Example #1
 public IAPCurrency(string uid, IAPCurrencySetting s, IAPObjectData d, Action <IAPObject> callback = null, Action <IAPCurrency> errorCallback = null) : base(uid, d, callback)
     title          = s.title;
     icon           = s.icon;
     tags           = s.tags;
     _errorCallback = errorCallback;
Example #2
 public IAPAbility(string uid, IAPAbilitySetting s, IAPObjectData d, Action <IAPObject> callback = null) : base(uid, d, callback)
     title        = s.title;
     description  = s.description;
     currency     = s.currency;
     price        = s.price;
     icon         = s.icon;
     tags         = s.tags;
     maxString    = s.maxString;
     lockedString = s.lockedString;
     levels       = s.levels;
Example #3
        public IAPPackage(string uid, IAPPackageSetting s, IAPObjectData d, Action <IAPObject> callback = null) : base(uid, d, callback)
//			uid=s.productId;
            fetchFromStore = s.fetchFromStore;
            currency       = s.currency;
            price          = s.price;
            content        = new List <IAPPackageContent>();
            icon           = s.icon;
            title          = s.title;
            description    = s.description;
            tags           = s.tags;
            productType    = s.productType;

            // Create the dictionary for finding IAPPackageContent
            _contentDictionary = new Dictionary <string, IAPPackageContent>();

            // Loop and create IAPPackageContent for each setting
            foreach (IAPContentSetting c in s.content)
                IAPPackageContent item = new IAPPackageContent();
                item.amount = c.amount;
                if (c.type == IAPType.Currency)
                    item.obj = IAPInventoryManager.GetCurrency(c.uid);
                else if (c.type == IAPType.Inventory)
                    item.obj = IAPInventoryManager.GetInventory(c.uid);
                else if (c.type == IAPType.GameLevel)
                    item.obj = IAPInventoryManager.GetGameLevel(c.uid);
                _contentDictionary.Add(c.uid, item);

            // Add event for real money purchase
            if (fetchFromStore)
                // Debug.Log("fetchFromStore");
                IAPManager.OnIAPProcessPurchase += handleOnIAPProcessPurchase;
Example #4
        public IAPGameLevel(string uid, IAPGameLevelSetting s, IAPObjectData d, Action <IAPObject> callback = null) : base(uid, d, callback)
            title       = s.title;
            description = s.description;
            currency    = s.currency;
            price       = s.price;
            icon        = s.icon;
            tags        = s.tags;
            lockedIcon = s.lockedIcon;
            levels     = s.levels;

            // Convert the data from json to dictionary
            _data.properties       = new Dictionary <string, int[]>();
            _data.propertiesString = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            // add default "locked" property
            if (!s.properties.Contains <string>("locked"))

            // Build the new data
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(d.ps))
                // Loop each properties and build a new array
                foreach (string prop in s.properties)
                    int[] p = Enumerable.Repeat(0, levels.Count).ToArray();
                    if (prop == "locked")
                        for (int i = 0; i < p.Length; i++)
                            p[i] = s.levels[i].locked?1:0;
                    _data.properties.Add(prop, p);
                    _data.propertiesString.Add(prop, JsonHelper.ToJson(p));

                // Convert the properties to json string
                if (s.properties.Count > 0)
                    _data.ps = JsonUtility.ToJson(new Serializer <string, string>(_data.propertiesString));

//				Save();
                // Update the data if data exist

                bool needSave = false;
                // Convert properties from json string
                _data.propertiesString = JsonUtility.FromJson <Serializer <string, string> >(d.ps).ToDictionary();

                // loop each properties
                foreach (string prop in s.properties)
                    // Debug.Log(prop);
                    // if already in the json string
                    if (_data.propertiesString.ContainsKey(prop))
                        // convert json to array
                        int[] p = JsonHelper.FromJson <int>(_data.propertiesString[prop]);
                        // rebuild array if length < levels.count
                        if (p.Length < levels.Count)
                            List <int> temp = new List <int>(p);
                            // Add extra data
                            for (int i = p.Length; i < levels.Count; i++)
                            // convert to array
                            p = temp.ToArray();
                            // for locked properties
                            if (prop == "locked")
                                for (int i = 0; i < p.Length; i++)
                                    p[i] = s.levels[i].locked?1:0;
                            // Re assign the data
                            _data.propertiesString[prop] = JsonHelper.ToJson(p);
                            needSave = true;
//						Debug.LogFormat("prop {0} json {1}",prop,_data.propertiesString[prop]);
                        _data.properties.Add(prop, p);
                        // if not, build a new one
                        int[] p = Enumerable.Repeat(0, levels.Count).ToArray();
                        if (prop == "locked")
                            for (int i = 0; i < p.Length; i++)
                                p[i] = s.levels[i].locked?1:0;
                        _data.properties.Add(prop, p);
                        _data.propertiesString.Add(prop, JsonHelper.ToJson(p));
                        needSave = true;

                // Convert the properties to json string
                if (s.properties.Count > 0)
                    _data.ps = JsonUtility.ToJson(new Serializer <string, string>(_data.propertiesString));

                if (needSave)
Example #5
        public IAPInventory(string uid, IAPInventorySetting s, IAPObjectData d, Action <IAPObject> callback = null) : base(uid, d, callback)
            title       = s.title;
            description = s.description;
            currency    = s.currency;
            price       = s.price;
            icon        = s.icon;
            tags        = s.tags;
            properties = new Dictionary <string, IAPProperty>();
            foreach (IAPProperty c in s.properties)
                properties.Add(c.name, c);

            // Convert the data from json to dictionary
            _data.propertiesString = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            // Build the new data
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(d.ps))
                // Loop each properties and build a new array
                foreach (IAPProperty c in s.properties)
                    _data.propertiesString.Add(c.name, c.value.ToString());

                // Convert the properties to json string
                if (s.properties.Count > 0)
                    _data.ps = JsonUtility.ToJson(new Serializer <string, string>(_data.propertiesString));
                // Update the data if data exist

                bool needSave = false;
                // Convert properties from json string
                _data.propertiesString = JsonUtility.FromJson <Serializer <string, string> >(d.ps).ToDictionary();

                // loop each properties
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IAPProperty> prop in properties)
                    // if already in the json string
                    if (_data.propertiesString.ContainsKey(prop.Key))
                        prop.Value.value = Int32.Parse(_data.propertiesString[prop.Key]);
                        // needSave=true;
                        _data.propertiesString.Add(prop.Key, prop.Value.value.ToString());
                        needSave = true;

                // Convert the properties to json string
                if (s.properties.Count > 0)
                    _data.ps = JsonUtility.ToJson(new Serializer <string, string>(_data.propertiesString));

                if (needSave)
Example #6
        // Private Helpers

        virtual protected void InitData(IAPObjectData data)
            _data = data;
Example #7
 public IAPObject(string uid, IAPObjectData data, Action <IAPObject> callback = null)
     this.uid       = uid;
     this._callback = callback;