Example #1
        static List<XElement> RenderShapeFile(Shapefile shapefile)
            const string pathStyle = "fill:#eeeeee;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none";
            const string polypathStyle = "fill:#ffffff;fill-opacity:0;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none";

            var elements = new List<XElement>();

            foreach (var feature in shapefile.Features)
                if (feature.BasicGeometry is MultiPolygon)
                    IBasicGeometry basicGeometry = feature.BasicGeometry;

                    var multiPolygon = basicGeometry as MultiPolygon;

                    foreach (var geometry in multiPolygon.Geometries)
                        var polygon = geometry as Polygon;
                        var polygonPath = GetPolygonPath(polygon);

                        elements.Add(new XElement(XName.Get("path"), new XAttribute(XName.Get("style"), pathStyle), new XAttribute("d", polygonPath)));
                else if (feature.BasicGeometry is Polygon)
                    var polygon = feature.BasicGeometry as Polygon;

                    var polygonPath = GetPolygonPath(polygon);

                    var xElement = new XElement(XName.Get("path"), new XAttribute(XName.Get("style"), pathStyle), new XAttribute("d", polygonPath));

                else if (feature.BasicGeometry is LineString)
                    var lineString = feature.BasicGeometry as LineString;
                    var path = GetLineStringPath(lineString);
                    var xElement = new XElement(XName.Get("polyline"), new XAttribute(XName.Get("style"), polypathStyle), new XAttribute("points", path));
                else if (feature.BasicGeometry is MultiLineString)
                    var multiLineString = feature.BasicGeometry as MultiLineString;

                    foreach (var geometry in multiLineString.Geometries)
                        var lineString = geometry as LineString;
                        var path = GetLineStringPath(lineString);
                        var xElement = new XElement(XName.Get("polyline"), new XAttribute(XName.Get("style"), polypathStyle), new XAttribute("points", path));
                    Console.WriteLine("Unknown basic geometry: " + feature.BasicGeometry.GetType().Name);
            return elements;
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Generates a default instance of the data type so that tools have something to write too
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="path"></param>
 public override void GenerateDefaultOutput(string path)
     FeatureSet addedFeatureSet = new Shapefile
                                          Filename =
                                              Path.GetDirectoryName(path) +
                                              Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + ModelName + ".shp"
     Value = addedFeatureSet;
Example #3
        public void ClipRasterWithPolygonTest()
            if (DotSpatial.Data.DataManager.DefaultDataManager.PreferredProviders.Count == 0)
                DotSpatial.Data.Rasters.GdalExtension.GdalRasterProvider lGdalRasterProvider = new DotSpatial.Data.Rasters.GdalExtension.GdalRasterProvider();

            DotSpatial.Data.Shapefile lClipPolygon = DotSpatial.Data.Shapefile.OpenFile(@"C:\Users\Jiri\Desktop\berounka.shp");
            DotSpatial.Data.IRaster   lGridToClip  = DotSpatial.Data.Raster.OpenFile(@"C:\Users\Jiri\Desktop\kriging2.bgd", false);

            DotSpatial.Data.Raster lGridAfterClip = new DotSpatial.Data.Raster();
            lGridAfterClip.Filename = @"C:\Users\Jiri\Desktop\kriging2.bgd";

            DotSpatial.Analysis.ClipRaster.ClipRasterWithPolygon(lClipPolygon.Features[0], lGridToClip, lGridAfterClip.Filename);

            IRaster ras2 = Raster.Open(lGridAfterClip.Filename);

            Assert.AreEqual(lGridAfterClip.NoDataValue, ras2.NoDataValue);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates the given streams for the shp and shx file when not in IndexMode.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shpStream">Stream that is used to write the shp file.</param>
        /// <param name="shxStream">Stream that is used to write the shx file.</param>
        /// <param name="shapefile">The shapefile that contains the features that are written.</param>
        /// <param name="addPoints">Function that is used to add the points from the features to the parts and points lists.</param>
        /// <param name="expectedZType">Indicates which Z-ShapeType the header must have for the z values to be written.</param>
        /// <param name="expectedMType">Indicates which M-ShapeType the header must have for the m values to be written.</param>
        /// <param name="withParts">Indicates whether the parts should be written.</param>
        /// <returns>The lengths of the streams in bytes.</returns>
        internal static StreamLengthPair PopulateStreamsNotIndexed(Stream shpStream, Stream shxStream, Shapefile shapefile, Action <List <int>, List <Coordinate>, IFeature> addPoints, ShapeType expectedZType, ShapeType expectedMType, bool withParts)
            var progressMeter = new ProgressMeter(shapefile.ProgressHandler, "Saving (Not Indexed)...", shapefile.Features.Count);

            int fid    = 0;
            int offset = 50; // the shapefile header starts at 100 bytes, so the initial offset is 50 words

            foreach (IFeature f in shapefile.Features)
                List <int>        parts  = new List <int>();
                List <Coordinate> points = new List <Coordinate>();

                addPoints(parts, points, f);

                bool isNullShape = false;
                int  contentLength;

                // null shapes have a contentLength of 2, all other shapes must have the same shape type
                if (f.Geometry.IsEmpty)
                    contentLength = 2;
                    isNullShape   = true;
                    contentLength = GetContentLength(parts.Count, points.Count, shapefile.Header.ShapeType);

                ////                                                      Index File
                //                                                       ---------------------------------------------------------
                //                                                       Position     Value          Type       Number  Byte Order
                //                                                       ---------------------------------------------------------
                shxStream.WriteBe(offset);                               // Byte 0     Offset         Integer     1      Big
                shxStream.WriteBe(contentLength);                        // Byte 4     Content Length Integer     1      Big

                ////                                                     X Y Poly Lines
                //                                                       ---------------------------------------------------------
                //                                                       Position     Value         Type        Number      Byte Order
                //                                                       -------------------------------------------------------
                shpStream.WriteBe(fid + 1);                              // Byte 0   Record Number  Integer     1           Big
                shpStream.WriteBe(contentLength);                        // Byte 4   Content Length Integer     1           Big

                if (isNullShape)
                    shpStream.WriteLe((int)ShapeType.NullShape);         // Byte 8   Shape Type 0   Integer     1           Little
                    shpStream.WriteLe((int)shapefile.Header.ShapeType);  // Byte 8   Shape Type     Integer     1           Little

                    shpStream.WriteLe(f.Geometry.EnvelopeInternal.MinX); // Byte 12   Xmin          Double      1           Little
                    shpStream.WriteLe(f.Geometry.EnvelopeInternal.MinY); // Byte 20   Ymin          Double      1           Little
                    shpStream.WriteLe(f.Geometry.EnvelopeInternal.MaxX); // Byte 28   Xmax          Double      1           Little
                    shpStream.WriteLe(f.Geometry.EnvelopeInternal.MaxY); // Byte 36   Ymax          Double      1           Little
                    if (withParts)
                        shpStream.WriteLe(parts.Count); // Byte 44   NumParts      Integer     1           Little
                    shpStream.WriteLe(points.Count);    // Byte 48   NumPoints     Integer     1           Little

                    if (withParts)                      ////                                     Byte 52   Parts         Integer     NumParts    Little
                        foreach (int part in parts)

                    double[] xyVals = new double[points.Count * 2];      // Byte X     Points              Point       NumPoints   Little
                    for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                        xyVals[i * 2]       = points[i].X;
                        xyVals[(i * 2) + 1] = points[i].Y;


                    if (shapefile.Header.ShapeType == expectedZType)
                        // Pandell, 2020-06-23: "NetTopologySuite" version 1.7.5 doesn't have "NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Envelope.Minimum" property
                        // shpStream.WriteLe(f.Geometry.EnvelopeInternal.Minimum.Z);
                        // shpStream.WriteLe(f.Geometry.EnvelopeInternal.Maximum.Z);
                        double[] zVals = new double[points.Count];
                        for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                            zVals[i] = points[i].Z;


                    if (shapefile.Header.ShapeType == expectedMType || shapefile.Header.ShapeType == expectedZType)
                        // Pandell, 2020-06-23: "NetTopologySuite" version 1.7.5 doesn't have "NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Envelope.Minimum" property
                        // shpStream.WriteLe(f.Geometry.EnvelopeInternal.Minimum.M);
                        // shpStream.WriteLe(f.Geometry.EnvelopeInternal.Maximum.M);

                        double[] mVals = new double[points.Count];
                        for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                            mVals[i] = points[i].M;


                progressMeter.CurrentValue = fid;
                offset += 4;             // header bytes
                offset += contentLength; // adding the content length from each loop calculates the word offset


            return(new StreamLengthPair {
                ShpLength = offset, ShxLength = 50 + (fid * 4)
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates the given streams for the shp and shx file when in IndexMode.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shpStream">Stream that is used to write the shp file.</param>
        /// <param name="shxStream">Stream that is used to write the shx file.</param>
        /// <param name="shapefile">The shapefile that contains the features that are written.</param>
        /// <param name="expectedZType">Indicates which Z-ShapeType the header must have for the z values to be written.</param>
        /// <param name="expectedMType">Indicates which M-ShapeType the header must have for the m values to be written.</param>
        /// <param name="withParts">Indicates whether the parts should be written.</param>
        /// <returns>The lengths of the streams in bytes.</returns>
        internal static StreamLengthPair PopulateStreamsIndexed(Stream shpStream, Stream shxStream, Shapefile shapefile, ShapeType expectedZType, ShapeType expectedMType, bool withParts)
            int fid    = 0;
            int offset = 50; // the shapefile header starts at 100 bytes, so the initial offset is 50 words

            foreach (ShapeRange shape in shapefile.ShapeIndices)
                // null shapes have a contentLength of 2, all other shapes must have the same shape type
                int contentLength = shape.ShapeType == ShapeType.NullShape ? 2 : GetContentLength(shape.NumParts, shape.NumPoints, shapefile.Header.ShapeType);

                ////                                                           Index File
                //                                                             ---------------------------------------------------------
                //                                                             Position      Value              Type        Number      Byte Order
                //                                                             ---------------------------------------------------------
                shxStream.WriteBe(offset);                                     // Byte 0     Offset             Integer     1           Big
                shxStream.WriteBe(contentLength);                              // Byte 4     Content Length     Integer     1           Big

                ////                                                           X Y Poly Lines
                //                                                             ---------------------------------------------------------
                //                                                             Position        Value               Type        Number      Byte Order
                //                                                             ---------------------------------------------------------
                shpStream.WriteBe(fid + 1);                                    // Byte 0       Record Number       Integer     1           Big
                shpStream.WriteBe(contentLength);                              // Byte 4       Content Length      Integer     1           Big

                if (shape.ShapeType == ShapeType.NullShape)
                    shpStream.WriteLe((int)ShapeType.NullShape);               // Byte 8       Shape Type 3        Integer     1           Little
                    shpStream.WriteLe((int)shapefile.Header.ShapeType);        // Byte 8       Shape Type 3        Integer     1           Little
                    shpStream.WriteLe(shape.Extent.MinX);                      // Byte 12      Xmin                Double      1           Little
                    shpStream.WriteLe(shape.Extent.MinY);                      // Byte 20      Ymin                Double      1           Little
                    shpStream.WriteLe(shape.Extent.MaxX);                      // Byte 28      Xmax                Double      1           Little
                    shpStream.WriteLe(shape.Extent.MaxY);                      // Byte 36      Ymax                Double      1           Little
                    if (withParts)
                        shpStream.WriteLe(shape.NumParts); // Byte 44      NumParts            Integer     1           Little
                    shpStream.WriteLe(shape.NumPoints);    // Byte 48      NumPoints           Integer     1           Little

                    if (withParts)                         ////                                           Byte 52      Parts               Integer     NumParts    Little
                        foreach (PartRange part in shape.Parts)

                    int start = shape.StartIndex;
                    int count = shape.NumPoints;
                    shpStream.WriteLe(shapefile.Vertex, start * 2, count * 2); // Byte X       Points              Point       NumPoints   Little

                    if (shapefile.Header.ShapeType == expectedZType)
                        WriteValues(shapefile.Z, start, count, shpStream);

                    if (shapefile.Header.ShapeType == expectedMType || shapefile.Header.ShapeType == expectedZType)
                        WriteValues(shapefile.M, start, count, shpStream);

                offset += 4;             // header bytes
                offset += contentLength; // adding the content length from each loop calculates the word offset

            return(new StreamLengthPair {
                ShpLength = offset, ShxLength = 50 + (fid * 4)
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the shapes from the given file into the given shapefile.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName">Name of the file whose shapes should get loaded.</param>
        /// <param name="progressHandler">ProgressHandler that shows the progress.</param>
        /// <param name="shapefile">Shapefile the shapes are loaded into.</param>
        /// <param name="featureType">FeatureType that should be inside the file.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Throws an ArgumentNullException, if the shapefile is null.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Throws an ArgumentException, if the FeatureType is Line but the files doesn't contain lines or the FeatureType is Polygon and the file doesn't contain polygons.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="NotSupportedException">Throws a NotSupportedException, if a FeatureType other than Line or Polygon is passed.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="FileNotFoundException">Throws a FileNotFoundException, if the file whith the path from fileName doesn't exist.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="NullReferenceException">Throws a NullReferenceException, if the fileName is null.</exception>
        internal static void FillLines(string fileName, IProgressHandler progressHandler, Shapefile shapefile, FeatureType featureType)
            // Check to ensure that the fileName is the correct shape type
            switch (featureType)
            case FeatureType.Line:
                if (!CanBeRead(fileName, shapefile, ShapeType.PolyLine, ShapeType.PolyLineM, ShapeType.PolyLineZ))


            case FeatureType.Polygon:
                if (!CanBeRead(fileName, shapefile, ShapeType.Polygon, ShapeType.PolygonM, ShapeType.PolygonZ))

                throw new NotSupportedException(DataStrings.ShapeType0NotSupported);

            // Reading the headers gives us an easier way to track the number of shapes and their overall length etc.
            var  header = shapefile.Header;
            var  shapeHeaders = shapefile.ReadIndexFile(fileName);
            int  numShapes = shapeHeaders.Count;
            bool isM = false, isZ = false;

            switch (header.ShapeType)
            case ShapeType.PolyLineM:
            case ShapeType.PolygonM:
                isM = true;

            case ShapeType.PolyLineZ:
            case ShapeType.PolygonZ:
                isZ = true;
                isM = true;

            int totalPointsCount = 0;
            int totalPartsCount  = 0;
            var shapeIndices     = new List <ShapeRange>(numShapes);

            var progressMeter = new ProgressMeter(progressHandler, "Reading from " + Path.GetFileName(fileName))
                StepPercent = 5

            using (var reader = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, 65536))
                var boundsBytes = new byte[4 * 8];
                var bounds      = new double[4];
                for (int shp = 0; shp < numShapes; shp++)
                    progressMeter.CurrentPercent = (int)(shp * 50.0 / numShapes);

                    // Read from the index file because some deleted records
                    // might still exist in the .shp file.
                    long offset = shapeHeaders[shp].ByteOffset;
                    reader.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                    var shape = new ShapeRange(featureType, shapefile.CoordinateType)
                        RecordNumber  = reader.ReadInt32(Endian.BigEndian),
                        ContentLength = reader.ReadInt32(Endian.BigEndian),
                        ShapeType     = (ShapeType)reader.ReadInt32(),
                        StartIndex    = totalPointsCount
                    Debug.Assert(shape.RecordNumber == shp + 1, "The shapes record number should equal" + shp + 1);

                    if (shape.ShapeType != ShapeType.NullShape)
                        // Bounds
                        reader.Read(boundsBytes, 0, boundsBytes.Length);
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(boundsBytes, 0, bounds, 0, boundsBytes.Length);
                        shape.Extent.MinX = bounds[0];
                        shape.Extent.MinY = bounds[1];
                        shape.Extent.MaxX = bounds[2];
                        shape.Extent.MaxY = bounds[3];

                        // Num Parts
                        shape.NumParts   = reader.ReadInt32();
                        totalPartsCount += shape.NumParts;

                        // Num Points
                        shape.NumPoints   = reader.ReadInt32();
                        totalPointsCount += shape.NumPoints;


                var vert    = new double[totalPointsCount * 2];
                var vertInd = 0;

                var parts    = new int[totalPartsCount];
                var partsInd = 0;

                double[] mArray = null, zArray = null;
                if (isM)
                    mArray = new double[totalPointsCount];

                int mArrayInd = 0;
                if (isZ)
                    zArray = new double[totalPointsCount];

                int zArrayInd = 0;

                int partsOffset = 0;
                for (int shp = 0; shp < numShapes; shp++)
                    progressMeter.CurrentPercent = (int)(50 + (shp * 50.0 / numShapes));

                    var shape = shapeIndices[shp];
                    if (shape.ShapeType == ShapeType.NullShape)
                    reader.Seek(shapeHeaders[shp].ByteOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    reader.Seek((3 * 4) + 32 + (2 * 4), SeekOrigin.Current); // Skip first bytes (Record Number, Content Length, Shapetype + BoundingBox + NumParts, NumPoints)

                    // Read parts
                    var partsBytes = reader.ReadBytes(4 * shape.NumParts); // Numparts * Integer(4) = existing Parts
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(partsBytes, 0, parts, partsInd, partsBytes.Length);
                    partsInd += 4 * shape.NumParts;

                    // Read points
                    var pointsBytes = reader.ReadBytes(8 * 2 * shape.NumPoints); // Numpoints * Point (X(8) + Y(8))
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(pointsBytes, 0, vert, vertInd, pointsBytes.Length);
                    vertInd += 8 * 2 * shape.NumPoints;

                    // Fill parts
                    shape.Parts.Capacity = shape.NumParts;
                    for (int part = 0; part < shape.NumParts; part++)
                        int endIndex   = shape.NumPoints + shape.StartIndex;
                        int startIndex = parts[partsOffset + part] + shape.StartIndex;
                        if (part < shape.NumParts - 1)
                            endIndex = parts[partsOffset + part + 1] + shape.StartIndex;

                        int count = endIndex - startIndex;
                        var partR = new PartRange(vert, shape.StartIndex, parts[partsOffset + part], featureType)
                            NumVertices = count

                    partsOffset += shape.NumParts;

                    // Fill M and Z arrays
                    switch (header.ShapeType)
                    case ShapeType.PolyLineM:
                    case ShapeType.PolygonM:
                        if (shape.ContentLength * 2 > 44 + (4 * shape.NumParts) + (16 * shape.NumPoints))
                            var mExt = (IExtentM)shape.Extent;
                            mExt.MinM = reader.ReadDouble();
                            mExt.MaxM = reader.ReadDouble();

                            var mBytes = reader.ReadBytes(8 * shape.NumPoints);
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(mBytes, 0, mArray, mArrayInd, mBytes.Length);
                            mArrayInd += 8 * shape.NumPoints;


                    case ShapeType.PolyLineZ:
                    case ShapeType.PolygonZ:
                        var zExt = (IExtentZ)shape.Extent;
                        zExt.MinZ = reader.ReadDouble();
                        zExt.MaxZ = reader.ReadDouble();

                        var zBytes = reader.ReadBytes(8 * shape.NumPoints);
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(zBytes, 0, zArray, zArrayInd, zBytes.Length);
                        zArrayInd += 8 * shape.NumPoints;

                        // These are listed as "optional" but there isn't a good indicator of how to determine if they were added.
                        // To handle the "optional" M values, check the contentLength for the feature.
                        // The content length does not include the 8-byte record header and is listed in 16-bit words.
                        if (shape.ContentLength * 2 > 60 + (4 * shape.NumParts) + (24 * shape.NumPoints))
                            goto case ShapeType.PolyLineM;


                if (isM)
                    shapefile.M = mArray;
                if (isZ)
                    shapefile.Z = zArray;
                shapefile.ShapeIndices = shapeIndices;
                shapefile.Vertex       = vert;

Example #7
        private void btnApplyColorScheme_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog();
            Shapefile sf = new Shapefile();
            openFileDialog1.Filter = "Shapefiles|*.shp";

            if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                sf = Shapefile.OpenFile(openFileDialog1.FileName, null);

Example #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a default output locations for tools.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="par"></param>
 public void GenerateDefaultOutput(Parameter par)
     IFeatureSet addedFeatureSet;
     switch (par.ParamType)
         case "DotSpatial FeatureSet Param":
             addedFeatureSet = new Shapefile
                                       Filename =
                                           Path.GetTempPath() +
                                           Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + par.ModelName + ".shp"
             par.Value = addedFeatureSet;
         case "DotSpatial LineFeatureSet Param":
             addedFeatureSet = new LineShapefile
                                       Filename =
                                           Path.GetTempPath() +
                                           Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + par.ModelName + ".shp"
             par.Value = addedFeatureSet;
         case "DotSpatial PointFeatureSet Param":
             addedFeatureSet = new PointShapefile
                                       Filename =
                                           Path.GetTempPath() +
                                           Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + par.ModelName + ".shp"
             par.Value = addedFeatureSet;
         case "DotSpatial PolygonFeatureSet Param":
             addedFeatureSet = new PolygonShapefile
                                       Filename =
                                           Path.GetTempPath() +
                                           Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + par.ModelName + ".shp"
             par.Value = addedFeatureSet;
         case "DotSpatial Raster Param":
Example #9
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        protected override void AppendGeometry(ShapefileHeader header, Geometry feature, int numFeatures)
            FileInfo fi     = new FileInfo(Filename);
            int      offset = Convert.ToInt32(fi.Length / 2);

            FileStream shpStream = new FileStream(Filename, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None, 10000);
            FileStream shxStream = new FileStream(header.ShxFilename, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None, 100);

            List <int> parts = new List <int>();

            List <Coordinate> points = new List <Coordinate>();
            int contentLength        = 22;

            for (int iPart = 0; iPart < feature.NumGeometries; iPart++)
                Polygon pg = feature.GetGeometryN(iPart) as Polygon;
                if (pg == null)
                var bl = pg.Shell;
                IEnumerable <Coordinate> coords = bl.Coordinates;

                if (Orientation.IsCCW(bl.Coordinates))
                    // Exterior rings need to be clockwise
                    coords = coords.Reverse();

                foreach (LineString hole in pg.Holes)
                    IEnumerable <Coordinate> holeCoords = hole.Coordinates;
                    if (!Orientation.IsCCW(hole.Coordinates))
                        // Interior rings need to be counter-clockwise
                        holeCoords = holeCoords.Reverse();


            contentLength += 2 * parts.Count;
            if (header.ShapeType == ShapeType.Polygon)
                contentLength += points.Count * 8;
            else if (header.ShapeType == ShapeType.PolygonM)
                contentLength += 8;                 // mmin mmax
                contentLength += points.Count * 12; // x, y, m
            else if (header.ShapeType == ShapeType.PolygonZ)
                contentLength += 16;                // mmin, mmax, zmin, zmax
                contentLength += points.Count * 16; // x, y, m, z

            ////                                              Index File
            //                                                 ---------------------------------------------------------
            //                                                 Position     Value               Type        Number      Byte Order
            //                                                 ---------------------------------------------------------
            shxStream.WriteBe(offset);                         // Byte 0     Offset             Integer     1           Big
            shxStream.WriteBe(contentLength);                  // Byte 4    Content Length      Integer     1           Big
            ////                                                 X Y Poly Lines
            //                                                 ---------------------------------------------------------
            //                                                 Position     Value               Type        Number      Byte Order
            //                                                 ---------------------------------------------------------
            shpStream.WriteBe(numFeatures);                    // Byte 0       Record Number       Integer     1           Big
            shpStream.WriteBe(contentLength);                  // Byte 4       Content Length      Integer     1           Big
            shpStream.WriteLe((int)header.ShapeType);          // Byte 8       Shape Type 3        Integer     1           Little
            if (header.ShapeType == ShapeType.NullShape)

            shpStream.WriteLe(feature.EnvelopeInternal.MinX);  // Byte 12      Xmin                Double      1           Little
            shpStream.WriteLe(feature.EnvelopeInternal.MinY);  // Byte 20      Ymin                Double      1           Little
            shpStream.WriteLe(feature.EnvelopeInternal.MaxX);  // Byte 28      Xmax                Double      1           Little
            shpStream.WriteLe(feature.EnvelopeInternal.MaxY);  // Byte 36      Ymax                Double      1           Little
            shpStream.WriteLe(parts.Count);                    // Byte 44      NumParts            Integer     1           Little
            shpStream.WriteLe(points.Count);                   // Byte 48      NumPoints           Integer     1           Little

            foreach (int iPart in parts)
                shpStream.WriteLe(iPart);                      // Byte 52      Parts               Integer     NumParts    Little

            double[] xyVals = new double[points.Count * 2];
            for (var i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                xyVals[i * 2]     = points[i].X;
                xyVals[i * 2 + 1] = points[i].Y;

            shpStream.WriteLe(xyVals, 0, 2 * points.Count);

            if (header.ShapeType == ShapeType.PolygonZ)
                // Pandell, 2020-06-23: "NetTopologySuite" version 1.7.5 doesn't have "NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Envelope.Minimum" property
                // shpStream.WriteLe(feature.EnvelopeInternal.Minimum.Z);
                // shpStream.WriteLe(feature.EnvelopeInternal.Maximum.Z);
                double[] zVals = new double[points.Count];
                for (int ipoint = 0; ipoint < points.Count; ipoint++)
                    zVals[ipoint] = points[ipoint].Z;

                shpStream.WriteLe(zVals, 0, points.Count);

            if (header.ShapeType == ShapeType.PolygonM || header.ShapeType == ShapeType.PolygonZ)
                if (feature.EnvelopeInternal == null)
                    // Pandell, 2020-06-23: "NetTopologySuite" version 1.7.5 doesn't have "NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Envelope.Minimum" property
                    // shpStream.WriteLe(feature.EnvelopeInternal.Minimum.M);
                    // shpStream.WriteLe(feature.EnvelopeInternal.Maximum.M);

                double[] mVals = new double[points.Count];
                for (int ipoint = 0; ipoint < points.Count; ipoint++)
                    mVals[ipoint] = points[ipoint].M;

                shpStream.WriteLe(mVals, 0, points.Count);

            offset += contentLength;
            Shapefile.WriteFileLength(Filename, offset + 4); // Add 4 for the record header
            Shapefile.WriteFileLength(header.ShxFilename, 50 + numFeatures * 4);
        private void btnAddData_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Replace with something that uses the default data provider
            SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog();
            sfd.OverwritePrompt = true;
            sfd.Filter = "Shape Files|*.shp";
            if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                IFeatureSet _addedFeatureSet = new Shapefile();
                _addedFeatureSet.Filename = sfd.FileName;

                //If the features set is null do nothing the user probably hit cancel
                if (_addedFeatureSet == null)

                //If the feature type is good save it
                //This inserts the new featureset into the list
                textBox1.Text = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_addedFeatureSet.Filename);
                Param.Value = _addedFeatureSet;
                base.Status = ToolStatus.Ok;
                LightTipText = ModelingMessageStrings.FeaturesetValid;
Example #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Merge basins using IGeometry, and only converting each shape once
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="shed"></param>
 /// <param name="drainage"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static IGeometry mergeBasinsByDrainageI(Shapefile shed, BinTree drainage)
     if (drainage == null) return null;
     IGeometry left = mergeBasinsByDrainageI(shed, drainage.left);
     IGeometry right = mergeBasinsByDrainageI(shed, drainage.right);
     IFeature outlet = shed.get_Shape(drainage.val);
     // will this work?
     IGeometry outg = outlet.BasicGeometry as IGeometry;
     if (left == null)
         if (right == null)
             return outg;
             return right.Union(outg);
         if (right == null)
             return left.Union(outg);
             return left.Union(right.Union(outg));
Example #12
        private static void getJoinShapesFromSubBasin(Shapefile shed, int sindx, ArrayList shapeIdxList)
            int dsNodeFieldNum = 3;
            int USlink1FieldNum = 5;
            int USlink2FieldNum = 6;
            Stack currStack = new Stack();
            int currLink1ID;
            int currLink2ID;
            int currIdx;
            int currLinkIdx;

            currLink1ID = int.Parse(shed.get_CellValue(USlink1FieldNum, sindx).ToString());
            currLink2ID = int.Parse(shed.get_CellValue(USlink2FieldNum, sindx).ToString());
            if (currLink1ID != -1)
                currLinkIdx = GetBasinIndexByID(shed, currLink1ID);
                if (currLinkIdx != -1)
            if (currLink2ID != -1)
                currLinkIdx = GetBasinIndexByID(shed, currLink2ID);
                if (currLinkIdx != -1)
            while (currStack.Count > 0)
                currIdx = int.Parse(currStack.Pop().ToString());
                if (int.Parse(shed.get_CellValue(dsNodeFieldNum, currIdx).ToString()) == -1)
                    currLink1ID = int.Parse(shed.get_CellValue(USlink1FieldNum, currIdx).ToString());
                    currLink2ID = int.Parse(shed.get_CellValue(USlink2FieldNum, currIdx).ToString());
                    if (currLink1ID != -1)
                        currLinkIdx = GetBasinIndexByID(shed, currLink1ID);
                        if (currLinkIdx != -1)
                    if (currLink2ID != -1)
                        currLinkIdx = GetBasinIndexByID(shed, currLink2ID);
                        if (currLinkIdx != -1)
Example #13
        protected override void InsertGeometry(ShapefileHeader header, int fid, IGeometry geometry)
            var shapeHeaders = ReadIndexFile(header.ShxFilename);

            if (fid < shapeHeaders.Count)
                var        tmpShpPath   = Path.GetTempFileName();
                var        tmpShxPath   = Path.GetTempFileName();
                FileStream tmpShpStream = new FileStream(tmpShpPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
                FileStream shpStream    = new FileStream(Filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.Read, 10000);
                FileStream tmpShxStream = new FileStream(tmpShxPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
                FileStream shxStream    = new FileStream(header.ShxFilename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.Read, 100);

                long shpOffset          = shapeHeaders[fid].ByteOffset;
                long shpRemainderOffset = shpOffset;
                long shpRemainderCount  = shpStream.Length - shpRemainderOffset;
                if (shpRemainderCount > 0)
                    CopyTo(shpStream, tmpShpStream, shpRemainderOffset, shpRemainderCount);

                long shxOffset          = 100 + fid * 8;
                long shxRemainderOffset = shxOffset;
                long shxRemainderCount  = shxStream.Length - shxRemainderOffset;
                if (shxRemainderCount > 0)
                    CopyTo(shxStream, tmpShxStream, shxRemainderOffset, shxRemainderCount);

                shpStream.Seek(shpOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                shxStream.Seek(shxOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                int recordNumber = fid + 1;

                int contentLength = GetContentLength(header.ShapeType);

                ////                                            Index File
                //                                              ---------------------------------------------------------
                //                                              Position     Value               Type        Number      Byte Order
                //                                              ---------------------------------------------------------
                shxStream.WriteBe(shapeHeaders[fid].Offset);    // Byte 0     Offset             Integer     1           Big
                shxStream.WriteBe(contentLength);               // Byte 4    Content Length      Integer     1           Big

                ////                                            X Y Points
                //                                              ---------------------------------------------------------
                //                                              Position     Value               Type        Number      Byte Order
                //                                              ---------------------------------------------------------
                shpStream.WriteBe(recordNumber);             // Byte 0       Record Number       Integer     1           Big
                shpStream.WriteBe(contentLength);            // Byte 4       Content Length      Integer     1           Big
                shpStream.WriteLe((int)header.ShapeType);    // Byte 8       Shape Type 3        Integer     1           Little
                if (header.ShapeType != ShapeType.NullShape)
                    WriteGeometryContent(shpStream, header.ShapeType, geometry);

                if (shxRemainderCount > 0)
                    CopyTo(tmpShxStream, shxStream, 0, shxRemainderCount);
                int dOffset = (int)((shpStream.Position - shpOffset) / 2);
                if (dOffset != 0)
                    long shpPosition = shpStream.Position;
                    for (int i = fid; i < shapeHeaders.Count; i++)
                        shxStream.Seek(100 + (i + 1) * 8, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        shxStream.WriteBe(shapeHeaders[i].Offset + dOffset);

                        shpStream.Seek((shapeHeaders[i].Offset + dOffset) * 2, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        shpStream.WriteBe(i + 2);
                    shpStream.Seek(shpPosition, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                int shxLength = Convert.ToInt32(shxStream.Length / 2);

                if (shpRemainderCount > 0)
                    CopyTo(tmpShpStream, shpStream, 0, shpRemainderCount);
                if (shpStream.Length != shpStream.Position + shpRemainderCount)
                    shpStream.SetLength(shpStream.Position + shpRemainderCount);
                int shpLength = Convert.ToInt32(shpStream.Length / 2);
                Shapefile.WriteFileLength(Filename, shpLength);
                Shapefile.WriteFileLength(header.ShxFilename, shxLength);
Example #14
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        protected override void AppendGeometry(ShapefileHeader header, Geometry feature, int numFeatures)
            FileInfo fi     = new FileInfo(Filename);
            int      offset = Convert.ToInt32(fi.Length / 2);

            FileStream shpStream = new FileStream(Filename, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None, 10000);
            FileStream shxStream = new FileStream(header.ShxFilename, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None, 100);

            List <int> parts = new List <int>();

            List <Coordinate> points = new List <Coordinate>();
            int contentLength        = 22;

            for (int iPart = 0; iPart < feature.NumGeometries; iPart++)
                LineString pg = feature.GetGeometryN(iPart) as LineString;
                if (pg == null)

            contentLength += 2 * parts.Count;
            if (header.ShapeType == ShapeType.PolyLine)
                contentLength += points.Count * 8;

            if (header.ShapeType == ShapeType.PolyLineM)
                contentLength += 8;                 // mmin mmax
                contentLength += points.Count * 12; // x, y, m

            if (header.ShapeType == ShapeType.PolyLineZ)
                contentLength += 16;                // mmin, mmax, zmin, zmax
                contentLength += points.Count * 16; // x, y, m, z

            ////                                              Index File
            //                                                -------------------------------------------------------------------
            //                                                Position     Value               Type        Number      Byte Order
            //                                                -------------------------------------------------------------------
            shxStream.WriteBe(offset);                        // Byte 0    Offset              Integer     1           Big
            shxStream.WriteBe(contentLength);                 // Byte 4    Content Length      Integer     1           Big
            ////                                              X Y Poly Lines
            //                                                -------------------------------------------------------------------
            //                                                Position     Value               Type        Number      Byte Order
            //                                                -------------------------------------------------------------------
            shpStream.WriteBe(numFeatures);                   // Byte 0    Record Number       Integer     1           Big
            shpStream.WriteBe(contentLength);                 // Byte 4    Content Length      Integer     1           Big
            shpStream.WriteLe((int)header.ShapeType);         // Byte 8    Shape Type 3        Integer     1           Little
            if (header.ShapeType == ShapeType.NullShape)

            shpStream.WriteLe(feature.EnvelopeInternal.MinX); // Byte 12   Xmin                Double      1           Little
            shpStream.WriteLe(feature.EnvelopeInternal.MinY); // Byte 20   Ymin                Double      1           Little
            shpStream.WriteLe(feature.EnvelopeInternal.MaxX); // Byte 28   Xmax                Double      1           Little
            shpStream.WriteLe(feature.EnvelopeInternal.MaxY); // Byte 36   Ymax                Double      1           Little
            shpStream.WriteLe(parts.Count);                   // Byte 44   NumParts            Integer     1           Little
            shpStream.WriteLe(points.Count);                  // Byte 48   NumPoints           Integer     1           Little

            foreach (int iPart in parts)
                shpStream.WriteLe(iPart);                     // Byte 52   Parts               Integer     NumParts    Little

            double[] xyVals = new double[points.Count * 2];

            for (var i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                xyVals[i * 2]       = points[i].X;
                xyVals[(i * 2) + 1] = points[i].Y;

            shpStream.WriteLe(xyVals, 0, 2 * points.Count);

            if (header.ShapeType == ShapeType.PolyLineZ)
                double[] zVals = new double[points.Count];
                for (int ipoint = 0; ipoint < points.Count; ipoint++)
                    zVals[ipoint] = points[ipoint].Z;

                shpStream.WriteLe(zVals, 0, points.Count);

            if (header.ShapeType == ShapeType.PolyLineM || header.ShapeType == ShapeType.PolyLineZ)
                if (feature.Envelope == null)

                double[] mVals = new double[points.Count];
                for (int ipoint = 0; ipoint < points.Count; ipoint++)
                    mVals[ipoint] = points[ipoint].M;

                shpStream.WriteLe(mVals, 0, points.Count);

            offset += contentLength;
            Shapefile.WriteFileLength(Filename, offset + 4); // Add 4 for the record header
            Shapefile.WriteFileLength(header.ShxFilename, 50 + (numFeatures * 4));
Example #15
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        protected override void AppendBasicGeometry(ShapefileHeader header, IBasicGeometry feature, int numFeatures)
            FileInfo fi     = new FileInfo(Filename);
            int      offset = Convert.ToInt32(fi.Length / 2);

            FileStream shpStream = new FileStream(Filename, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None, 10000);
            FileStream shxStream = new FileStream(header.ShxFilename, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None, 100);

            List <int> parts = new List <int>();

            List <Coordinate> points = new List <Coordinate>();
            int contentLength        = 22;

            for (int iPart = 0; iPart < feature.NumGeometries; iPart++)
                IBasicPolygon pg = feature.GetBasicGeometryN(iPart) as IBasicPolygon;
                if (pg == null)
                var bl     = pg.Shell;
                var coords = bl.Coordinates;

                if (CgAlgorithms.IsCounterClockwise(coords))
                    // Exterior rings need to be clockwise

                foreach (IBasicLineString hole in pg.Holes)
                    var holeCoords = hole.Coordinates;
                    if (CgAlgorithms.IsCounterClockwise(holeCoords) == false)
                        // Interior rings need to be counter-clockwise
            contentLength += 2 * parts.Count;
            if (header.ShapeType == ShapeType.Polygon)
                contentLength += points.Count * 8;
            if (header.ShapeType == ShapeType.PolygonM)
                contentLength += 8;                 // mmin mmax
                contentLength += points.Count * 12; // x, y, m
            if (header.ShapeType == ShapeType.PolygonZ)
                contentLength += 16;                // mmin, mmax, zmin, zmax
                contentLength += points.Count * 16; // x, y, m, z

            //                                              Index File
            //                                              ---------------------------------------------------------
            //                                              Position     Value               Type        Number      Byte Order
            //                                              ---------------------------------------------------------
            shxStream.WriteBe(offset);                      // Byte 0     Offset             Integer     1           Big
            shxStream.WriteBe(contentLength);               // Byte 4    Content Length      Integer     1           Big
            //                                              X Y Poly Lines
            //                                              ---------------------------------------------------------
            //                                              Position     Value               Type        Number      Byte Order
            //                                              ---------------------------------------------------------
            shpStream.WriteBe(numFeatures);                 // Byte 0       Record Number       Integer     1           Big
            shpStream.WriteBe(contentLength);               // Byte 4       Content Length      Integer     1           Big
            shpStream.WriteLe((int)header.ShapeType);       // Byte 8       Shape Type 3        Integer     1           Little
            if (header.ShapeType == ShapeType.NullShape)

            shpStream.WriteLe(feature.Envelope.Minimum.X);             // Byte 12      Xmin                Double      1           Little
            shpStream.WriteLe(feature.Envelope.Minimum.Y);             // Byte 20      Ymin                Double      1           Little
            shpStream.WriteLe(feature.Envelope.Maximum.X);             // Byte 28      Xmax                Double      1           Little
            shpStream.WriteLe(feature.Envelope.Maximum.Y);             // Byte 36      Ymax                Double      1           Little
            shpStream.WriteLe(parts.Count);                            // Byte 44      NumParts            Integer     1           Little
            shpStream.WriteLe(points.Count);                           // Byte 48      NumPoints           Integer     1           Little
            // Byte 52      Parts               Integer     NumParts    Little
            foreach (int iPart in parts)
            double[] xyVals = new double[points.Count * 2];

            int i = 0;

            foreach (Coordinate coord in points)
                xyVals[i * 2]     = coord.X;
                xyVals[i * 2 + 1] = coord.Y;
            shpStream.WriteLe(xyVals, 0, 2 * points.Count);

            if (header.ShapeType == ShapeType.PolygonZ)
                double[] zVals = new double[points.Count];
                for (int ipoint = 0; ipoint < points.Count; ipoint++)
                    zVals[ipoint] = points[ipoint].Z;
                shpStream.WriteLe(zVals, 0, points.Count);

            if (header.ShapeType == ShapeType.PolygonM || header.ShapeType == ShapeType.PolygonZ)
                if (feature.Envelope == null)

                double[] mVals = new double[points.Count];
                for (int ipoint = 0; ipoint < points.Count; i++)
                    mVals[ipoint] = points[ipoint].M;
                shpStream.WriteLe(mVals, 0, points.Count);
            offset += contentLength;
            Shapefile.WriteFileLength(Filename, offset);
            Shapefile.WriteFileLength(header.ShxFilename, 50 + numFeatures * 4);
 /// <summary>
 /// This open method is only called if this plugin has been given priority for one
 /// of the file extensions supported in the DialogReadFilter property supplied by
 /// this control.  Failing to provide a DialogReadFilter will result in this plugin
 /// being added to the list of DataProviders being supplied under the Add Other Data
 /// option in the file menu.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fileName">A string specifying the complete path and extension of the file to open.</param>
 /// <returns>A List of IDataSets to be added to the Map.  These can also be groups of datasets.</returns>
 public virtual IFeatureSet Open(string fileName)
Example #17
        internal static void FillLines(string fileName, IProgressHandler progressHandler, Shapefile shapefile,
            FeatureType featureType)
            // Check to ensure the fileName is not null
            if (fileName == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException(DataStrings.ArgumentNull_S.Replace("%S", "fileName"));
            if (shapefile == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("shapefile");

            if (File.Exists(fileName) == false)
                throw new FileNotFoundException(DataStrings.FileNotFound_S.Replace("%S", fileName));

            if (featureType != FeatureType.Line && featureType != FeatureType.Polygon)
                throw new NotSupportedException();

            var header = shapefile.Header;
            // Check to ensure that the fileName is the correct shape type
            switch (featureType)
                case FeatureType.Line:
                    if (header.ShapeType != ShapeType.PolyLine &&
                        header.ShapeType != ShapeType.PolyLineM &&
                        header.ShapeType != ShapeType.PolyLineZ)
                        throw new ArgumentException(DataStrings.FileNotLines_S.Replace("%S", fileName));
                case FeatureType.Polygon:
                    if (header.ShapeType != ShapeType.Polygon &&
                        header.ShapeType != ShapeType.PolygonM &&
                        header.ShapeType != ShapeType.PolygonZ)
                        throw new ArgumentException(DataStrings.FileNotLines_S.Replace("%S", fileName));

            if (new FileInfo(fileName).Length == 100)
                // the file is empty so we are done reading

            // Reading the headers gives us an easier way to track the number of shapes and their overall length etc.
            var shapeHeaders = shapefile.ReadIndexFile(fileName);
            int numShapes = shapeHeaders.Count;

            bool isM = false, isZ = false;
            switch (header.ShapeType)
                case ShapeType.PolyLineM:
                case ShapeType.PolygonM:
                    isM = true;
                case ShapeType.PolyLineZ:
                case ShapeType.PolygonZ:
                    isZ = true;
                    isM = true;

            int totalPointsCount = 0;
            int totalPartsCount = 0;
            var shapeIndices = new List<ShapeRange>(numShapes);

            var progressMeter = new ProgressMeter(progressHandler, "Reading from " + Path.GetFileName(fileName))
                StepPercent = 5
            using (var reader = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, 65536))
                var boundsBytes = new byte[4 * 8];
                var bounds = new double[4];
                for (int shp = 0; shp < numShapes; shp++)
                    progressMeter.CurrentPercent = (int)(shp * 50.0 / numShapes);

                    // Read from the index file because some deleted records
                    // might still exist in the .shp file.
                    long offset = (shapeHeaders[shp].ByteOffset);
                    reader.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                    var shape = new ShapeRange(featureType, shapefile.CoordinateType)
                        RecordNumber = reader.ReadInt32(Endian.BigEndian),
                        ContentLength = reader.ReadInt32(Endian.BigEndian),
                        ShapeType = (ShapeType)reader.ReadInt32(),
                        StartIndex = totalPointsCount
                    Debug.Assert(shape.RecordNumber == shp + 1);

                    if (shape.ShapeType != ShapeType.NullShape)
                        // Bounds
                        reader.Read(boundsBytes, 0, boundsBytes.Length);
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(boundsBytes, 0, bounds, 0, boundsBytes.Length);
                        shape.Extent.MinX = bounds[0];
                        shape.Extent.MinY = bounds[1];
                        shape.Extent.MaxX = bounds[2];
                        shape.Extent.MaxY = bounds[3];

                        // Num Parts
                        shape.NumParts = reader.ReadInt32();
                        totalPartsCount += shape.NumParts;

                        // Num Points
                        shape.NumPoints = reader.ReadInt32();
                        totalPointsCount += shape.NumPoints;


                var vert = new double[totalPointsCount * 2];
                var vertInd = 0;

                var parts = new int[totalPartsCount];
                var partsInd = 0;

                double[] mArray = null, zArray = null;
                if (isM)
                    mArray = new double[totalPointsCount];
                int mArrayInd = 0;
                if (isZ)
                    zArray = new double[totalPointsCount];
                int zArrayInd = 0;

                int partsOffset = 0;
                for (int shp = 0; shp < numShapes; shp++)
                    progressMeter.CurrentPercent = (int)(50 + shp * 50.0 / numShapes);

                    var shape = shapeIndices[shp];
                    if (shape.ShapeType == ShapeType.NullShape) continue;
                    reader.Seek(shapeHeaders[shp].ByteOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    reader.Seek(3 * 4 + 32 + 2 * 4, SeekOrigin.Current); // Skip first bytes

                    // Read parts
                    var partsBytes = reader.ReadBytes(4 * shape.NumParts);
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(partsBytes, 0, parts, partsInd, partsBytes.Length);
                    partsInd += 4 * shape.NumParts;

                    // Read points
                    var pointsBytes = reader.ReadBytes(8 * 2 * shape.NumPoints);
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(pointsBytes, 0, vert, vertInd, pointsBytes.Length);
                    vertInd += 8 * 2 * shape.NumPoints;

                    // Fill parts
                    shape.Parts.Capacity = shape.NumParts;
                    for (int part = 0; part < shape.NumParts; part++)
                        int endIndex = shape.NumPoints + shape.StartIndex;
                        int startIndex = parts[partsOffset + part] + shape.StartIndex;
                        if (part < shape.NumParts - 1)
                            endIndex = parts[partsOffset + part + 1] + shape.StartIndex;
                        int count = endIndex - startIndex;
                        var partR = new PartRange(vert, shape.StartIndex, parts[partsOffset + part], featureType)
                            NumVertices = count
                    partsOffset += shape.NumParts;

                    // Fill M and Z arrays
                    switch (header.ShapeType)
                        case ShapeType.PolyLineM:
                        case ShapeType.PolygonM:
                            if (shape.ContentLength * 2 > 44 + 4 * shape.NumParts + 16 * shape.NumPoints)
                                var mExt = (IExtentM)shape.Extent;
                                mExt.MinM = reader.ReadDouble();
                                mExt.MaxM = reader.ReadDouble();

                                var mBytes = reader.ReadBytes(8 * shape.NumPoints);
                                Buffer.BlockCopy(mBytes, 0, mArray, mArrayInd, mBytes.Length);
                                mArrayInd += 8 * shape.NumPoints;
                        case ShapeType.PolyLineZ:
                        case ShapeType.PolygonZ:
                            var zExt = (IExtentZ)shape.Extent;
                            zExt.MinZ = reader.ReadDouble();
                            zExt.MaxZ = reader.ReadDouble();

                            var zBytes = reader.ReadBytes(8 * shape.NumPoints);
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(zBytes, 0, zArray, zArrayInd, zBytes.Length);
                            zArrayInd += 8 * shape.NumPoints;

                            // These are listed as "optional" but there isn't a good indicator of how to
                            // determine if they were added.
                            // To handle the "optional" M values, check the contentLength for the feature.
                            // The content length does not include the 8-byte record header and is listed in 16-bit words.
                            if (shape.ContentLength * 2 > 60 + 4 * shape.NumParts + 24 * shape.NumPoints)
                                goto case ShapeType.PolyLineM;


                if (isM) shapefile.M = mArray;
                if (isZ) shapefile.Z = zArray;
                shapefile.ShapeIndices = shapeIndices;
                shapefile.Vertex = vert;

Example #18
        protected override void InsertGeometry(ShapefileHeader header, int fid, IGeometry geometry)
            var shapeHeaders = ReadIndexFile(header.ShxFilename);

            if (fid < shapeHeaders.Count)
                var        tmpShpPath   = Path.GetTempFileName();
                var        tmpShxPath   = Path.GetTempFileName();
                FileStream tmpShpStream = new FileStream(tmpShpPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
                FileStream shpStream    = new FileStream(Filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.Read, 10000);
                FileStream tmpShxStream = new FileStream(tmpShxPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
                FileStream shxStream    = new FileStream(header.ShxFilename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.Read, 100);

                long shpOffset          = shapeHeaders[fid].ByteOffset;
                long shpRemainderOffset = shpOffset;
                long shpRemainderCount  = shpStream.Length - shpRemainderOffset;
                if (shpRemainderCount > 0)
                    CopyTo(shpStream, tmpShpStream, shpRemainderOffset, shpRemainderCount);

                long shxOffset          = 100 + fid * 8;
                long shxRemainderOffset = shxOffset;
                long shxRemainderCount  = shxStream.Length - shxRemainderOffset;
                if (shxRemainderCount > 0)
                    CopyTo(shxStream, tmpShxStream, shxRemainderOffset, shxRemainderCount);

                shpStream.Seek(shpOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                shxStream.Seek(shxOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                int recordNumber = fid + 1;

                List <int>        parts  = new List <int>();
                List <Coordinate> points = new List <Coordinate>();
                int contentLength        = 22;
                for (int iPart = 0; iPart < geometry.NumGeometries; iPart++)
                    ILineString pg = geometry.GetGeometryN(iPart) as ILineString;
                    if (pg == null)

                contentLength += 2 * parts.Count;
                switch (header.ShapeType)
                case ShapeType.PolyLine:
                    contentLength += points.Count * 8;

                case ShapeType.PolyLineM:
                    contentLength += 8;                 // mmin mmax
                    contentLength += points.Count * 12; // x, y, m

                case ShapeType.PolyLineZ:
                    contentLength += 16;                // mmin, mmax, zmin, zmax
                    contentLength += points.Count * 16; // x, y, m, z

                ////                                            Index File
                //                                              ---------------------------------------------------------
                //                                              Position     Value               Type        Number      Byte Order
                //                                              ---------------------------------------------------------
                shxStream.WriteBe(shapeHeaders[fid].Offset);    // Byte 0     Offset             Integer     1           Big
                shxStream.WriteBe(contentLength);               // Byte 4    Content Length      Integer     1           Big

                ////                                            X Y Points
                //                                              ---------------------------------------------------------
                //                                              Position     Value               Type        Number      Byte Order
                //                                              ---------------------------------------------------------
                shpStream.WriteBe(recordNumber);             // Byte 0       Record Number       Integer     1           Big
                shpStream.WriteBe(contentLength);            // Byte 4       Content Length      Integer     1           Big
                shpStream.WriteLe((int)header.ShapeType);    // Byte 8       Shape Type 3        Integer     1           Little
                if (header.ShapeType != ShapeType.NullShape)
                    shpStream.WriteLe(geometry.EnvelopeInternal.MinX); // Byte 12   Xmin                Double      1           Little
                    shpStream.WriteLe(geometry.EnvelopeInternal.MinY); // Byte 20   Ymin                Double      1           Little
                    shpStream.WriteLe(geometry.EnvelopeInternal.MaxX); // Byte 28   Xmax                Double      1           Little
                    shpStream.WriteLe(geometry.EnvelopeInternal.MaxY); // Byte 36   Ymax                Double      1           Little
                    shpStream.WriteLe(parts.Count);                    // Byte 44   NumParts            Integer     1           Little
                    shpStream.WriteLe(points.Count);                   // Byte 48   NumPoints           Integer     1           Little

                    foreach (int iPart in parts)
                        shpStream.WriteLe(iPart);                     // Byte 52   Parts               Integer     NumParts    Little

                    double[] xyVals = new double[points.Count * 2];

                    for (var i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                        xyVals[i * 2]     = points[i].X;
                        xyVals[i * 2 + 1] = points[i].Y;

                    shpStream.WriteLe(xyVals, 0, 2 * points.Count);

                    if (header.ShapeType == ShapeType.PolyLineZ)
                        double[] zVals = new double[points.Count];
                        for (int ipoint = 0; ipoint < points.Count; ipoint++)
                            zVals[ipoint] = points[ipoint].Z;

                        shpStream.WriteLe(zVals, 0, points.Count);

                    if (header.ShapeType == ShapeType.PolyLineM || header.ShapeType == ShapeType.PolyLineZ)
                        if (geometry.Envelope == null)

                        double[] mVals = new double[points.Count];
                        for (int ipoint = 0; ipoint < points.Count; ipoint++)
                            mVals[ipoint] = points[ipoint].M;

                        shpStream.WriteLe(mVals, 0, points.Count);

                if (shxRemainderCount > 0)
                    CopyTo(tmpShxStream, shxStream, 0, shxRemainderCount);
                int dOffset = (int)((shpStream.Position - shpOffset) / 2);
                if (dOffset != 0)
                    long shpPosition = shpStream.Position;
                    for (int i = fid; i < shapeHeaders.Count; i++)
                        shxStream.Seek(100 + (i + 1) * 8, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        shxStream.WriteBe(shapeHeaders[i].Offset + dOffset);

                        shpStream.Seek((shapeHeaders[i].Offset + dOffset) * 2, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        shpStream.WriteBe(i + 2);
                    shpStream.Seek(shpPosition, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                int shxLength = Convert.ToInt32(shxStream.Length / 2);

                if (shpRemainderCount > 0)
                    CopyTo(tmpShpStream, shpStream, 0, shpRemainderCount);
                if (shpStream.Length != shpStream.Position + shpRemainderCount)
                    shpStream.SetLength(shpStream.Position + shpRemainderCount);
                int shpLength = Convert.ToInt32(shpStream.Length / 2);
                Shapefile.WriteFileLength(Filename, shpLength);
                Shapefile.WriteFileLength(header.ShxFilename, shxLength);