/// <summary>
 /// Checks for a redirect based on a module friendly url provider rule
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="requestUri"></param>
 /// <param name="result"></param>
 /// <param name="queryStringCol"></param>
 /// <param name="settings"></param>
 /// <param name="parentTraceId"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 internal static bool CheckForModuleProviderRedirect(Uri requestUri, 
                                                         ref UrlAction result,
                                                         NameValueCollection queryStringCol,
                                                         FriendlyUrlSettings settings, 
                                                         Guid parentTraceId)
     var messages = new List<string>();
     string location;
     bool redirected = ExtensionUrlProviderController.CheckForRedirect(requestUri, 
                                                                         out location, 
                                                                         ref messages, 
     if (messages != null)
     if (redirected)
         result.FinalUrl = location;
         result.Action = ActionType.Redirect301;
         result.Reason = RedirectReason.Custom_Redirect;
     return redirected;
        public void BindAction(int portalId, int tabId, int moduleId)
            var providers = ExtensionUrlProviderController.GetProviders(portalId);

            Localization.LocalizeDataGrid(ref providersGrid, LocalResourceFile);
            providersGrid.DataSource = providers;

            UrlSettingsExtensionControl.BindAction(portalId, tabId, moduleId);

            var settings = new DotNetNuke.Entities.Urls.FriendlyUrlSettings(portalId);

            if (settings.EnableCustomProviders == false)
                providersGrid.Visible         = false;
                providersWarningLabel.Visible = true;
                providersWarningLabel.Text    = LocalizeString("ExtensionProvidersDisabled.Text");
                if (providersGrid.Items.Count == 0)
                    providersGrid.Visible         = false;
                    providersWarningLabel.Visible = true;
                    providersWarningLabel.Text    = LocalizeString("NoProvidersInstalled.Text");
        public void BindAction(int portalId, int tabId, int moduleId)
            var providers = ExtensionUrlProviderController.GetProviders(portalId);
			Localization.LocalizeDataGrid(ref providersGrid, LocalResourceFile);
            providersGrid.DataSource = providers;

            UrlSettingsExtensionControl.BindAction(portalId, tabId, moduleId);

            var settings = new DotNetNuke.Entities.Urls.FriendlyUrlSettings(portalId);
            if (settings.EnableCustomProviders == false)
                providersGrid.Visible = false;
                providersWarningLabel.Visible = true;
                providersWarningLabel.Text = LocalizeString("ExtensionProvidersDisabled.Text");
                if (providersGrid.Items.Count == 0)
                    providersGrid.Visible = false;
                    providersWarningLabel.Visible = true;
                    providersWarningLabel.Text = LocalizeString("NoProvidersInstalled.Text");
        /// <summary>
        /// Logs the 404 error to a table for later checking 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        /// <param name="settings"></param>
        /// <param name="result"></param>
        public static void Log404(HttpRequest request, FriendlyUrlSettings settings, UrlAction result)
            var controller = new LogController();
            var log = new LogInfo
                    LogTypeKey = EventLogController.EventLogType.PAGE_NOT_FOUND_404.ToString(),
                    LogPortalID = (result.PortalAlias != null) ? result.PortalId : -1
            log.LogProperties.Add(new LogDetailInfo("TabId", (result.TabId > 0) ? result.TabId.ToString() : String.Empty));
            log.LogProperties.Add(new LogDetailInfo("PortalAlias",  (result.PortalAlias != null) ? result.PortalAlias.HTTPAlias : String.Empty));
            log.LogProperties.Add(new LogDetailInfo("OriginalUrl",  result.RawUrl));

            if (request != null)
                if (request.UrlReferrer != null)
                    log.LogProperties.Add(new LogDetailInfo("Referer", request.UrlReferrer.AbsoluteUri));
                log.LogProperties.Add(new LogDetailInfo("Url", request.Url.AbsoluteUri));
                log.LogProperties.Add(new LogDetailInfo("UserAgent", request.UserAgent));
                log.LogProperties.Add(new LogDetailInfo("HostAddress", request.UserHostAddress));
                log.LogProperties.Add(new LogDetailInfo("HostName", request.UserHostName));

Example #5
 public void SetBrowserType(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response, FriendlyUrlSettings settings)
     // set the mobile browser type
     if (request != null && response != null && settings != null)
         this.BrowserType = FriendlyUrlController.GetBrowserType(request, response, settings);
Example #6
        internal static bool CheckForRedirect(
            Uri requestUri,
            UrlAction result,
            NameValueCollection queryStringCol,
            FriendlyUrlSettings settings,
            out string location,
            ref List <string> messages,
            Guid parentTraceId)
            bool redirected = false;

            location = string.Empty;
            ExtensionUrlProvider activeProvider = null;

                List <ExtensionUrlProvider> providersToCall = GetProvidersToCall(result.TabId, result.PortalId, settings,
                if (providersToCall != null && providersToCall.Count > 0)
                    FriendlyUrlOptions options = UrlRewriterUtils.GetOptionsFromSettings(settings);
                    foreach (ExtensionUrlProvider provider in providersToCall)
                        activeProvider = provider; // for error handling
                        redirected     = provider.CheckForRedirect(result.TabId, result.PortalId, result.HttpAlias,
                                                                   requestUri, queryStringCol, options, out location,
                                                                   ref messages);
                        if (redirected)
                            result.FinalUrl = location;
                            result.Reason   = RedirectReason.Module_Provider_Redirect;
            catch (Exception ex)
                // log module provider exception
                LogModuleProviderExceptionInRequest(ex, "500 Internal Server Error", activeProvider, result, messages);

                // return defaults
                redirected = false;
                location   = string.Empty;
                string providerName = "Unknown";
                if (activeProvider != null)
                    providerName = activeProvider.ProviderConfig.ProviderName;

                if (result != null)
                    result.DebugMessages.Add("Exception in provider [" + providerName + "] :" + ex.Message);

Example #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Copies the original request path to the OriginalPath variables (originalPath, originanPathNoAlias).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="path"></param>
 /// <param name="settings"></param>
 public void SetOriginalPath(string path, FriendlyUrlSettings settings)
     this.OriginalPath        = path;
     this.OriginalPathNoAlias = path;
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.HttpAlias) && path.Contains(this.HttpAlias))
         this.OriginalPathNoAlias = path.Substring(path.IndexOf(this.HttpAlias, StringComparison.Ordinal) + this.HttpAlias.Length);
        internal override void RewriteUrl(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Guid parentTraceId = Guid.Empty;
            const bool debug = true;
            bool failedInitialization = false;
            bool ignoreForInstall = false;
            var app = (HttpApplication) sender;
                //875 : completely ignore install/upgrade requests immediately
                ignoreForInstall = IgnoreRequestForInstall(app.Request);

                if (ignoreForInstall == false)
                    _settings = new FriendlyUrlSettings(-1);

            catch (Exception ex)
                //exception handling for advanced Url Rewriting requests
                failedInitialization = true;
                if (app.Context != null)
                    ShowDebugData(app.Context, app.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, null, ex);
                    Handle404OrException(_settings, app.Context, ex, null, false, debug);
            if (!failedInitialization && !ignoreForInstall)
                //if made it through there and not installing, go to next call.  Not in exception catch because it implements it's own top-level exception handling
                var request = app.Context.Request;

                //829 : change constructor to stop using physical path
                var result = new UrlAction(request)
                                            IsSecureConnection = request.IsSecureConnection,
                                            IsSSLOffloaded = IsSSLOffloadEnabled(request),
                                            RawUrl = request.RawUrl
Example #9
        internal static List <ExtensionUrlProvider> GetProvidersForTabAndPortal(
            int tabId,
            int portalId,
            FriendlyUrlSettings settings,
            out bool noSuchProvider,
            Guid parentTraceId)
            // get list of tabids in this portal that have providers
            noSuchProvider = false;
            List <ExtensionUrlProvider> allCachedProviders = null;

            List <int> tabsWithProviders = GetListOfTabsWithProviders(portalId, settings);
            bool       checkThisTab = true, checkAllTabs = true; // going to check all tabs, unless find otherwise in the cache

            if (tabsWithProviders != null)
                checkAllTabs = tabsWithProviders.Contains(RewriteController.AllTabsRewrite);

                checkThisTab = tabsWithProviders.Contains(tabId);

                if (!checkThisTab && !checkAllTabs)
                    noSuchProvider = true; // we got the list of tabs, there is no provider for this tab

            if (checkAllTabs)
                // the portal has an 'all tabs' provider in it
                string allTabsKey             = string.Format(PortalModuleProvidersAllTabsKey, portalId);
                var    cachedAllTabsProviders = (List <ExtensionUrlProvider>)DataCache.GetCache(allTabsKey);
                if (cachedAllTabsProviders != null)
                    allCachedProviders = new List <ExtensionUrlProvider>();

            if (checkThisTab) // the specified tab
                // tab exists, get the providers for this tab
                string key = string.Format(PortalModuleProvidersForTabKey, portalId, tabId);
                var    cachedTabProviders = (List <ExtensionUrlProvider>)DataCache.GetCache(key);
                if (cachedTabProviders != null)
                    if (allCachedProviders == null)
                        allCachedProviders = new List <ExtensionUrlProvider>();


        internal static void StoreCustomAliasesInCache(List <string> aliases, FriendlyUrlSettings settings)
            DateTime absoluteExpiration = DateTime.Now.Add(new TimeSpan(24, 0, 0));

            if (settings != null)
                absoluteExpiration = DateTime.Now.Add(settings.CacheTime);

            DataCache.SetCache(CustomPortalAliasesKey, aliases, absoluteExpiration);
Example #11
        private void ProcessRequest(FriendlyUrlSettings settings, UrlTestHelper testHelper)
            var provider = new AdvancedUrlRewriter();

            testHelper.Response = HttpContext.Current.Response;
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the Action and Reason values in the UrlAction parameter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="result"></param>
        /// <param name="settings"></param>
        internal static void SetRedirectReasonAndAction(ref UrlAction result, FriendlyUrlSettings settings)
            RedirectReason reason;
            ActionType     action;
            string         newUrl;

            DetermineRedirectReasonAndAction(result.RewritePath, result, true, settings, out newUrl, out reason,
                                             out action);
            result.Action      = action;
            result.Reason      = reason;
            result.RewritePath = newUrl;
        internal static List <int> GetListOfTabsWithProviders(int portalId, FriendlyUrlSettings settings)
            List <int> result          = null;
            string     key             = string.Format(PortalModuleProviderTabsKey, portalId);
            var        tabIdsForPortal = (int[])DataCache.GetCache(key);

            if (tabIdsForPortal != null)
                result = new List <int>(tabIdsForPortal);
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the tab is excluded from FriendlyUrl Processing
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tab"></param>
        /// <param name="settings"></param>
        /// <param name="rewriting">If true, we are checking for rewriting purposes, if false, we are checking for friendly Url Generating.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static bool IsExcludedFromFriendlyUrls(TabInfo tab, FriendlyUrlSettings settings, bool rewriting)
            //note this is a duplicate of another method in RewriteController.cs
            bool exclude = false;
            string tabPath = (tab.TabPath.Replace("//", "/") + ";").ToLower();
            if (settings.UseBaseFriendlyUrls != null)
                exclude = settings.UseBaseFriendlyUrls.ToLower().Contains(tabPath);

            return exclude;
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the chosen portal alias for a specific portal Id and culture Code
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="aliases"></param>
 /// <param name="portalId"></param>
 /// <param name="cultureCode"></param>
 /// <remarks>Detects the current browser type if possible.  If can't be deteced 'normal' is used. If a specific browser type is required, use overload with browser type.</remarks>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static PortalAliasInfo GetAliasByPortalIdAndSettings(this IEnumerable<PortalAliasInfo> aliases, int portalId, UrlAction result, string cultureCode, FriendlyUrlSettings settings)
     var browserType = BrowserTypes.Normal;
     //if required, and possible, detect browser type
     if (HttpContext.Current != null && settings != null)
         HttpRequest request = HttpContext.Current.Request;
         HttpResponse response = HttpContext.Current.Response;
         browserType = FriendlyUrlController.GetBrowserType(request, response, settings);
     return GetAliasByPortalIdAndSettings(aliases, portalId, result, cultureCode, browserType);
Example #16
        public HttpResponseMessage GetPortalSettings()
                int portal_id = this.PortalSettings.PortalId;

                DotNetNuke.Entities.Urls.FriendlyUrlSettings fs = new DotNetNuke.Entities.Urls.FriendlyUrlSettings(portal_id);

                WebAPI.Models.FriendlyUrlSettings dto = new WebAPI.Models.FriendlyUrlSettings()
                    auto_ascii_convert           = fs.AutoAsciiConvert,
                    check_for_duplicate_urls     = fs.CheckForDuplicateUrls,
                    deleted_tab_handling         = fs.DeletedTabHandlingType.ToString(),
                    do_not_include_in_path_regex = fs.DoNotIncludeInPathRegex,
                    do_not_redirect_regex        = fs.DoNotRedirectRegex,
                    do_not_redirect_secure_regex = fs.DoNotRedirectSecureRegex,
                    do_not_rewrite_regex         = fs.DoNotRewriteRegex,
                    enable_custom_providers      = fs.EnableCustomProviders,
                    force_lower_case             = fs.ForceLowerCase,
                    force_lower_case_regex       = fs.ForceLowerCaseRegex,
                    ignore_regex             = fs.IgnoreRegex,
                    log_cache_messages       = fs.LogCacheMessages,
                    no_friendly_url_regex    = fs.NoFriendlyUrlRegex,
                    page_extension           = fs.PageExtension,
                    page_extension_usage     = fs.PageExtensionUsageType.ToString(),
                    redirect_old_profile_url = fs.RedirectOldProfileUrl,
                    redirect_unfriendly      = fs.RedirectUnfriendly,
                    redirect_wrong_case      = fs.RedirectWrongCase,
                    regex_match                    = fs.RegexMatch,
                    replace_chars                  = fs.ReplaceChars,
                    replace_space_with             = fs.ReplaceSpaceWith,
                    ssl_client_redirect            = fs.SSLClientRedirect,
                    url_format                     = fs.UrlFormat,
                    use_site_urls_regex            = fs.UseSiteUrlsRegex,
                    valid_extensionless_urls_regex = fs.ValidExtensionlessUrlsRegex

                // replace_char_with_char
                foreach (var key in fs.ReplaceCharacterDictionary.Keys)
                    dto.replace_char_with_char += key + "," + fs.ReplaceCharacterDictionary[key] + ";";

                return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, dto));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, ex));
Example #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the providers to call. Returns tabid matches first, and any portal id matches after that.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tabId"></param>
        /// <param name="portalId"></param>
        /// <param name="settings"></param>
        /// <param name="parentTraceId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static List <ExtensionUrlProvider> GetProvidersToCall(
            int tabId,
            int portalId,
            FriendlyUrlSettings settings,
            Guid parentTraceId)
            List <ExtensionUrlProvider> providers;

            // 887 : introduce lockable code to prevent caching race errors
            lock (providersBuildLock)
                bool definitelyNoProvider;

                // 887 : use cached list of tabs instead of per-tab cache of provider
                // get the list of providers to call based on the tab and the portal
                var providersToCall = CacheController.GetProvidersForTabAndPortal(
                    out definitelyNoProvider,
                if (definitelyNoProvider == false && providersToCall == null)

                // nothing in the cache, and we don't have a definitive 'no' that there isn't a provider
                    // get all providers for the portal
                    var allProviders = GetModuleProviders(portalId).Where(p => p.ProviderConfig.IsActive).ToList();

                    // store the list of tabs for this portal that have a provider attached
                    CacheController.StoreListOfTabsWithProviders(allProviders, portalId, settings);

                    // stash the provider portals in the cache
                    CacheController.StoreModuleProvidersForPortal(portalId, settings, allProviders);

                    // now check if there is a provider for this tab/portal combination
                    if (allProviders.Count > 0)
                        // find if a module is specific to a tab
                        providersToCall = new List <ExtensionUrlProvider>();

                // always return an instantiated provider collection
                providers = providersToCall ?? new List <ExtensionUrlProvider>();

            // return the collection of module providers
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a redirect Url for when the tab has a specified external Url that is of type 'TabType.Tab'.  This covers both
        /// 'PermanentRedirect' and 'ExternalUrl' scenarios, where the settings are to redirect the value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tab"></param>
        /// <param name="settings"></param>
        /// <param name="cleanPath"></param>
        /// <param name="result"></param>
        /// <param name="permRedirect"></param>
        /// <param name="parentTraceId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>823 : Moved from CheckForRedirects to allow call earlier in pipeline</remarks>
        internal static string GetTabRedirectUrl(TabInfo tab,
                                                 FriendlyUrlSettings settings,
                                                 string cleanPath,
                                                 UrlAction result,
                                                 out bool permRedirect,
                                                 Guid parentTraceId)
            string bestFriendlyUrl = null;

            //592 : check for permanent redirect
            permRedirect = tab.PermanentRedirect;
            int redirectTabId;

            if (int.TryParse(tab.Url, out redirectTabId))
                //ok, redirecting to a new tab, specified by the tabid in the Url field
                TabInfo redirectTab = TabController.Instance.GetTab(redirectTabId, tab.PortalID, false);
                if (redirectTab != null)
                    //now get the friendly url for that tab
                    bestFriendlyUrl = AdvancedFriendlyUrlProvider.ImprovedFriendlyUrl(redirectTab,
                //use the url, as specified in the dnn tab url property
                //776 : when no url, don't redirect
                if (tab.Url != "")
                    bestFriendlyUrl = tab.Url;
                    //776: no actual Url for the 'perm redirect'.
                    //this is a mistake on the part of the person who created the perm redirect
                    //but don't create a redirect or there will be a terminal loop
                    permRedirect = false;
Example #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks to see if any providers are marked as 'always call for rewrites'.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="portalId"></param>
        /// <param name="tabId"></param>
        /// <param name="settings"></param>
        /// <param name="parentTraceId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static bool CheckForAlwaysCallProviders(int portalId, int tabId, FriendlyUrlSettings settings, Guid parentTraceId)
            List <int> alwaysCallTabids         = CacheController.GetAlwaysCallProviderTabs(portalId);
            bool       checkForAlwaysCallResult = false;

            if (alwaysCallTabids == null)
                alwaysCallTabids = new List <int>(); // create new list

                // nothing in cache, build list
                List <ExtensionUrlProvider> providers = GetModuleProviders(portalId).Where(p => p.ProviderConfig.IsActive).ToList();
                foreach (ExtensionUrlProvider provider in providers)
                    // check the always call property
                    if (provider.AlwaysCallForRewrite(portalId))
                        if (provider.ProviderConfig.AllTabs)
                            if (alwaysCallTabids.Contains(RewriteController.AllTabsRewrite) == false)
                            foreach (int providerTabId in provider.ProviderConfig.TabIds)
                                if (alwaysCallTabids.Contains(tabId) == false)

                // now store back in cache
                CacheController.StoreAlwaysCallProviderTabs(portalId, alwaysCallTabids, settings);

            if (alwaysCallTabids.Contains(tabId) || alwaysCallTabids.Contains(RewriteController.AllTabsRewrite))
                checkForAlwaysCallResult = true;

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the providers to call. Returns tabid matches first, and any portal id matches after that.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tabId"></param>
        /// <param name="portalId"></param>
        /// <param name="settings"></param>
        /// <param name="parentTraceId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static List<ExtensionUrlProvider> GetProvidersToCall(int tabId, 
                                                                    int portalId, 
                                                                    FriendlyUrlSettings settings,
                                                                    Guid parentTraceId)
            List<ExtensionUrlProvider> providers;

            //887 : introduce lockable code to prevent caching race errors 
            lock (providersBuildLock)
                bool definitelyNoProvider;
                //887 : use cached list of tabs instead of per-tab cache of provider
                //get the list of providers to call based on the tab and the portal
                var providersToCall = CacheController.GetProvidersForTabAndPortal(tabId,
                                                                                    out definitelyNoProvider,
                if (definitelyNoProvider == false && providersToCall == null)
                //nothing in the cache, and we don't have a definitive 'no' that there isn't a provider
                    //get all providers for the portal
                    var allProviders = GetModuleProviders(portalId).Where(p => p.ProviderConfig.IsActive).ToList();

                    //store the list of tabs for this portal that have a provider attached
                    CacheController.StoreListOfTabsWithProviders(allProviders, portalId, settings);

                    //stash the provider portals in the cache
                    CacheController.StoreModuleProvidersForPortal(portalId, settings, allProviders);

                    //now check if there is a provider for this tab/portal combination
                    if (allProviders.Count > 0)
                        //find if a module is specific to a tab
                        providersToCall = new List<ExtensionUrlProvider>();
                //always return an instantiated provider collection
                providers = providersToCall ?? (new List<ExtensionUrlProvider>());

            //return the collection of module providers
            return providers;
Example #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Store the Url Dictionary (all tab urls / tabids) for the installation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="urlDict"></param>
        /// <param name="urlPortals"></param>
        /// <param name="customAliasTabs"></param>
        /// <param name="settings"></param>
        /// <param name="reason"></param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// </remarks>
        internal void StoreFriendlyUrlIndexInCache(
            SharedDictionary <int, SharedDictionary <string, string> > urlDict,
            ConcurrentBag <int> urlPortals,
            SharedDictionary <string, string> customAliasTabs,
            FriendlyUrlSettings settings,
            string reason)
            if (settings.LogCacheMessages)
                this.onRemovePageIndex = this.RemovedPageIndexCallBack;
                this.onRemovePageIndex = null;

            LogRemovedReason = settings.LogCacheMessages;

            SetPageCache(UrlDictKey, urlDict, new DNNCacheDependency(this.GetTabsCacheDependency(urlPortals)), settings, this.onRemovePageIndex);
            SetPageCache(UrlPortalsKey, urlPortals, settings);
            SetPageCache(CustomAliasTabsKey, customAliasTabs, settings);

            if (settings.LogCacheMessages)
                var log = new LogInfo {
                    LogTypeKey = "HOST_ALERT"
                log.AddProperty("Url Rewriting Caching Message", "Friendly Url Index built and Stored in Cache.");
                log.AddProperty("Build Reason", reason);
                log.AddProperty("Cache Key", UrlDictKey);
                using (urlDict.GetReadLock())
                    log.AddProperty("Item Count", urlDict.Values.Count.ToString());

                log.AddProperty("Thread Id", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString());
                log.AddProperty("Item added to cache", "Url Portals object added to cache.  Key:" + UrlPortalsKey + "  Items: " + urlPortals.Count.ToString());
                using (customAliasTabs.GetReadLock())
                    log.AddProperty("Item added to cache", "Custom Alias Tabs added to cache.  Key:" + CustomAliasTabsKey + " Items: " + customAliasTabs.Count.ToString());

        internal void GetPageIndexFromCache(out SharedDictionary <string, string> dict,
                                            out SharedDictionary <int, PathSizes> portalDepthInfo,
                                            FriendlyUrlSettings settings)
            object raw = DataCache.GetCache(PageIndexKey);

            if (raw != null)
                dict            = (SharedDictionary <string, string>)raw;
                raw             = DataCache.GetCache(PageIndexDepthKey);
                portalDepthInfo = (SharedDictionary <int, PathSizes>)raw;
                dict            = null;
                portalDepthInfo = null;
Example #23
 public static FriendlyUrlOptions GetOptionsFromSettings(FriendlyUrlSettings settings)
     return(new FriendlyUrlOptions
         PunctuationReplacement = (settings.ReplaceSpaceWith != FriendlyUrlSettings.ReplaceSpaceWithNothing)
                                         ? settings.ReplaceSpaceWith
                                         : string.Empty,
         SpaceEncoding = settings.SpaceEncodingValue,
         MaxUrlPathLength = 200,
         ConvertDiacriticChars = settings.AutoAsciiConvert,
         RegexMatch = settings.RegexMatch,
         IllegalChars = settings.IllegalChars,
         ReplaceChars = settings.ReplaceChars,
         ReplaceDoubleChars = settings.ReplaceDoubleChars,
         ReplaceCharWithChar = settings.ReplaceCharacterDictionary,
         PageExtension = settings.PageExtensionUsageType == PageExtensionUsageType.Never ? string.Empty : settings.PageExtension,
Example #24
        internal void StorePageIndexInCache(
            SharedDictionary <string, string> tabDictionary,
            SharedDictionary <int, PathSizes> portalDepthInfo,
            FriendlyUrlSettings settings,
            string reason)
            this.onRemovePageIndex = settings.LogCacheMessages ? (CacheItemRemovedCallback)this.RemovedPageIndexCallBack : null;

            // get list of portal ids for the portals we are storing in the page index
            var portalIds = new List <int>();

            using (portalDepthInfo.GetReadLock())

            // 783 : use cache dependency to manage page index instead of triggerDictionaryRebuild regex.
            SetPageCache(PageIndexKey, tabDictionary, new DNNCacheDependency(this.GetTabsCacheDependency(portalIds)), settings, this.onRemovePageIndex);

            SetPageCache(PageIndexDepthKey, portalDepthInfo, settings);

            LogRemovedReason = settings.LogCacheMessages;

            if (settings.LogCacheMessages)
                var log = new LogInfo {
                    LogTypeKey = "HOST_ALERT"

                log.AddProperty("Url Rewriting Caching Message", "Page Index built and Stored in Cache");
                log.AddProperty("Reason", reason);
                log.AddProperty("Cache Item Key", PageIndexKey);
                using (tabDictionary.GetReadLock())
                    log.AddProperty("Item Count", tabDictionary.Count.ToString());

                log.AddProperty("Thread Id", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString());
 /// <summary>
 /// Cancels a redirect
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="result"></param>
 /// <param name="context"></param>
 /// <param name="settings"></param>
 /// <param name="message"></param>
 internal static void CancelRedirect(ref UrlAction result, HttpContext context, FriendlyUrlSettings settings, string message)
     result.Action = ActionType.Continue;
     result.Reason = RedirectReason.Not_Redirected;
     result.FinalUrl = null;
     //clean the path for the rewrite 
     NameValueCollection queryString = null;
     if (context != null)
         queryString = context.Request.QueryString;
     result.RewritePath = RedirectTokens.RemoveAnyRedirectTokens(result.RewritePath, queryString);
     //redo the rewrite to fix up the problem.  The user has ticked 'permanent redirect' but hasn't supplied a forwarding Url
     if (context != null)
     //if no context supplied, means no rewrite was required because querystring didn't contain do301 action
         //RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl(context, result.RewritePath, settings.RebaseClientPath);
         RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl(context, result.RewritePath);
Example #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Return a FriendlyUrlOptions object from the provider settings
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="settings"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static FriendlyUrlOptions GetOptionsFromSettings(FriendlyUrlSettings settings)
     var options = new FriendlyUrlOptions
             PunctuationReplacement = (settings.ReplaceSpaceWith != FriendlyUrlSettings.ReplaceSpaceWithNothing) 
                                             ? settings.ReplaceSpaceWith 
                                             : String.Empty,
             SpaceEncoding = settings.SpaceEncodingValue,
             MaxUrlPathLength = 200,
             ConvertDiacriticChars = settings.AutoAsciiConvert,
             RegexMatch = settings.RegexMatch,
             IllegalChars = settings.IllegalChars,
             ReplaceChars = settings.ReplaceChars,
             ReplaceDoubleChars = settings.ReplaceDoubleChars,
             ReplaceCharWithChar = settings.ReplaceCharacterDictionary,
             PageExtension = (settings.PageExtensionUsageType == PageExtensionUsageType.Never) 
                                     ? "" 
                                     : settings.PageExtension
     return options;
        private static void SetPortalCache(string key, object value, FriendlyUrlSettings settings)
            var absoluteExpiration = DateTime.Now.Add(new TimeSpan(24, 0, 0));

            if (settings != null)
                absoluteExpiration = DateTime.Now.Add(settings.CacheTime);
            //857 : use cache dependency for portal alias cache
            if (settings != null)
                                   new DNNCacheDependency(GetPortalsCacheDependency()),
                DataCache.SetCache(key, value, absoluteExpiration);
Example #28
        public void SetRedirectAllowed(string path, FriendlyUrlSettings settings)
            string regexExpr = settings.DoNotRedirectRegex;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(regexExpr))
                    // if a regex match, redirect Not allowed
                    this.RedirectAllowed = !Regex.IsMatch(path, regexExpr, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                    this.RedirectAllowed = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.RedirectAllowed = true; // default : true, unless regex allows it.  So if regex causes an exception

                // then we should allow the redirect
                UrlRewriterUtils.LogExceptionInRequest(ex, "Not Set", this);
                this.Ex = ex;
 public void ProcessTestRequestWithContext(HttpContext context, 
                                             Uri requestUri,
                                             bool useFriendlyUrls, 
                                             UrlAction result, 
                                             FriendlyUrlSettings settings)
     Guid parentTraceId = Guid.Empty;
     _settings = settings;
 internal static void RewriteAsChildAliasRoot(HttpContext context, 
                                                 UrlAction result, 
                                                 string aliasQueryString,
                                                 FriendlyUrlSettings settings)
     string culture = null;
     //look for specific alias to rewrite language parameter
     var primaryAliases = PortalAliasController.Instance.GetPortalAliasesByPortalId(result.PortalId).ToList();
     if (result.PortalId > -1 && result.HttpAlias != null)
         culture = primaryAliases.GetCultureByPortalIdAndAlias(result.PortalId, result.HttpAlias);
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(culture))
         //732 : when no culture returned can be "" as well as null : no culture causes no rewrite, which results in redirect to parent alias
         //set the default culture code here
         //735 : switch to custom method for getting portal
         PortalInfo pi = CacheController.GetPortal(result.PortalId, false);
         if (pi != null)
             culture = pi.DefaultLanguage;
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(culture)) //a culture was identified for the alias root
         if (RewriteController.AddLanguageCodeToRewritePath(ref aliasQueryString, culture))
             result.CultureCode = culture;
         result.DoRewrite = true;
         result.RewritePath = "~/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage + aliasQueryString;
         //the expected /default.aspx path (defaultPageUrl) matches the requested Url (/default.aspx)
         if (context != null)
             //only do if not testing
             RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl(context, result.RewritePath);
 internal void StoreTabPathsInCache(int portalId, SharedDictionary <string, string> tabPathDictionary, FriendlyUrlSettings settings)
     SetPageCache(string.Format(TabPathsKey, portalId),
                  new DNNCacheDependency(GetTabsCacheDependency(new List <int> {
        private void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context,
                                Uri requestUri,
                                bool useFriendlyUrls,
                                UrlAction result,
                                FriendlyUrlSettings settings,
                                bool allowSettingsChange,
                                Guid parentTraceId)
            bool finished = false;
            bool showDebug = false;
            bool postRequest = false;

            HttpRequest request = context.Request;
            HttpResponse response = context.Response;
            string requestType = request.RequestType;
            NameValueCollection queryStringCol = request.QueryString;


                string fullUrl, querystring;
                //699: get the full url based on the request and the quersytring, rather than the requestUri.ToString()
                //there is a difference in encoding, which can corrupt results when an encoded value is in the querystring
                RewriteController.GetUrlWithQuerystring(request, requestUri, out fullUrl, out querystring);

                showDebug = CheckForDebug(request, queryStringCol, settings.AllowDebugCode);
                string ignoreRegex = settings.IgnoreRegex;
                bool ignoreRequest = IgnoreRequest(result, fullUrl, ignoreRegex, request);
                bool redirectAlias = false;
                if (!ignoreRequest)
                    //set original path
                    context.Items["UrlRewrite:OriginalUrl"] = requestUri.AbsoluteUri;

                    //set the path of the result object, and determine if a redirect is allowed on this request
                    result.SetOriginalPath(requestUri.ToString(), settings);
                    //737 : set the mobile browser 
                    result.SetBrowserType(request, response, settings);
                    //add to context
                    context.Items["UrlRewrite:BrowserType"] = result.BrowserType.ToString();

                    //839 : split out this check
                    result.SetRedirectAllowed(result.OriginalPath, settings);

                    //find the portal alias first
                    string wrongAlias;
                    bool isPrimaryAlias;
                    var requestedAlias = GetPortalAlias(settings, fullUrl, out redirectAlias, out isPrimaryAlias, out wrongAlias);
                    if (requestedAlias != null)
                        //827 : now get the correct settings for this portal (if not a test request)
                        //839 : separate out redirect check as well and move above first redirect test (ConfigurePortalAliasRedirect)
                        if (allowSettingsChange)
                            settings = new FriendlyUrlSettings(requestedAlias.PortalID);
                            result.SetRedirectAllowed(result.OriginalPath, settings);
                        result.PortalAlias = requestedAlias;
                        result.PrimaryAlias = requestedAlias;//this is the primary alias
                        result.PortalId = requestedAlias.PortalID;
                        result.CultureCode = requestedAlias.CultureCode;
                        //get the portal alias mapping for this portal
                        result.PortalAliasMapping = PortalSettings.GetPortalAliasMappingMode(requestedAlias.PortalID);

                        //if requested alias wasn't the primary, we have a replacement, redirects are allowed and the portal alias mapping mode is redirect
                        //then do a redirect based on the wrong portal
                        if ((redirectAlias && wrongAlias != null) && result.RedirectAllowed && result.PortalAliasMapping != PortalSettings.PortalAliasMapping.Redirect)
                            //this is the alias, we are going to enforce it as the primary alias
                            result.PortalAlias = requestedAlias;
                            result.PrimaryAlias = requestedAlias;
                            //going to redirect this alias because it is incorrect
                            //or do we just want to mark as 'check for 301??'
                            redirectAlias = ConfigurePortalAliasRedirect(ref result,
                            //do not redirect the wrong alias, but set the primary alias value
                            if (wrongAlias != null)
                                //get the portal alias info for the requested alias (which is the wrong one)
                                //and set that as the alias, but also set the found alias as the primary
                                PortalAliasInfo wrongAliasInfo = PortalAliasController.Instance.GetPortalAlias(wrongAlias);
                                if (wrongAliasInfo != null)
                                    result.PortalAlias = wrongAliasInfo;
                                    result.PrimaryAlias = requestedAlias;
                ignoreRegex = settings.IgnoreRegex;
                ignoreRequest = IgnoreRequest(result, fullUrl, ignoreRegex, request);
                if (!ignoreRequest) 
                    //check to see if a post request
                    if (request.RequestType == "POST")
                        postRequest = true;

                    //check the portal alias again.  This time, in more depth now that the portal Id is known 
                    //this check handles browser types/language specific aliases & mobile aliases
                    string primaryHttpAlias;
                    if (!redirectAlias && IsPortalAliasIncorrect(context, request, requestUri, result, queryStringCol, settings, parentTraceId, out primaryHttpAlias))
                        //it was an incorrect alias
                        PortalAliasInfo primaryAlias = PortalAliasController.Instance.GetPortalAlias(primaryHttpAlias);
                        if (primaryAlias != null) result.PrimaryAlias = primaryAlias;
                        //try and redirect the alias if the settings allow it
                        redirectAlias = RedirectPortalAlias(primaryHttpAlias, ref result, settings);

                    if (redirectAlias)
                        //not correct alias for portal : will be redirected
                        //perform a 301 redirect if one has already been found
                        response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently";
                        response.AppendHeader("X-Redirect-Reason", result.Reason.ToString().Replace("_", " ") + " Requested");
                        response.AddHeader("Location", result.FinalUrl);
                        finished = true;
                    if (!finished)
                        //Check to see if this to be rewritten into default.aspx?tabId=nn format
                        //this call is the main rewriting matching call.  It makes the decision on whether it is a 
                        //physical file, whether it is toe be rewritten or redirected by way of a stored rule

                        //Check if we have a standard url
                        var uri = new Uri(fullUrl);
                        if (uri.PathAndQuery.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith("/" + Globals.glbDefaultPage.ToLowerInvariant()))
                            result.DoRewrite = true;
                            result.Action = ActionType.CheckFor301;
                            result.RewritePath = Globals.glbDefaultPage + uri.Query;
                            bool isPhysicalResource;
                            CheckForRewrite(fullUrl, querystring, result, useFriendlyUrls, queryStringCol, settings, out isPhysicalResource, parentTraceId);

                        //return 404 if there is no portal alias for a rewritten request
                        if (result.DoRewrite && result.PortalAlias == null)
                            //882 : move this logic in from where it was before to here
                            //so that non-rewritten requests don't trip over it
                            //no portal alias found for the request : that's a 404 error
                            result.Action = ActionType.Output404;
                            result.Reason = RedirectReason.No_Portal_Alias;

                            Handle404OrException(settings, context, null, result, false, showDebug);
                            finished = true; //cannot fulfil request unless correct portal alias specified

                    if (!finished && result.DoRewrite)
                        //check the identified portal alias details for any extra rewrite information required
                        //this includes the culture and the skin, which can be placed into the rewrite path
                        //This logic is here because it will catch any Urls which are excluded from rewriting
                        var primaryAliases = PortalAliasController.Instance.GetPortalAliasesByPortalId(result.PortalId).ToList();

                        if (result.PortalId > -1 && result.HttpAlias != null)
                            string culture;
                            string skin;
                            BrowserTypes browserType;
                            primaryAliases.GetSettingsByPortalIdAndAlias(result.PortalId, result.HttpAlias,
                                                                                            out culture, 
                                                                                            out browserType,
                                                                                            out skin);
                            //add language code to path if it exists (not null) and if it's not already there
                            string rewritePath = result.RewritePath;
                            if (RewriteController.AddLanguageCodeToRewritePath(ref rewritePath, culture))
                                result.CultureCode = culture;

                            //852: add skinSrc to path if it exists and if it's not already there
                            string debugMessage;
                            RewriteController.AddSkinToRewritePath(result.TabId, result.PortalId, ref rewritePath, skin, out debugMessage);
                            result.RewritePath = rewritePath; //reset back from ref temp var
                            if (debugMessage != null)

                    if (!finished && result.DoRewrite)
                        //if so, do the rewrite
                        if (result.RewritePath.StartsWith(result.Scheme) || result.RewritePath.StartsWith(Globals.glbDefaultPage) == false)
                            if (result.RewritePath.Contains(Globals.glbDefaultPage) == false)
                                RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl(context, "~/" + result.RewritePath);
                                //if there is no TabId and we have the domain
                                if (!result.RewritePath.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("tabId="))
                                    RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl(context, "~/" + result.RewritePath);
                                    RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl(context, result.RewritePath);
                            RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl(context, "~/" + result.RewritePath);

                    //confirm which portal the request is for 
                    if (!finished)
                        IdentifyPortalAlias(context, request, requestUri, result, queryStringCol, settings, parentTraceId);
                        if (result.Action == ActionType.Redirect302Now)
                            //performs a 302 redirect if requested
                            response.AppendHeader("X-Redirect-Reason", result.Reason.ToString().Replace("_", " ") + " Requested");
                            response.Redirect(result.FinalUrl, false);
                            finished = true;
                            if (result.Action == ActionType.Redirect301 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.FinalUrl))
                                finished = true;
                                //perform a 301 redirect if one has already been found
                                response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently";
                                response.AppendHeader("X-Redirect-Reason", result.Reason.ToString().Replace("_", " ") + " Requested");
                                response.AddHeader("Location", result.FinalUrl);
                    if (!finished)
                        //check to see if this tab has an external url that should be forwared or not
                        finished = CheckForTabExternalForwardOrRedirect(context, ref result, response, settings, parentTraceId);

                    //check for a parameter redirect (we had to do all the previous processing to know we are on the right portal and identify the tabid)
                    //if the CustomParmRewrite flag is set, it means we already rewrote these parameters, so they have to be correct, and aren't subject to 
                    //redirection.  The only reason to do a custom parm rewrite is to interpret already-friendly parameters
                    if (!finished
                        && !postRequest /* either request is null, or it's not a post - 551 */
                        && result.HttpAlias != null /* must have a http alias */
                        && !result.CustomParmRewrite && /* not custom rewritten parms */
                        ((settings.EnableCustomProviders &&
                          RedirectController.CheckForModuleProviderRedirect(requestUri, ref result, queryStringCol, settings, parentTraceId))
                        //894 : allow disable of all custom providers
                         RedirectController.CheckForParameterRedirect(requestUri, ref result, queryStringCol, settings)))
                        //301 redirect to new location based on parameter match
                        if (response != null)
                            switch (result.Action)
                                case ActionType.Redirect301:
                                    response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently";
                                    response.AppendHeader("X-Redirect-Reason", result.Reason.ToString().Replace("_", " ") + " Requested");
                                    response.AddHeader("Location", result.FinalUrl);
                                case ActionType.Redirect302:
                                    response.AppendHeader("X-Redirect-Reason", result.Reason.ToString().Replace("_", " ") + " Requested");
                                case ActionType.Output404:
                                    response.AppendHeader("X-Result-Reason", result.Reason.ToString().Replace("_", " "));
                                    Handle404OrException(settings, context, null, result, true, showDebug);
                        finished = true;

                    //shifted until after the 301 redirect code to allow redirects to be checked for pages which have no rewrite value
                    //look for a 404 result from the rewrite, because of a deleted page or rule
                    if (!finished && result.Action == ActionType.Output404)
                        if (result.OriginalPath == result.HttpAlias && result.PortalAlias != null
                                && result.Reason != RedirectReason.Deleted_Page && result.Reason != RedirectReason.Disabled_Page)
                            //Request for domain with no page identified (and no home page set in Site Settings)
                            result.Action = ActionType.Continue;
                            finished = true;
                            response.AppendHeader("X-Result-Reason", result.Reason.ToString().Replace("_", " "));

                            if (showDebug)
                                ShowDebugData(context, requestUri.AbsoluteUri, result, null);
                            //show the 404 page if configured
                            result.Reason = RedirectReason.Requested_404;
                            Handle404OrException(settings, context, null, result, true, showDebug);

                    if (!finished)
                        //add the portal settings to the app context if the portal alias has been found and is correct
                        if (result.PortalId != -1 && result.PortalAlias != null)
                            // load the PortalSettings into current context 
                            var portalSettings = new PortalSettings(result.TabId, result.PortalAlias);
                            //set the primary alias if one was specified
                            if (result.PrimaryAlias != null) portalSettings.PrimaryAlias = result.PrimaryAlias;

                            if (result.CultureCode != null && fullUrl.Contains(result.CultureCode) &&
                                portalSettings.DefaultLanguage == result.CultureCode)
                                //when the request culture code is the same as the portal default, check for a 301 redirect, because we try and remove the language from the url where possible
                                result.Action = ActionType.CheckFor301;

                            int portalHomeTabId = portalSettings.HomeTabId;
                            if (context != null && portalSettings != null && !context.Items.Contains("PortalSettings"))
                                context.Items.Add("PortalSettings", portalSettings);
                            //check if a secure redirection is needed
                            //this would be done earlier in the piece, but need to know the portal settings, tabid etc before processing it
                            bool redirectSecure = CheckForSecureRedirect(portalSettings, requestUri, result, queryStringCol, settings);
                            if (redirectSecure)
                                if (response != null)
                                    //702 : don't check final url until checked for null reference first
                                    if (result.FinalUrl != null)
                                        if (result.FinalUrl.StartsWith("https://"))
                                            if (showDebug)
                                                string debugMsg = "{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}";
                                                string productVer = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName(false).Version.ToString();
                                                response.AppendHeader("X-" + prodName + "-Debug", string.Format(debugMsg, requestUri.AbsoluteUri, result.FinalUrl, result.RewritePath, result.Action, productVer));
                                                ShowDebugData(context, fullUrl, result, null);
                                            response.AppendHeader("X-Redirect-Reason", result.Reason.ToString().Replace("_", " ") + " Requested");
                                            response.Redirect(result.FinalUrl, false);
                                            finished = true;
                                            if (settings.SSLClientRedirect)
                                                //redirect back to http version, use client redirect
                                                // add a refresh header to the response 
                                                response.AddHeader("Refresh", "0;URL=" + result.FinalUrl);
                                                // add the clientside javascript redirection script
                                                response.Write(@"<!-- <script language=""javascript"">window.location.replace(""" + result.FinalUrl + @""")</script> -->");
                                                response.Write("</head><body><div><a href='" + result.FinalUrl + "'>" + result.FinalUrl + "</a></div></body></html>");
                                                if (showDebug)
                                                    string debugMsg = "{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}";
                                                    string productVer = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName(false).Version.ToString();
                                                    response.AppendHeader("X-" + prodName + "-Debug", string.Format(debugMsg, requestUri.AbsoluteUri, result.FinalUrl, result.RewritePath, result.Action, productVer));
                                                    ShowDebugData(context, fullUrl, result, null);
                                                // send the response
                                                //891 : reinstate the response.end to stop the entire page loading
                                                finished = true;
                                                response.AppendHeader("X-Redirect-Reason", result.Reason.ToString().Replace("_", " ") + " Requested");
                                                response.Redirect(result.FinalUrl, false);
                                                finished = true;
                                //check for, and do a 301 redirect if required 
                                if (CheckForRedirects(requestUri, fullUrl, queryStringCol, result, requestType, settings, portalHomeTabId))
                                    if (response != null)
                                        if (result.Action == ActionType.Redirect301)
                                            response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently";
                                            response.AppendHeader("X-Redirect-Reason", result.Reason.ToString().Replace("_", " ") + " Requested");
                                            response.AddHeader("Location", result.FinalUrl);
                                            finished = true;
                                        else if (result.Action == ActionType.Redirect302)
                                            response.AppendHeader("X-Redirect-Reason", result.Reason.ToString().Replace("_", " ") + " Requested");
                                            response.Redirect(result.FinalUrl, false);
                                            finished = true;
                                    //612 : Don't clear out a 302 redirect if set
                                    if (result.Action != ActionType.Redirect302 &&
                                        result.Action != ActionType.Redirect302Now)
                                        result.Reason = RedirectReason.Not_Redirected;
                                        result.FinalUrl = null;
                            // alias does not exist in database 
                            // and all attempts to find another have failed 
                            //this should only happen if the HostPortal does not have any aliases 
                            result.Action = ActionType.Output404;
                            if (response != null)
                                if (showDebug)
                                    ShowDebugData(context, fullUrl, result, null);
                                result.Reason = RedirectReason.Requested_404;
                                //912 : change 404 type to transfer to allow transfer to main portal in single-portal installs
                                Handle404OrException(settings, context, null, result, true, showDebug);
                                finished = true;

                    //404 page ??
                    if (settings.TabId404 > 0 && settings.TabId404 == result.TabId)
                        string status = queryStringCol["status"];
                        if (status == "404")
                            //respond with a 404 error
                            result.Action = ActionType.Output404;
                            result.Reason = RedirectReason.Requested_404_In_Url;
                            Handle404OrException(settings, context, null, result, true, showDebug);
                        if (result.DoRewrite == false && result.CanRewrite != StateBoolean.False && !finished &&
                            result.Action == ActionType.Continue)
                            //739 : catch no-extension 404 errors
                            string pathWithNoQs = result.OriginalPath;
                            if (pathWithNoQs.Contains("?"))
                                pathWithNoQs = pathWithNoQs.Substring(0, pathWithNoQs.IndexOf("?", StringComparison.Ordinal));
                            if (!pathWithNoQs.Substring(pathWithNoQs.Length - 5, 5).Contains("."))
                                //no page extension, output a 404 if the Url is not found
                                //766 : check for physical path before passing off as a 404 error
                                //829 : change to use action physical path
                                //893 : filter by regex pattern to exclude urls which are valid, but show up as extensionless
                                if ((request != null && Directory.Exists(result.PhysicalPath))
                                    Regex.IsMatch(pathWithNoQs, settings.ValidExtensionlessUrlsRegex, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant))
                                    //do nothing : it's a request for a valid physical path, maybe including a default document
                                    result.VirtualPath = StateBoolean.False;
                                    if (!ServiceApi.IsMatch(context.Request.RawUrl))
                                        //no physical path, intercept the request and hand out a 404 error
                                        result.Action = ActionType.Output404;
                                        result.Reason = RedirectReason.Page_404;
                                        result.VirtualPath = StateBoolean.True;
                                        //add in a message to explain this 404, becaue it can be cryptic
                                        result.DebugMessages.Add("404 Reason : Not found and no extension");
                                        Handle404OrException(settings, context, null, result, true, showDebug);

                    //  show debug messages after extensionless-url special 404 handling
                    if (showDebug)
                        ShowDebugData(context, fullUrl, result, null);
            catch (ThreadAbortException)
                //do nothing, a threadAbortException will have occured from using a server.transfer or response.redirect within the code block.  This is the highest
                //level try/catch block, so we handle it here.
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (showDebug)
                if (response != null)
                    if (showDebug)
                        ShowDebugData(context, requestUri.AbsoluteUri, result, ex);
                    if (result != null)
                        result.Ex = ex;
                        result.Reason = RedirectReason.Exception;
                    Handle404OrException(settings, context, ex, result, false, showDebug);
                    if (result != null && result.DebugMessages != null)
                        result.DebugMessages.Add("Exception: " + ex.Message);
                        result.DebugMessages.Add("Stack Trace: " + ex.StackTrace);
                //809 : add in new code copied from urlRewrite class in standard Url Rewrite module
                if (context != null && context.Items["FirstRequest"] != null)
                    //process any messages in the eventQueue for the Application_Start_FIrstRequest event
 /// <summary>
 /// Configures the result object to set the correct Alias redirect
 /// parameters and destination URL
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="result"></param>
 /// <param name="wrongAlias"></param>
 /// <param name="rightAlias"></param>
 /// <param name="ignoreCustomAliasTabs"></param>
 /// <param name="redirectReason"></param>
 /// <param name="internalAliases"></param>
 /// <param name="settings"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static bool ConfigurePortalAliasRedirect(ref UrlAction result, 
                                                     string wrongAlias, 
                                                     string rightAlias,
                                                     bool ignoreCustomAliasTabs, 
                                                     RedirectReason redirectReason,
                                                     List<InternalAlias> internalAliases,
                                                     FriendlyUrlSettings settings)
     //wrong alias for the portal
     //check to see if the wrong portal alias could be a custom alias for a tab
     bool doRedirect;
     if (ignoreCustomAliasTabs == false) //check out custom alias tabs collection
         //if an alias is a custom tab alias for a specific tab, then don't redirect
         if (CheckIfAliasIsCustomTabAlias(ref result, wrongAlias, settings)) 
             doRedirect = false;
             doRedirect = true;
         doRedirect = true; //do redirect, ignore custom alias entries for tabs
     //check to see if it is an internal alias.  These are used to block redirects
     //to allow for reverse proxy requests, which must change the rewritten alias
     //while leaving the requested alias
     bool internalAliasFound = false;
     if (doRedirect && internalAliases != null && internalAliases.Count > 0)
         if (internalAliases.Any(ia => String.Compare(ia.HttpAlias, wrongAlias, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0))
             internalAliasFound = true;
             doRedirect = false;
     //if still need to do redirect, then set the settings that will cause the redirect (redirect not done here)
     if (doRedirect)
         result.Action = ActionType.Redirect301;
         result.Reason = redirectReason;
         string destUrl = result.OriginalPath.Replace(wrongAlias, rightAlias);
         if (redirectReason == RedirectReason.Wrong_Portal_Alias_For_Culture ||
             redirectReason == RedirectReason.Wrong_Portal_Alias_For_Culture_And_Browser)
             destUrl = destUrl.Replace("/language/" + result.CultureCode, "");
         destUrl = CheckForSiteRootRedirect(rightAlias, destUrl);
         result.FinalUrl = destUrl;
         //838 : don't overwrite the reason if already have checkfor301
         // and don't do a check on the basis that an internal alias was found
         if (result.Action != ActionType.CheckFor301 && internalAliasFound == false)
             //set status to 'check for redirect'
             result.Action = ActionType.CheckFor301;
             result.Reason = RedirectReason.Custom_Tab_Alias;
     return doRedirect;
 private PortalAliasInfo GetPortalAlias(FriendlyUrlSettings settings, string requestUrl, out bool redirectAlias, out bool isPrimaryAlias, out string wrongAlias)
     PortalAliasInfo alias = null;
     redirectAlias = false;
     wrongAlias = null;
     isPrimaryAlias = false;
     OrderedDictionary portalRegexes = TabIndexController.GetPortalAliasRegexes(settings);
     foreach (string regexPattern in portalRegexes.Keys)
         //split out the portal alias from the regex pattern representing that alias
         Match aliasMatch = Regex.Match(requestUrl, regexPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant);
         if (aliasMatch.Success)
             //check for mobile browser and matching
             var aliasEx = (PortalAliasInfo)portalRegexes[regexPattern];
             redirectAlias = aliasEx.Redirect;
             if (redirectAlias)
                 wrongAlias = aliasMatch.Groups["alias"].Value;
             isPrimaryAlias = aliasEx.IsPrimary;
             alias = aliasEx;
     return alias;
        /// <summary>
        /// Redirects an alias if that is allowed by the settings
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="httpAlias"></param>
        /// <param name="result"></param>
        /// <param name="settings"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        private static bool RedirectPortalAlias(string httpAlias, ref UrlAction result, FriendlyUrlSettings settings)
            bool redirected = false;
            //redirect to primary alias
            if (result.PortalAliasMapping == PortalSettings.PortalAliasMapping.Redirect && result.RedirectAllowed)
                if (result.Reason == RedirectReason.Wrong_Portal_Alias_For_Browser_Type || result.Reason == RedirectReason.Wrong_Portal_Alias_For_Culture ||
                    result.Reason == RedirectReason.Wrong_Portal_Alias_For_Culture_And_Browser)
                    redirected = ConfigurePortalAliasRedirect(ref result, result.HttpAlias, httpAlias, false, result.Reason, settings.InternalAliasList, settings);
                    redirected = ConfigurePortalAliasRedirect(ref result, result.HttpAlias, httpAlias, false, settings.InternalAliasList, settings);

            return redirected;
Example #36
        internal static bool GetUrlFromExtensionUrlProviders(
            int portalId,
            TabInfo tab,
            FriendlyUrlSettings settings,
            string friendlyUrlPath,
            string cultureCode,
            ref string endingPageName,
            out string changedPath,
            out bool changeToSiteRoot,
            ref List <string> messages,
            Guid parentTraceId)
            bool wasChanged = false;

            changedPath      = friendlyUrlPath;
            changeToSiteRoot = false;
            ExtensionUrlProvider activeProvider = null;

            if (messages == null)
                messages = new List <string>();

                List <ExtensionUrlProvider> providersToCall = GetProvidersToCall(tab.TabID, portalId, settings,
                FriendlyUrlOptions options = UrlRewriterUtils.GetOptionsFromSettings(settings);
                foreach (ExtensionUrlProvider provider in providersToCall)
                    activeProvider = provider; // keep for exception purposes
                    bool useDnnPagePath;

                    // go through and call each provider to generate the friendly urls for the module
                    string customPath = provider.ChangeFriendlyUrl(
                        ref endingPageName,
                        out useDnnPagePath,
                        ref messages);

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(endingPageName))
                        endingPageName = Globals.glbDefaultPage; // set back to default.aspx if provider cleared it

                    // now check to see if a change was made or not.  Don't trust the provider.
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customPath))
                        // was customPath any different to friendlyUrlPath?
                        if (string.CompareOrdinal(customPath, friendlyUrlPath) != 0)
                            wasChanged       = true;
                            changedPath      = customPath.Trim();
                            changeToSiteRoot = !useDnnPagePath; // useDNNpagePath means no change to site root.
                            const string format = "Path returned from {0} -> path:{1}, ending Page:{2}, use Page Path:{3}";
                            messages.Add(string.Format(format, provider.ProviderConfig.ProviderName, customPath, endingPageName, useDnnPagePath));
                            break; // first module provider to change the Url is the only one used
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogModuleProviderExceptionInRequest(ex, "500 Internal Server Error", activeProvider, null, messages);

                // reset all values to defaults
                wasChanged       = false;
                changedPath      = friendlyUrlPath;
                changeToSiteRoot = false;

        private static bool CheckForRedirects(Uri requestUri, 
                                                string fullUrl, 
                                                NameValueCollection queryStringCol,
                                                UrlAction result, 
                                                string requestType, 
                                                FriendlyUrlSettings settings,
                                                int portalHomeTabId)
            bool redirected = false;
            if (queryStringCol["error"] == null && queryStringCol["message"] == null && requestType != "POST")
                //if the / is missing from an extension-less request, then check for a 301 redirect
                if (settings.PageExtensionUsageType == PageExtensionUsageType.Never)
                    //575 check on absolutePath instead of absoluteUri : this ignores query strings and fragments like #
                    //610 don't always end with '/' - reverses previous setting
                    //687 don't double-check 301 redirects.  'CheckFor301' is less concise than 'Redirect301'
                    // DNN-21906: if the redirect is for splash page, then we should continue the 302 redirect.
                    if (requestUri.AbsolutePath.EndsWith("/") && result.Action != ActionType.Redirect301 && result.Reason != RedirectReason.Requested_SplashPage)
                        result.Action = ActionType.CheckFor301;
                if (settings.RedirectWrongCase && result.Action == ActionType.Continue)
                    result.Action = ActionType.CheckFor301;
                string scheme = requestUri.Scheme + Uri.SchemeDelimiter;
                bool queryStringHas301Parm = (queryStringCol["do301"] != null);
                //727 : keep a bool value if there is a do301 request in the querystring
                //check for a 301 request in the query string, or an explicit 301 or 302 request
                //2.0 - check for explicit do301=true instead of just do301 key
                string do301Val = queryStringCol["do301"];
                if (result.TabId > -1 //valid tab
                    && (result.Action == ActionType.Redirect301 //specific 301 redirect
                        || (do301Val != null && do301Val == "true") //or rewrite hint for specific 301 redirect 
                        || result.Action == ActionType.Redirect302)) //or specific 302 redirect
                    //we have ordered a 301 redirect earlier in the code
                    //get the url for redirection by re-submitting the path into the Friendly Url Provider
                    string pathOnly = RewriteController.GetRewriteOrRequestedPath(result, requestUri);
                    //727 prevent redirectLoop with do301 in querystring
                    if (result.Action == ActionType.Redirect301 || queryStringHas301Parm || result.Action == ActionType.Redirect302)
                        pathOnly = RedirectTokens.RemoveAnyRedirectTokens(pathOnly, queryStringCol);

                    //check for exclusion by regex for this url
                    if (result.RedirectAllowed)
                        //get the tab so we know where to go
                        TabInfo tab;
                        bool checkRedirect = CheckFor301RedirectExclusion(result.TabId, result.PortalId, true, out tab, settings);

                        if (checkRedirect)
                            if ((result.Reason == RedirectReason.Deleted_Page || result.Reason == RedirectReason.Disabled_Page)
                                && portalHomeTabId > 0
                                && settings.DeletedTabHandlingType == DeletedTabHandlingType.Do301RedirectToPortalHome)
                                //redirecting to home page  
                                TabInfo homeTab = TabController.Instance.GetTab(portalHomeTabId, result.PortalId, false);
                                if (homeTab != null)
                                    string homePageUrl = AdvancedFriendlyUrlProvider.ImprovedFriendlyUrl(homeTab, 
                                    result.Action = ActionType.Redirect301;
                                    result.FinalUrl = homePageUrl;
                                    result.RewritePath = pathOnly;
                                    redirected = true;
                                //get the rewrite or requested path in a clean format, suitable for input to the friendly url provider
                                string cleanPath = RewriteController.GetRewriteOrRequestedPath(result, requestUri);

                                //727 prevent redirectLoop with do301 in querystring
                                //also check for existing in path of do301 token
                                if (result.Action == ActionType.Redirect301 || do301Val != null || result.Action == ActionType.Redirect302)
                                    cleanPath = RedirectTokens.RemoveAnyRedirectTokens(cleanPath, queryStringCol);

                                //get best friendly url from friendly url provider
                                string bestFriendlyUrl = AdvancedFriendlyUrlProvider.ImprovedFriendlyUrl(tab, 

                                //get what the friendly Url for this tab should be and stick it in as the redirect
                                //727 : using boolean because we wanted to get rid of the do301 before calculating the correct url
                                if (queryStringHas301Parm)
                                    result.Action = ActionType.Redirect301;
                                    if (result.Reason == RedirectReason.Not_Redirected)
                                        result.Reason = RedirectReason.Unfriendly_Url_1;
                                result.FinalUrl = bestFriendlyUrl;
                                result.RewritePath = pathOnly;
                                redirected = true; //mark as redirected
                            //redirect disallowed 
                            //618: dont' clear if 302 redirect selected
                            if (result.Action != ActionType.Redirect302Now || result.Action != ActionType.Redirect302)
                                RedirectController.CancelRedirect(ref result, null, settings, "Redirect requested but cancelled because disallowed");
                else if (result.TabId > -1 && result.RedirectAllowed && result.Action == ActionType.CheckFor301)
                    //301 check was requested in earlier processing
                    //get the tab controller and retrieve the tab the request is for 
                    //don't redirect unless allowed, the tab is valid, and it's not an admin or super tab 
                    if (settings.RedirectUnfriendly)
                        TabInfo tab;
                        bool allowRedirect = CheckFor301RedirectExclusion(result.TabId, result.PortalId, true, out tab, settings);
                        if (allowRedirect && tab != null)
                            //remove the http alias from the url. Do this by putting the url back together from the request and removing the alias 
                            string rewritePathOnly;
                            if (result.DoRewrite)
                                rewritePathOnly = result.RewritePath;
                                var pos = rewritePathOnly.IndexOf("default.aspx", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                                if (pos > Null.NullInteger)
                                    rewritePathOnly = rewritePathOnly.Substring(pos);
                                rewritePathOnly = requestUri.Host + requestUri.PathAndQuery;

                            //remove the http alias from the path 
                            var pathAliasEnd = rewritePathOnly.IndexOf(result.PortalAlias.HTTPAlias, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                            var queryStringIndex = rewritePathOnly.IndexOf("?", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                            if (pathAliasEnd > Null.NullInteger && (queryStringIndex == Null.NullInteger || pathAliasEnd < queryStringIndex))
                                rewritePathOnly = rewritePathOnly.Substring(pathAliasEnd + result.PortalAlias.HTTPAlias.Length);
                            rewritePathOnly = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(rewritePathOnly, Encoding.UTF8);
                            //now check to see if need to remove /default.aspx from the end of the requested Url
                            string requestedUrl = fullUrl;
                            int requestedUrlAliasEnd = requestedUrl.IndexOf(result.PortalAlias.HTTPAlias, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) 
                                                        + (result.PortalAlias.HTTPAlias + "/").Length;
                            if (requestedUrlAliasEnd > Null.NullInteger)
                                //818 : when a site root is used for a custom page Url, then check for max length within bounds
                                if ((requestedUrl.Length - requestedUrlAliasEnd) >= 12 && requestedUrl.Substring(requestedUrlAliasEnd).ToLower() == "default.aspx")
                                    requestedUrl = requestedUrl.Substring(0, requestedUrl.Length - 12);
                                    //12 = default.aspx length

                            //what happens here is that the request is reverse-engineered to see if it matches what the friendly Url shoudl have been 
                            //get what the friendly Url for this tab should be 
                            string bestFriendlyUrl;
                            //819 : leaving /do301/check in Url because not using cleanPath to remove from

                            string cleanPath = RedirectTokens.RemoveAnyRedirectTokensAndReasons(rewritePathOnly);
                            //string cleanPath = rewritePathOnly.Replace("&do301=check","");//remove check parameter if it exists
                            //cleanPath = cleanPath.Replace("&do301=true", "");//don't pass through internal redirect check parameter
                            cleanPath = cleanPath.Replace("&_aumdebug=true", ""); //remove debug parameter if it exists

                            Match match = Regex.Match(rewritePathOnly, "(?:&(?<parm>.[^&]+)=$)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant);
                            if (match.Success)
                                //when the pathOnly value ends with '=' it means there is a query string pair with a key and no value
                                //make the assumption that this was passed in as a page name OTHER than default page
                                string pageName = match.Groups["parm"].Value; //get the last parameter in the list

                                cleanPath = cleanPath.Replace(match.Value, "");
                                //remove the last parameter from the path

                                //generate teh friendly URl name with the last parameter as the page name, not a query string parameter
                                bestFriendlyUrl = AdvancedFriendlyUrlProvider.ImprovedFriendlyUrl(tab, 
                                                                                                    pageName + settings.PageExtension,
                                bestFriendlyUrl = AdvancedFriendlyUrlProvider.ImprovedFriendlyUrl(tab, 

                            //if the incomign request doesn't match the 'most friendly' url, a 301 Moved Permanently status is returned, along with the friendly url 
                            //check the bestFriendlyUrl against either the url, or rawUrl (with and without host) 
                            //in each case, the aumdebug parameter will be searched for and replaced
                            var urlDecode = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(requestedUrl);
                            if (urlDecode != null)
                                string rawUrlWithHost = StripDebugParameter(urlDecode.ToLower());
                                //string rawUrlWithHost = StripDebugParameter(System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(scheme + requestUri.Host + requestUri.PathAndQuery).ToLower());
                                string rawUrlWithHostNoScheme = StripDebugParameter(rawUrlWithHost.Replace(scheme, ""));
                                string bestFriendlyNoScheme = StripDebugParameter(bestFriendlyUrl.ToLower().Replace(scheme, ""));
                                string requestedPathNoScheme = StripDebugParameter(requestUri.AbsoluteUri.Replace(scheme, "").ToLower());
                                string rawUrlLowerCase = StripDebugParameter(requestUri.AbsoluteUri.ToLower());

                                //check to see if just an alias redirect of an internal alias
                                var primaryAliases = PortalAliasController.Instance.GetPortalAliasesByPortalId(result.PortalId).ToList();

                                if (settings.InternalAliasList != null && settings.InternalAliasList.Count > 0 && primaryAliases.Count > 0)
                                    var cpa = primaryAliases.GetAliasByPortalIdAndSettings(result);
                                    if (cpa != null)
                                        string chosenAlias = cpa.HTTPAlias.ToLower();
                                        foreach (InternalAlias ia in settings.InternalAliasList)
                                            string internalAlias = ia.HttpAlias.ToLower();
                                            if (requestedPathNoScheme.Contains(internalAlias))
                                                //an internal alias has been used.
                                                //replace this in the comparison charts to do a 'fair' comparison
                                                requestedPathNoScheme = requestedPathNoScheme.Replace(internalAlias,chosenAlias);
                                                rawUrlWithHost = rawUrlWithHost.Replace(scheme + internalAlias,scheme + chosenAlias);
                                                rawUrlWithHostNoScheme = rawUrlWithHostNoScheme.Replace(internalAlias,chosenAlias);
                                                rawUrlLowerCase = rawUrlLowerCase.Replace(internalAlias, chosenAlias);
                                if (!(bestFriendlyNoScheme == requestedPathNoScheme
                                      || bestFriendlyNoScheme == rawUrlWithHost
                                      || bestFriendlyNoScheme == rawUrlWithHostNoScheme
                                      || bestFriendlyNoScheme == HttpUtility.UrlDecode(requestedPathNoScheme)
                                      || bestFriendlyNoScheme == rawUrlLowerCase))
                                    redirected = true;
                                    result.Action = ActionType.Redirect301;
                                    result.FinalUrl = bestFriendlyUrl;
                                    if (result.Reason != RedirectReason.Custom_Tab_Alias &&
                                        result.Reason != RedirectReason.Deleted_Page &&
                                        result.Reason != RedirectReason.Disabled_Page)
                                        result.Reason = RedirectReason.Unfriendly_Url_2;
                                    result.DebugMessages.Add("Compared :" + bestFriendlyNoScheme + " [generated] -> " + requestedPathNoScheme + " [requested with no scheme]");
                                    result.DebugMessages.Add("Compared :" + bestFriendlyNoScheme + " [generated] -> " + rawUrlWithHost + " [requested with host and scheme]");
                                    result.DebugMessages.Add("Compared :" + bestFriendlyNoScheme + " [generated] -> " + rawUrlWithHostNoScheme + " [requested with host, no scheme]");
                                    result.DebugMessages.Add("Compared :" + bestFriendlyNoScheme + " [generated] -> " + HttpUtility.UrlDecode(requestedPathNoScheme) + " [requested and decoded]");
                                    result.DebugMessages.Add("Compared :" + bestFriendlyNoScheme + " [generated] -> " + rawUrlLowerCase + " [requested raw Url]");

                if (result.RedirectAllowed && settings.RedirectWrongCase)
                    //check for redirects where a redirectToSubDomain is specified, 
                    //redirect for Wrong case is specified, and there is a valid tab and it's not already redirected somewhere else
                    bool doRedirect = false;
                    string redirectPath = redirected ? result.FinalUrl : requestUri.AbsoluteUri;
                    string redirectPathOnly = redirectPath;
                    if (redirectPathOnly.Contains("?"))
                        redirectPathOnly = redirectPathOnly.Substring(0, redirectPathOnly.IndexOf("?", StringComparison.Ordinal));
                    // Thanks Etienne for the fix for Diacritic Characters Terminal Loop!
                    // if the url contains url encoded characters, they appear here uppercase -> %C3%83%C2
                    // decode the url to get back the original character and do proper casing comparison
                    string urlDecodedRedirectPath = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(redirectPathOnly);

                    //check for wrong case redirection
                    if (urlDecodedRedirectPath != null && (settings.RedirectWrongCase && String.CompareOrdinal(urlDecodedRedirectPath, urlDecodedRedirectPath.ToLower()) != 0))
                        TabInfo tab;
                        bool allowRedirect = CheckFor301RedirectExclusion(result.TabId, result.PortalId, true, out tab, settings);

                        if (allowRedirect && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.ForceLowerCaseRegex))
                            //don't allow redirect if excluded from redirecting in the force lower case regex pattern (606)
                            allowRedirect = !Regex.IsMatch(redirectPath, settings.ForceLowerCaseRegex, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant);

                        if (allowRedirect)
                            //special case : when IIS automatically places /default.aspx on the end of the string,
                            //then don't try and redirect to the lower case /default.aspx, just let it through.
                            //we don't know whether IIS appended /Default.aspx on the end, however, we can guess
                            //if the redirectDefault.aspx is turned on (511)
                            if (settings.RedirectDefaultPage == false && redirectPathOnly.EndsWith(Globals.glbDefaultPage, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                //ignore this, because it's just a redirect of the /Default.aspx to /default.aspx
                                redirectPath = redirectPath.Replace(redirectPathOnly, redirectPathOnly.ToLower());
                                doRedirect = true;
                                result.Reason = RedirectReason.Not_Lower_Case;
                    if (doRedirect)
                        result.Action = ActionType.Redirect301;
                        result.FinalUrl = CheckForSiteRootRedirect(result.PortalAlias.HTTPAlias, redirectPath);
                        redirected = true;
            return redirected;
        private static void SetPageCache(string key, object value, DNNCacheDependency dependency, FriendlyUrlSettings settings, CacheItemRemovedCallback callback)
            DateTime absoluteExpiration = DateTime.Now.Add(settings.CacheTime);

Example #39
        internal static bool TransformFriendlyUrlPath(
            string newUrl,
            string tabKeyVal,
            string[] urlParms,
            bool isSiteRootMatch,
            ref UrlAction result,
            FriendlyUrlSettings settings,
            out string rewrittenUrl,
            out bool newAction,
            ref List <string> messages,
            Guid parentTraceId)
            bool rewriteDone = false;

            rewrittenUrl = newUrl;
            newAction    = false;
            ExtensionUrlProvider activeProvider = null;

                int tabId = result.TabId;
                if (isSiteRootMatch)
                    tabId = RewriteController.SiteRootRewrite;

                List <ExtensionUrlProvider> providersToCall = GetProvidersToCall(
                if (providersToCall != null && providersToCall.Count > 0)
                    // now check for providers by calling the providers
                    int upperBound = urlParms.GetUpperBound(0);

                    // clean extension off parameters array
                    var parms = new string[upperBound + 1];
                    Array.ConstrainedCopy(urlParms, 0, parms, 0, upperBound + 1);
                    if (upperBound >= 0)
                        bool replaced;
                        parms[upperBound] = RewriteController.CleanExtension(parms[upperBound], settings, out replaced);

                    // get options from current settings
                    FriendlyUrlOptions options = UrlRewriterUtils.GetOptionsFromSettings(settings);
                    foreach (ExtensionUrlProvider provider in providersToCall)
                        // set active provider for exception handling
                        activeProvider = provider;

                        // call down to specific providers and see if we get a rewrite
                        string location;
                        int    status;
                        string queryString = provider.TransformFriendlyUrlToQueryString(
                            ref messages,
                            out status,
                            out location);
                        if (status == 0 || status == 200) // either not set, or set to '200 OK'.
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryString) && queryString != newUrl)
                                rewriteDone = true;

                                // check for duplicate tabIds.
                                string qsRemainder = null;
                                if (Regex.IsMatch(queryString, @"tabid=\d+", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant))
                                    // 930 : look for other querystring information in the rewritten Url, or invalid rewritten urls can be created
                                    // pattern to determine which tab matches
                                    // look for any other querystirng information in the already rewritten Url (ie language parameters)
                                    Match rewrittenUrlMatch = RewrittenUrlRegex.Match(rewrittenUrl);
                                    if (rewrittenUrlMatch.Groups["qs"].Success)
                                        // keep any other querystring remainders
                                        qsRemainder = rewrittenUrlMatch.Groups["qs"].Captures.Cast <Capture>().Aggregate(string.Empty, (current, qsCapture) => current + qsCapture.Value); // initialise

                                    // supplied value overwrites existing value, so remove from the rewritten url
                                    rewrittenUrl = RewrittenUrlRegex.Replace(rewrittenUrl, string.Empty);

                                if (rewrittenUrl.Contains("?") == false)
                                    // use a leading ?, not a leading &
                                    queryString = FriendlyUrlController.EnsureNotLeadingChar("&", queryString);
                                    queryString = FriendlyUrlController.EnsureLeadingChar("?", queryString);
                                    // use a leading &, not a leading ?
                                    queryString = FriendlyUrlController.EnsureNotLeadingChar("?", queryString);
                                    queryString = FriendlyUrlController.EnsureLeadingChar("&", queryString);

                                // add querystring onto rewritten Url
                                rewrittenUrl += queryString;
                                if (qsRemainder != null)
                                    rewrittenUrl += qsRemainder;

                            switch (status)
                            case 301:
                                result.Action   = ActionType.Redirect301;
                                result.Reason   = RedirectReason.Module_Provider_Rewrite_Redirect;
                                result.FinalUrl = location;

                            case 302:
                                result.Action   = ActionType.Redirect302;
                                result.Reason   = RedirectReason.Module_Provider_Rewrite_Redirect;
                                result.FinalUrl = location;

                            case 404:
                                result.Action = ActionType.Output404;

                            case 500:
                                result.Action = ActionType.Output500;

                            newAction = true; // not doing a 200 status
            catch (Exception ex)
                // log module provider exception
                LogModuleProviderExceptionInRequest(ex, "500 Internal Server Error", activeProvider, result, messages);

                // reset values to initial
                rewriteDone  = false;
                rewrittenUrl = newUrl;
                newAction    = false;
                string providerName = "Unknown";
                if (activeProvider != null)
                    providerName = activeProvider.ProviderConfig.ProviderName;

                if (result != null)
                    result.DebugMessages.Add("Exception in provider [" + providerName + "] :" + ex.Message);

        internal static bool CheckUserProfileReplacement(string newPath,
                                                         TabInfo tab,
                                                         PortalSettings portalSettings,
                                                         FriendlyUrlSettings settings,
                                                         FriendlyUrlOptions options,
                                                         out string changedPath,
                                                         out bool changeToSiteRoot,
                                                         out bool allowOtherParameters,
                                                         ref List <string> meessages,
                                                         Guid parentTraceId)
            if (meessages == null)
                meessages = new List <string>();
            bool urlWasChanged = false;

            //initialise defaults to always return valid items
            changedPath          = newPath;
            changeToSiteRoot     = false;
            allowOtherParameters = true;

            //determine if this url should be converted to a userprofile url by checking the saved rules matching the tab/portalid
            if (portalSettings != null && tab.PortalID == portalSettings.PortalId &&
                (tab.TabID == portalSettings.UserTabId || portalSettings.UserTabId == -1 ||
                 tab.ParentId == portalSettings.UserTabId))        //-1 == all tabs in portal
                int    userId;
                string rawUserId, remainingPath;
                //split the userid and other profile parameters from the friendly url path,
                //and return the userid and remaining parts as separate items
                                               out rawUserId,
                                               out remainingPath);
                if (rawUserId != null)
                    meessages.Add("User Profile Url : RawUserId = " + rawUserId + " remainingPath = " + remainingPath);
                    meessages.Add("User Profile Url : RawUserId = " + "null" + " remainingPath = " + remainingPath);

                //the rawuserid is just the string representation of the userid from the path.
                //It should be considered 'untrusted' until cleaned up,
                //converted to an int and checked against the database
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(rawUserId) && Int32.TryParse(rawUserId, out userId))
                    bool   doReplacement = false;
                    string urlName       = String.Empty;

                    //Get the User
                    var user = UserController.GetUserById(portalSettings.PortalId, userId);

                    if (user != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(user.VanityUrl))
                        doReplacement = true;
                        urlName       = (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.VanityUrlPrefix)) ? String.Format("{0}/{1}", settings.VanityUrlPrefix, user.VanityUrl) : user.VanityUrl;
                        urlWasChanged = true;

                    if (doReplacement)
                        //check to see whether this is a match on the parentid or not
                        if (portalSettings.UserTabId == tab.ParentId && portalSettings.UserTabId > -1)
                            //replacing for the parent tab id
                            string childTabPath = TabIndexController.GetTabPath(tab, options, parentTraceId);
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(childTabPath) == false)
                                //remove the parent tab path from the child tab path
                                var     tc              = new TabController();
                                TabInfo profilePage     = tc.GetTab(tab.ParentId, tab.PortalID, false);
                                string  profilePagePath = TabIndexController.GetTabPath(profilePage, options, parentTraceId);
                                if (childTabPath.Contains(profilePagePath))
                                    //only replace when the child tab path contains the parent path - if it's a custom url that
                                    //doesn't incorporate the parent path, then leave it alone
                                    childTabPath = childTabPath.Replace(profilePagePath, "");
                                    childTabPath = childTabPath.Replace("//", "/");
                                    urlName     += FriendlyUrlController.EnsureLeadingChar("/", childTabPath);
                        changedPath = "/" + urlName;
                        //append any extra remaining path value to the end
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(remainingPath))
                            if (remainingPath.StartsWith("/") == false)
                                changedPath += "/" + remainingPath;
                                changedPath += remainingPath;
                        urlWasChanged        = true;
                        changeToSiteRoot     = true; //we will be doing domain.com/urlname
                        allowOtherParameters = false;
                        //can't have any others (wouldn't have matched in the regex if there were)
                        meessages.Add("User Profile : doReplacement = false");
        /// <summary>
        /// This method checks the list of rules for parameter replacement and modifies the parameter path accordingly
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameterPath"></param>
        /// <param name="tab"></param>
        /// <param name="settings"></param>
        /// <param name="portalId"></param>
        /// <param name="replacedPath"></param>
        /// <param name="messages"></param>
        /// <param name="changeToSiteRoot"></param>
        /// <param name="parentTraceId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static bool CheckParameterRegexReplacement(string parameterPath,
                                                            TabInfo tab,
                                                            FriendlyUrlSettings settings,
                                                            int portalId,
                                                            out string replacedPath,
                                                            ref List <string> messages,
                                                            out bool changeToSiteRoot,
                                                            Guid parentTraceId)
            bool replaced = false;

            replacedPath     = "";
            changeToSiteRoot = false;
            if (messages == null)
                messages = new List <string>();

            var replaceActions = CacheController.GetParameterReplacements(settings, portalId, ref messages);

            if (replaceActions != null && replaceActions.Count > 0)
                List <ParameterReplaceAction> parmReplaces = null;
                int tabId = tab.TabID;

                if (replaceActions.ContainsKey(tabId))
                    //find the right set of replaced actions for this tab
                    parmReplaces = replaceActions[tabId];

                //check for 'all tabs' replaceions
                if (replaceActions.ContainsKey(-1)) //-1 means 'all tabs' - replacing across all tabs
                    //initialise to empty collection if there are no specific tab replaces
                    if (parmReplaces == null)
                        parmReplaces = new List <ParameterReplaceAction>();
                    //add in the all replaces
                    List <ParameterReplaceAction> allReplaces = replaceActions[-1];
                    parmReplaces.AddRange(allReplaces); //add the 'all' range to the tab range
                if (parmReplaces != null)
                    //OK what we have now is a list of replaces for the currently requested tab (either because it was specified by tab id,
                    // or because there is a replaced for 'all tabs'
                        foreach (ParameterReplaceAction parmReplace in parmReplaces)
                            //do a regex on the 'lookFor' in the parameter path
                            var parmRegex = new Regex(parmReplace.LookFor,
                                                      RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant);
                            if (parmRegex.IsMatch(parameterPath))
                                replacedPath = parmRegex.Replace(parameterPath, parmReplace.ReplaceWith);
                                messages.Add(parmReplace.Name + " replace rule match, replaced : " + parameterPath + " with: " + replacedPath);
                                replaced = true;
                                //593: if this replacement is marked as a site root replacement, we will be
                                //removing the page path from the final url
                                changeToSiteRoot = parmReplace.ChangeToSiteRoot;
                            messages.Add(parmReplace.Name + " replace rule not matched {" + parameterPath + "}");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        //catch exceptions here because most likely to be related to regular expressions
                        //don't want to kill entire site because of this
                        messages.Add("Exception : " + ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace);
Example #42
        /// <summary>
        /// DetermineRedirectReasonAndAction extracts the redirect value from the rewrite url and
        /// returns the new rewritten url, and the reason for the redirection, and an action value for the type of redirect.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rewrittenUrl">Rewritten url as found in page dictionary.</param>
        /// <param name="result">The current rewrite result.</param>
        /// <param name="wasParms">true if there are parameters in the path, false if not.</param>
        /// <param name="settings">current FriendlyUrlSettings object.</param>
        /// <param name="action">New action value for UrlAction object.</param>
        /// <param name="reason">New redirect reason value for UrlAction object.</param>
        /// <param name="newUrl">Url to used for rewrite process.</param>
        internal static void DetermineRedirectReasonAndAction(
            string rewrittenUrl,
            UrlAction result,
            bool wasParms,
            FriendlyUrlSettings settings,
            out string newUrl,
            out RedirectReason reason,
            out ActionType action)
            // init parms
            newUrl = rewrittenUrl;
            action = result.Action;
            reason = result.Reason;

            // get the action type from the rewrite path
            ActionType foundAction;
            bool       actionInPath = GetActionFromRewritePath(rewrittenUrl, out foundAction);

            // only overrwrite action if it was found in the rewrite path
            if (actionInPath)
                action = foundAction;

            // get the list of redirect reason tokens from the url
            List <string> redirectReasons = GetRedirectReasonTokensFromRewritePath(rewrittenUrl);

            // when redirect action in path, and redirect reasons are empty, add custom redirect
            if (redirectReasons.Count == 0 && action != ActionType.Continue)

            bool clearActionToken = false;

            foreach (string rrTkn in redirectReasons)
                switch (rrTkn)
                case "up":
                    // user profile redirect
                    clearActionToken = true;
                    if (wasParms)
                        if (reason == RedirectReason.Not_Redirected)
                            if (settings.RedirectOldProfileUrl)
                                reason = RedirectReason.User_Profile_Url;
                                action = ActionType.CheckFor301;
                                action = ActionType.Continue;
                        // if no parms, then we're not doing a userprofileaction redirect
                        reason = RedirectReason.Custom_Redirect;

                        // then check for a 301 redirect
                        action = ActionType.CheckFor301;


                case "dl":
                case "db":
                    // deleted tab dl
                    // disabled tab db
                    clearActionToken = true;

                    // 626 Deleted tab hanlding not working properyly - override
                    if (settings.DeletedTabHandlingType == DeletedTabHandlingType.Do404Error)
                        action = ActionType.Output404;     // output a 404 as per settings

                    // 838 : handle disabled pages separately
                    reason = rrTkn == "dl" ? RedirectReason.Deleted_Page : RedirectReason.Disabled_Page;

                case "pr":
                    // pr = permanent redirect
                    reason           = RedirectReason.Tab_Permanent_Redirect;
                    clearActionToken = true;

                case "sr":
                    // sr = spaces replaced in url
                    clearActionToken = true;
                    reason           = RedirectReason.Spaces_Replaced;

                case "hp":
                    // hp = home page redirect
                    if (wasParms)
                        // cancel the home page replaced if there were parameters added and page extensions
                        // are in use - otherwise a 404 will occur for the relative path
                        reason           = RedirectReason.Not_Redirected;
                        action           = ActionType.Continue;
                        clearActionToken = true;
                        reason           = RedirectReason.Site_Root_Home;
                        clearActionToken = true;


                    // any other redirect with no reason is a custom redirect
                    if (reason == RedirectReason.Not_Redirected)
                        reason = RedirectReason.Custom_Redirect;

                    clearActionToken = true;

            if (clearActionToken)
                // clear both action and reason
                newUrl = RemoveAnyRedirectTokensAndReasons(newUrl);
                // clear just reason
                newUrl = RemoveAnyRedirectReasons(newUrl);
        private static bool CheckForTabExternalForwardOrRedirect(HttpContext context, 
                                                                    ref UrlAction result,
                                                                    HttpResponse response, 
                                                                    FriendlyUrlSettings settings,
                                                                    Guid parentTraceId)
            bool finished = false;
            HttpRequest request = null;
            if (context != null)
                request = context.Request;

                            //check for external forwarding or a permanent redirect request
            //592 : check for permanent redirect (823 : moved location from 'checkForRedirects')
            if (result.TabId > -1 && result.PortalId > -1 &&
                (settings.ForwardExternalUrlsType != DNNPageForwardType.NoForward ||
                 result.Reason == RedirectReason.Tab_Permanent_Redirect))
                bool allowRedirect = !(result.RewritePath != null && result.RewritePath.ToLower().Contains("&ctl=tab"));
                //594 : do not redirect settings pages for external urls
                if (allowRedirect)
                    TabInfo tab;
                    allowRedirect = CheckFor301RedirectExclusion(result.TabId, result.PortalId, false, out tab, settings);
                    if (allowRedirect)
                        //772 : not redirecting file type Urls when requested.
                        bool permanentRedirect = false;
                        string redirectUrl = null;
                        string cleanPath = null;
                        bool doRedirect = false;
                        switch (tab.TabType)
                            case TabType.File:
                                //have to fudge in a portal settings object for this to work - shortcoming of LinkClick URl generation
                                var portalSettings = new PortalSettings(result.TabId, result.PortalAlias);
                                if (context != null)
                                    context.Items.Add("PortalSettings", portalSettings);
                                    result.Reason = RedirectReason.File_Url;
                                    string fileUrl = Globals.LinkClick(tab.Url, tab.TabID, -1);
                                    //take back out again, because it will be done further downstream
                                    //do a check to make sure we're not repeating the Url again, because the tabid is set but we don't want to touch
                                    //a linkclick url
                                    if (!result.OriginalPathNoAlias.EndsWith(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(fileUrl), true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
                                        redirectUrl = fileUrl;
                                if (redirectUrl != null)
                                    doRedirect = true;
                            case TabType.Url:
                                result.Reason = RedirectReason.Tab_External_Url;
                                redirectUrl = tab.Url;
                                if (redirectUrl != null)
                                    doRedirect = true;
                                    if (settings.ForwardExternalUrlsType == DNNPageForwardType.Redirect301)
                                        result.Action = ActionType.Redirect301;
                                        result.Reason = RedirectReason.Tab_External_Url;
                                    else if (settings.ForwardExternalUrlsType == DNNPageForwardType.Redirect302)
                                        result.Action = ActionType.Redirect302;
                                        result.Reason = RedirectReason.Tab_External_Url;
                            case TabType.Tab:
                                // if a tabType.tab is specified, it's either an external url or a permanent redirect

                                //get the redirect path of the specific tab, as long as we have a valid request to work from
                                if (request != null)
                                    //get the rewrite or requested path in a clean format, suitable for input to the friendly url provider
                                    cleanPath = RewriteController.GetRewriteOrRequestedPath(result, request.Url);
                                    //727 prevent redirectLoop with do301 in querystring
                                    if (result.Action == ActionType.Redirect301 ||
                                        result.Action == ActionType.Redirect302)
                                        cleanPath = RedirectTokens.RemoveAnyRedirectTokens(cleanPath,
                                    //get the redirect Url from the friendly url provider using the tab, path and settings
                                    redirectUrl = RedirectController.GetTabRedirectUrl(tab, settings, cleanPath, result,
                                                                                       out permanentRedirect,
                                //check to make sure there isn't a blank redirect Url
                                if (redirectUrl == null)
                                    //problem : no redirect Url to redirect to
                                    //solution : cancel the redirect
                                    string message = "Permanent Redirect chosen for Tab " +
                                                     tab.TabPath.Replace("//", "/") +
                                                     " but forwarding Url was not valid";
                                    RedirectController.CancelRedirect(ref result, context, settings, message);
                                    //if there was a redirect Url, set the redirect action and set the type of redirect going to use
                                    doRedirect = true;
                                    if (permanentRedirect)
                                        result.Action = ActionType.Redirect301;
                                        result.Reason = RedirectReason.Tab_Permanent_Redirect;
                                        //should be already set, anyway
                                        result.RewritePath = cleanPath;
                                        //not a permanent redirect, check if the page forwarding is set
                                        if (settings.ForwardExternalUrlsType == DNNPageForwardType.Redirect301)
                                            result.Action = ActionType.Redirect301;
                                            result.Reason = RedirectReason.Tab_External_Url;
                                        else if (settings.ForwardExternalUrlsType == DNNPageForwardType.Redirect302)
                                            result.Action = ActionType.Redirect302;
                                            result.Reason = RedirectReason.Tab_External_Url;
                                //only concern here is if permanent redirect is requested, but there is no external url specified
                                if (result.Reason == RedirectReason.Tab_Permanent_Redirect)
                                    bool permRedirect = tab.PermanentRedirect;
                                    if (permRedirect)
                                        //problem : permanent redirect marked, but no forwarding url supplied
                                        //solution : cancel redirect
                                        string message = "Permanent Redirect chosen for Tab " +
                                                         tab.TabPath.Replace("//", "/") +
                                                         " but no forwarding Url Supplied";
                                        RedirectController.CancelRedirect(ref result, context, settings, message);

                        //do the redirect we have specified
                        if (doRedirect &&
                            (result.Action == ActionType.Redirect301 || result.Action == ActionType.Redirect302))
                            result.FinalUrl = redirectUrl;
                            if (result.Action == ActionType.Redirect301)
                                if (response != null)
                                    //perform a 301 redirect to the external url of the tab
                                    response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently";
                                                          result.Reason.ToString().Replace("_", " ") + " Requested");
                                    response.AddHeader("Location", result.FinalUrl);
                                if (result.Action == ActionType.Redirect302)
                                    if (response != null)
                                        //perform a 301 redirect to the external url of the tab
                                                              result.Reason.ToString().Replace("_", " ") + " Requested");
                            finished = true;

            catch (ThreadAbortException)
                //do nothing, a threadAbortException will have occured from using a server.transfer or response.redirect within the code block.  This is the highest
                //level try/catch block, so we handle it here.
            return finished;
        /// <summary>
        /// For the supplied options, return a tab path for the specified tab.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tab">TabInfo object of selected tab.</param>
        /// <param name="settings">FriendlyUrlSettings.</param>
        /// <param name="options"></param>
        /// <param name="ignoreCustomRedirects">Whether to add in the customised Tab redirects or not.</param>
        /// <param name="homePageSiteRoot"></param>
        /// <param name="isHomeTab"></param>
        /// <param name="cultureCode"></param>
        /// <param name="isDefaultCultureCode"></param>
        /// <param name="hasPath"></param>
        /// <param name="dropLangParms"></param>
        /// <param name="customHttpAlias"></param>
        /// <param name="isCustomPath"></param>
        /// <param name="parentTraceId"></param>
        /// <remarks>751 : include isDefaultCultureCode flag to determine when using the portal default language
        /// 770 : include custom http alias output for when the Url uses a specific alias due to custom Url rules
        ///  : include new out parameter 'isCustomPath' to return whether the Url was generated from Url-Master custom url.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>The tab path as specified.</returns>
        internal static string GetTabPath(
            TabInfo tab,
            FriendlyUrlSettings settings,
            FriendlyUrlOptions options,
            bool ignoreCustomRedirects,
            bool homePageSiteRoot,
            bool isHomeTab,
            string cultureCode,
            bool isDefaultCultureCode,
            bool hasPath,
            out bool dropLangParms,
            out string customHttpAlias,
            out bool isCustomPath,
            Guid parentTraceId)
            string newTabPath;

            dropLangParms   = false;
            customHttpAlias = null;
            isCustomPath    = false;
            if (homePageSiteRoot && isHomeTab && !hasPath)

            // && !isDefaultCultureCode - not working for non-language specifc custom root urls
                newTabPath = "/"; // site root for home page
                // build the tab path and check for space replacement
                string baseTabPath = TabIndexController.GetTabPath(tab, options, parentTraceId);

                // this is the new tab path
                newTabPath = baseTabPath;

                // 871 : case insensitive compare for culture code, all lookups done on lower case
                string cultureCodeKey = string.Empty;
                if (cultureCode != null)
                    cultureCodeKey = cultureCode.ToLowerInvariant();

                bool checkForCustomHttpAlias = false;

                // get a custom tab name if redirects are being used
                SharedDictionary <string, string> customAliasForTabs = null;
                SharedDictionary <int, SharedDictionary <string, string> > urlDict;

                // 886 : don't fetch custom urls for host tabs (host tabs can't have redirects or custom Urls)
                if (tab.PortalID > -1)
                    urlDict = CustomUrlDictController.FetchCustomUrlDictionary(tab.PortalID, false, false, settings, out customAliasForTabs, parentTraceId);
                    urlDict = new SharedDictionary <int, SharedDictionary <string, string> >();

                    // create dummy dictionary for this tab

                if (ignoreCustomRedirects == false)
                    // if not ignoring the custom redirects, look for the Url of the page in this list
                    // this will be used as the page path if there is one.
                    using (urlDict.GetReadLock())
                        if (urlDict.ContainsKey(tab.TabID))
                            // we want the custom value
                            string customTabPath = null;
                            SharedDictionary <string, string> tabpaths = urlDict[tab.TabID];

                            using (tabpaths.GetReadLock())
                                if (tabpaths.ContainsKey(cultureCodeKey))
                                    customTabPath = tabpaths[cultureCodeKey];
                                    dropLangParms = true;

                                    // the url is based on a custom value which has embedded language parms, therefore don't need them in the url
                                    if (isDefaultCultureCode && tabpaths.ContainsKey(string.Empty))
                                        customTabPath = tabpaths[string.Empty];

                                        // dropLangParms = true;//drop the language parms if they exist, because this is the default language

                            if (customTabPath != null)
                                // 770 : pull out custom http alias if in string
                                int aliasSeparator = customTabPath.IndexOf("::", StringComparison.Ordinal);
                                if (aliasSeparator > 0)
                                    customHttpAlias = customTabPath.Substring(0, aliasSeparator);
                                    newTabPath      = customTabPath.Substring(aliasSeparator + 2);
                                    newTabPath = customTabPath;

                            if (newTabPath == string.Empty && hasPath)
                                // can't pass back a custom path which is blank if there are path segments to the requested final Url
                                newTabPath = baseTabPath; // revert back to the standard DNN page path
                                isCustomPath = true; // we are providing a custom Url
                            checkForCustomHttpAlias = true;
                    checkForCustomHttpAlias = true;

                    // always want to check for custom alias, even when we don't want to see any custom redirects

                // 770 : check for custom alias in these tabs
                if (checkForCustomHttpAlias && customAliasForTabs != null)
                    string key = tab.TabID.ToString() + ":" + cultureCodeKey;
                    using (customAliasForTabs.GetReadLock())
                        if (customAliasForTabs.ContainsKey(key))
                            // this tab uses a custom alias
                            customHttpAlias = customAliasForTabs[key];
                            isCustomPath    = true; // using custom alias

                if (!dropLangParms)
                    string tabCultureCode = tab.CultureCode;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tabCultureCode))
                        dropLangParms = true;

                        // if the tab has a specified culture code, then drop the language parameters from the friendly Url

                // make lower case if necessary
                newTabPath = AdvancedFriendlyUrlProvider.ForceLowerCaseIfAllowed(tab, newTabPath, settings);

        private bool CheckForSecureRedirect(PortalSettings portalSettings, 
                                                Uri requestUri, 
                                                UrlAction result, 
                                                NameValueCollection queryStringCol,
                                                FriendlyUrlSettings settings)
            bool redirectSecure = false;
            string url = requestUri.ToString();
            //889 : don't run secure redirect code for physical resources or requests that aren't a rewritten Url
            if (result.IsPhysicalResource == false && result.TabId >= 0)
                // no secure redirection for physical resources, only tab-specific requests can be redirected for ssl connections
                if (portalSettings.ActiveTab != null)
                    result.DebugMessages.Add("ActiveTab: " + portalSettings.ActiveTab.TabID.ToString() + "/" +
                                             portalSettings.ActiveTab.TabName + " IsSecure: " +

                    //check ssl enabled
                    if (portalSettings.SSLEnabled)
                        //717 : check page is secure, connection is not secure
                        //952 : support SSl Offloading in DNN 6.2+
                        if (portalSettings.ActiveTab.IsSecure && !result.IsSecureConnection && !result.IsSSLOffloaded)
                            redirectSecure = true;
                            string stdUrl = portalSettings.STDURL;
                            string sslUrl = portalSettings.SSLURL;
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.HttpAlias) == false)
                                stdUrl = result.HttpAlias;
                            url = url.Replace("http://", "https://");
                            url = ReplaceDomainName(url, stdUrl, sslUrl);
                    //check ssl enforced
                    if (portalSettings.SSLEnforced)
                        //check page is not secure, connection is secure
                        if (!portalSettings.ActiveTab.IsSecure && result.IsSecureConnection)
                            //has connection already been forced to secure?
                            if (queryStringCol["ssl"] == null)
                                //no? well this page shouldn't be secure
                                string stdUrl = portalSettings.STDURL;
                                string sslUrl = portalSettings.SSLURL;
                                url = url.Replace("https://", "http://");
                                url = ReplaceDomainName(url, sslUrl, stdUrl);
                                redirectSecure = true;

                if (redirectSecure)
                    //now check to see if excluded.  Why now? because less requests are made to redirect secure,
                    //so we don't have to check the exclusion as often.
                    bool exclude = false;
                    string doNotRedirectSecureRegex = settings.DoNotRedirectSecureRegex;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(doNotRedirectSecureRegex))
                        //match the raw url
                        exclude = (Regex.IsMatch(result.RawUrl, doNotRedirectSecureRegex, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant));
                    if (!exclude)
                        result.Action = ActionType.Redirect302Now;
                        result.Reason = RedirectReason.Secure_Page_Requested;
                        //760 : get the culture specific home page tabid for a redirect comparison
                        int homePageTabId = portalSettings.HomeTabId;
                        homePageTabId = TabPathHelper.GetHomePageTabIdForCulture(portalSettings.DefaultLanguage,
                                                                                 result.CultureCode, homePageTabId);
                        if (result.TabId == homePageTabId)
                            //replace the /default.aspx in the Url if it was found
                            url = Regex.Replace(url, @"(?<!(\?.+))/default.aspx", "/", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant);
                        result.FinalUrl = url;
                        //702 : change return value if exclusion has occured
                        redirectSecure = false;
            return redirectSecure;
 internal static bool CheckForRedirect(Uri requestUri, 
                                         UrlAction result, 
                                         NameValueCollection queryStringCol,
                                         FriendlyUrlSettings settings, 
                                         out string location,
                                         ref List<string> messages, 
                                         Guid parentTraceId)
     bool redirected = false;
     location = "";
     ExtensionUrlProvider activeProvider = null;
         List<ExtensionUrlProvider> providersToCall = GetProvidersToCall(result.TabId, result.PortalId, settings,
         if (providersToCall != null && providersToCall.Count > 0)
             FriendlyUrlOptions options = UrlRewriterUtils.GetOptionsFromSettings(settings);
             foreach (ExtensionUrlProvider provider in providersToCall)
                 activeProvider = provider; //for error handling
                 redirected = provider.CheckForRedirect(result.TabId, result.PortalId, result.HttpAlias,
                                                        requestUri, queryStringCol, options, out location,
                                                        ref messages);
                 if (redirected)
                     result.FinalUrl = location;
                     result.Reason = RedirectReason.Module_Provider_Redirect;
     catch (Exception ex)
         //log module provider exception
         LogModuleProviderExceptionInRequest(ex, "500 Internal Server Error", activeProvider, result, messages);
         //return defaults
         redirected = false;
         location = "";
         string providerName = "Unknown";
         if (activeProvider != null)
             providerName = activeProvider.ProviderConfig.ProviderName;
         if (result != null)
             result.DebugMessages.Add("Exception in provider [" + providerName + "] :" + ex.Message);
     return redirected;
        protected bool IsPortalAliasIncorrect(HttpContext context, 
                                                    HttpRequest request, 
                                                    Uri requestUri,
                                                    UrlAction result, 
                                                    NameValueCollection queryStringCol,
                                                    FriendlyUrlSettings settings, 
                                                    Guid parentTraceId,
                                                    out string httpAlias)
            //now check to make sure it's the primary portal alias for this portal/language/browser
            bool incorrectAlias = false;
            httpAlias = null;
            //if (result.RedirectAllowed && result.PortalId > -1)
            if (result.PortalId > -1) //portal has been identified
                var portalAliases = PortalAliasController.Instance.GetPortalAliasesByPortalId(result.PortalId).ToList();

                if (queryStringCol != null && queryStringCol["forceAlias"] != "true")
                    if (portalAliases.Count > 0)
                        string checkAlias = result.HttpAlias;
                        bool continueLoop = true;
                        bool triedWWW = false;
                        while (httpAlias == null && continueLoop)
                            if (portalAliases.ContainsAlias(result.PortalId, checkAlias))
                                if (portalAliases.Count > 0)
                                    //var cpa = portalAliases.GetAliasByPortalIdAndSettings(result);
                                    string url = requestUri.ToString();
                                    RewriteController.CheckLanguageMatch(ref url, result);
                                    var cpa = portalAliases.GetAliasByPortalIdAndSettings(result.PortalId, result, result.CultureCode, result.BrowserType);

                                    if (cpa != null)
                                        httpAlias = cpa.HTTPAlias;
                                        continueLoop = false;
                                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.CultureCode) && cpa == null)
                                        //if there is a specific culture for this portal alias, then check that
                                        string culture = portalAliases.GetCultureByPortalIdAndAlias(result.PortalId, result.HttpAlias);
                                        //if this matches the alias of the request, then we know we have the correct alias because it is a specific culture
                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(culture))
                                            continueLoop = false;
                            //check whether to still go on or not
                            if (continueLoop)
                                //this alias doesn't exist in the list
                                //check if it has a www on it - if not, try adding, if it does, try removing
                                if (!triedWWW)
                                    triedWWW = true; //now tried adding/removing www
                                    if (checkAlias.ToLower().StartsWith("www."))
                                        checkAlias = checkAlias.Substring(4);
                                        checkAlias = "www." + checkAlias;
                                    //last thing to try, get the default language and see if there is a portal alias for that
                                    //thus, any aliases not identified as belonging to a language are redirected back to the 
                                    //alias named for the default language
                                    continueLoop = false;
                                    //735 : switch to custom method for getting portal
                                    PortalInfo pi = CacheController.GetPortal(result.PortalId, false);
                                    if (pi != null)
                                        string cultureCode = pi.DefaultLanguage;
                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cultureCode))
                                            var primaryPortalAlias = portalAliases.GetAliasByPortalIdAndSettings(result.PortalId, result,cultureCode,settings);
                                            if (primaryPortalAlias != null)
                                                httpAlias = primaryPortalAlias.HTTPAlias;

                    //check to see if it is a custom tab alais - in that case, it is allowed to be requested for the tab
                    if (CheckIfAliasIsCustomTabAlias(ref result, httpAlias, settings))
                        //change the primary alias to the custom tab alias that has been requested.
                        result.PrimaryAlias = result.PortalAlias;
                        if (httpAlias != null && String.Compare(httpAlias, result.HttpAlias, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0)
                            incorrectAlias = true;
            return incorrectAlias;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns boolean value is any loaded providers require checking of rewrite / redirect values from the site root (ie, not dnn tab path)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static bool CheckForSiteRootRewrite(int portalId, FriendlyUrlSettings settings, Guid parentTraceId)
            var providers = GetProvidersToCall(RewriteController.SiteRootRewrite, portalId, settings, parentTraceId);

            //list should have returned all providers with site root rewrite, but double check here in case of faulty third-party logic
            return providers.Any(provider => provider.AlwaysUsesDnnPagePath(portalId) == false);
 private static bool ConfigurePortalAliasRedirect(ref UrlAction result, 
                                                     string wrongAlias, 
                                                     string rightAlias,
                                                     bool ignoreCustomAliasTabs, 
                                                     List<InternalAlias> internalAliases,
                                                     FriendlyUrlSettings settings)
     return ConfigurePortalAliasRedirect(ref result, 
        internal static bool GetUrlFromExtensionUrlProviders(int portalId, 
                                                                TabInfo tab, 
                                                                FriendlyUrlSettings settings,
                                                                string friendlyUrlPath, 
                                                                string cultureCode,
                                                                ref string endingPageName, 
                                                                out string changedPath,
                                                                out bool changeToSiteRoot, 
                                                                ref List<string> messages,
                                                                Guid parentTraceId)
            bool wasChanged = false;
            changedPath = friendlyUrlPath;
            changeToSiteRoot = false;
            ExtensionUrlProvider activeProvider = null;
            if (messages == null)
                messages = new List<string>();
                List<ExtensionUrlProvider> providersToCall = GetProvidersToCall(tab.TabID, portalId, settings,
                FriendlyUrlOptions options = UrlRewriterUtils.GetOptionsFromSettings(settings);
                foreach (ExtensionUrlProvider provider in providersToCall)
                    activeProvider = provider; //keep for exception purposes
                    bool useDnnPagePath;
                    //go through and call each provider to generate the friendly urls for the module
                    string customPath = provider.ChangeFriendlyUrl(tab, 
                                                                ref endingPageName, 
                                                                out useDnnPagePath, 
                                                                ref messages);

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(endingPageName))
                        endingPageName = Globals.glbDefaultPage; //set back to default.aspx if provider cleared it
                    //now check to see if a change was made or not.  Don't trust the provider.
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customPath))
                        //was customPath any different to friendlyUrlPath?
                        if (String.CompareOrdinal(customPath, friendlyUrlPath) != 0)
                            wasChanged = true;
                            changedPath = customPath.Trim();
                            changeToSiteRoot = !useDnnPagePath; //useDNNpagePath means no change to site root.
                            const string format = "Path returned from {0} -> path:{1}, ending Page:{2}, use Page Path:{3}";
                            messages.Add(string.Format(format, provider.ProviderConfig.ProviderName, customPath, endingPageName, useDnnPagePath));
                            break; //first module provider to change the Url is the only one used
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogModuleProviderExceptionInRequest(ex, "500 Internal Server Error", activeProvider, null, messages);
                //reset all values to defaults
                wasChanged = false;
                changedPath = friendlyUrlPath;
                changeToSiteRoot = false;
            return wasChanged;
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks to see whether the specified alias is a customTabAlias
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="result"></param>
 /// <param name="httpAlias"></param>
 /// <param name="settings"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static bool CheckIfAliasIsCustomTabAlias(ref UrlAction result, string httpAlias, FriendlyUrlSettings settings)
     List<string> customAliasesForTabs = TabIndexController.GetCustomPortalAliases(settings);
     bool isACustomTabAlias = false;
     if (customAliasesForTabs != null && customAliasesForTabs.Count > 0)
         //remove any customAliases that are also primary aliases.
         foreach (var cpa in PortalAliasController.Instance.GetPortalAliasesByPortalId(result.PortalId))
             if (cpa.IsPrimary == true && customAliasesForTabs.Contains(cpa.HTTPAlias))
         isACustomTabAlias = customAliasesForTabs.Contains(httpAlias.ToLower());
     return isACustomTabAlias;
        internal static bool TransformFriendlyUrlPath(string newUrl, 
                                                        string tabKeyVal, 
                                                        string[] urlParms,
                                                        bool isSiteRootMatch, 
                                                        ref UrlAction result,
                                                        FriendlyUrlSettings settings, 
                                                        out string rewrittenUrl,
                                                        out bool newAction, 
                                                        ref List<string> messages,  
                                                        Guid parentTraceId)
            bool rewriteDone = false;
            rewrittenUrl = newUrl;
            newAction = false;
            ExtensionUrlProvider activeProvider = null;
                int tabId = result.TabId;
                if (isSiteRootMatch)
                    tabId = RewriteController.SiteRootRewrite;
                List<ExtensionUrlProvider> providersToCall = GetProvidersToCall(tabId, 
                if (providersToCall != null && providersToCall.Count > 0)
                    //now check for providers by calling the providers
                    int upperBound = urlParms.GetUpperBound(0);
                    //clean extension off parameters array
                    var parms = new string[upperBound + 1];
                    Array.ConstrainedCopy(urlParms, 0, parms, 0, upperBound + 1);
                    if (upperBound >= 0)
                        bool replaced;
                        parms[upperBound] = RewriteController.CleanExtension(parms[upperBound], settings, out replaced);
                    //get options from current settings
                    FriendlyUrlOptions options = UrlRewriterUtils.GetOptionsFromSettings(settings);
                    foreach (ExtensionUrlProvider provider in providersToCall)
                        //set active provider for exception handling
                        activeProvider = provider;
                        //call down to specific providers and see if we get a rewrite
                        string location;
                        int status;
                        string queryString = provider.TransformFriendlyUrlToQueryString(parms, 
                                                                                        ref messages,
                                                                                        out status, 
                                                                                        out location);
                        if (status == 0 || status == 200) //either not set, or set to '200 OK'.
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryString) && queryString != newUrl)
                                rewriteDone = true;
                                //check for duplicate tabIds.
                                string qsRemainder = null;
                                if (Regex.IsMatch(queryString, @"tabid=\d+", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant))
                                    //930 : look for other querystring information in the rewritten Url, or invalid rewritten urls can be created
                                    //pattern to determine which tab matches
                                    const string rewrittenUrlPattern = @"(?<tabid>(?:\?|&)tabid=\d+)(?<qs>&[^=]+=[^&]*)*";
                                    //look for any other querystirng information in the already rewritten Url (ie language parameters)
                                    Match rewrittenUrlMatch = Regex.Match(rewrittenUrl, rewrittenUrlPattern,
                                                                          RegexOptions.IgnoreCase |
                                    if (rewrittenUrlMatch.Groups["qs"].Success)
                                        //keep any other querystring remainders
                                        qsRemainder = rewrittenUrlMatch.Groups["qs"].Captures.Cast<Capture>().Aggregate("", (current, qsCapture) => current + qsCapture.Value); //initialise
                                    //supplied value overwrites existing value, so remove from the rewritten url
                                    rewrittenUrl = Regex.Replace(rewrittenUrl, rewrittenUrlPattern, "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant);
                                if (rewrittenUrl.Contains("?") == false)
                                    //use a leading ?, not a leading &
                                    queryString = FriendlyUrlController.EnsureNotLeadingChar("&", queryString);
                                    queryString = FriendlyUrlController.EnsureLeadingChar("?", queryString);
                                    //use a leading &, not a leading ?
                                    queryString = FriendlyUrlController.EnsureNotLeadingChar("?", queryString);
                                    queryString = FriendlyUrlController.EnsureLeadingChar("&", queryString);

                                //add querystring onto rewritten Url
                                rewrittenUrl += queryString;
                                if (qsRemainder != null)
                                    rewrittenUrl += qsRemainder;
                            switch (status)
                                case 301:
                                    result.Action = ActionType.Redirect301;
                                    result.Reason = RedirectReason.Module_Provider_Rewrite_Redirect;
                                    result.FinalUrl = location;
                                case 302:
                                    result.Action = ActionType.Redirect302;
                                    result.Reason = RedirectReason.Module_Provider_Rewrite_Redirect;
                                    result.FinalUrl = location;
                                case 404:
                                    result.Action = ActionType.Output404;
                                case 500:
                                    result.Action = ActionType.Output500;
                            newAction = true; //not doing a 200 status
            catch (Exception ex)
                //log module provider exception
                LogModuleProviderExceptionInRequest(ex, "500 Internal Server Error", activeProvider, result, messages);
                //reset values to initial
                rewriteDone = false;
                rewrittenUrl = newUrl;
                newAction = false;
                string providerName = "Unknown";
                if (activeProvider != null)
                    providerName = activeProvider.ProviderConfig.ProviderName;
                if (result != null)
                    result.DebugMessages.Add("Exception in provider [" + providerName + "] :" + ex.Message);
            return rewriteDone;
        private void IdentifyPortalAlias(HttpContext context, 
                                            HttpRequest request, 
                                            Uri requestUri, UrlAction result,
                                            NameValueCollection queryStringCol, 
                                            FriendlyUrlSettings settings,
                                            Guid parentTraceId)
            //get the domain name of the request, if it isn't already supplied
            if (request != null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.DomainName))
                result.DomainName = Globals.GetDomainName(request); //parse the domain name out of the request

            // get tabId from querystring ( this is mandatory for maintaining portal context for child portals ) 
            if (queryStringCol["tabid"] != null)
                string raw = queryStringCol["tabid"];
                int tabId;
                if (Int32.TryParse(raw, out tabId))
                    result.TabId = tabId;
                    //couldn't parse tab id
                    //split in two?
                    string[] tabids = raw.Split(',');
                    if (tabids.GetUpperBound(0) > 0)
                        //hmm more than one tabid
                        if (Int32.TryParse(tabids[0], out tabId))
                            result.TabId = tabId;
                            //but we want to warn against this!
                            var ex =
                                new Exception(
                                    "Illegal request exception : Two TabId parameters provided in a single request: " +
                            UrlRewriterUtils.LogExceptionInRequest(ex, "Not Set", result);

                            result.Ex = ex;
                            //yeah, nothing, divert to 404 
                            result.Action = ActionType.Output404;
                            var ex =
                                new Exception(
                                    "Illegal request exception : TabId parameters in query string, but invalid TabId requested : " +
                            UrlRewriterUtils.LogExceptionInRequest(ex, "Not Set", result);
                            result.Ex = ex;
            // get PortalId from querystring ( this is used for host menu options as well as child portal navigation ) 
            if (queryStringCol["portalid"] != null)
                string raw = queryStringCol["portalid"];
                int portalId;
                if (Int32.TryParse(raw, out portalId))
                    //848 : if portal already found is different to portal id in querystring, then load up different alias
                    //this is so the portal settings will be loaded correctly.
                    if (result.PortalId != portalId)
                        //portal id different to what we expected
                        result.PortalId = portalId;
                        //check the loaded portal alias, because it might be wrong
                        if (result.PortalAlias != null && result.PortalAlias.PortalID != portalId)
                            //yes, the identified portal alias is wrong.  Find the correct alias for this portal
                            PortalAliasInfo pa = TabIndexController.GetPortalAliasByPortal(portalId, result.DomainName);
                            if (pa != null)
                                //note: sets portal id and portal alias
                                result.PortalAlias = pa;
                //check for a portal alias if there's no portal Id in the query string
                //check for absence of captcha value, because the captcha string re-uses the alias querystring value
                if (queryStringCol["alias"] != null && queryStringCol["captcha"] == null)
                    string alias = queryStringCol["alias"];
                    PortalAliasInfo portalAlias = PortalAliasController.Instance.GetPortalAlias(alias);
                    if (portalAlias != null)
                        //ok the portal alias was found by the alias name
                        // check if the alias contains the domain name
                        if (alias.Contains(result.DomainName) == false)
                            // replaced to the domain defined in the alias 
                            if (request != null)
                                string redirectDomain = Globals.GetPortalDomainName(alias, request, true);
                                //retVal.Url = redirectDomain;
                                result.FinalUrl = redirectDomain;
                                result.Action = ActionType.Redirect302Now;
                                result.Reason = RedirectReason.Alias_In_Url;
                            // the alias is the same as the current domain 
                            result.HttpAlias = portalAlias.HTTPAlias;
                            result.PortalAlias = portalAlias;
                            result.PortalId = portalAlias.PortalID;
                            //don't use this crap though - we don't want ?alias=portalAlias in our Url
                            if (result.RedirectAllowed)
                                string redirect = requestUri.Scheme + Uri.SchemeDelimiter + result.PortalAlias.HTTPAlias +
                                result.Action = ActionType.Redirect301;
                                result.FinalUrl = redirect;
                                result.Reason = RedirectReason.Unfriendly_Url_Child_Portal;
            //first try and identify the portal using the tabId, but only if we identified this tab by looking up the tabid
            //from the original url
            //668 : error in child portal redirects to child portal home page because of mismatch in tab/domain name
            if (result.TabId != -1 && result.FriendlyRewrite == false)
                // get the alias from the tabid, but only if it is for a tab in that domain 
                // 2.0 : change to compare retrieved alias to the already-set httpAlias
                string httpAliasFromTab = PortalAliasController.GetPortalAliasByTab(result.TabId, result.DomainName);
                if (httpAliasFromTab != null)
                    //882 : account for situation when portalAlias is null.
                    if (result.PortalAlias != null && String.Compare(result.PortalAlias.HTTPAlias, httpAliasFromTab, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0
                        || result.PortalAlias == null)
                        //691 : change logic to force change in portal alias context rather than force back.
                        //This is because the tabid in the query string should take precedence over the portal alias
                        //to handle parent.com/default.aspx?tabid=xx where xx lives in parent.com/child/ 
                        var tab = TabController.Instance.GetTab(result.TabId, Null.NullInteger, false);
                        //when result alias is null or result alias is different from tab-identified portalAlias
                        if (tab != null && (result.PortalAlias == null || tab.PortalID != result.PortalAlias.PortalID))
                            //the tabid is different to the identified portalid from the original alias identified
                            //so get a new alias 
                            PortalAliasInfo tabPortalAlias = PortalAliasController.Instance.GetPortalAlias(httpAliasFromTab, tab.PortalID);
                            if (tabPortalAlias != null)
                                result.PortalId = tabPortalAlias.PortalID;
                                result.PortalAlias = tabPortalAlias;
                                result.Action = ActionType.CheckFor301;
                                result.Reason = RedirectReason.Wrong_Portal;
            //if no alias, try and set by using the identified http alias or domain name
            if (result.PortalAlias == null)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.HttpAlias))
                    result.PortalAlias = PortalAliasController.Instance.GetPortalAlias(result.HttpAlias);
                    result.PortalAlias = PortalAliasController.Instance.GetPortalAlias(result.DomainName);
                    if (result.PortalAlias == null && result.DomainName.EndsWith("/"))
                        result.DomainName = result.DomainName.TrimEnd('/');
                        result.PortalAlias = PortalAliasController.Instance.GetPortalAlias(result.DomainName);

            if (result.PortalId == -1)
                if (!requestUri.LocalPath.ToLower().EndsWith(Globals.glbDefaultPage.ToLower()))
                    // allows requests for aspx pages in custom folder locations to be processed 
                //the domain name was not found so try using the host portal's first alias
                if (Host.Host.HostPortalID != -1)
                    result.PortalId = Host.Host.HostPortalID;
                    // use the host portal, but replaced to the host portal home page
                    var aliases = PortalAliasController.Instance.GetPortalAliasesByPortalId(result.PortalId).ToList();
                    if (aliases.Count > 0)
                        string alias = null;

                        //get the alias as the chosen portal alias for the host portal based on the result culture code
                        var cpa = aliases.GetAliasByPortalIdAndSettings(result.PortalId, result, result.CultureCode, settings);
                        if (cpa != null)
                            alias = cpa.HTTPAlias;

                        if (alias != null)
                            result.Action = ActionType.Redirect301;
                            result.Reason = RedirectReason.Host_Portal_Used;
                            string destUrl = MakeUrlWithAlias(requestUri, alias);
                            destUrl = CheckForSiteRootRedirect(alias, destUrl);
                            result.FinalUrl = destUrl;
                            //Get the first Alias for the host portal
                            result.PortalAlias = aliases[result.PortalId];
                            string url = MakeUrlWithAlias(requestUri, result.PortalAlias);
                            if (result.TabId != -1)
                                url += requestUri.Query;
                            result.FinalUrl = url;
                            result.Reason = RedirectReason.Host_Portal_Used;
                            result.Action = ActionType.Redirect302Now;

            //double check to make sure we still have the correct alias now that all other information is known (ie tab, portal, culture)
            //770 : redirect alias based on tab id when custom alias used
            if (result.TabId == -1 && result.Action == ActionType.CheckFor301 &&
                result.Reason == RedirectReason.Custom_Tab_Alias)
                //here because the portal alias matched, but no tab was found, and because there are custom tab aliases used for this portal
                //need to redirect back to the chosen portal alias and keep the current path.
                string wrongAlias = result.HttpAlias; //it's a valid alias, but only for certain tabs
                var primaryAliases = PortalAliasController.Instance.GetPortalAliasesByPortalId(result.PortalId).ToList();
                if (primaryAliases != null && result.PortalId > -1)
                    //going to look for the correct alias based on the culture of the request
                    string requestCultureCode = result.CultureCode;
                    //if that didn't work use the default language of the portal
                    if (requestCultureCode == null)
                        //this might end up in a double redirect if the path of the Url is for a specific language as opposed
                        //to a path belonging to the default language domain
                        PortalInfo portal = PortalController.Instance.GetPortal(result.PortalId);
                        if (portal != null)
                            requestCultureCode = portal.DefaultLanguage;
                    //now that the culture code is known, look up the correct portal alias for this portalid/culture code
                    var cpa = primaryAliases.GetAliasByPortalIdAndSettings(result.PortalId, result, requestCultureCode, settings);
                    if (cpa != null)
                        //if an alias was found that matches the request and the culture code, then run with that
                        string rightAlias = cpa.HTTPAlias;
                        //will cause a redirect to the primary portal alias - we know now that there was no custom alias tab
                        //found, so it's just a plain wrong alias
                        ConfigurePortalAliasRedirect(ref result, wrongAlias, rightAlias, true,
                                                     settings.InternalAliasList, settings);
                //then check to make sure it's the chosen portal alias for this portal
                //627 : don't do it if we're redirecting to the host portal 
                if (result.RedirectAllowed && result.Reason != RedirectReason.Host_Portal_Used)
                    string primaryAlias;
                    //checking again in case the rewriting operation changed the values for the valid portal alias
                    bool incorrectAlias = IsPortalAliasIncorrect(context, request, requestUri, result, queryStringCol, settings, parentTraceId, out primaryAlias);
                    if (incorrectAlias) RedirectPortalAlias(primaryAlias, ref result, settings);

            //check to see if we have to avoid the core 302 redirect for the portal alias that is in the /defualt.aspx
            //for child portals
            //exception to that is when a custom alias is used but no rewrite has taken place
            if (result.DoRewrite == false && (result.Action == ActionType.Continue
                                              (result.Action == ActionType.CheckFor301 &&
                                               result.Reason == RedirectReason.Custom_Tab_Alias)))
                string aliasQuerystring;
                bool isChildAliasRootUrl = CheckForChildPortalRootUrl(requestUri.AbsoluteUri, result, out aliasQuerystring);
                if (isChildAliasRootUrl)
                    RewriteAsChildAliasRoot(context, result, aliasQuerystring, settings);
        /// <summary>
        /// Cancels a redirect
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="result"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="settings"></param>
        /// <param name="message"></param>
        internal static void CancelRedirect(ref UrlAction result, HttpContext context, FriendlyUrlSettings settings, string message)
            result.Action   = ActionType.Continue;
            result.Reason   = RedirectReason.Not_Redirected;
            result.FinalUrl = null;
            //clean the path for the rewrite
            NameValueCollection queryString = null;

            if (context != null)
                queryString = context.Request.QueryString;
            result.RewritePath = RedirectTokens.RemoveAnyRedirectTokens(result.RewritePath, queryString);
            //redo the rewrite to fix up the problem.  The user has ticked 'permanent redirect' but hasn't supplied a forwarding Url
            if (context != null)
            //if no context supplied, means no rewrite was required because querystring didn't contain do301 action
                //RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl(context, result.RewritePath, settings.RebaseClientPath);
                RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl(context, result.RewritePath);
        private static void CheckForRewrite(string fullUrl, 
                                                string querystring, 
                                                UrlAction result, 
                                                bool useFriendlyUrls,
                                                NameValueCollection queryStringCol, 
                                                FriendlyUrlSettings settings,
                                                out bool isPhysicalResource, 
                                                Guid parentTraceId)
            bool checkForRewrites;
            //just check to make sure it isn't a physical resource on the server
                                                            ref result,
                                                            out isPhysicalResource,
                                                            out checkForRewrites, 

            if (checkForRewrites && RewriteController.CanRewriteRequest(result, fullUrl, settings))
                bool doSiteUrlProcessing = false;
                //728 new regex expression to pass values straight onto the siteurls.config file
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.UseSiteUrlsRegex))
                    doSiteUrlProcessing = Regex.IsMatch(fullUrl, settings.UseSiteUrlsRegex, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant);

                if (!doSiteUrlProcessing)
                    //if a virtual request, and not starting with the siteUrls.config file, go on to find the rewritten path
                    //looks up the page index to find the correct Url
                    bool doRewrite = RewriteController.IdentifyByTabPathEx(fullUrl, querystring, result, queryStringCol, settings, parentTraceId);
                    if (!doRewrite)
                        doSiteUrlProcessing = true;
                if (doSiteUrlProcessing)
                    //728 : compare requests against the siteurls.config file, either if no other match was found, or if we want to skip the rest of the processing
                    // the standard DNN way of rewriting, using expressions found in the siteurls.config file
                    RewriteController.IdentifyByRegEx(fullUrl, querystring, result.ApplicationPath, ref result, settings, parentTraceId);
 private static void SetPageCache(string key, object value, FriendlyUrlSettings settings)
     SetPageCache(key, value, null, settings, null);
 private static bool CheckFor301RedirectExclusion(int tabId, int portalId, bool checkBaseUrls, out TabInfo tab, FriendlyUrlSettings settings)
     bool doRedirect = false;
     tab = TabController.Instance.GetTab(tabId, portalId, false);
     //don't redirect unless allowed, the tab is valid, and it's not an admin or super tab 
     if (tab != null && tab.IsSuperTab == false && !tab.DoNotRedirect)
         if (checkBaseUrls)
             //no redirect for friendly url purposes if the tab is in the 'base friendly urls' section
             doRedirect = !RewriteController.IsExcludedFromFriendlyUrls(tab, settings, true);
             doRedirect = true;
     return doRedirect;
        internal static bool CheckForParameterRedirect(Uri requestUri,
                                                       ref UrlAction result,
                                                       NameValueCollection queryStringCol,
                                                       FriendlyUrlSettings settings)
            //check for parameter replaced works by inspecting the parameters on a rewritten request, comparing
            //them agains the list of regex expressions on the friendlyurls.config file, and redirecting to the same page
            //but with new parameters, if there was a match
            bool redirect = false;
            //get the redirect actions for this portal
            var messages = new List <string>();
            Dictionary <int, List <ParameterRedirectAction> > redirectActions = CacheController.GetParameterRedirects(settings, result.PortalId, ref messages);

            if (redirectActions != null && redirectActions.Count > 0)
                    #region trycatch block

                    string rewrittenUrl = result.RewritePath ?? result.RawUrl;

                    List <ParameterRedirectAction> parmRedirects = null;
                    //find the matching redirects for the tabid
                    int tabId = result.TabId;
                    if (tabId > -1)
                        if (redirectActions.ContainsKey(tabId))
                            //find the right set of replaced actions for this tab
                            parmRedirects = redirectActions[tabId];
                    //check for 'all tabs' redirections
                    if (redirectActions.ContainsKey(-1)) //-1 means 'all tabs' - rewriting across all tabs
                        //initialise to empty collection if there are no specific tab redirects
                        if (parmRedirects == null)
                            parmRedirects = new List <ParameterRedirectAction>();
                        //add in the all redirects
                        List <ParameterRedirectAction> allRedirects = redirectActions[-1];
                        parmRedirects.AddRange(allRedirects); //add the 'all' range to the tab range
                        tabId = result.TabId;
                    if (redirectActions.ContainsKey(-2) && result.OriginalPath.ToLower().Contains("default.aspx"))
                        //for the default.aspx page
                        if (parmRedirects == null)
                            parmRedirects = new List <ParameterRedirectAction>();
                        List <ParameterRedirectAction> defaultRedirects = redirectActions[-2];
                        parmRedirects.AddRange(defaultRedirects); //add the default.aspx redirects to the list
                        tabId = result.TabId;
                    //726 : allow for site-root redirects, ie redirects where no page match
                    if (redirectActions.ContainsKey(-3))
                        //request is for site root
                        if (parmRedirects == null)
                            parmRedirects = new List <ParameterRedirectAction>();
                        List <ParameterRedirectAction> siteRootRedirects = redirectActions[-3];
                        parmRedirects.AddRange(siteRootRedirects); //add the site root redirects to the collection
                    //OK what we have now is a list of redirects for the currently requested tab (either because it was specified by tab id,
                    // or because there is a replaced for 'all tabs'

                    if (parmRedirects != null && parmRedirects.Count > 0 && rewrittenUrl != null)
                        foreach (ParameterRedirectAction parmRedirect in parmRedirects)
                            //regex test each replaced to see if there is a match between the parameter string
                            //and the parmRedirect
                            string compareWith   = rewrittenUrl;
                            var    redirectRegex = RegexUtils.GetCachedRegex(parmRedirect.LookFor,
                                                                             RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant);
                            Match regexMatch    = redirectRegex.Match(compareWith);
                            bool  success       = regexMatch.Success;
                            bool  siteRootTried = false;
                            //if no match, but there is a site root redirect to try
                            if (!success && parmRedirect.TabId == -3)
                                siteRootTried = true;
                                compareWith   = result.OriginalPathNoAlias;
                                regexMatch    = redirectRegex.Match(compareWith);
                                success       = regexMatch.Success;
                            if (!success)
                                result.DebugMessages.Add(parmRedirect.Name + " redirect not matched (" + rewrittenUrl +
                                if (siteRootTried)
                                    result.DebugMessages.Add(parmRedirect.Name + " redirect not matched [site root] (" +
                                                             result.OriginalPathNoAlias + ")");
                                //success! there was a match in the parameters
                                string parms = redirectRegex.Replace(compareWith, parmRedirect.RedirectTo);
                                if (siteRootTried)
                                    result.DebugMessages.Add(parmRedirect.Name + " redirect matched [site root] with (" +
                                                             result.OriginalPathNoAlias + "), replaced with " + parms);
                                    result.DebugMessages.Add(parmRedirect.Name + " redirect matched with (" +
                                                             compareWith + "), replaced with " + parms);
                                string finalUrl = "";
                                //now we need to generate the friendly Url

                                //first check to see if the parameter replacement string has a destination tabid specified
                                if (parms.ToLower().Contains("tabid/"))
                                    //if so, using a feature whereby the dest tabid can be changed within the parameters, which will
                                    //redirect the page as well as redirecting the parameter values
                                    string[] parmParts = parms.Split('/');
                                    bool     tabIdNext = false;
                                    foreach (string parmPart in parmParts)
                                        if (tabIdNext)
                                            //changes the tabid of page, effects a page redirect along with a parameter redirect
                                            Int32.TryParse(parmPart, out tabId);
                                            parms = parms.Replace("tabid/" + tabId.ToString(), "");
                                            //remove the tabid/xx from the path
                                            break; //that's it, we're finished
                                        if (parmPart.ToLower() == "tabid")
                                            tabIdNext = true;
                                else if (tabId == -1)
                                    //find the home tabid for this portal
                                    //735 : switch to custom method for getting portal
                                    PortalInfo portal = CacheController.GetPortal(result.PortalId, true);
                                    tabId = portal.HomeTabId;
                                if (parmRedirect.ChangeToSiteRoot)
                                    //when change to siteroot requested, new path goes directly off the portal alias
                                    //so set the finalUrl as the poratl alias
                                    finalUrl = result.Scheme + result.HttpAlias + "/";
                                    //if the tabid has been supplied, do a friendly url provider lookup to get the correct format for the tab url
                                    if (tabId > -1)
                                        TabInfo tab = TabController.Instance.GetTab(tabId, result.PortalId, false);
                                        if (tab != null)
                                            string path = Globals.glbDefaultPage + TabIndexController.CreateRewritePath(tab.TabID, "");
                                            string friendlyUrlNoParms = AdvancedFriendlyUrlProvider.ImprovedFriendlyUrl(tab,
                                            if (friendlyUrlNoParms.EndsWith("/") == false)
                                                friendlyUrlNoParms += "/";
                                            finalUrl = friendlyUrlNoParms;
                                        if (tab == null)
                                            result.DebugMessages.Add(parmRedirect.Name +
                                                                     " tabId in redirect rule (tabId:" +
                                                                     tabId.ToString() + ", portalId:" +
                                                                     result.PortalId.ToString() +
                                                                     " ), tab was not found");
                                            result.DebugMessages.Add(parmRedirect.Name +
                                                                     " tabId in redirect rule (tabId:" +
                                                                     tabId.ToString() + ", portalId:" +
                                                                     result.PortalId.ToString() + " ), tab found : " +
                                if (parms.StartsWith("//"))
                                    parms = parms.Substring(2);
                                if (parms.StartsWith("/"))
                                    parms = parms.Substring(1);

                                if (settings.PageExtensionUsageType != PageExtensionUsageType.Never)
                                    if (parms.EndsWith("/"))
                                        parms = parms.TrimEnd('/');
                                    if (parms.Length > 0)
                                        //we are adding more parms onto the end, so remove the page extension
                                        //from the parameter list
                                        //946 : exception when settings.PageExtension value is empty
                                        parms += settings.PageExtension;
                                        //816: if page extension is /, then don't do this
                                        if (settings.PageExtension != "/" &&
                                            string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.PageExtension) == false)
                                            finalUrl = finalUrl.Replace(settings.PageExtension, "");
                                        //we are removing all the parms altogether, so
                                        //the url needs to end in the page extension only
                                        //816: if page extension is /, then don't do this
                                        if (settings.PageExtension != "/" &&
                                            string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.PageExtension) == false)
                                            finalUrl = finalUrl.Replace(settings.PageExtension + "/",
                                //put the replaced parms back on the end
                                finalUrl += parms;

                                //set the final url
                                result.FinalUrl = finalUrl;
                                result.Reason   = RedirectReason.Custom_Redirect;
                                switch (parmRedirect.Action)
                                case "301":
                                    result.Action = ActionType.Redirect301;

                                case "302":
                                    result.Action = ActionType.Redirect302;

                                case "404":
                                    result.Action = ActionType.Output404;
                                redirect = true;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    messages.Add("Exception: " + ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace);
                    if (messages.Count > 0)
        private static void Handle404OrException(FriendlyUrlSettings settings, HttpContext context, Exception ex, UrlAction result, bool transfer, bool showDebug)
            //handle Auto-Add Alias
            if (result.Action == ActionType.Output404 && CanAutoAddPortalAlias())
                //Need to determine if this is a real 404 or a possible new alias.
                var portalId = Host.Host.HostPortalID;
                if (portalId > Null.NullInteger)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.DomainName))
                        result.DomainName = Globals.GetDomainName(context.Request); //parse the domain name out of the request

                    //Get all the existing aliases
                    var aliases = PortalAliasController.Instance.GetPortalAliasesByPortalId(portalId).ToList();

                    bool autoaddAlias;
                    bool isPrimary = false;
                    if (!aliases.Any())
                        autoaddAlias = true;
                        isPrimary = true;
                        autoaddAlias = true;
                        foreach (var alias in aliases)
                            if (result.DomainName.ToLowerInvariant().IndexOf(alias.HTTPAlias, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0
                                    && result.DomainName.Length >= alias.HTTPAlias.Length)
                                autoaddAlias = false;

                    if (autoaddAlias)
                        var portalAliasInfo = new PortalAliasInfo
                                                      PortalID = portalId, 
                                                      HTTPAlias = result.DomainName,
                                                      IsPrimary = isPrimary

                        context.Response.Redirect(context.Request.Url.ToString(), true);

            if (context != null)
                HttpRequest request = context.Request;
                HttpResponse response = context.Response;
                HttpServerUtility server = context.Server;

                const string errorPageHtmlHeader = @"<html><head><title>{0}</title></head><body>";
                const string errorPageHtmlFooter = @"</body></html>";
                var errorPageHtml = new StringWriter();
                CustomErrorsSection ceSection = null;
                //876 : security catch for custom error reading
                    ceSection = (CustomErrorsSection) WebConfigurationManager.GetSection("system.web/customErrors");
// ReSharper disable EmptyGeneralCatchClause
                catch (Exception)
// ReSharper restore EmptyGeneralCatchClause
                    //on some medium trust environments, this will throw an exception for trying to read the custom Errors
                    //do nothing

                /* 454 new 404/500 error handling routine */
                bool useDNNTab = false;
                int errTabId = -1;
                string errUrl = null;
                string status = "";
                bool isPostback = false;
                if (settings != null)
                    if (request.RequestType == "POST")
                        isPostback = true;
                    if (result != null && ex != null)
                        result.DebugMessages.Add("Exception: " + ex.Message);
                        result.DebugMessages.Add("Stack Trace: " + ex.StackTrace);
                        if (ex.InnerException != null)
                            result.DebugMessages.Add("Inner Ex : " + ex.InnerException.Message);
                            result.DebugMessages.Add("Stack Trace: " + ex.InnerException.StackTrace);
                            result.DebugMessages.Add("Inner Ex : null");
                    string errRH;
                    string errRV;
                    int statusCode;
                    if (result != null && result.Action != ActionType.Output404)
                        //output everything but 404 (usually 500)
                        if (settings.TabId500 > -1) //tabid specified for 500 error page, use that
                            useDNNTab = true;
                            errTabId = settings.TabId500;
                        errUrl = settings.Url500;
                        errRH = "X-UrlRewriter-500";
                        errRV = "500 Rewritten to {0} : {1}";
                        statusCode = 500;
                        status = "500 Internal Server Error";
                    else //output 404 error 
                        if (settings.TabId404 > -1) //if the tabid is specified for a 404 page, then use that
                            useDNNTab = true;
                            errTabId = settings.TabId404;
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Regex404))
                            //with 404 errors, there's an option to catch certain urls and use an external url for extra processing.
                                //944 : check the original Url in case the requested Url has been rewritten before discovering it's a 404 error
                                string requestedUrl = request.Url.ToString();
                                if (result != null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.OriginalPath) == false)
                                    requestedUrl = result.OriginalPath;
                                if (Regex.IsMatch(requestedUrl, settings.Regex404, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant))
                                    useDNNTab = false;
                                        //if we have a match in the 404 regex value, then don't use the tabid
                            catch (Exception regexEx)
                                //.some type of exception : output in response header, and go back to using the tabid 
                                response.AppendHeader("X-UrlRewriter-404Exception", regexEx.Message);
                        errUrl = settings.Url404;
                        errRH = "X-UrlRewriter-404";
                        errRV = "404 Rewritten to {0} : {1} : Reason {2}";
                        status = "404 Not Found";
                        statusCode = 404;

                    // check for 404 logging
                    if ((result == null || result.Action == ActionType.Output404))
                        //Log 404 errors to Event Log
                        UrlRewriterUtils.Log404(request, settings, result);
                    //912 : use unhandled 404 switch
                    string reason404 = null;
                    bool unhandled404 = true;
                    if (useDNNTab && errTabId > -1)
                        unhandled404 = false; //we're handling it here
                        TabInfo errTab = TabController.Instance.GetTab(errTabId, result.PortalId, true);
                        if (errTab != null)
                            bool redirect = false;
                            //ok, valid tabid.  what we're going to do is to load up this tab via a rewrite of the url, and then change the output status
                            string reason = "Not Found";
                            if (result != null)
                                reason = result.Reason.ToString();
                            response.AppendHeader(errRH, string.Format(errRV, "DNN Tab",
                                                                errTab.TabName + "(Tabid:" + errTabId.ToString() + ")",
                            //show debug messages even if in debug mode
                            if (context != null && response != null && result != null && showDebug)
                                ShowDebugData(context, result.OriginalPath, result, null);
                            if (!isPostback)
                                response.StatusCode = statusCode;
                                response.Status = status;
                                redirect = true;
                                    //redirect postbacks as you can't postback successfully to a server.transfer
                            errUrl = Globals.glbDefaultPage + TabIndexController.CreateRewritePath(errTab.TabID, "");
                            //have to update the portal settings with the new tabid
                            PortalSettings ps = null;
                            if (context != null && context.Items != null)
                                if (context.Items.Contains("PortalSettings"))
                                    ps = (PortalSettings) context.Items["PortalSettings"];
                                    context.Items.Remove("PortalSettings"); //nix it from the context
                            if (ps != null && ps.PortalAlias != null)
                                ps = new PortalSettings(errTabId, ps.PortalAlias);
                                if (result.HttpAlias != null && result.PortalId > -1)
                                    PortalAliasInfo pa = PortalAliasController.Instance.GetPortalAlias(result.HttpAlias, result.PortalId);
                                    ps = new PortalSettings(errTabId, pa);
                                    //912 : handle 404 when no valid portal can be identified
                                    //results when iis is configured to handle portal alias, but 
                                    //DNN isn't.  This always returns 404 because a multi-portal site
                                    //can't just show the 404 page of the host site.
                                    ArrayList portals = PortalController.Instance.GetPortals();
                                    if (portals != null && portals.Count == 1)
                                        //single portal install, load up portal settings for this portal
                                        var singlePortal = (PortalInfo) portals[0];
                                        //list of aliases from database
                                        var aliases = PortalAliasController.Instance.GetPortalAliasesByPortalId(singlePortal.PortalID).ToList();
                                        //list of aliases from Advanced Url settings
                                        List<string> chosen = aliases.GetAliasesForPortalId(singlePortal.PortalID);
                                        PortalAliasInfo useFor404 = null;
                                        //go through all aliases and either get the first valid one, or the first 
                                        //as chosen in the advanced url management settings
                                        foreach (var pa in aliases)
                                            if (useFor404 == null)
                                                useFor404 = pa; //first one by default

                                            if (chosen != null && chosen.Count > 0)
                                                if (chosen.Contains(pa.HTTPAlias))
                                                    useFor404 = pa;
                                                break; //no further checking
                                        //now configure that as the portal settings
                                        if (useFor404 != null)
                                            //create portal settings context for identified portal alias in single portal install
                                            ps = new PortalSettings(errTabId, useFor404);
                                        reason404 = "Requested domain name is not configured as valid website";
                                        unhandled404 = true;
                            if (ps != null)
                                //re-add the context items portal settings back in
                                context.Items.Add("PortalSettings", ps);
                            if (redirect)
                                errUrl = TestableGlobals.Instance.NavigateURL();
                                response.Redirect(errUrl, true); //redirect and end response.  
                                //It will mean the user will have to postback again, but it will work the second time
                                if (transfer)
                                    //execute a server transfer to the default.aspx?tabid=xx url
                                    //767 : object not set error on extensionless 404 errors
                                    if (context.User == null)
                                        context.User = Thread.CurrentPrincipal;
                                    response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true;
                                    //881 : spoof the basePage object so that the client dependency framework
                                    //is satisfied it's working with a page-based handler
                                    IHttpHandler spoofPage = new CDefault();
                                    context.Handler = spoofPage;
                                    server.Transfer("~/" + errUrl, true);
                                    context.RewritePath("~/Default.aspx", false);
                                    response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true;
                                    response.Status = "404 Not Found";
                                    response.StatusCode = 404;
                    //912 : change to new if statement to handle cases where the TabId404 couldn't be handled correctly
                    if (unhandled404)
                        //proces the error on the external Url by rewriting to the external url
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(errUrl))
                            response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true;
                            string reason = "Not Found";
                            if (result != null)
                                reason = result.Reason.ToString();
                            response.AppendHeader(errRH, string.Format(errRV, "Url", errUrl, reason));
                            if (reason404 != null)
                                response.AppendHeader("X-Url-Master-404-Data", reason404);
                            response.StatusCode = statusCode;
                            response.Status = status;
                            server.Transfer("~/" + errUrl, true);
                            errorPageHtml.Write(status + "<br>The requested Url does not return any valid content.");
                            if (reason404 != null)
                                errorPageHtml.Write(status + "<br>" + reason404);
                            errorPageHtml.Write("<div style='font-weight:bolder'>Administrators</div>");
                            errorPageHtml.Write("<div>Change this message by configuring a specific 404 Error Page or Url for this website.</div>");

                            //output a reason for the 404
                            string reason = "";
                            if (result != null)
                                reason = result.Reason.ToString();
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errRH) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reason))
                                response.AppendHeader(errRH, reason);
                            response.StatusCode = statusCode;
                            response.Status = status;
                    //fallback output if not valid settings
                    if (result != null && result.Action == ActionType.Output404)
                        //don't restate the requested Url to prevent cross site scripting
                        errorPageHtml.Write("404 Not Found<br>The requested Url does not return any valid content.");
                        response.StatusCode = 404;
                        response.Status = "404 Not Found";
                        //error, especially if invalid result object

                        errorPageHtml.Write("500 Server Error<br><div style='font-weight:bolder'>An error occured during processing : if possible, check the event log of the server</div>");
                        response.StatusCode = 500;
                        response.Status = "500 Internal Server Error";
                        if (result != null)
                            result.Action = ActionType.Output500;

                if (ex != null)
                    if (context != null)
                        if (context.Items.Contains("UrlRewrite:Exception") == false)
                            context.Items.Add("UrlRewrite:Exception", ex.Message);
                            context.Items.Add("UrlRewrite:StackTrace", ex.StackTrace);

                    if (ceSection != null && ceSection.Mode == CustomErrorsMode.Off)
                        errorPageHtml.Write("<div style='font-weight:bolder'>Exception:</div><div>" + ex.Message + "</div>");
                        errorPageHtml.Write("<div style='font-weight:bolder'>Stack Trace:</div><div>" + ex.StackTrace + "</div>");
                        errorPageHtml.Write("<div style='font-weight:bolder'>Administrators</div>");
                        errorPageHtml.Write("<div>You can see this exception because the customErrors attribute in the web.config is set to 'off'.  Change this value to 'on' or 'RemoteOnly' to show Error Handling</div>");
                            if (errUrl != null && errUrl.StartsWith("~"))
                                errUrl = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(errUrl);
                            if (errUrl != null)
                                errorPageHtml.Write("<div>The error handling would have shown this page : <a href='" + errUrl + "'>" + errUrl + "</a></div>");
                                errorPageHtml.Write("<div>The error handling could not determine the correct page to show.</div>");

                string errorPageHtmlBody = errorPageHtml.ToString();
                if (errorPageHtmlBody.Length > 0)
                if (ex != null)
                    UrlRewriterUtils.LogExceptionInRequest(ex, status, result);
Example #60
        private void BindData()
            if (User != null)
                //If trying to add a SuperUser - check that user is a SuperUser
                if (VerifyUserPermissions() == false)

                if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                    if ((Request.QueryString["pageno"] != null))
                        PageNo = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["pageno"]);
                        PageNo = 0;
                userForm.DataSource = User;

                if (!Page.IsPostBack)

                ctlPassword.User = User;

                if ((!DisplayServices))
                    servicesTab.Visible = false;
                    ctlServices.User = User;

                ctlProfile.User = User;

                dnnServicesDetails.Visible = DisplayServices;

                if (!IsPostBack)
                    var urlSettings   = new DotNetNuke.Entities.Urls.FriendlyUrlSettings(PortalSettings.PortalId);
                    var showVanityUrl = (Config.GetFriendlyUrlProvider() == "advanced") && !User.IsSuperUser;
                    if (showVanityUrl)
                        VanityUrlRow.Visible = true;
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(User.VanityUrl))
                            //Clean Display Name
                            bool modified;
                            var  options   = UrlRewriterUtils.GetOptionsFromSettings(urlSettings);
                            var  cleanUrl  = FriendlyUrlController.CleanNameForUrl(User.DisplayName, options, out modified);
                            var  uniqueUrl = FriendlyUrlController.ValidateUrl(cleanUrl, -1, PortalSettings, out modified).ToLowerInvariant();

                            VanityUrlAlias.Text   = String.Format("{0}/{1}/", PortalSettings.PortalAlias.HTTPAlias, urlSettings.VanityUrlPrefix);
                            VanityUrlTextBox.Text = uniqueUrl;
                            ShowVanityUrl         = true;
                            VanityUrl.Text = String.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", PortalSettings.PortalAlias.HTTPAlias, urlSettings.VanityUrlPrefix, User.VanityUrl);
                            ShowVanityUrl  = false;
                AddModuleMessage("NoUser", ModuleMessage.ModuleMessageType.YellowWarning, true);