Example #1
		// In perspective mode, the warping functions are:
		//	x' = (a0 + a1 x + a2 y) / (c0 x + c1 y + 1)
		//	y' = (b0 + b1 x + b2 y) / (c0 x + c1 y + 1)
		// The following calculates the factors a#, b# and c#.
		// We do this by creating a set of eight equations with a#, b# and c# as unknowns.
		// The equations are derived by:
		// 1. substituting the srcPoints for (x, y);
		// 2. substituting the corresponding destPoints for (x', y');
		// 3. solving the resulting set of equations, with the factors as unknowns.
		// The equations are like these:
		//	a0	x a1	y a2	0		0		0		-xx'c0	-yx'c1	= x'
		//	0	0		0		b0		x b1	y b2	-xy'c0	-yy'c1  = y'
		// The known factors of left hand side ar put in the 8x8 matrix mxLeft for
		// all four point pairs, and the right hand side in the one column matrix mxRight.
		// After solving, m_mxWarpFactors contains a0, a1, a2, b0, b1, b2, c0, c1.
		private void PreCalc(PointD[] destPoints, PointD[] srcPoints)
			var mxLeft = new GeneralMatrix(8, 8); //mxLeft.Null();
			var 	mxRight = new GeneralMatrix(8, 1);

			var row = 0;

			for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
				mxLeft.Array[row][0] = 1.0;
				mxLeft.Array[row][1] = srcPoints[i].X;
				mxLeft.Array[row][2] = srcPoints[i].Y;

				mxLeft.Array[row][6] = - srcPoints[i].X * destPoints[i].X;
				mxLeft.Array[row][7] = - srcPoints[i].Y * destPoints[i].X;

				mxRight.Array[row][0] = destPoints[i].X;


				mxLeft.Array[row][3] = 1.0f;
				mxLeft.Array[row][4] = srcPoints[i].X;
				mxLeft.Array[row][5] = srcPoints[i].Y;

				mxLeft.Array[row][6] = - srcPoints[i].X * destPoints[i].Y;
				mxLeft.Array[row][7] = - srcPoints[i].Y * destPoints[i].Y;

				mxRight.Array[row][0] = destPoints[i].Y;


			_mxWarpFactors = mxLeft.Solve(mxRight);
Example #2
 public void ArrayMultiplyEquals()
     A = R.Copy();
     GeneralMatrix B = GeneralMatrix.Random(A.RowDimension, A.ColumnDimension);
     Assert.IsTrue(GeneralTests.Check(A.ArrayRightDivideEquals(B), R));
        * Computes the Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse using the SVD method.
        * Modified version of the original implementation by Kim van der Linde.
        public static GeneralMatrix pinv(GeneralMatrix x)
            if (x.Rank() < 1)
                return null;

            if (x.ColumnDimension > x.RowDimension)
                return pinv(x.Transpose()).Transpose();

            SingularValueDecomposition svdX = new SingularValueDecomposition(x);
            double[] singularValues = svdX.SingularValues;
            double tol = Math.Max(x.ColumnDimension, x.RowDimension)
                    * singularValues[0] * 2E-16;

            double[] singularValueReciprocals = new double[singularValues.Count()];
            for (int i = 0; i < singularValues.Count(); i++)
                singularValueReciprocals[i] = Math.Abs(singularValues[i]) < tol ? 0
                        : (1.0 / singularValues[i]);

            double[][] u = svdX.GetU().Array;
            double[][] v = svdX.GetV().Array;

            int min = Math.Min(x.ColumnDimension, u[0].Count());

            double[][] inverse = new double[x.ColumnDimension][];

            for (int i = 0; i < x.ColumnDimension; i++) {
                inverse[i] = new double[x.RowDimension];

                for (int j = 0; j < u.Count(); j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < min; k++)
                        inverse[i][j] += v[i][k] * singularValueReciprocals[k] * u[j][k];
            return new GeneralMatrix(inverse);
Example #4
        public void FindMinimum()
            int i;
            _xCurrent = FirstStep();
            double [] xPrev = new double[_nDim];
            for (i=0;i<_nDim;i++)
                xPrev[i] = _initial[i];

            double [] xNext;
            GeneralMatrix hPrev = GeneralMatrix.Identity(_nDim,_nDim);
            double currEps=1e5;
            while (currEps>_epsilon && _curIter<_itMax)
                _hessian = CalculateNextHessianApproximation(hPrev,xPrev,_xCurrent,_f.GetGradient(xPrev),_f.GetGradient(_xCurrent));
                xNext = CalculateNextPoint(_xCurrent,_f.GetGradient(_xCurrent),_hessian);
                for (i=0;i<_nDim; i++)
                    xPrev[i] = _xCurrent[i];
                    _xCurrent[i] = xNext[i];
                currEps = Diff(_xCurrent,xPrev);
Example #5
 public void InitData()
     A = new GeneralMatrix(columnwise, validld);
     R = GeneralMatrix.Random(A.RowDimension, A.ColumnDimension);
     S = new GeneralMatrix(columnwise, nonconformld);
     O = new GeneralMatrix(A.RowDimension, A.ColumnDimension, 1.0);
        public GyroCal(AHRS sensor)
            int i = 0;


            this.sensor = sensor;

            // Add DataReceived event handler.
            sensor.DataReceivedEvent += new DataReceivedDelegate(DataReceivedEventHandler);
            sensor.confReceivedEvent += new confReceivedDelegate(confReceivedEventHandler);

            data_collection_enabled = false;
            next_data_index = 0;

            loggedData = new double[SAMPLES, 3];
            threshold = 1.5 * 3.14159 / 180;

            bias = new double[3];

            calMat = new double[3, 3];
            calMat[0, 0] = 1.0;
            calMat[1, 1] = 1.0;
            calMat[2, 2] = 1.0;

            D = new GeneralMatrix(SAMPLES, 10);

            for (i = 0; i < SAMPLES; i++)
                loggedData[i,0] = 0;
                loggedData[i, 1] = 0;
                loggedData[i, 2] = 0;
Example #7
        protected override GeneralMatrix CalculateNextHessianApproximation(GeneralMatrix previousH, 
			double[]prevX, double[]curX, double[]prevGrad, double[]curGrad)
            GeneralMatrix currentH = new GeneralMatrix(_nDim,_nDim);
            GeneralMatrix cX = new GeneralMatrix(curX,_nDim);
            GeneralMatrix pX = new GeneralMatrix(prevX,_nDim);
            GeneralMatrix cG = new GeneralMatrix(curGrad,_nDim);
            GeneralMatrix pG = new GeneralMatrix(prevGrad,_nDim);

            GeneralMatrix dX = cX.Subtract(pX);
            GeneralMatrix dG = cG.Subtract(pG);

            double aK1 = 1/(dX.Transpose().Multiply(dG).GetElement(0,0));
            GeneralMatrix aK2 = dX.Multiply(dX.Transpose());

            GeneralMatrix aK = aK2.Multiply(aK1);

            double bK1 = -1/(dG.Transpose().Multiply(previousH).Multiply(dG).GetElement(0,0));
            GeneralMatrix bK2 = previousH.Multiply(dG).Multiply(dG.Transpose()).Multiply(previousH.Transpose());

            GeneralMatrix bK =bK2.Multiply(bK1);

            currentH = previousH.Add(aK).Add(bK);

            return currentH;
Example #8
 public GeneralMatrix CalculateHessian(double[]x)
     GeneralMatrix hessian = new GeneralMatrix(Dimension,Dimension);
     for (int i=0; i<Dimension; i++)
         for (int j=0; j<Dimension; j++)
     return hessian;
Example #9
 public void CholeskyDecomposition1()
     double[][] pvals = {new double[]{1.0, 1.0, 1.0}, new double[]{1.0, 2.0, 3.0}, new double[]{1.0, 3.0, 6.0}};
     GeneralMatrix A = new GeneralMatrix(pvals);
     CholeskyDecomposition chol = A.chol();
     GeneralMatrix L = chol.GetL();
     Assert.IsTrue(GeneralTests.Check(A, L.Multiply(L.Transpose())));
Example #10
 public void CholeskyDecomposition2()
     double[][] pvals = {new double[]{1.0, 1.0, 1.0}, new double[]{1.0, 2.0, 3.0}, new double[]{1.0, 3.0, 6.0}};
     GeneralMatrix A = new GeneralMatrix(pvals);
     CholeskyDecomposition chol = A.chol();
     GeneralMatrix X = chol.Solve(GeneralMatrix.Identity(3, 3));
     Assert.IsTrue(GeneralTests.Check(A.Multiply(X), GeneralMatrix.Identity(3, 3)));
Example #11
 public void EigenValueDecomposition1()
     double[][] pvals = {new double[]{1.0, 1.0, 1.0}, new double[]{1.0, 2.0, 3.0}, new double[]{1.0, 3.0, 6.0}};
     GeneralMatrix A = new GeneralMatrix(pvals);
     EigenvalueDecomposition Eig = A.Eigen();
     GeneralMatrix D = Eig.D;
     GeneralMatrix V = Eig.GetV();
     Assert.IsTrue(GeneralTests.Check(A.Multiply(V), V.Multiply(D)));
Example #12
        public void Negative_BadColumnIndexSetGoodRowIndexSet()
            double[][] avals = {new double[]{1.0, 4.0, 7.0, 10.0}, new double[]{2.0, 5.0, 8.0, 11.0}, new double[]{3.0, 6.0, 9.0, 12.0}};
            int[] rowindexset = new int[]{1, 2};
            int[] badcolumnindexset = new int[]{1, 2, 4};

            GeneralMatrix B = new GeneralMatrix(avals);
            M = B.GetMatrix(badrowindexset, columnindexset);
Example #13
        public void Negative_BadColumnIndexSet2()
            int ib = 1, ie = 2; /* index ranges for sub GeneralMatrix */
            double[][] avals = {new double[]{1.0, 4.0, 7.0, 10.0}, new double[]{2.0, 5.0, 8.0, 11.0}, new double[]{3.0, 6.0, 9.0, 12.0}};
            int[] badrowindexset = new int[]{1, 3};

            GeneralMatrix B = new GeneralMatrix(avals);

            M = B.GetMatrix(ib, ie + B.RowDimension + 1, columnindexset);
Example #14
 //display specified matrix
 static void displayMatrix(GeneralMatrix displayMat)
     for (int i = 0; i < displayMat.RowDimension; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < displayMat.ColumnDimension; j++)
             Console.Write(displayMat.GetElement(i, j) + ",");
Example #15
        public OneDWrapper(IGradientFunction func, GeneralMatrix pX, GeneralMatrix aX)
            if (pX==null || aX==null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Previous x and alfaX may not be null");

            _problemDimension = pX.RowDimension;

            _function = func;

            _previousX = new GeneralMatrix(pX.ArrayCopy);

            _alfaX = new GeneralMatrix(aX.ArrayCopy);
Example #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor where caller determines the value of all fields (used internally by RoundEigenMetric())
 /// </summary>
 protected Metric(DotNetMatrix.GeneralMatrix matrix,
                  DotNetMatrix.EigenvalueDecomposition eig, double[] eigenMetric,
                  DotNetMatrix.GeneralMatrix invEigMatrix, bool isDiagonal,
                  bool isEuclidean, bool isAntiEuclidean)
     m_eigenMetric     = eigenMetric;
     m_matrix          = matrix;
     m_eig             = eig;
     m_eigenMetric     = eigenMetric;
     m_invEigMatrix    = invEigMatrix;
     m_isDiagonal      = isDiagonal;
     m_isEuclidean     = isEuclidean;
     m_isAntiEuclidean = isAntiEuclidean;
Example #17
 public void Hessian()
     double eps = 1e-5;
     double[] vector = {0,0,0};
     double[][] result = {new double[]{10.0, 2.0, -2.0},
                             new double[]{ 2.0, 4.0,  2.0},
                             new double[]{-2.0, 2.0,  4.0}};
     GeneralMatrix expectedMatrix = new GeneralMatrix(result);
     TestFunction f = new TestFunction();
     GeneralMatrix hessian = f.CalculateHessian(vector);
     for (int i=0;i<3; i++)
         for (int j=0;j<3; j++)
Example #18
        /// <summary>QR Decomposition, computed by Householder reflections.</summary>
        /// <param name="A">   Rectangular matrix
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>     Structure to access R and the Householder vectors and compute Q.
        /// </returns>
        public QRDecomposition(GeneralMatrix A)
            // Initialize.
            QR = A.ArrayCopy;
            m = A.RowDimension;
            n = A.ColumnDimension;
            Rdiag = new double[n];

            // Main loop.
            for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
                // Compute 2-norm of k-th column without under/overflow.
                double nrm = 0;
                for (int i = k; i < m; i++)
                    nrm = Maths.Hypot(nrm, QR[i][k]);

                if (nrm != 0.0)
                    // Form k-th Householder vector.
                    if (QR[k][k] < 0)
                        nrm = - nrm;
                    for (int i = k; i < m; i++)
                        QR[i][k] /= nrm;
                    QR[k][k] += 1.0;

                    // Apply transformation to remaining columns.
                    for (int j = k + 1; j < n; j++)
                        double s = 0.0;
                        for (int i = k; i < m; i++)
                            s += QR[i][k] * QR[i][j];
                        s = (- s) / QR[k][k];
                        for (int i = k; i < m; i++)
                            QR[i][j] += s * QR[i][k];
                Rdiag[k] = - nrm;
Example #19
 public Optimizer(int dim, double[]initialPar, IGradientFunction f, double step, double epsilon, int itMax)
     _f = f;
     _epsilon = epsilon;
     _itMax = itMax;
     _nDim = dim;
     _xCurrent = new double[_nDim];
     _initial = new double[_nDim];
     _step = step;
     //initiate the first value of alpha to some random value less than 100;
     Random rnd = new Random();
     _alpha = rnd.NextDouble()*100;
     _hessian = new GeneralMatrix(_nDim,_nDim);
     for (int i=0; i<_nDim; i++)
         _initial[i] = initialPar[i];
Example #20
        /// <summary>Initializes this Metric object from metric matrix (called by constructor) </summary>
        /// <param name="m">The NxN metric matrix</param>
        private void init(DotNetMatrix.GeneralMatrix m)
            if (!Util.IsSymmetric(m))
                throw new Exception("The metric matrix must be symmetric");

            m_matrix = m.Copy();

//            System.Console.WriteLine("m_matrix: " + Util.ToString(m_matrix));

            // compute eigen value decomposition
            m_eig = new DotNetMatrix.EigenvalueDecomposition(m_matrix);

//            System.Console.WriteLine("m_eig: " + Util.ToString(m_eig.GetV()));

            m_invEigMatrix = m_eig.GetV().Transpose();

            m_eigenMetric = m_eig.RealEigenvalues;

//            {
//              DotNetMatrix.GeneralMatrix D = Util.Diagonal(m_eigenMetric);
//            DotNetMatrix.GeneralMatrix tmp = m_eig.GetV().Multiply(D).Multiply(m_invEigMatrix);
//                System.Console.WriteLine("input_matrix = " + Util.ToString(tmp));
            //      }

            m_isDiagonal = Util.IsDiagonal(m_matrix);
            if (!m_isDiagonal)
                m_isEuclidean = m_isAntiEuclidean = false;
                m_isEuclidean = m_isAntiEuclidean = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < m.RowDimension; i++)
                    if (m_matrix.GetElement(i, i) != 1.0)
                        m_isEuclidean = false;
                    if (m_matrix.GetElement(i, i) != -1.0)
                        m_isAntiEuclidean = false;
Example #21
		// In bilinear mode, the warping functions are:
		//	x' = a0 + a1 x y + a2 x + a3 y
		//	y' = b0 + b1 x y + b2 x + b3 y
		// Here, we have two sets of four equations. In the first set, the a# factors
		// are the unknowns, in the second set the b# factors.
		// The equations are of the form:
		//	a0		+ xy a1		+ x a2		+ y a3	= x'
		// The left hand side is identical for both sets. The right hand side differs.
		// Therefore, we can solve them in one operation.
		// The left hand side factors are put in the 4x4 matrix mxLeft, the right side
		// factors are put in the 4x2 matrix mxRight.
		// After solving, the first column of m_mxWarpFactors contains a0, a1, a2, a3; the
		// second columne contains b0, b1, b2, b3.
		private void PreCalc(PointD[] destPoints, PointD[] srcPoints)
			var mxLeft = new GeneralMatrix(4, 4);
			var 	mxRight = new GeneralMatrix(4, 2);

			for (int row = 0; row < 4; row++)
				mxLeft.Array[row][0] = 1.0;
				mxLeft.Array[row][1] = srcPoints[row].X * srcPoints[row].Y;
				mxLeft.Array[row][2] = srcPoints[row].X;
				mxLeft.Array[row][3] = srcPoints[row].Y;

				mxRight.Array[row][0] = destPoints[row].X;
				mxRight.Array[row][1] = destPoints[row].Y;

			_mxWarpFactors = mxLeft.Solve(mxRight);
 public double[][] decompose(int svCount, double[][] m)
     GeneralMatrix mMat = new GeneralMatrix(m);
     GeneralMatrix resultM = decompose(svCount, mMat);
     double[][] resultD = new double[resultM.RowDimension][];
     for (int i = 0; i < resultM.RowDimension; i++)
         resultD[i] = new double[resultM.ColumnDimension];
         for (int j = 0; j < resultM.ColumnDimension; j++)
             resultD[j][i] = resultM.GetElement(i, j);
             if ((j + 1) % 4 == 0) // To remove messed up byte
                 resultD[j][i] = 0;
     return resultD;
Example #23
        //decrypt line of input
        static void Decrypt(string input, GeneralMatrix key, GeneralMatrix invKey, Dictionary<char, int> hillDict, StringBuilder decText)
            string pt = "";
            string[] line = input.Trim().Split(' ');
            GeneralMatrix inverse = key.Inverse();
            for (int i = 0; i < line.Length; i += 3)
                //3 at a time
                double[] temp = new double[3];
                temp[0] = Convert.ToInt32(line[i]);
                temp[1] = Convert.ToInt32(line[i + 1]);
                temp[2] = Convert.ToInt32(line[i + 2]);

                //new 3x1 matrix
                GeneralMatrix ctMat = new GeneralMatrix(new double[] { temp[0], temp[1], temp[2] }, 3);
                //multiply by inverse
                GeneralMatrix ptMat = inverse.Multiply(ctMat);
                //mod 31 the result
                for (int x = 0; x < ptMat.RowDimension; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < ptMat.ColumnDimension; y++)
                        var tempElement = Convert.ToInt32(ptMat.GetElement(x, y)) % 31;
                        while (tempElement < 0)
                            tempElement = tempElement + 31;
                        ptMat.SetElement(x, y, tempElement);

                for (int x = 0; x < ptMat.RowDimension; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < ptMat.ColumnDimension; y++)
                        pt += hillDict.FirstOrDefault(z => z.Value == ptMat.GetElement(x, y)).Key;
            //replace padding with space characters
            decText.Replace("?", " ");
Example #24
        /// <summary>
        ///  Transforms a basis blade to another basis which is represented by the columns of M.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a">The basis blade to transform according to <paramref name="M"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="M">The matrix to use to transform <paramref name="a"/>.</param>
        /// <returns>a list of BasisBlade whose sum represents <paramref name="a"/> on the new basis.</returns>
        public static ArrayList Transform(BasisBlade a, DotNetMatrix.GeneralMatrix M)
            ArrayList A = new ArrayList();

            A.Add(new BasisBlade(0, a.scale, a.symScale)); // start with just the scalar part;

            int dim = M.RowDimension;

            // for each 1 bit: convert to list of blades
            int  i = 0;
            uint b = a.bitmap;

            while (b != 0)
                if ((b & 1) != 0)
                    // take column 'i' out of the matrix, wedge it to 'A'
                    ArrayList tmp = new ArrayList();
                    for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++)
                        double m = M.GetElement(j, i);
                        if (m != 0.0)
                            for (int k = 0; k < A.Count; k++)
                                BasisBlade o = BasisBlade.op((BasisBlade)A[k], new BasisBlade((uint)(1 << j), m));
                                if (o.scale != 0.0)
                    A = tmp;
                b >>= 1;
Example #25
        /// <summary>
        ///Ctor. In the LMA fit N is the number of data points, M is the number of fit parameters.
        ///Call <code>fit()</code> to start the actual fitting.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="function">The model function to be fitted. Must be able to take M input parameters.</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">The initial guess for the fit parameters, length M.</param>
        /// <param name="dataPoints">The data points in an array, <code>double[0 = x, 1 = y][point index]</code>. Size must be <code>double[2][N]</code>.</param>
        /// <param name="weights">The weights, normally given as: <code>weights[i] = 1 / sigma_i^2</code>. 
        /// If you have a bad data point, set its weight to zero. If the given array is null,
        /// a new array is created with all elements set to 1.</param>
        /// <param name="alpha">A Matrix instance. Must be initiated to (M x M) size. 
        /// In this case we are using the GeneralMatrix type from the open source JAMA library</param>
        /// <param name="argDeltaChi2">delta chi square</param>
        /// <param name="argMaxIter">maximum number of iterations</param>
        public LMA( LMAFunction function, double[] parameters, 
			double[][] dataPoints, double[] weights, 
			GeneralMatrix alpha,
			double argDeltaChi2, int argMaxIter)
            if (dataPoints[0].Length != dataPoints[1].Length)
                throw new ArgumentException("Data must have the same number of x and y points.");

            if (dataPoints.Length != 2)
                throw new ArgumentException("Data point array must be 2 x N");

            this.function = function;
            this.parameters = parameters;
            this.dataPoints = dataPoints;
            this.weights = CheckWeights(dataPoints[0].Length, weights);
            this.incrementedParameters = new double[parameters.Length];
            this.alpha = alpha;
            this.beta = new double[parameters.Length];
            this.da = new double[parameters.Length];
            minDeltaChi2 = argDeltaChi2;
            maxIterations = argMaxIter;
            lambda = Constants.lambda;
Example #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates priorities using the Saaty method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="argMatrix"> matrix of choices</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void ComputePriorities(GeneralMatrix argMatrix)
            double lMax=0.0;

            int n = argMatrix.ColumnDimension;
            int m = argMatrix.RowDimension;
            if (n!= m)
                throw new ArgumentException("Matrix must be symmetrical");

            _matrix = new GeneralMatrix(n,1);


            GeneralMatrix product = FCalc(argMatrix,_matrix);

            for (int i=0;i<n; i++)

            _lambdaMax = lMax;

            _consistency = (_lambdaMax-n)/(n-1);
            _consistencyRatio = _consistency/Constants.randomIndices[n];
		/// <summary>Cholesky algorithm for symmetric and positive definite matrix.</summary>
		/// <param name="Arg">  Square, symmetric matrix.
		/// </param>
		/// <returns>     Structure to access L and isspd flag.
		/// </returns>

		public CholeskyDecomposition(GeneralMatrix Arg)
			// Initialize.
			double[][] A = Arg.Array;
			n = Arg.RowDimension;
			L = new double[n][];
			for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
				L[i] = new double[n];
			isspd = (Arg.ColumnDimension == n);
			// Main loop.
			for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
				double[] Lrowj = L[j];
				double d = 0.0;
				for (int k = 0; k < j; k++)
					double[] Lrowk = L[k];
					double s = 0.0;
					for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
						s += Lrowk[i] * Lrowj[i];
					Lrowj[k] = s = (A[j][k] - s) / L[k][k];
					d = d + s * s;
					isspd = isspd & (A[k][j] == A[j][k]);
				d = A[j][j] - d;
				isspd = isspd & (d > 0.0);
				L[j][j] = System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Max(d, 0.0));
				for (int k = j + 1; k < n; k++)
					L[j][k] = 0.0;
        public double[] decompose(int svCount, double[] m)
            GeneralMatrix mMat = new GeneralMatrix(m, (int)Math.Sqrt(m.Length));
            GeneralMatrix[] resultM = decompose(svCount, mMat);
            double[] resultD = new double[resultM[0].RowDimension * resultM[0].ColumnDimension + resultM[1].RowDimension * resultM[1].ColumnDimension];
            for (int i = 0; i < resultM[0].RowDimension; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < resultM[0].ColumnDimension; j++)
                    resultD[i * resultM[0].ColumnDimension + j] = resultM[0].GetElement(i, j);

            for (int i = 0; i < resultM[1].RowDimension; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < resultM[1].ColumnDimension; j++)
                    resultD[resultM[0].RowDimension * resultM[0].ColumnDimension
                         + i * resultM[1].ColumnDimension + j] = resultM[1].GetElement(i, j);

            return resultD;
Example #29
        //encrypt line of input
        static void Encrypt(string input, GeneralMatrix key, Dictionary<char, int> hillDict, StringBuilder encText)
            string ct = "";
            string[] pt = input.Trim().Split(' ');
            for (int i = 0; i < pt.Length; i += 3)
                //encrypt 3 letters at a time
                double[] temp = new double[3];
                temp[0] = Convert.ToInt32(pt[i]);
                temp[1] = Convert.ToInt32(pt[i + 1]);
                temp[2] = Convert.ToInt32(pt[i + 2]);

                //create plain text matrix, transpose and encrypt it
                GeneralMatrix ptMat = new GeneralMatrix(new double[] { temp[0], temp[1], temp[2] }, 3);
                GeneralMatrix trnasPTMat = ptMat.Transpose();
                GeneralMatrix ctMat = key.Multiply(ptMat);
                for (int x = 0; x < ctMat.RowDimension; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < ctMat.ColumnDimension; y++)
                        var tempElement = Convert.ToInt32(ctMat.GetElement(x, y)) % 31;
                        ctMat.SetElement(x, y, tempElement);

                for (int x = 0; x < ctMat.RowDimension; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < ctMat.ColumnDimension; y++)
                        ct += hillDict.FirstOrDefault(z => z.Value == ctMat.GetElement(x, y)).Key;
            //append to string builder
Example #30
        protected override GeneralMatrix CalculateNextHessianApproximation(GeneralMatrix pH, 
			double[]prevX, double[]curX, double[]prevGrad, double[]curGrad)
            GeneralMatrix cH = new GeneralMatrix(_nDim,_nDim);
            GeneralMatrix cX = new GeneralMatrix(curX,_nDim);
            GeneralMatrix pX = new GeneralMatrix(prevX,_nDim);
            GeneralMatrix cG = new GeneralMatrix(curGrad,_nDim);
            GeneralMatrix pG = new GeneralMatrix(prevGrad,_nDim);

            GeneralMatrix sigma = cX.Subtract(pX);
            GeneralMatrix gamma = cG.Subtract(pG);

            double sigmaTGamma = sigma.Transpose().Multiply(gamma).GetElement(0,0);

            GeneralMatrix hGammaSigmaT = pH.Multiply(gamma.Multiply(sigma.Transpose()));
            GeneralMatrix sigmaGammaTH = sigma.Multiply(gamma.Transpose().Multiply(pH));
            double gammaTHGamma = (gamma.Transpose().Multiply(pH.Multiply(gamma))).GetElement(0,0);
            GeneralMatrix sigmaSigmaT  = sigma.Multiply(sigma.Transpose());

            GeneralMatrix term1 = (hGammaSigmaT.Add(sigmaGammaTH)).Multiply(1/sigmaTGamma);
            GeneralMatrix term2 = (sigmaSigmaT.Multiply(1/sigmaTGamma)).Multiply(1+gammaTHGamma/sigmaTGamma);

            return pH.Subtract(term1).Add(term2);
Example #31
        /// <summary>Solve A*X = B</summary>
        /// <param name="B">   right hand side
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>     solution if A is square, least squares solution otherwise
        /// </returns>

        public virtual GeneralMatrix Solve(GeneralMatrix B)
            return(m == n ? (new LUDecomposition(this)).Solve(B):(new QRDecomposition(this)).Solve(B));
Example #32
 public void DEF()
     double[][] rankdef = {new double[]{1.0, 4.0, 7.0, 10.0}, new double[]{2.0, 5.0, 8.0, 11.0}, new double[]{3.0, 6.0, 9.0, 12.0}};
     GeneralMatrix def = new GeneralMatrix(rankdef);
     Assert.IsTrue(GeneralTests.Check(def.Rank(), System.Math.Min(def.RowDimension, def.ColumnDimension) - 1));
Example #33
        /// <summary>Check for symmetry, then construct the eigenvalue decomposition</summary>
        /// <param name="Arg">   Square matrix
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>     Structure to access D and V.
        /// </returns>

        public EigenvalueDecomposition(GeneralMatrix Arg)
            double[][] A = Arg.Array;
            n = Arg.ColumnDimension;
            V = new double[n][];
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                V[i] = new double[n];
            d = new double[n];
            e = new double[n];

            issymmetric = true;
            for (int j = 0; (j < n) & issymmetric; j++)
                for (int i = 0; (i < n) & issymmetric; i++)
                    issymmetric = (A[i][j] == A[j][i]);

            if (issymmetric)
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                        V[i][j] = A[i][j];

                // Tridiagonalize.

                // Diagonalize.
                H = new double[n][];
                for (int i2 = 0; i2 < n; i2++)
                    H[i2] = new double[n];
                ort = new double[n];

                for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                        H[i][j] = A[i][j];

                // Reduce to Hessenberg form.

                // Reduce Hessenberg to real Schur form.
Example #34
 public void SolveLinear()
     double[][] subavals = {new double[]{5.0, 8.0, 11.0}, new double[]{6.0, 9.0, 12.0}};
     double[][] sqSolution = {new double[]{13.0}, new double[]{15.0}};
     GeneralMatrix sub = new GeneralMatrix(subavals);
     GeneralMatrix o = new GeneralMatrix(sub.RowDimension, 1, 1.0);
     GeneralMatrix sol = new GeneralMatrix(sqSolution);
     GeneralMatrix sq = sub.GetMatrix(0, sub.RowDimension - 1, 0, sub.RowDimension - 1);
     Assert.IsTrue(GeneralTests.Check(sq.Solve(sol), o));
Example #35
 public void SingularValues()
     double[][] condmat = {new double[]{1.0, 3.0}, new double[]{7.0, 9.0}};
     GeneralMatrix B = new GeneralMatrix(condmat);
     SingularValueDecomposition SVD = B.SVD();
     double[] singularvalues = SVD.SingularValues;
     Assert.IsTrue(GeneralTests.Check(B.Condition(), singularvalues[0] / singularvalues[System.Math.Min(B.RowDimension, B.ColumnDimension) - 1]));
        /// <summary>Construct the singular value decomposition</summary>
        /// <param name="Arg">   Rectangular matrix
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>     Structure to access U, S and V.
        /// </returns>

        public SingularValueDecomposition(GeneralMatrix Arg)
            // Derived from LINPACK code.
            // Initialize.
            double[][] A = Arg.ArrayCopy;
            m = Arg.RowDimension;
            n = Arg.ColumnDimension;
            int nu = System.Math.Min(m, n);

            s = new double[System.Math.Min(m + 1, n)];
            U = new double[m][];
            for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                U[i] = new double[nu];
            V = new double[n][];
            for (int i2 = 0; i2 < n; i2++)
                V[i2] = new double[n];
            double[] e     = new double[n];
            double[] work  = new double[m];
            bool     wantu = true;
            bool     wantv = true;

            // Reduce A to bidiagonal form, storing the diagonal elements
            // in s and the super-diagonal elements in e.

            int nct = System.Math.Min(m - 1, n);
            int nrt = System.Math.Max(0, System.Math.Min(n - 2, m));

            for (int k = 0; k < System.Math.Max(nct, nrt); k++)
                if (k < nct)
                    // Compute the transformation for the k-th column and
                    // place the k-th diagonal in s[k].
                    // Compute 2-norm of k-th column without under/overflow.
                    s[k] = 0;
                    for (int i = k; i < m; i++)
                        s[k] = Maths.Hypot(s[k], A[i][k]);
                    if (s[k] != 0.0)
                        if (A[k][k] < 0.0)
                            s[k] = -s[k];
                        for (int i = k; i < m; i++)
                            A[i][k] /= s[k];
                        A[k][k] += 1.0;
                    s[k] = -s[k];
                for (int j = k + 1; j < n; j++)
                    if ((k < nct) & (s[k] != 0.0))
                        // Apply the transformation.

                        double t = 0;
                        for (int i = k; i < m; i++)
                            t += A[i][k] * A[i][j];
                        t = (-t) / A[k][k];
                        for (int i = k; i < m; i++)
                            A[i][j] += t * A[i][k];

                    // Place the k-th row of A into e for the
                    // subsequent calculation of the row transformation.

                    e[j] = A[k][j];
                if (wantu & (k < nct))
                    // Place the transformation in U for subsequent back
                    // multiplication.

                    for (int i = k; i < m; i++)
                        U[i][k] = A[i][k];
                if (k < nrt)
                    // Compute the k-th row transformation and place the
                    // k-th super-diagonal in e[k].
                    // Compute 2-norm without under/overflow.
                    e[k] = 0;
                    for (int i = k + 1; i < n; i++)
                        e[k] = Maths.Hypot(e[k], e[i]);
                    if (e[k] != 0.0)
                        if (e[k + 1] < 0.0)
                            e[k] = -e[k];
                        for (int i = k + 1; i < n; i++)
                            e[i] /= e[k];
                        e[k + 1] += 1.0;
                    e[k] = -e[k];
                    if ((k + 1 < m) & (e[k] != 0.0))
                        // Apply the transformation.

                        for (int i = k + 1; i < m; i++)
                            work[i] = 0.0;
                        for (int j = k + 1; j < n; j++)
                            for (int i = k + 1; i < m; i++)
                                work[i] += e[j] * A[i][j];
                        for (int j = k + 1; j < n; j++)
                            double t = (-e[j]) / e[k + 1];
                            for (int i = k + 1; i < m; i++)
                                A[i][j] += t * work[i];
                    if (wantv)
                        // Place the transformation in V for subsequent
                        // back multiplication.

                        for (int i = k + 1; i < n; i++)
                            V[i][k] = e[i];

            // Set up the final bidiagonal matrix or order p.

            int p = System.Math.Min(n, m + 1);

            if (nct < n)
                s[nct] = A[nct][nct];
            if (m < p)
                s[p - 1] = 0.0;
            if (nrt + 1 < p)
                e[nrt] = A[nrt][p - 1];
            e[p - 1] = 0.0;

            // If required, generate U.

            if (wantu)
                for (int j = nct; j < nu; j++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                        U[i][j] = 0.0;
                    U[j][j] = 1.0;
                for (int k = nct - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                    if (s[k] != 0.0)
                        for (int j = k + 1; j < nu; j++)
                            double t = 0;
                            for (int i = k; i < m; i++)
                                t += U[i][k] * U[i][j];
                            t = (-t) / U[k][k];
                            for (int i = k; i < m; i++)
                                U[i][j] += t * U[i][k];
                        for (int i = k; i < m; i++)
                            U[i][k] = -U[i][k];
                        U[k][k] = 1.0 + U[k][k];
                        for (int i = 0; i < k - 1; i++)
                            U[i][k] = 0.0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                            U[i][k] = 0.0;
                        U[k][k] = 1.0;

            // If required, generate V.

            if (wantv)
                for (int k = n - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                    if ((k < nrt) & (e[k] != 0.0))
                        for (int j = k + 1; j < nu; j++)
                            double t = 0;
                            for (int i = k + 1; i < n; i++)
                                t += V[i][k] * V[i][j];
                            t = (-t) / V[k + 1][k];
                            for (int i = k + 1; i < n; i++)
                                V[i][j] += t * V[i][k];
                    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                        V[i][k] = 0.0;
                    V[k][k] = 1.0;

            // Main iteration loop for the singular values.

            int    pp   = p - 1;
            int    iter = 0;
            double eps  = System.Math.Pow(2.0, -52.0);

            while (p > 0)
                int k, kase;

                // Here is where a test for too many iterations would go.

                // This section of the program inspects for
                // negligible elements in the s and e arrays.  On
                // completion the variables kase and k are set as follows.

                // kase = 1     if s(p) and e[k-1] are negligible and k<p
                // kase = 2     if s(k) is negligible and k<p
                // kase = 3     if e[k-1] is negligible, k<p, and
                //              s(k), ..., s(p) are not negligible (qr step).
                // kase = 4     if e(p-1) is negligible (convergence).

                for (k = p - 2; k >= -1; k--)
                    if (k == -1)
                    if (System.Math.Abs(e[k]) <= eps * (System.Math.Abs(s[k]) + System.Math.Abs(s[k + 1])))
                        e[k] = 0.0;
                if (k == p - 2)
                    kase = 4;
                    int ks;
                    for (ks = p - 1; ks >= k; ks--)
                        if (ks == k)
                        double t = (ks != p?System.Math.Abs(e[ks]):0.0) + (ks != k + 1?System.Math.Abs(e[ks - 1]):0.0);
                        if (System.Math.Abs(s[ks]) <= eps * t)
                            s[ks] = 0.0;
                    if (ks == k)
                        kase = 3;
                    else if (ks == p - 1)
                        kase = 1;
                        kase = 2;
                        k    = ks;

                // Perform the task indicated by kase.

                switch (kase)
                // Deflate negligible s(p).
                case 1:
                    double f = e[p - 2];
                    e[p - 2] = 0.0;
                    for (int j = p - 2; j >= k; j--)
                        double t  = Maths.Hypot(s[j], f);
                        double cs = s[j] / t;
                        double sn = f / t;
                        s[j] = t;
                        if (j != k)
                            f        = (-sn) * e[j - 1];
                            e[j - 1] = cs * e[j - 1];
                        if (wantv)
                            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                                t           = cs * V[i][j] + sn * V[i][p - 1];
                                V[i][p - 1] = (-sn) * V[i][j] + cs * V[i][p - 1];
                                V[i][j]     = t;

                // Split at negligible s(k).

                case 2:
                    double f = e[k - 1];
                    e[k - 1] = 0.0;
                    for (int j = k; j < p; j++)
                        double t  = Maths.Hypot(s[j], f);
                        double cs = s[j] / t;
                        double sn = f / t;
                        s[j] = t;
                        f    = (-sn) * e[j];
                        e[j] = cs * e[j];
                        if (wantu)
                            for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                                t           = cs * U[i][j] + sn * U[i][k - 1];
                                U[i][k - 1] = (-sn) * U[i][j] + cs * U[i][k - 1];
                                U[i][j]     = t;

                // Perform one qr step.

                case 3:
                    // Calculate the shift.

                    double scale = System.Math.Max(System.Math.Max(System.Math.Max(System.Math.Max(System.Math.Abs(s[p - 1]), System.Math.Abs(s[p - 2])), System.Math.Abs(e[p - 2])), System.Math.Abs(s[k])), System.Math.Abs(e[k]));
                    double sp    = s[p - 1] / scale;
                    double spm1  = s[p - 2] / scale;
                    double epm1  = e[p - 2] / scale;
                    double sk    = s[k] / scale;
                    double ek    = e[k] / scale;
                    double b     = ((spm1 + sp) * (spm1 - sp) + epm1 * epm1) / 2.0;
                    double c     = (sp * epm1) * (sp * epm1);
                    double shift = 0.0;
                    if ((b != 0.0) | (c != 0.0))
                        shift = System.Math.Sqrt(b * b + c);
                        if (b < 0.0)
                            shift = -shift;
                        shift = c / (b + shift);
                    double f = (sk + sp) * (sk - sp) + shift;
                    double g = sk * ek;

                    // Chase zeros.

                    for (int j = k; j < p - 1; j++)
                        double t  = Maths.Hypot(f, g);
                        double cs = f / t;
                        double sn = g / t;
                        if (j != k)
                            e[j - 1] = t;
                        f        = cs * s[j] + sn * e[j];
                        e[j]     = cs * e[j] - sn * s[j];
                        g        = sn * s[j + 1];
                        s[j + 1] = cs * s[j + 1];
                        if (wantv)
                            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                                t           = cs * V[i][j] + sn * V[i][j + 1];
                                V[i][j + 1] = (-sn) * V[i][j] + cs * V[i][j + 1];
                                V[i][j]     = t;
                        t        = Maths.Hypot(f, g);
                        cs       = f / t;
                        sn       = g / t;
                        s[j]     = t;
                        f        = cs * e[j] + sn * s[j + 1];
                        s[j + 1] = (-sn) * e[j] + cs * s[j + 1];
                        g        = sn * e[j + 1];
                        e[j + 1] = cs * e[j + 1];
                        if (wantu && (j < m - 1))
                            for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                                t           = cs * U[i][j] + sn * U[i][j + 1];
                                U[i][j + 1] = (-sn) * U[i][j] + cs * U[i][j + 1];
                                U[i][j]     = t;
                    e[p - 2] = f;
                    iter     = iter + 1;

                // Convergence.

                case 4:
                    // Make the singular values positive.

                    if (s[k] <= 0.0)
                        s[k] = (s[k] < 0.0?-s[k]:0.0);
                        if (wantv)
                            for (int i = 0; i <= pp; i++)
                                V[i][k] = -V[i][k];

                    // Order the singular values.

                    while (k < pp)
                        if (s[k] >= s[k + 1])
                        double t = s[k];
                        s[k]     = s[k + 1];
                        s[k + 1] = t;
                        if (wantv && (k < n - 1))
                            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                                t = V[i][k + 1]; V[i][k + 1] = V[i][k]; V[i][k] = t;
                        if (wantu && (k < m - 1))
                            for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                                t = U[i][k + 1]; U[i][k + 1] = U[i][k]; U[i][k] = t;
                    iter = 0;
Example #37
        /// <summary>Solve X*A = B, which is also A'*X' = B'</summary>
        /// <param name="B">   right hand side
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>     solution if A is square, least squares solution otherwise.
        /// </returns>

        public virtual GeneralMatrix SolveTranspose(GeneralMatrix B)
Example #38
        /// <summary>LU Decomposition</summary>
        /// <param name="A">  Rectangular matrix
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>     Structure to access L, U and piv.
        /// </returns>

        public LUDecomposition(GeneralMatrix A)
            // Use a "left-looking", dot-product, Crout/Doolittle algorithm.

            LU  = A.ArrayCopy;
            m   = A.RowDimension;
            n   = A.ColumnDimension;
            piv = new int[m];
            for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                piv[i] = i;
            pivsign = 1;
            double[] LUrowi;
            double[] LUcolj = new double[m];

            // Outer loop.

            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                // Make a copy of the j-th column to localize references.

                for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                    LUcolj[i] = LU[i][j];

                // Apply previous transformations.

                for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                    LUrowi = LU[i];

                    // Most of the time is spent in the following dot product.

                    int    kmax = System.Math.Min(i, j);
                    double s    = 0.0;
                    for (int k = 0; k < kmax; k++)
                        s += LUrowi[k] * LUcolj[k];

                    LUrowi[j] = LUcolj[i] -= s;

                // Find pivot and exchange if necessary.

                int p = j;
                for (int i = j + 1; i < m; i++)
                    if (System.Math.Abs(LUcolj[i]) > System.Math.Abs(LUcolj[p]))
                        p = i;
                if (p != j)
                    for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
                        double t = LU[p][k]; LU[p][k] = LU[j][k]; LU[j][k] = t;
                    int k2 = piv[p]; piv[p] = piv[j]; piv[j] = k2;
                    pivsign = -pivsign;

                // Compute multipliers.

                if (j < m & LU[j][j] != 0.0)
                    for (int i = j + 1; i < m; i++)
                        LU[i][j] /= LU[j][j];
Example #39
        protected RpropResult RPropLoop(double[] seed, bool precise)

            double[] curGradient;

            RpropResult ret = new RpropResult();

            if (seed != null)
                curGradient = InitialPointFromSeed(ret, seed);
                curGradient = InitialPoint(ret);
            double curUtil = ret.initialUtil;
            double oldUtil = curUtil;

            double[] formerGradient = new double[dim];
            double[] curValue       = new double[dim];
            double[] testValue      = new double[dim];
            double   lambda         = 0.1;

            Tuple <double[], double> tup;

            Buffer.BlockCopy(ret.initialValue, 0, curValue, 0, sizeof(double) * dim);

            formerGradient = curGradient;

            int itcounter  = 0;
            int badcounter = 0;

            /*Console.WriteLine("Initial Sol:");
             * for(int i=0; i<dim;i++) {
             *      Console.Write("{0} ",curValue[i]);
             * }
             * Console.WriteLine();
             * Console.WriteLine("Initial Util: {0}",curUtil);
            Log(curUtil, curValue);

            int    maxIter = 60;
            int    maxBad  = 30;
            double minStep = 1E-11;
            if (precise)
                maxIter = 120;                 //110
                maxBad  = 60;                  //60
                minStep = 1E-15;               //15
            int convergendDims = 0;

            while (itcounter++ < maxIter && badcounter < maxBad)
                convergendDims = 0;

                //First Order resp. approximated Second Order Gradient

                for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++)
                    if (curGradient[i] * formerGradient[i] > 0)
                        rpropStepWidth[i] *= 1.3;
                    else if (curGradient[i] * formerGradient[i] < 0)
                        rpropStepWidth[i] *= 0.5;
                    rpropStepWidth[i] = Math.Max(minStep, rpropStepWidth[i]);
                    //rpropStepWidth[i] = Math.Max(0.000001,rpropStepWidth[i]);
                    if (curUtil > 0.0)
                        //if (curGradient[i] > 0) curValue[i] += rpropStepWidth[i];
                        //else if (curGradient[i] < 0) curValue[i] -= rpropStepWidth[i];
                        //linear assumption
                        //curValue[i] += -curUtil/curGradient[i];

                        //quadratic assumption

                        /*double ypSquare = 0;
                         * for(int j=0; j<dim; j++) {
                         *      ypSquare += curGradient[j]*curGradient[j];
                         * }
                         * double m=ypSquare/curUtil;
                         * curValue[i] = -curGradient[i]/(2*m) + curValue[i];*/

                    if (curValue[i] > limits[i, 1])
                        curValue[i] = limits[i, 1];
                    else if (curValue[i] < limits[i, 0])
                        curValue[i] = limits[i, 0];
                    if (rpropStepWidth[i] < rpropStepConvergenceThreshold[i])
                //Abort if all dimensions are converged
                if (!precise && convergendDims >= dim)
                    if (curUtil > ret.finalUtil)
                        ret.finalUtil = curUtil;
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(curValue, 0, ret.finalValue, 0, sizeof(double) * dim);

                // Conjugate Gradient
                if (curUtil < 0.5)
                    DotNetMatrix.GeneralMatrix X = new DotNetMatrix.GeneralMatrix(dim * 2 + 1, dim);
                    DotNetMatrix.GeneralMatrix Y = new DotNetMatrix.GeneralMatrix(dim * 2 + 1, 1);
                    for (int n = 0; n < dim; n++)
                        X.SetElement(0, n, curValue[n]);
                    Y.SetElement(0, 0, 0);
                    for (int j = 0; j < dim * 2; j++)
                        for (int n = 0; n < dim; n++)
                            double rVal = rand.NextDouble() * rpropStepConvergenceThreshold[n] * 1000.0;
                            testValue[n] = curValue[n] + rVal;
                        tup = term.Differentiate(testValue);
                        for (int n = 0; n < dim; n++)
                            X.SetElement(j + 1, n, tup.Item1[n]);
                        Y.SetElement(j + 1, 0, tup.Item2 - curUtil);
                    DotNetMatrix.GeneralMatrix JJ = X.Transpose().Multiply(X);

                    /*if(curUtil>oldUtil) lambda *= 10;
                     * else lambda *= 0.1;*/
                    //DotNetMatrix.GeneralMatrix B = JJ.Add(GeneralMatrix.Identity(dim, dim).Multiply(lambda)).Inverse().Multiply(X.Transpose()).Multiply(Y);
                    DotNetMatrix.GeneralMatrix B = JJ.Add(JJ.SVD().S.Multiply(lambda)).Inverse().Multiply(X.Transpose()).Multiply(Y);
                    //DotNetMatrix.GeneralMatrix B = JJ.Inverse().Multiply(X.Transpose()).Multiply(Y);
                    for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++)
                        curValue[j] += 0.01 * B.GetElement(j, 0);

                tup = term.Differentiate(curValue);
                bool allZero = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++)
                    if (Double.IsNaN(tup.Item1[i]))
                        ret.aborted = true;
                    allZero &= (tup.Item1[i] == 0);
                oldUtil        = curUtil;
                curUtil        = tup.Item2;
                formerGradient = curGradient;
                curGradient    = tup.Item1;
                Log(curUtil, curValue);
                //Console.WriteLine("CurUtil: {0} Final {1}",curUtil,ret.finalUtil);

                if (curUtil > ret.finalUtil)
                    badcounter = 0;                    //Math.Max(0,badcounter-1);

                    //if (curUtil-ret.finalUtil < 0.00000000000001) {
                    //Console.WriteLine("not better");
                    //	badcounter++;
                    //} else {
                    //badcounter = 0;

                    ret.finalUtil = curUtil;
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(curValue, 0, ret.finalValue, 0, sizeof(double) * dim);
                    //ret.finalValue = curValue;
                    if (curUtil > utilityThreshold)
                    //if (curUtil < ret.finalUtil || curUtil > 0) badcounter++;
                if (allZero)
                    //Console.WriteLine("All Zero!");

                    /*Console.WriteLine("Util {0}",curUtil);
                     * Console.Write("Vals: ");
                     * for(int i=0; i < dim; i++) {
                     *      Console.Write("{0}\t",curValue[i]);
                     * }
                     * Console.WriteLine();*/
                    ret.aborted = false;
            ret.aborted = false;
Example #40
 /// <summary>Creates a new instance of Metric</summary>
 /// <param name="m">The NxN metric matrix</param>
 public Metric(DotNetMatrix.GeneralMatrix m)
     init(m); // forward call to init()