public GameFileTileExpanded()

            BackColor = SystemColors.Control;

            DpiScale dpiScale = new DpiScale(CreateGraphics());

            gameTile.Width = dpiScale.ScaleIntX(GameFileTile.ImageWidth);

            // Something in the designer is messing up the height, forcing it here
            gameTile.Height = gameTile.GetStandardHeight(dpiScale);
            Height          = gameTile.Height + dpiScale.ScaleIntX(2);
            int pad = dpiScale.ScaleIntX(1);

            gameTile.DrawBorder       = false;
            gameTile.Margin           = new Padding(pad, pad, 0, 0);
            gameTile.TileClick       += GameTile_TileClick;
            gameTile.TileDoubleClick += GameTile_TileDoubleClick;
            pnlData.Paint            += PnlData_Paint;
            flpMain.Paint            += FlpMain_Paint;
            pnlData.MouseClick       += PnlData_Click;
            pnlData.DoubleClick      += PnlData_DoubleClick;
            flpMain.MouseClick       += FlpMain_MouseClick;
            flpMain.DoubleClick      += FlpMain_DoubleClick;
Example #2
        public TextBoxForm(bool multiline, MessageBoxButtons buttons)
            DpiScale dpiScale = new DpiScale(CreateGraphics());

            if (buttons != MessageBoxButtons.OK && buttons != MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel)
                throw new NotSupportedException(buttons.ToString() + " not supported");

            btnCancel.Visible = buttons == MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel;

            HeaderText        = string.Empty;
            txtText.Multiline = multiline;

            if (!multiline)
                Height = dpiScale.ScaleIntY(100);
                Width  = dpiScale.ScaleIntX(300);

            tblMain.RowStyles[s_checkBoxRow].Height = 0;
            tblMain.RowStyles[s_linkRow].Height     = 0;
            lnk.Visible = false;
            chk.Visible = false;
        public void ShowPkContentsCheckBox(bool set)
            DpiScale dpiScale = new DpiScale(CreateGraphics());

            chkPkContents.Visible       = set;
            tblMain.RowStyles[0].Height = (set ? dpiScale.ScaleIntY(80) : dpiScale.ScaleIntY(24));
Example #4
        private void HandleScreenshotCaptureDirectories(TableLayoutPanel tblMain, TextBox txt)
            DpiScale dpiScale = new DpiScale(CreateGraphics());

            m_screenshotDirectories         = txt;
            m_screenshotDirectories.Width   = dpiScale.ScaleIntX(TextBoxWidth);
            m_screenshotDirectories.Enabled = false;
            FlowLayoutPanel flp = new FlowLayoutPanel
                Dock   = DockStyle.Fill,
                Margin = new Padding(0)


            Button changeButton = new Button
                Text = "Change..."

            changeButton.Width  = dpiScale.ScaleIntX(changeButton.Width);
            changeButton.Height = dpiScale.ScaleIntY(changeButton.Height);
            changeButton.Click += ChangeButton_Click;
            tblMain.Controls.Add(flp, 1, tblMain.RowStyles.Count - 1);
Example #5
        private void HandleGameFileDirectory(TableLayoutPanel tblMain, TextBox txt)
            DpiScale dpiScale = new DpiScale(CreateGraphics());

            m_gameFileDirectory       = txt;
            m_gameFileDirectory.Width = dpiScale.ScaleIntX(TextBoxWidth);
            FlowLayoutPanel flp = new FlowLayoutPanel
                Dock   = DockStyle.Fill,
                Margin = new Padding(0)


            Button browseButton = new Button
                Text = "Browse..."

            browseButton.Width  = dpiScale.ScaleIntX(browseButton.Width);
            browseButton.Height = dpiScale.ScaleIntY(browseButton.Height);
            browseButton.Click += browseButton_Click;
            tblMain.Controls.Add(flp, 1, tblMain.RowStyles.Count - 1);
Example #6
        public void AddDownload(object key, string text)
            if (m_cancelledDownloads.Contains(key))

            if (!m_downloadLookup.ContainsKey(key))
                DpiScale         dpiScale = new DpiScale(CreateGraphics());
                DownloadViewItem item     = CreateDownloadViewItem(text);
                m_downloadLookup.Add(key, item);

                tblMain.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100));
                tblMain.RowStyles[tblMain.RowStyles.Count - 2].SizeType = SizeType.Absolute;
                tblMain.RowStyles[tblMain.RowStyles.Count - 2].Height   = dpiScale.ScaleIntY(s_rowHeight);
                tblMain.Controls.Add(item, 0, tblMain.RowStyles.Count - 2);

                DownloadViewItem itemOld = m_downloadLookup[key];
                DownloadViewItem item    = CreateDownloadViewItem(text);

                TableLayoutPanelCellPosition pos = tblMain.GetPositionFromControl(itemOld);
                tblMain.Controls.Add(item, pos.Column, pos.Row);

                m_downloadLookup.Add(key, item);
Example #7
        public GameFileTile()

            DpiScale dpiScale = new DpiScale(CreateGraphics());

            int imageWidth  = dpiScale.ScaleIntX(ImageWidth);
            int imageHeight = dpiScale.ScaleIntY(ImageHeight);
            int labelHeight = dpiScale.ScaleIntY(LabelHeight);

            Width  = imageWidth;
            Height = GetStandardHeight(dpiScale);

            pb.Width          = Width;
            pb.Height         = Height - labelHeight;
            pb.BackColor      = Color.Black;
            pb.SizeMode       = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom;
            pb.WaitOnLoad     = false;
            pb.LoadCompleted += Pb_LoadCompleted;

            MouseClick    += CtrlMouseClick;
            pb.MouseClick += CtrlMouseClick;

            DoubleClick    += CtrlDoubleClick;
            pb.DoubleClick += CtrlDoubleClick;

            pb.Paint += Screenshot_Paint;
            Paint    += GameFileTile_Paint;
Example #8
        public void SetCheckBox(string text)
            DpiScale dpiScale = new DpiScale(CreateGraphics());

            chk.Visible = true;
            chk.Text    = text;
            tblMain.RowStyles[s_checkBoxRow].Height = dpiScale.ScaleIntY(32);
            Height += dpiScale.ScaleIntY(32);
Example #9
        public void SetLink(string text, string url)
            DpiScale dpiScale = new DpiScale(CreateGraphics());

            lnk.Visible = true;
            lnk.Text    = text;
            m_url       = url;
            tblMain.RowStyles[s_linkRow].Height = dpiScale.ScaleIntY(32);
            Height += dpiScale.ScaleIntY(32);
Example #10
        public void SetTitle(string text)
            DpiScale dpiScale = new DpiScale(CreateGraphics());

            lblTitle.Text = text;
            GetRowStyle(lblTitle).Height = lblTitle.Height + dpiScale.ScaleFloatY(6);
            if (GetRowStyle(lblTitle).Height < m_labelHeight)
                GetRowStyle(lblTitle).Height = m_labelHeight;
Example #11
 private void ShowCommentsSection(bool bShow)
     if (bShow)
         DpiScale dpiScale = new DpiScale(CreateGraphics());
         GetRowStyle(txtComments).Height = dpiScale.ScaleFloatY(20);
         GetRowStyle(txtComments).Height = 0;
Example #12
 private void SetIwadInfoLabel()
     if (GameFile != null && IsIwad(GameFile) && SelectedGameProfile is GameFile)
         DpiScale dpiScale = new DpiScale(CreateGraphics());
         tblFiles.RowStyles[0].Height = dpiScale.ScaleFloatY(40);
         pbInfo.Image = Properties.Resources.bon2b;
         lblInfo.Text = string.Format("These files will automatically be added{0} when this IWAD is selected for play.", Environment.NewLine);
         tblFiles.RowStyles[0].Height = 0;
Example #13
        private void PopulateConfiguration()
            DpiScale dpiScale = new DpiScale(CreateGraphics());
            IEnumerable <IConfigurationData> configItems = m_adapter.GetConfiguration().Where(x => x.UserCanModify);

            TableLayoutPanel tblMain = new TableLayoutPanel
                Dock = DockStyle.Top

            int height = dpiScale.ScaleIntY(8);

            tblMain.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Absolute, height));

            int height32 = dpiScale.ScaleIntY(32);

            foreach (IConfigurationData config in configItems)
                GrowLabel lbl = new GrowLabel
                    Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left,
                    Text   = AddSpaceBetweenWords(config.Name),

                tblMain.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Absolute, lbl.Height < height32 ? height32 : lbl.Height));
                tblMain.Controls.Add(lbl, 0, tblMain.RowStyles.Count - 1);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.AvailableValues))
                    HandleComboBox(tblMain, config);
                else if (config.Name == AppConfiguration.ScreenshotPreviewSizeName) //special case for TrackBar
                    HandleScreenshotPreviewSize(tblMain, config, dpiScale);
                    HandleTextBox(tblMain, config);

                height += height32;

            tblMain.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100));
            tblMain.Height = height + dpiScale.ScaleIntY(8);

            Height = tblMain.Height + dpiScale.ScaleIntY(110);
Example #14
        public StatsControl()
            DpiScale dpiScale = new DpiScale(CreateGraphics());

            SetImage(pbMaps,, 0.7f * dpiScale.DpiScaleY);
            SetImage(pbKills, Properties.Resources.kill, 0.7f * dpiScale.DpiScaleY);
            SetImage(pbItems, Properties.Resources.bon2b, 0.8f * dpiScale.DpiScaleY);
            SetImage(pbSecrets, Properties.Resources.secret, 0.8f * dpiScale.DpiScaleY);

            SetStatBarDpi(ctrlStatsMaps, dpiScale);
            SetStatBarDpi(ctrlStatsKills, dpiScale);
            SetStatBarDpi(ctrlStatsSecrets, dpiScale);
            SetStatBarDpi(ctrlStatsItems, dpiScale);
Example #15
 private void Screenshot_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
     if (m_new)
         DpiScale   dpiScale = new DpiScale(e.Graphics);
         int        newPadX  = dpiScale.ScaleIntX(NewPadX);
         int        newPadY  = dpiScale.ScaleIntY(NewPadY);
         int        pad1     = dpiScale.ScaleIntX(1);
         SizeF      size     = e.Graphics.MeasureString(NewString, DisplayFont);
         RectangleF rect     = new RectangleF(pb.ClientRectangle.Right - size.Width - newPadX - pad1, pb.ClientRectangle.Height - size.Height - newPadY - pad1,
                                              size.Width + newPadX, size.Height + newPadY);
         e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.Red, rect);
         e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Gray, rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Width, rect.Height);
         e.Graphics.DrawString(NewString, DisplayFont, Brushes.White, new PointF(rect.Left + newPadX / 2 + pad1 + pad1, rect.Top + newPadY / 2 + pad1));
Example #16
        private void DrawProgress(Point pt, int count, int total, string text)
            Graphics g        = CreateGraphics();
            DpiScale dpiScale = new DpiScale(g);
            int      offsetX  = dpiScale.ScaleIntX(1);
            int      offsetY  = dpiScale.ScaleIntY(1);

            int       height = Height - offsetY;
            int       width  = Width - offsetX;
            Pen       pen    = new Pen(Color.Black, 1.0f);
            Rectangle rect   = new Rectangle(pt, new Size(width, height));

            g.DrawRectangle(pen, rect);

            double percent = 0;

            if (total > 0)
                percent = count / (double)total;

            width = Width - offsetX;
            if (total != 0)
                width = (int)(width * percent);

            pt.Offset(offsetX, offsetY);
            rect = new Rectangle(pt, new Size(rect.Width - offsetX, rect.Height - offsetY));
            Brush     bgBrush     = new LinearGradientBrush(rect, Color.DarkGray, Color.LightGray, 90.0f);
            Rectangle percentRect = new Rectangle(rect.Location, new Size(width, rect.Height));
            Brush     brush       = GetPercentBrush(rect, percent, total);

            g.FillRectangle(bgBrush, rect);
            if (width > 0)
                g.FillRectangle(brush, percentRect);
                pt.Offset(-offsetX, -offsetY);
                g.DrawRectangle(GetPrecentPen(percent, total), new Rectangle(pt, new Size(percentRect.Width + offsetX, percentRect.Height + offsetY)));

            SizeF  size     = g.MeasureDisplayString(text, DisplayFont);
            var    offset   = (height - size.Height) / 2;
            PointF position = new PointF(pt.X + dpiScale.ScaleIntX(8), pt.Y + offset + dpiScale.ScaleFloatY(2.5f));

            g.DrawString(text, DisplayFont, FontBrush, position);
        private void PnlData_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            if (GameFile == null)

            DpiScale dpiScale = new DpiScale(e.Graphics);

            float xPos   = gameTile.Location.X + dpiScale.ScaleIntX(4);
            int   yPos   = dpiScale.ScaleIntY(8);
            int   offset = dpiScale.ScaleIntY(22);

            e.Graphics.DrawString("Filename", DisplayBoldFont, TextBrush, xPos, yPos);
            yPos += offset;
            e.Graphics.DrawString("Title", DisplayBoldFont, TextBrush, xPos, yPos);
            yPos += offset;
            e.Graphics.DrawString("Author", DisplayBoldFont, TextBrush, xPos, yPos);
            yPos += offset;
            e.Graphics.DrawString("Release", DisplayBoldFont, TextBrush, xPos, yPos);
            yPos += offset;
            e.Graphics.DrawString("Played", DisplayBoldFont, TextBrush, xPos, yPos);
            yPos += offset;
            e.Graphics.DrawString("Maps", DisplayBoldFont, TextBrush, xPos, yPos);
            yPos += offset;
            e.Graphics.DrawString("Tags", DisplayBoldFont, TextBrush, xPos, yPos);

            xPos = gameTile.Location.X + dpiScale.ScaleFloatX(82);
            yPos = dpiScale.ScaleIntY(8);

            SizeF maxLabelSize = new SizeF(pnlData.ClientRectangle.Width - xPos + dpiScale.ScaleIntX(8), 16);

            e.Graphics.DrawString(GameFile.FileNameNoPath, DisplayFont, Brushes.Black, xPos, yPos);
            yPos += offset;
            e.Graphics.DrawString(Util.GetClippedEllipsesText(e.Graphics, DisplayFont, GameFile.Title, maxLabelSize), DisplayFont, TextBrush, xPos, yPos);
            yPos += offset;
            e.Graphics.DrawString(Util.GetClippedEllipsesText(e.Graphics, DisplayFont, GameFile.Author, maxLabelSize), DisplayFont, TextBrush, xPos, yPos);
            yPos += offset;
            e.Graphics.DrawString(m_release, DisplayFont, TextBrush, xPos, yPos);
            yPos += offset;
            e.Graphics.DrawString(m_played, DisplayFont, TextBrush, xPos, yPos);
            yPos += offset;
            e.Graphics.DrawString(m_maps, DisplayFont, TextBrush, xPos, yPos);
            yPos += offset;
            e.Graphics.DrawString(m_tags, DisplayFont, TextBrush, xPos, yPos);
Example #18
        public void SetStatistics(IGameFile gameFile, IEnumerable <IStatsData> stats)
            if (stats.Any())
                DpiScale dpiScale = new DpiScale(CreateGraphics());
                ctrlStats.Visible             = true;
                GetRowStyle(ctrlStats).Height = dpiScale.ScaleFloatY(120);

                ctrlStats.SetStatistics(gameFile, stats);

                lblLastMap.Text = stats.OrderByDescending(x => x.RecordTime).First().MapName;
                ctrlStats.Visible             = false;
                GetRowStyle(ctrlStats).Height = 0;
                lblLastMap.Text = "N/A";
Example #19
        public void SetTitle(string text)
            if (lblTitle.Text == text)

            DpiScale dpiScale = new DpiScale(CreateGraphics());

            lblTitle.Text = text;

            float height = lblTitle.Height + dpiScale.ScaleFloatY(6);

            if (height < m_labelHeight)
                height = m_labelHeight;

            GetRowStyle(lblTitle).Height = height;
Example #20
        private void DrawProgress(Point pt, int count, int total, string text)
            Graphics g        = CreateGraphics();
            DpiScale dpiScale = new DpiScale(g);
            int      offsetX  = dpiScale.ScaleIntX(1);
            int      offsetY  = dpiScale.ScaleIntY(1);

            int       height = Height - offsetX;
            int       width  = Width - offsetY;
            Pen       pen    = new Pen(Color.Black, 1.0f);
            Rectangle rect   = new Rectangle(pt, new Size(width, height));

            g.DrawRectangle(pen, rect);

            double percent = 0;

            if (total > 0)
                percent = count / (double)total;
            width = (int)((Width - offsetX) * percent);

            pt.Offset(offsetX, offsetY);
            rect = new Rectangle(pt, new Size(rect.Width - offsetX, rect.Height - offsetY));
            Brush     bgBrush     = new LinearGradientBrush(rect, Color.DarkGray, Color.LightGray, 90.0f);
            Rectangle percentRect = new Rectangle(rect.Location, new Size(width, rect.Height));
            Brush     brush       = GetPercentBrush(rect, percent);

            g.FillRectangle(bgBrush, rect);
            if (percent > 0)
                g.FillRectangle(brush, percentRect);
                pt.Offset(-offsetX, -offsetY);
                g.DrawRectangle(GetPrecentPen(percent), new Rectangle(pt, new Size(percentRect.Width + offsetX, percentRect.Height + offsetY)));

            Brush  fontBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);
            PointF position  = new PointF(pt.X + dpiScale.ScaleIntX(8), pt.Y + dpiScale.ScaleFloatY(2.5f));

            g.DrawString(text, new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 10.0f, FontStyle.Bold), fontBrush, position);
Example #21
        private void GameFileTile_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            if (GameFile == null)

            DpiScale dpiScale    = new DpiScale(e.Graphics);
            int      labelHeight = dpiScale.ScaleIntY(LabelHeight);
            int      pad         = dpiScale.ScaleIntX(1);

            SizeF  layout = new SizeF(Width, 16);
            string text;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GameFile.Title))
                text = Util.GetClippedEllipsesText(e.Graphics, DisplayFont, GameFile.Title, layout);
                text = GameFile.FileNameNoPath;

            SizeF size = e.Graphics.MeasureDisplayString(text, DisplayFont);
            float x    = Width - size.Width - (Width - size.Width) / 2;
            float y    = Height - size.Height - (labelHeight - size.Height) / 2;

            if (Selected)
                e.Graphics.DrawString(text, DisplayFont, new SolidBrush(SystemColors.HighlightText), x, y);
                e.Graphics.DrawString(text, DisplayFont, new SolidBrush(m_titleColor), x, y);

            if (DrawBorder && !Selected)
                e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(SeparatorPen, 0, 0, Width - pad, Height - pad);
        public void SetStatistics(IGameFile gameFile, IEnumerable <IStatsData> stats)
            if (stats.Any())
                DpiScale dpiScale = new DpiScale(CreateGraphics());
                ctrlStats.Visible             = true;
                GetRowStyle(ctrlStats).Height = dpiScale.ScaleFloatY(120);

                ctrlStats.SetStatistics(gameFile, stats);

                // Many maps can be saved at the same time, ordering by record time is not guaranteed to preserve the original order
                // Order by StatID to ensure the latest one is used
                lblLastMap.Text = stats.OrderByDescending(x => x.RecordTime).ThenByDescending(x => x.StatID).First().MapName;
                ctrlStats.Visible             = false;
                GetRowStyle(ctrlStats).Height = 0;
                lblLastMap.Text = "N/A";
Example #23
        private void UpdateSize()
            DpiScale dpiScale = new DpiScale(CreateGraphics());

            Height = tblMain.RowStyles.Count * dpiScale.ScaleIntY(s_rowHeight);
Example #24
        private int GetDefaultControlWidth()
            DpiScale dpiScale = new DpiScale(CreateGraphics());

Example #25
 private void SetStatBarDpi(StatBar statBar, DpiScale dpiScale)
     statBar.MaximumSize = new Size(statBar.MaximumSize.Width, dpiScale.ScaleIntY(statBar.MaximumSize.Height));
     statBar.Size = MaximumSize;
Example #26
        private void HandleScreenshotPreviewSize(TableLayoutPanel tblMain, IConfigurationData config, DpiScale dpiScale)
            m_lblScreenshotWidth = new Label
                Width  = dpiScale.ScaleIntX(68),
                Height = dpiScale.ScaleIntY(16),
                Margin = new Padding(0, dpiScale.ScaleIntX(8), 0, 0)

            m_screenshotTrackBar = new TrackBar
                Minimum = -8,
                Maximum = 8,
                Value   = Convert.ToInt32(config.Value),
                Width   = dpiScale.ScaleIntX(200)
            m_screenshotTrackBar.ValueChanged += Trk_ValueChanged;

            FlowLayoutPanel flp = new FlowLayoutPanel
                Dock = DockStyle.Fill


            tblMain.Controls.Add(flp, 1, tblMain.RowStyles.Count - 1);
            m_configValues.Add(new Tuple <IConfigurationData, object>(config, m_screenshotTrackBar));
Example #27
 public int GetStandardHeight(DpiScale dpiScale)
     return(dpiScale.ScaleIntY(ImageHeight) + dpiScale.ScaleIntY(LabelHeight));