                        if ((E.SameSense) && (
                                (E.EdgeCurve.A.dist(E.EdgeStart.Value) > 0.0001) ||
                                (E.EdgeCurve.B.dist(E.EdgeEnd.Value) > 0.0001)))
                        if ((!E.SameSense) && (
                                (E.EdgeCurve.B.dist(E.EdgeStart.Value) > 0.0001) ||
                                (E.EdgeCurve.A.dist(E.EdgeEnd.Value) > 0.0001)))
                        Face FF = null;
                        if (E.EdgeCurve.Neighbors[0] == null)

                        if (E.EdgeCurve is Line3D)
                            Line3D Curve3d = E.EdgeCurve as Line3D;
                            xyz    _A      = F.Surface.Base.Relativ(Curve3d.A);
                            xyz    _B      = F.Surface.Base.Relativ(Curve3d.B);
                            if (System.Math.Abs(_A.z) > 0.001)
                            double g  = F.Surface.Base.BaseX.length();
                            double h  = F.Surface.Base.BaseY.length();
                            xyz    AA = F.Surface.Base.Absolut(_A);
                            xyz    BB = F.Surface.Base.Absolut(_B);
                            if (AA.dist(Curve3d.A) > 0.001)
                        if (E.EdgeCurve.Neighbors[0] == E.EdgeCurve.Neighbors[1])
                        if (!FaceList.Contains(E.EdgeCurve.Neighbors[0]))
                        if (!FaceList.Contains(E.EdgeCurve.Neighbors[1]))

                        double d = Face.GetDualEdge(F, j, k + 0.01, ref OutLoop, ref FF);
Example #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates a point of a Curve, which is nearest to "Point"
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Point">Point, which will be projected</param>
        /// <param name="Lambda">Evaluation parameter for <see cref="Value"/> to get the nearest point on the curve.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual bool NormalCross(xyz Point, ref double Lambda)
            // Find first with Normal* (Point-Curve)  <0

            Lambda = -1;
            int Start = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i <= Resolution; i++)
                double t = (float)i / (float)Resolution;
                xyz    p = Point - Value(t);
                xyz    d = Derivation(t);
                if (System.Math.Abs(d * p) < 0.001)
                    Lambda = t;
                if ((d * p) >= 0)
                    Start = i;
            // Find next with tangent* (Point-Curve)  >0
            if (Start == -1)
            int End = -1;

            for (int i = Start; i <= Resolution; i++)
                double t = (float)i / (float)Resolution;
                xyz    p = Point - Value(t);
                xyz    d = Derivation(t);
                if (System.Math.Abs(d * p) < 0.001)
                    Lambda = t;
                if ((d * p) <= 0)
                    End = i;

            if (End == -1)
            double _End         = (float)End / (float)Resolution;
            double _Start       = _End - 1f / (float)Resolution;
            double x            = Derivation(_Start) * (Point - Value(_Start));
            double y            = Derivation(_End) * (Point - Value(_End));
            int    IterateCount = 0;
            double Iterate      = (_End + _Start) / 2;

            while (((_End - _Start) != 0) && (IterateCount < 40) && (System.Math.Abs
                                                                         ((Derivation(Iterate)) * (Point - Value(Iterate))) > 0.00001))
                if (Point.dist(Value(Iterate)) > 1)
                if ((Derivation(Iterate) * (Point - Value(Iterate)) > 0))
                    _Start  = Iterate;
                    Iterate = (_Start + _End) / 2;
                    _End    = Iterate;
                    Iterate = (_Start + _End) / 2;
            Lambda = Iterate;