public void GetParametricMatrix_Test_BenchmarkMatrix()
            int n    = 3;
            int rank = 2;

            var expected = new DenseMatrix(n, rank, new[] {  // matrix B taken from the reference
                0.99805, 0.86434, 0.73974,
                0.06238, 0.50292, -0.67290

            var theta = new double[n * (rank - 1)];

            SapMatrixDecomposer.GetAngleParameter(expected, theta);

            var actual = new DenseMatrix(n, rank);

            SapMatrixDecomposer.GetParametricMatrix(theta, actual);

            Assert.That(actual.Data, Is.EqualTo(expected.Data).AsCollection.Within(1E-4));
        public void GetAngleParameter_ParametricMatrix_BenchmarkParameter()
            var expected = new[] { // original parameter \theta
                1.6844, 1.6088, 1.4688, 1.4435, 1.5051, 1.6365, 1.6981, 1.6728, 1.5328, 1.4571,
                1.7328, 1.6828, 1.5810, 1.4708, 1.3957, 1.3957, 1.4708, 1.5810, 1.6828, 1.7328,
                1.2775, 1.2965, 1.3444, 1.4267, 1.5203, 1.6213, 1.7149, 1.7972, 1.8451, 1.8640

            int n    = 10;
            int rank = 4;

            var b = new DenseMatrix(n, rank);

            SapMatrixDecomposer.GetParametricMatrix(expected, b);  // b = B(\theta)

            var actual = new double[n * (rank - 1)];

            SapMatrixDecomposer.GetAngleParameter(b, actual); // determine \theta* such that B(\theta*)  = b

            Assert.That(actual, Is.EqualTo(expected).AsCollection.Within(1E-4));