public void Should_be_able_to_retrieve_a_list_of_dinosaurs()
            var dRepo = new DinosaurRepository();
            var dcon = new DinosaurController(dRepo, new CategoryRepository());

            var r = dcon.List("VAL") as ViewResult;

            var model = r.ViewData.Model as IList<Dinosaur>;
            Assert.IsNotNull(model, "Model should be of type IList<Dinosaur>");
        public void Should_be_able_to_retrieve_a_single_dinosaur()
            var dRepo = new DinosaurRepository();
            var dino = dRepo.GetDinosaurByName("Brontosaurus");

            var dcon = new DinosaurController(dRepo, new CategoryRepository());

            var r = dcon.Details(dino.DinosaurId.ToInt()) as ViewResult;

            var model = r.ViewData.Model as Dinosaur;
            Assert.IsNotNull(model, "Model should be of type Dinosaur");