Example #1
 private void OnSaveClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
     PortalSecurity ps = new PortalSecurity();
     PortalController.UpdatePortalSetting(PortalId, "Store_Username", ps.EncryptString(txtUsername.Text, Config.GetDecryptionkey()));
     PortalController.UpdatePortalSetting(PortalId, "Store_Password", ps.EncryptString(txtPassword.Text, Config.GetDecryptionkey()));
 /// <summary>
 /// persist profile value from PersonalizationInfo object, using naming container and key to organise 
 /// function will automatically encrypt the value to plaintext
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="personalization">Object containing user personalization info</param>
 /// <param name="namingContainer">Container for related set of values</param>
 /// <param name="key">Individual profile key</param>
 /// <param name="value">Individual profile value</param>
 public static void SetSecureProfile(PersonalizationInfo personalization, string namingContainer, string key, object value)
     if (personalization != null)
         var ps = new PortalSecurity();
         personalization.Profile[namingContainer + ":" + key] = ps.EncryptString(value.ToString(), Config.GetDecryptionkey());
         personalization.IsModified = true;
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Property access, initially provided for TokenReplace
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="propertyName">Name of the Property</param>
 /// <param name="format">format string</param>
 /// <param name="formatProvider">format provider for numbers, dates, currencies</param>
 /// <param name="accessingUser">userinfo of the user, who queries the data (used to determine permissions)</param>
 /// <param name="currentScope">requested maximum access level, might be restricted due to user level</param>
 /// <param name="propertyNotFound">out: flag, if property could be retrieved.</param>
 /// <returns>current value of the property for this userinfo object</returns>
 /// <history>
 ///    2007-10-20   [sleupold]   documented and extended with differenciated access permissions
 ///    2007-10-20   [sleupold]   role access added (for user himself or admin only).
 /// </history>
 public string GetProperty(string propertyName, string format, CultureInfo formatProvider, UserInfo accessingUser, Scope currentScope, ref bool propertyNotFound)
     Scope internScope;
     if (UserID == -1 && currentScope > Scope.Configuration)
         internScope = Scope.Configuration; //anonymous users only get access to displayname
     else if (UserID != accessingUser.UserID && !isAdminUser(ref accessingUser) && currentScope > Scope.DefaultSettings)
         internScope = Scope.DefaultSettings; //registerd users can access username and userID as well
         internScope = currentScope; //admins and user himself can access all data
     string outputFormat = format == string.Empty ? "g" : format;
     switch (propertyName.ToLower())
         case "verificationcode":
             if (internScope < Scope.SystemMessages)
                 propertyNotFound = true;
                 return PropertyAccess.ContentLocked;
             var ps = new PortalSecurity();
             var code = ps.EncryptString(PortalID + "-" + UserID, Config.GetDecryptionkey());
             return code.Replace("+", ".").Replace("/", "-").Replace("=", "_");
         case "affiliateid":
             if (internScope < Scope.SystemMessages)
                 propertyNotFound = true;
                 return PropertyAccess.ContentLocked;
             return (AffiliateID.ToString(outputFormat, formatProvider));
         case "displayname":
             if (internScope < Scope.Configuration)
                 propertyNotFound = true;
                 return PropertyAccess.ContentLocked;
             return PropertyAccess.FormatString(DisplayName, format);
         case "email":
             if (internScope < Scope.DefaultSettings)
                 propertyNotFound = true;
                 return PropertyAccess.ContentLocked;
             return (PropertyAccess.FormatString(Email, format));
         case "firstname": //using profile property is recommended!
             if (internScope < Scope.DefaultSettings)
                 propertyNotFound = true;
                 return PropertyAccess.ContentLocked;
             return (PropertyAccess.FormatString(FirstName, format));
         case "issuperuser":
             if (internScope < Scope.Debug)
                 propertyNotFound = true;
                 return PropertyAccess.ContentLocked;
             return (IsSuperUser.ToString(formatProvider));
         case "lastname": //using profile property is recommended!
             if (internScope < Scope.DefaultSettings)
                 propertyNotFound = true;
                 return PropertyAccess.ContentLocked;
             return (PropertyAccess.FormatString(LastName, format));
         case "portalid":
             if (internScope < Scope.Configuration)
                 propertyNotFound = true;
                 return PropertyAccess.ContentLocked;
             return (PortalID.ToString(outputFormat, formatProvider));
         case "userid":
             if (internScope < Scope.DefaultSettings)
                 propertyNotFound = true;
                 return PropertyAccess.ContentLocked;
             return (UserID.ToString(outputFormat, formatProvider));
         case "username":
             if (internScope < Scope.DefaultSettings)
                 propertyNotFound = true;
                 return PropertyAccess.ContentLocked;
             return (PropertyAccess.FormatString(Username, format));
         case "fullname": //fullname is obsolete, it will return DisplayName
             if (internScope < Scope.Configuration)
                 propertyNotFound = true;
                 return PropertyAccess.ContentLocked;
             return (PropertyAccess.FormatString(DisplayName, format));
         case "roles":
             if (currentScope < Scope.SystemMessages)
                 propertyNotFound = true;
                 return PropertyAccess.ContentLocked;
             return (PropertyAccess.FormatString(string.Join(", ", Roles), format));
     propertyNotFound = true;
     return string.Empty;
        private string GenerateScriptMarkup(TokenReplace tok, IEnumerable<UserInfo> users)
            var scriptTemplate = GetLocalizedString("Script.Template", FeatureController.RESOURCEFILE_PERSONA_SWITCH);
            var userScriptTemplate = GetLocalizedString("ScriptItem.Template", FeatureController.RESOURCEFILE_PERSONA_SWITCH);
            var sbUserScript = new StringBuilder();
            var sec = new PortalSecurity();

            // create the user avatar listing
            foreach (UserInfo user in users)
                 * $('.dpc[User:UserId]')
                 *      .css('background', 'url([Profile:Photo]) no-repeat')
                 *      .css('background-position', 'center center')
                 *      .attr('title', '[User:DisplayName]')
                 *      .click(function(){ window.location = '[DemoPersona:Login]'; })
                 *      .hover(function (){ $(this).css('opacity', '1.0'); }, function (){ $(this).css('opacity', '0.5'); });
                if (user.UserID != UserId)
                    var userKeyForCookie = sec.EncryptString(user.UserID.ToString(), PortalSettings.GUID.ToString());
                    var userKeyForUrl = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(userKeyForCookie);
                    var newUrl = Globals.NavigateURL(PortalSettings.ActiveTab.TabID,
                        string.Concat(FeatureController.QS_LOGINID, "=", userKeyForUrl));

                    // executing this line of code breaks the JS, removing the BG images
                    var alteredTemplate = userScriptTemplate.Replace(FeatureController.TOKEN_LOGIN, newUrl);

                    // work around for a HTTP 301 redirect issue on homepages in DNN 07.01.00
                    // https://dnntracker.atlassian.net/browse/CONTENT-1561
                    alteredTemplate = alteredTemplate.Replace(FeatureController.TOKEN_COOKIE_NAME, FeatureController.QS_LOGINID);
                    alteredTemplate = alteredTemplate.Replace(FeatureController.TOKEN_COOKIE_VALUE, userKeyForCookie);

                    var userToken = new TokenReplace(Scope.DefaultSettings, user.Profile.PreferredLocale, PortalSettings, user);
                    alteredTemplate = userToken.ReplaceEnvironmentTokens(alteredTemplate);

            // insert the persona scripts
            scriptTemplate = scriptTemplate.Replace(FeatureController.TOKEN_SCRIPT, sbUserScript.ToString());

            // perform core token replace
            scriptTemplate = tok.ReplaceEnvironmentTokens(scriptTemplate);

            return scriptTemplate;