//this function sends the cover letter request to the doc group protected void SendCvrLtrReqMail() { string toAddress = "*****@*****.**"; string fromAddress = email.Text.ToString(); string subjectLine = "Cover Letter Request"; string dateNeeded; //check the date, if less than today, make it today if (Calendar1.SelectedDate.Date < System.DateTime.Now.Date) { Calendar1.SelectedDate = System.DateTime.Now.Date; } //test for current date and apply formatting accordingly if (Calendar1.SelectedDate == System.DateTime.Now.Date) { dateNeeded = "<p><font color=\"red\"><b>Date Needed By:</b> " + Calendar1.SelectedDate.ToShortDateString() + "</font></p>"; } else { dateNeeded = "<p><b>Date Needed By:</b> " + Calendar1.SelectedDate.ToShortDateString() + "</p>"; } //indicate which format to return bool emailFormat = true; string emailDetails = fieldNameConversion(emailFormat); string textBody = "<html><body><font face=\"verdana\"><p><b>Cover Letter Title:</b> " + cvrLtrTitle.Text.ToString() + "</p><p><b>Project:</b> " + drpDwnProject.SelectedItem.ToString() + emailDetails + "</p><p><b>SW Download Instructions:</b> " + swDownloadInst.Text.ToString() + "</p><p><b>HSSub Documents:</b> " + hssubReadme.Text.ToString() + "</p><p><b>Reviewers:</b> " + reviewers.Text.ToString() + dateNeeded + "</p><p><b>Requestor's Email Address:</b> " + email.Text.ToString() + "</p><p>Don't forget to pick up your htm file located here: " + @"\\atddat\DocDept\coverLetters</p></body></html>"; //send the email ProcessMail myMail = new ProcessMail(); myMail.SendMail(toAddress, fromAddress, subjectLine, textBody); }
//this function sends an error message to the doc dept if the request is not processed protected void SendErrorNotice() { string toAddress = "*****@*****.**"; string subjectLine = "Error Notice: Media Artwork Request"; string textBody = "There was an error processing the Media Artwork request. Please contact the user at this email address: " + toCC; //send the email ProcessMail myMail = new ProcessMail(); myMail.SendMail(toAddress, toCC, fromAddress, subjectLine, textBody); }
protected void SendErrorNotice() { string toAddress = "*****@*****.**"; string toCC = email.Text.ToString(); string subjectLine = "Error Notice: Cover Letter Request"; string textBody = "There was an error processing the cover letter request." + toCC; //send the email ProcessMail myMail = new ProcessMail(); myMail.SendMail(toAddress, toCC, fromAddress, subjectLine, textBody); }
//this funciton sends the artwork request to the doc dept. It gathers the text from the form fields and adds them to the email body. protected void SendMediaReqMail() { string toAddress = "*****@*****.**"; string fromAddress = txtEmail.Text.ToString(); string subjectLine = "Media Artwork Request"; string otherInfo; string reviewers; string dateNeeded; //check the date, if less than today (or not selected), make it today if (Calendar1.SelectedDate.Date < System.DateTime.Now.Date) { Calendar1.SelectedDate = System.DateTime.Now.Date; } //test for empty fields in form; don't include in email if empty if (txtOther.Text.ToString() == "") { otherInfo = ""; } else { otherInfo = "<p><b>Other Info:</b> " + txtOther.Text.ToString() + "</p>"; } if (txtReviewers.Text.ToString() == "") { reviewers = ""; } else { reviewers = "<p><b>Reviewers:</b> " + txtReviewers.Text.ToString() + "</p>"; } //test for current date and change formatting accordingly if (Calendar1.SelectedDate == System.DateTime.Now.Date) { dateNeeded = "<p><font color=\"red\"><b>Date Needed By:</b> " + Calendar1.SelectedDate.ToShortDateString() + "</font></p>"; } else { dateNeeded = "<p><b>Date Needed By:</b> " + Calendar1.SelectedDate.ToShortDateString() + "</p>"; } string textBody = "<html><body><font face=\"verdana\"><p><b>Media Title:</b> " + txtTitle.Text.ToString() + "</p><p><b>ITAR?</b>: " + radITAR.SelectedValue.ToString() + "</p><p><b>Media Type:</b> " + radMedia.SelectedValue.ToString() + "</p><p><b>Part Number:</b> " + txtPartNum.Text.ToString() + "</p><p><b>Number of Discs:</b> " + dropDwnCDs.SelectedValue.ToString() + "</p><p><b>Project:</b> " + drpDwnProject.SelectedValue.ToString() + otherInfo + reviewers + "</p><p><b>Deliver Media To:</b> " + txtDeliver.Text.ToString() + dateNeeded + "</p><p><b>Requestor's Email Address:</b> " + txtEmail.Text.ToString() + "</p></body></html>"; //send the message ProcessMail myMail = new ProcessMail(); myMail.SendMail(toAddress, fromAddress, subjectLine, textBody); }
public void UpdateDB(string emailAddr, DateTime dateNeed, int reqType, int day, int project, int discs) { string name, fName, lName; MailAddress addr = new MailAddress(emailAddr); name = addr.User; if (name.Contains('.')) { //split the name String[] parts = name.Split(new[] { '.' }); fName = parts[0]; //if there is an initial in the email address, only take last part if (parts.Length > 2) { lName = parts[2]; } else { lName = parts[1]; } } else { fName = name; lName = ""; } DateTime dateReq = System.DateTime.Now; DateTime dateNeeded = dateNeed; int requestType = reqType;//1 for cover letters, 0 for artwork int days = day; int projType = project; int numDiscs = discs; //create the sql query string txtSqlQuery = @"INSERT INTO workRequest (fName, lName, dateReq, dateNeeded, requestType, daysAllowed, projectID, discsNeeded) VALUES(@fName,@lName,@dateReq,@dateNeeded,@requestType,@daysAllowed,@projectID,@discsNeeded)"; //path and name of sqlite database const string filename = @"\\atddat\DocDept\SQLiteDB\workRequests.sqlite"; using (SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=" + filename + ";Version=3;", true))//true so can open over a network { SQLiteCommand insertSQL = new SQLiteCommand(txtSqlQuery, connection); insertSQL.Parameters.AddWithValue("@fName", fName); insertSQL.Parameters.AddWithValue("@lName", lName); insertSQL.Parameters.AddWithValue("@dateReq", dateReq); insertSQL.Parameters.AddWithValue("@dateNeeded", dateNeeded); insertSQL.Parameters.AddWithValue("@requestType", requestType); insertSQL.Parameters.AddWithValue("@daysAllowed", days); insertSQL.Parameters.AddWithValue("@projectID", projType); insertSQL.Parameters.AddWithValue("@discsNeeded", numDiscs); try { //open the DB connection connection.Open(); insertSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(); connection.Close(); } catch (Exception) { //if error notify DBA string toAddress = "*****@*****.**"; string subjectLine = "Error Notice: Database"; string textBody = "There was an error opening the database."; //send the email ProcessMail myMail = new ProcessMail(); myMail.SendMail(toAddress, subjectLine, textBody); } } }
public void UpdateDB(string emailAddr, DateTime dateNeed, int reqType, int day, int project) { string name, fName, lName; //get the data to add to database //stackoverflow.com/questions/4443225/parse-plain-email-address-into-2-parts#4443326 MailAddress addr = new MailAddress(emailAddr); name = addr.User; if (name.Contains('.')) { //split the name String[] parts = name.Split(new[] { '.' }); fName = parts[0]; lName = parts[1]; } else { fName = name; lName = ""; } DateTime dateReq = System.DateTime.Now; DateTime dateNeeded = dateNeed; int requestType = reqType;//1 for cover letters, 0 for artwork int days = day; int projType = project; //create the sql query string txtSqlQuery = @"INSERT INTO workRequest (fName, lName, dateReq, dateNeeded, requestType, daysAllowed, projectID) VALUES(@fName,@lName,@dateReq,@dateNeeded,@requestType,@daysAllowed,@projectID)"; //path and name of sqlite database const string filename = @"\\atddat\DocDept\SQLiteDB\workRequests.sqlite"; //set the connection string //stackoverflow.com/questions/10875612/sqlite-c-unable-to-open-the-database-file#22328198 //msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.data.sqlclient.sqlcommand.parameters(v=vs.110).aspx using (SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=" + filename + ";Version=3;", true)) { //stackoverflow.com/questions/19479166/sqlite-simple-insert-query#19489736 //stackoverflow.com/questions/15257369/cannot-implicitly-convert-type-string-to-system-data-commandtype SQLiteCommand insertSQL = new SQLiteCommand(txtSqlQuery, connection); insertSQL.Parameters.AddWithValue("@fName", fName); insertSQL.Parameters.AddWithValue("@lName", lName); insertSQL.Parameters.AddWithValue("@dateReq", dateReq); insertSQL.Parameters.AddWithValue("@dateNeeded", dateNeeded); insertSQL.Parameters.AddWithValue("@requestType", requestType); insertSQL.Parameters.AddWithValue("@daysAllowed", days); insertSQL.Parameters.AddWithValue("@projectID", projType); try { //open the DB connection connection.Open(); insertSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(); connection.Close(); } catch (Exception) { //if error notify DBA string toAddress = "*****@*****.**"; string subjectLine = "Error Notice: Database"; string textBody = "There was an error opening the database."; //send the email ProcessMail myMail = new ProcessMail(); myMail.SendMail(toAddress, subjectLine, textBody); } } }
public void UpdateFeedbackTable(string emailAddr, int feedbackType, string feedback) { string name, fName, lName; MailAddress addr = new MailAddress(emailAddr); name = addr.User; if (name.Contains('.')) { //split the name String[] parts = name.Split(new[] { '.' }); fName = parts[0]; //if there is an initial in the email address, only take last part if (parts.Length > 2) { lName = parts[2]; } else { lName = parts[1]; } } else { fName = name; lName = ""; } DateTime dateReq = System.DateTime.Now; int type = feedbackType; string content = feedback; //create the sql query string txtSqlQuery = @"INSERT INTO feedback (fName, lName, dateReq, feedbackType, feedbackText) VALUES(@fName,@lName,@dateReq,@feedbackType,@feedbackText)"; //path and name of sqlite database const string filename = @"\\atddat\DocDept\SQLiteDB\workRequests.sqlite"; using (SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=" + filename + ";Version=3;", true))//true so can open over a network { SQLiteCommand insertSQL = new SQLiteCommand(txtSqlQuery, connection); insertSQL.Parameters.AddWithValue("@fName", fName); insertSQL.Parameters.AddWithValue("@lName", lName); insertSQL.Parameters.AddWithValue("@dateReq", dateReq); insertSQL.Parameters.AddWithValue("@feedbackType", type); insertSQL.Parameters.AddWithValue("@feedbackText", content); try { //open the DB connection connection.Open(); insertSQL.ExecuteNonQuery(); connection.Close(); } catch (Exception) { //if error notify DBA string toAddress = "*****@*****.**"; string subjectLine = "Error Notice: Database"; string textBody = "There was an error opening the database."; //send the email ProcessMail myMail = new ProcessMail(); myMail.SendMail(toAddress, subjectLine, textBody); } } }