/// <summary>
        /// Removes the specified collection of items from the collection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">A <see cref="TreeListViewItemCollection"/> to remove from the collection.</param>
        public void RemoveRange(TreeListViewItemCollection items)
            if (items == null)

            // Aulofee customization - start. Line below added.

            TreeListViewItem recalculateFrom = null;

            for (int i = items.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                TreeListViewItem newRecalculateFrom = RemoveInternal(items[i]);
                if (recalculateFrom == null || newRecalculateFrom.Y < recalculateFrom.Y)
                    recalculateFrom = newRecalculateFrom;


            // Aulofee customization - start. Line below added.
        private int AutoSizeItems(TreeListViewItemCollection items)
            int colIndex        = this.Index;
            int colDisplayIndex = this.DisplayIndex;
            int twid            = 0;
            int mwid            = 0;
            int baseIndent      = 0;

            if (colDisplayIndex == 0)
                if (ListView.ShowPlusMinus || (ListView.ShowTreeLines && ListView.ShowRootTreeLines))
                    baseIndent += 16;

            for (int index = 0; index < items.Count; ++index)
                twid = 0;
                TreeListViewItem item = items[index];

                Font fnt = item.Font;
                if (fnt == null)
                    fnt = Font;

                if (item.ImageIndex > -1 || item.SelectedImageIndex > -1)
                    twid += 16;

                if (colDisplayIndex == 0)
                    twid += baseIndent + (16 * (item.Depth - 1));

                twid += GetStringWidth(item.SubItems[colIndex].Text, fnt) + 10;

                twid += 5;
                if (twid > mwid)
                    mwid = twid;

                if (item.HasChildren && item.Expanded)
                    twid = AutoSizeItems(item.Items);
                    if (twid > mwid)
                        mwid = twid;
