public async void Dispose()
     // Clean up and remove test product from database when all tests are done
     using (var context = new TestDbContextProvider().DbContext)
         await context.SaveChangesAsync();
        public async Task <Product> CreateMockProduct()
            using (var context = new TestDbContextProvider().DbContext)
                // Create a new dummy test product
                var product = MockProduct.Product();

                // Add/Store this test porduct in database for unit-testing API endpoints with
                await context.SaveChangesAsync();

        public async Task <Product> GetRandomProductFromDatabase()
            using (var context = new TestDbContextProvider().DbContext)
                // How many products are there in the database?
                var total = context.Product.Count();

                // Get a random number
                var rnd    = new Random();
                var offset = rnd.Next(0, total);

                // Skip offset and take first product Id
                return(await context.Product.Skip(offset).FirstOrDefaultAsync());