Example #1
        public async Task Status(CommandContext ctx)
            await ctx.TriggerTypingAsync();

            string lang = Config.GetLang(ctx.Guild.Id.ToString());
            IReadOnlyList <DiscordChannel> channelList = await ctx.Guild.GetChannelsAsync();

            string[] list    = channelList.Cast <DiscordChannel>().Select(x => x.Id.ToString()).ToArray();
            JObject  streams = EventStreams.GetData(list);

            // Inform about streams if they exist on a server
            string streamingMsg = "";

            if (streams.Count > 0)
                TimeSpan timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow - EventStreams.LatestTimestamp;
                streamingMsg = " " + Locale.GetMessage("configuring-status-streaming", lang, (int)timestamp.TotalMinutes, timestamp.Seconds);

                // Restart the stream if it is offline for five minutes
                if (timestamp.TotalMinutes > 5)
                    Program.LogMessage("EventStreams restart was requested from !status command.", "EventStreams");

            // Respond to message
            await ctx.RespondAsync(Locale.GetMessage("configuring-status", lang) + streamingMsg);
Example #2
        public async Task ListStreams(CommandContext ctx)
            string lang = Config.GetLang(ctx.Guild.Id.ToString());
            await ctx.TriggerTypingAsync();

            IReadOnlyList <DiscordChannel> channelList = await ctx.Guild.GetChannelsAsync();

            string[] list   = channelList.Cast <DiscordChannel>().Select(x => x.Id.ToString()).ToArray();
            JObject  result = EventStreams.GetData(list);

            // Send a ping if there are no results
            if (result.Count == 0)
                await ctx.RespondAsync(Locale.GetMessage("streaming-list-nothing", lang));


            // Compile a list of streams
            List <string> msg = new List <string>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, JToken> entry in result)
                string output  = "";
                string goal    = entry.Key.Trim('<', '>');
                string goalMsg = GetGoalMessage(lang, (goal == entry.Key ? "title" : "namespace"), goal);
                output += Locale.GetMessage("streaming-list-stream", lang, goalMsg, entry.Value.Count()) + "\n";

                // List each stream with an editing command
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, JToken> item in (JObject)entry.Value)
                    ulong          id                 = ulong.Parse(item.Key);
                    DiscordChannel channel            = ctx.Guild.GetChannel(id);
                    Dictionary <string, dynamic> args = ((JObject)item.Value).ToObject <Dictionary <string, dynamic> >();

                    // Combine everything
                    string editGoal = (goal == entry.Key ? $" --title {goal}" : $" --namespace {goal}");
                    string argsMsg  = ListArguments(args, lang);
                    argsMsg = (argsMsg.Length > 0 ? $":\n{argsMsg}" : "");

                    output += $"{channel.Mention}{argsMsg}\n`!editStream #{channel.Name}{editGoal}`";


            string response = Locale.GetMessage("streaming-list", lang, result.Count, string.Join("\n", msg));

            if (response.Length <= 2000)
                await ctx.RespondAsync(response);
                // Split long lists of streams into multiple messages
                response = Locale.GetMessage("streaming-list", lang, result.Count, "");
                foreach (var stream in msg)
                    string output = stream + "\n";
                    if (response.Length + output.Length <= 2000)
                        response += output;
                        await ctx.RespondAsync(response);

                        response = "";

                if (response.Length > 0)
                    await ctx.RespondAsync(response);