Example #1
        public async Task CuteRemove(int i)
            int    removeNumber = i;
            string title        = $"{Context.User.Username} removed {DataStorage.GetAnimalURL(removeNumber)} from the list.";


            await SendEmbeddedMessage(title, "");
Example #2
        public async Task CuteRandom()
            int max = DataStorage.GetAnimalsCount();

            Random random    = new Random();
            int    randomNum = random.Next(0, max);

            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync
                $" {Context.User.Mention} requested a random cute image/video! This is animal #{randomNum}.\n" +
Example #3
        public async Task CuteAt(int i)
            int nr = i;

            if (i > (DataStorage.GetAnimalsCount() - 1))
                await SendEmbeddedMessage("Error!", "That animal doesn't exist yet.\nRemember that the list is 0-index based, meaning that the latest animal is !cute_count **-1**");

            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention} picked cute animal #{i} \n {DataStorage.GetAnimalURL(nr)}");