public static int GetActiveReplyCount(int postID) { DidacheDb db = new DidacheDb(); InteractionPost post = db.InteractionPosts.SingleOrDefault(p=>p.PostID == postID); if (post == null) { return 0; } else { return db.InteractionPosts.Count(p => p.ThreadID == post.ThreadID && p.IsDeleted == false); } }
public static Forum GetForum(int forumID, bool includeThreads) { Forum forum = null; if (includeThreads) { forum = new DidacheDb().Forums.Include("Threads").SingleOrDefault(f => f.ForumID == forumID); forum.Threads = forum.Threads.OrderByDescending(t => t.LastPostDate).ToList(); } else { forum = new DidacheDb().Forums.SingleOrDefault(f => f.ForumID == forumID); } return forum; }
public static List<ActivityStreamItemBase> GetUsersItems() { var didache = new DidacheDb(); // get the users courses first List<int> courseIDs = new List<int>(); //var courses = Courses.GetUsersRunningCourses(CourseUserRole.Student); var courses = Courses.GetUsersCourses(CourseUserRole.Student); courses.RemoveAll(c => c.SessionID != 32); foreach (Course course in courses) courseIDs.Add(course.CourseID); return GetUsersItems(courseIDs); }
public static void ApproveClassmateRequest(int requesterUserID, int targetUserID) { DidacheDb db = new DidacheDb(); UserRelationship rel1 = db.UserRelationships .SingleOrDefault(ur => ur.RequesterUserID == requesterUserID && ur.TargetUserID == targetUserID); UserRelationship rel2 = db.UserRelationships .SingleOrDefault(ur => ur.RequesterUserID == targetUserID && ur.TargetUserID == requesterUserID); if (rel1 != null) { rel1.Status = (int) RelationshipStatus.Approved; } if (rel2 != null) { rel2.Status = (int) RelationshipStatus.Approved; } //db.SaveChanges(); // add user actions UserAction ua = new UserAction() { SourceUserID = requesterUserID, TargetUserID = targetUserID, UserActionType = UserActionType.BecomeClassmates, ActionDate = DateTime.Now, GroupID =0, MessageID = 0, PostCommentID = 0, PostID = 0, Text = "" }; db.UserActions.Add(ua); UserAction ua2 = new UserAction() { SourceUserID = targetUserID, TargetUserID = requesterUserID, UserActionType = UserActionType.BecomeClassmates, ActionDate = DateTime.Now, GroupID = 0, MessageID = 0, PostCommentID = 0, PostID = 0, Text = "" }; db.UserActions.Add(ua2); db.SaveChanges(); }
public ActionResult AddFileGroup(int id) { var didacheDb = new DidacheDb(); // get data var reader = new JsonFx.Json.JsonReader(); dynamic json = reader.Read(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.Form.ToString())); CourseFileGroup group = new CourseFileGroup(); group.CourseID = id; group.SortOrder = 9999; group.Name =; didacheDb.CourseFileGroups.Add(group); didacheDb.SaveChanges(); return Json(new {groupid = group.GroupID,, courseid= id}); }
public static User GetUser(int id, bool flushCache = false) { string key = string.Format(_userIdKey, id); User user = (HttpContext.Current != null) ? HttpContext.Current.Cache[key] as User : null; if (user == null || flushCache) { user = new DidacheDb().Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserID == id); if (user != null) { HttpContext.Current.Cache.Add(key, user, null, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0), CacheItemPriority.Default, null); key = string.Format(_usernameKey, user.Username); HttpContext.Current.Cache.Add(key, user, null, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0), CacheItemPriority.Default, null); } } return user; }
public static List<CourseFileGroup> GetCourseFileGroups(int courseID) { List<CourseFileGroup> groups = new DidacheDb() .CourseFileGroups .Include("CourseFileAssociations.CourseFile.User") .Where(g => g.CourseID == courseID) .OrderBy(g => g.SortOrder) .ToList(); foreach (CourseFileGroup group in groups) { List<CourseFileAssociation> associations = group.CourseFileAssociations.ToList(); associations.Sort(delegate(CourseFileAssociation a, CourseFileAssociation b) { return a.SortOrder.CompareTo(b.SortOrder); }); group.CourseFileAssociations = associations; } return groups; }
public ActionResult CreatePost(string slug, Thread thread, FormCollection collection) { // add post to post id User profile = Users.GetLoggedInUser(); DidacheDb db = new DidacheDb(); // make thread thread.UserID = profile.UserID; thread.TotalReplies = 0; thread.TotalViews = 0; thread.ThreadDate = DateTime.Now; thread.UserName = profile.Username; thread.LastPostUserName = profile.Username; thread.LastPostUserID = profile.UserID; thread.LastPostID = 0; thread.LastPostDate = DateTime.Now; thread.LastPostSubject = collection["Subject"]; db.Threads.Add(thread); db.SaveChanges(); // add post to thread ForumPost post = new ForumPost(); post.ThreadID = thread.ThreadID; post.ForumID = Int32.Parse(collection["ForumID"]); post.PostDate = DateTime.Now; post.UserID = profile.UserID; post.UserName = profile.FullName; post.ReplyToPostID = 0; post.Subject = collection["Subject"]; post.PostContent = collection["PostContent"]; post.PostContentFormatted = Forums.FormatPost(post.PostContent); db.ForumPosts.Add(post); db.SaveChanges(); return RedirectToAction("Thread", new { slug = slug, id = thread.ThreadID }); }
public static StudentFile SaveStudentFile(int userID, UserTaskData userData, HttpPostedFileBase file) { DidacheDb db = new DidacheDb(); StudentFile studentFile = null; if (file.ContentLength > 0) { // setup data studentFile = new StudentFile(); studentFile.UserID = userID; studentFile.UploadedDate = DateTime.Now; studentFile.UniqueID = Guid.NewGuid(); studentFile.ContentType = file.ContentType; studentFile.Length = file.ContentLength; // setup physical file string extension = Path.GetExtension(file.FileName); string filenameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.FileName); studentFile.Filename = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName); string savePath = Path.Combine(Settings.StudentFilesLocation, studentFile.UniqueID.ToString() + extension); // check file type /* if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userData.Task.FileTypesAllowed)) { } */ file.SaveAs(savePath); // save file info to DB db.StudentFiles.Add(studentFile); db.SaveChanges(); } return studentFile; }
public static List<UserTaskData> GetUserTaskDataInUnit(int unitID, int userID, bool createFakeData) { DidacheDb db = new DidacheDb(); List<UserTaskData> userTasks = null; if (createFakeData) { // for graders List<Task> tasks = db.Tasks.Where(t => t.UnitID == unitID).OrderBy(t => t.SortOrder).ToList(); userTasks = new List<UserTaskData>(); foreach (Task task in tasks) { UserTaskData utd = new UserTaskData() { TaskID = task.TaskID, CourseID = task.CourseID, UnitID = task.UnitID, TaskCompletionStatus = TaskCompletionStatus.NotStarted, Task = task }; //utd.Task = task; userTasks.Add(utd); } } else { userTasks = db.UserTasks .Include("Task") .Where(d => d.UserID == userID && d.Task.UnitID == unitID) .OrderBy(d => d.Task.SortOrder) .ToList(); } return userTasks; }
public static void AddClassmateRequest(int requesterUserID, int targetUserID) { DidacheDb db = new DidacheDb(); UserRelationship rel = db.UserRelationships .SingleOrDefault(ur => ur.RequesterUserID == requesterUserID && ur.TargetUserID == targetUserID); if (rel == null) { // status from requester rel = new UserRelationship() { RequesterUserID = requesterUserID, TargetUserID = targetUserID, RelationshipStatus = RelationshipStatus.PendingTargetApproval }; db.UserRelationships.Add(rel); // status from target rel = new UserRelationship() { RequesterUserID = targetUserID, TargetUserID = requesterUserID, RelationshipStatus = RelationshipStatus.PendingRequesterApproval }; db.UserRelationships.Add(rel); db.SaveChanges(); User requesterUser = Users.GetUser(requesterUserID); User targetUser = Users.GetUser(targetUserID); string classmateRequestBody = Emails.FormatEmail(Didache.Resources.emails.classmates_approvalrequest, null,null,null, requesterUser, targetUser, null, null, null); Emails.EnqueueEmail("*****@*****.**", targetUser.Email, "Classmate Request", classmateRequestBody, false); } }
private static List<ActivityStreamItemBase> GetUsersItems(List<int> courseIDs) { List<ActivityStreamItemBase> items = new List<ActivityStreamItemBase>(); var didache = new DidacheDb(); // discussion replies var posts = didache .ForumPosts .Include("User") .Include("Thread.Forum.Course") .Where(p => courseIDs.Contains(p.Thread.Forum.CourseID)) .OrderByDescending(p => p.PostDate) .Take(20); foreach (ForumPost post in posts) { items.Add(new ForumReplyActivity() { User = post.User, ActivityDate = post.PostDate, Post = post }); } // discussion replies var interactions = didache .InteractionPosts .Include("User") .Include("Thread.Task.Course") .Where(p => courseIDs.Contains(p.Thread.Task.CourseID)) .OrderByDescending(p => p.PostDate) .Take(20); foreach (InteractionPost post in interactions) { items.Add(new InteractionActivity() { User = post.User, ActivityDate = post.PostDate, Post = post }); } items.Sort(delegate(ActivityStreamItemBase a, ActivityStreamItemBase b) { return -a.ActivityDate.CompareTo(b.ActivityDate); }); return items; }
public static List<CarsCourse> GetUsersCourses(int userID) { DidacheDb db = new DidacheDb(); return db.CarsCourses .Where(cu => cu.UserID == userID) .ToList() .OrderBy(cu => cu.Year) .ThenBy(cu => cu.SessionOrder) .ThenBy(cu => cu.CourseCode) .ToList(); }
public static List<User> GetRelationshipUsers(int userID, RelationshipStatus status) { DidacheDb db = new DidacheDb(); return db.UserRelationships .Include("TargetUser") .Where(ur => ur.RequesterUserID == userID && ur.Status == (int)status) .Select(ur => ur.TargetUser) .ToList(); }
public static List<UserRelationship> GetUserRelationships(int userID, bool includeUserData) { DidacheDb db = new DidacheDb(); if (includeUserData) { return db.UserRelationships .Include("TargetUser") .Where(ur => ur.RequesterUserID == userID) .ToList(); } else { return db.UserRelationships .Where(ur => ur.RequesterUserID == userID) .ToList(); } }
public static bool IsAdministratorFacultyOrFacilitator(int userID) { DidacheDb db = new DidacheDb(); User user = db.Users.Find(userID); if (user == null) return false; return System.Web.Security.Roles.IsUserInRole(user.Username, UserRoles.Administrator) || System.Web.Security.Roles.IsUserInRole(user.Username, UserRoles.Facilitator) || System.Web.Security.Roles.IsUserInRole(user.Username, UserRoles.Faculty); }
public static List<UserRelationship> GetRelationshipStatuses(int userID, List<User> foundUsers) { // convert the search data into user relationshsips with status == none List<UserRelationship> searchRelationships = foundUsers .Select(user => new UserRelationship() { RelationshipStatus = RelationshipStatus.None, RequesterUserID = userID, TargetUserID = user.UserID, TargetUser = user }) .ToList(); // get real status data DidacheDb db = new DidacheDb(); List<int> userIDs = foundUsers.Select(fu => fu.UserID).ToList(); List<UserRelationship> statuses = db.UserRelationships .Where(ur => ur.RequesterUserID == userID && userIDs.Contains(ur.TargetUserID)) .ToList(); // merge data foreach (UserRelationship realRelationship in statuses) { searchRelationships.Find(ur => ur.TargetUserID == realRelationship.TargetUserID).RelationshipStatus = realRelationship.RelationshipStatus; } return searchRelationships; }
public static void MakeUserPrivate(int userID) { DidacheDb db = new DidacheDb(); User user = db.Users.Find(userID); if (user != null) { user.AllowClassmateRequests = false; user.AddressSecuritySetting = UserSecuritySetting.Private; user.BiographySecuritySetting = UserSecuritySetting.Private; user.BirthdateSecuritySetting = UserSecuritySetting.Private; user.ChildrenSecuritySetting = UserSecuritySetting.Private; user.EmailSecuritySetting = UserSecuritySetting.Private; user.PhoneSecuritySetting = UserSecuritySetting.Private; user.PictureSecuritySetting = UserSecuritySetting.Private; user.ScheduleSecuritySetting = UserSecuritySetting.Private; user.SpouseSecuritySetting = UserSecuritySetting.Private; db.SaveChanges(); } }
public static UserRelationship GetRelationshipStatus(int requesterUserID, int targetUserID) { DidacheDb db = new DidacheDb(); UserRelationship rel = db.UserRelationships .SingleOrDefault(ur => ur.RequesterUserID == requesterUserID && ur.TargetUserID == targetUserID); if (rel == null) { return new UserRelationship() { RequesterUserID =requesterUserID, TargetUserID = targetUserID, RelationshipStatus = RelationshipStatus.None }; } else { return rel; } }
public static List<Course> GetUsersRunningCourses(int userID, CourseUserRole roleID) { string key = String.Format("courses-userrunning-{0}-{1}", userID, roleID); List<Course> courses = (HttpContext.Current != null) ? HttpContext.Current.Cache[key] as List<Course> : null; bool ignoreCache = true; if (courses == null || ignoreCache) { DateTime targetStartDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7); DateTime targetEndDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7); var courseQuery = new DidacheDb().Courses.AsQueryable(); // all the roles if (roleID == CourseUserRole.All) { courseQuery = courseQuery.Where(c => c.CourseUsers.Any(cu => cu.UserID == userID) && c.StartDate <= targetStartDate && c.EndDate >= targetEndDate); } else { courseQuery = courseQuery.Where(c => c.CourseUsers.Any(cu => cu.UserID == userID && cu.RoleID == (int)roleID) && c.StartDate <= targetStartDate && c.EndDate >= targetEndDate); } courses = courseQuery .Distinct() .OrderByDescending(c => c.StartDate) .ToList(); if (roleID == CourseUserRole.Student) courses = courses.Where(c => c.IsActive).ToList(); HttpContext.Current.Cache.Add(key, courses, null, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, new TimeSpan(0, 3, 0), CacheItemPriority.Default, null); } return courses; }
public static bool IsUserInCourseRole(int courseID, int userID, CourseUserRole courseUserRole) { string key = string.Format("courserole-{0}-{1}-{2}", courseID, userID, courseUserRole); bool isInRole = false; if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Cache[key] != null) { isInRole = (bool)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Cache[key]; } else { isInRole = new DidacheDb().CourseUsers.Count(cu => cu.UserID == userID && cu.CourseID == courseID && cu.RoleID == (int)courseUserRole) > 0; System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert(key, isInRole, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(30), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration); } return isInRole; }
public static void DeleteCourse(int courseID) { var db = new DidacheDb(); // files db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("DELETE FROM oe_CourseFileGroups_Files WHERE GroupID IN (SELECT GroupID FROM oe_CourseFileGroups WHERE CourseID = " + courseID + ");"); db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("DELETE FROM oe_CourseFileGroups WHERE CourseID = " + courseID + ";"); // interactions db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("DELETE FROM oe_Interactions_Posts WHERE TaskID IN (SELECT TaskID FROM oe_Courses_Tasks WHERE CourseID = " + courseID + ");"); db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("DELETE FROM oe_Interactions_Threads WHERE TaskID IN (SELECT TaskID FROM oe_Courses_Tasks WHERE CourseID = " + courseID + ");"); // forums db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("DELETE FROM oe_Forums_Posts WHERE ForumID IN (SELECT ForumID FROM oe_Forums WHERE CourseID = " + courseID + ");"); db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("DELETE FROM oe_Forums_Threads WHERE ForumID IN (SELECT ForumID FROM oe_Forums WHERE CourseID = " + courseID + ");"); db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("DELETE FROM oe_Forums WHERE CourseID = " + courseID + ";"); // main stuff db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("DELETE FROM oe_Courses WHERE CourseID = " + courseID + ";"); db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("DELETE FROM oe_Courses_Units WHERE CourseID = " + courseID + ";"); db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("DELETE FROM oe_Courses_Tasks WHERE CourseID = " + courseID + ";"); db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("DELETE FROM oe_Courses_Tasks_UserData WHERE CourseID = " + courseID + ";"); db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("DELETE FROM oe_Courses_UserGroups WHERE CourseID = " + courseID + ";"); db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("DELETE FROM oe_Courses_Users WHERE CourseID = " + courseID + ";"); db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("DELETE FROM oe_UnitSurveys WHERE CourseID = " + courseID + ";"); }
public static Course GetCourse(int courseID, bool useCache) { string key = string.Format(_courseById, courseID); Course course = (HttpContext.Current != null) ? HttpContext.Current.Cache[key] as Course : null; if (course == null || !useCache) { course = new DidacheDb().Courses.SingleOrDefault(c => c.CourseID == courseID); if (course != null) HttpContext.Current.Cache.Add(key, course, null, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0), CacheItemPriority.Default, null); } return course; }
public ActionResult UpdateUnitSorting(int id) { var didacheDb = new DidacheDb(); string data = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.Form.ToString()); //dynamic newValue = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<System.Dynamic.>(data); var reader = new JsonFx.Json.JsonReader(); dynamic output = reader.Read(data); foreach (var unitInfo in output) { // get and update the unit Unit unit = didacheDb.Units.Find(unitInfo.unitid); unit.SortOrder = unitInfo.sortorder; foreach (var taskInfo in unitInfo.tasks) { // get and update the task Task task = didacheDb.Tasks.Find(taskInfo.taskid); task.SortOrder = taskInfo.sortorder; } } string errorMessage = ""; bool success = false; try { didacheDb.SaveChanges(); success = true; } catch { var entries = didacheDb.GetValidationErrors(); foreach (var entry in entries) { errorMessage += "[" + entry.Entry.Entity.ToString() + "]\n"; foreach (var error in entry.ValidationErrors) { errorMessage += error.PropertyName + " = " + error.ErrorMessage + "; "; } } } return Json(new { success = success, errorMessage = errorMessage}); }
public static Course GetCourseBySlug(string slug, bool useCache) { string key = string.Format(_courseBySlug, slug); Course course = (HttpContext.Current != null) ? HttpContext.Current.Cache[key] as Course : null; if (course == null || !useCache) { //string[] parts = slug.Split(new char[] { '-' }); //string sessionInfo = parts[0].Trim().ToUpper(); //string courseCode = parts[1].Trim().ToUpper(); int firstDash = slug.IndexOf("-"); string sessionInfo = slug.Substring(0, firstDash); string courseCode = slug.Substring(firstDash+1); var db = new DidacheDb(); //Session session = db.Sessions.SingleOrDefault(s => s.SessionCode == sessionCode); //Course course = session.Courses.SingleOrDefault(c => c.CourseCode + c.Section == courseCode); int sessionYear = 0; string sessionCode = ""; if (sessionInfo.Length >= 5) { if (Int32.TryParse(sessionInfo.Substring(sessionInfo.Length - 4), out sessionYear)) { sessionCode = sessionInfo.Substring(0, sessionInfo.Length - 4); } } else { throw new Exception("Your session is invalid bro"); } course = db.Courses .Include("Session") .Include("Campus") .SingleOrDefault(c => c.CourseCode + c.Section == courseCode && c.Session.SessionCode == sessionCode && c.Session.SessionYear == sessionYear); if (course != null) HttpContext.Current.Cache.Add(key, course, null, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0), CacheItemPriority.Default, null); } return course; }
public static Course CloneCourse(int courseID, int sessionID, DateTime startDate, string courseCode, string section) { DidacheDb db = new DidacheDb(); Course oldCourse = db.Courses .Include("Units.Tasks") .Include("CourseFileGroups.CourseFileAssociations") .SingleOrDefault(c => c.CourseID == courseID); int daysToShift = (startDate - oldCourse.StartDate).Days; Course newCourse = new Course() { SessionID = sessionID, CampusID = oldCourse.CampusID, IsActive = oldCourse.IsActive, CourseCode = !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(courseCode) ? courseCode : oldCourse.CourseCode, Name = oldCourse.Name, Section = !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(section) ? section : oldCourse.Section, StartDate = oldCourse.StartDate.AddDays(daysToShift), EndDate = oldCourse.EndDate.AddDays(daysToShift), Description = oldCourse.Description }; db.Courses.Add(newCourse); db.SaveChanges(); /* } catch (DbEntityValidationException dbEx) { string errors = ""; foreach (var validationErrors in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors) { foreach (var validationError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors) { //System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Trace.Warn("Property: {0} Error: {1}", validationError.PropertyName, dbEx); errors += string.Format("Property: {0} Error: {1}", validationError.PropertyName, validationError.ErrorMessage) + "; "; } } throw new Exception(errors); } */ foreach (Unit oldUnit in oldCourse.Units) { Unit newUnit = new Unit() { CourseID = newCourse.CourseID, IsActive = oldUnit.IsActive, SortOrder = oldUnit.SortOrder, Name = oldUnit.Name, StartDate = oldUnit.StartDate.AddDays(daysToShift), EndDate = oldUnit.EndDate.AddDays(daysToShift), Instructions = oldUnit.Instructions }; db.Units.Add(newUnit); db.SaveChanges(); Dictionary<int, int> taskMap = new Dictionary<int, int>(); List<Task> newTasks = new List<Task>(); foreach (Task oldTask in oldUnit.Tasks) { Task newTask = new Task() { CourseID = newUnit.CourseID, UnitID = newUnit.UnitID, IsActive = oldTask.IsActive, SortOrder = oldTask.SortOrder, Name = oldTask.Name, DueDate = null, FileTypesAllowed = oldTask.FileTypesAllowed, InstructionsAvailableDate = null, IsSkippable = oldTask.IsSkippable, Priority = oldTask.Priority, RelatedTaskID = oldTask.RelatedTaskID, SubmissionAvailableDate = null, TaskID = oldTask.TaskID, TaskTypeName = oldTask.TaskTypeName, Instructions = oldTask.Instructions, CustomAttributes = oldTask.CustomAttributes }; if (oldTask.DueDate.HasValue) newTask.DueDate = oldTask.DueDate.Value.AddDays(daysToShift); if (oldTask.SubmissionAvailableDate.HasValue) newTask.SubmissionAvailableDate = oldTask.SubmissionAvailableDate.Value.AddDays(daysToShift); if (oldTask.InstructionsAvailableDate.HasValue) newTask.InstructionsAvailableDate = oldTask.InstructionsAvailableDate.Value.AddDays(daysToShift); db.Tasks.Add(newTask); db.SaveChanges(); // store to remap the tasks below newTasks.Add(newTask); taskMap.Add(oldTask.TaskID, newTask.TaskID); } // go back and remap the related tasks List<int> newTaskIds = taskMap.Values.ToList(); foreach(Task newTask in newTasks) { if (newTask.RelatedTaskID > 0 && taskMap.ContainsKey(newTask.RelatedTaskID)) { newTask.RelatedTaskID = taskMap[newTask.RelatedTaskID]; } } db.SaveChanges(); } // FILES foreach (CourseFileGroup oldGroup in oldCourse.CourseFileGroups) { CourseFileGroup newGroup = new CourseFileGroup() { CourseID = newCourse.CourseID, Name = oldGroup.Name, SortOrder = oldGroup.SortOrder }; db.CourseFileGroups.Add(newGroup); db.SaveChanges(); foreach (CourseFileAssociation oldFile in oldGroup.CourseFileAssociations) { CourseFileAssociation newFile = new CourseFileAssociation() { GroupID = newGroup.GroupID, FileID = oldFile.FileID, DateAdded = newCourse.StartDate, IsActive = oldFile.IsActive, SortOrder = oldFile.SortOrder }; db.CourseFileAssociations.Add(newFile); } db.SaveChanges(); } return newCourse; }
/* public static CourseUserGroup GetCoursesInGroup(int userID) { CourseUserGroup group = new DidacheDb().CourseUserGroups .Where(cu => cu.GroupID == groupID) .ToList(); return users; } **/ public static List<Unit> GetCourseUnitsWithTasks(int courseID) { List<Unit> units = new DidacheDb().Units .Include("Tasks") .Where(u => u.CourseID == courseID) .OrderBy(u => u.SortOrder) .ToList(); foreach (Unit unit in units) { unit.Tasks = unit.Tasks.ToList().OrderBy(t => t.SortOrder).ToList(); } return units; }
public static List<CourseUser> GetUsersInGroup(int groupID) { List<CourseUser> users = new DidacheDb().CourseUsers .Include("User") .Where(cu => cu.GroupID == groupID) .ToList(); return users; }
public ActionResult UpdateUserGroupSorting(int id) { var didacheDb = new DidacheDb(); string data = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.Form.ToString()); //dynamic newValue = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<System.Dynamic.>(data); var reader = new JsonFx.Json.JsonReader(); dynamic output = reader.Read(data); // get groups List<CourseUserGroup> groups = db.CourseUserGroups.Where(cfg => cfg.CourseID == id).ToList(); List<int> groupIDs = groups.Select(cfg => cfg.GroupID).ToList(); // get files List<CourseUser> courseUsers = db.CourseUsers.Where(cu => groupIDs.Contains(cu.GroupID)).ToList(); foreach (var groupInfo in output) { CourseUserGroup userGroup = groups.SingleOrDefault(cug => cug.GroupID == groupInfo.groupid); foreach (var userInfo in groupInfo.users) { CourseUser courseUser = courseUsers.SingleOrDefault(cu => cu.UserID == userInfo.userid); // has the group changed? if (courseUser.GroupID != userGroup.GroupID) { // create a new one with the new group CourseUser newCourseFile = new CourseUser() { UserID = courseUser.UserID, GroupID = userGroup.GroupID, RoleID = (int)CourseUserRole.Student }; db.CourseUsers.Remove(courseUser); db.CourseUsers.Add(newCourseFile); } else { // do nothing since we don't care about the order } } } db.SaveChanges(); /* foreach (var groupInfo in output) { // get and update the group CourseFileGroup fileGroup = didacheDb.CourseFileGroups.Find(groupInfo.groupid); fileGroup.SortOrder = groupInfo.sortorder; //fileGroup.Name =; // TEST 2: get all existing, update, remove missing // get exsiting files List<CourseFileAssociation> courseFiles = didacheDb.CourseFileAssociations.Where(cfa => cfa.GroupID == fileGroup.GroupID).ToList(); foreach (var fileInfo in groupInfo.files) { // find the file CourseFileAssociation cfa = courseFiles.Find(c => c.FileID == fileInfo.fileid); if (cfa != null) { // update cfa.SortOrder = fileInfo.sortorder; // add to change list //changedFiles.Add(cfa); courseFiles.Remove(cfa); } else { cfa = new CourseFileAssociation(); cfa.GroupID = fileGroup.GroupID; cfa.FileID = fileInfo.fileid; cfa.SortOrder = fileInfo.sortorder; didacheDb.CourseFileAssociations.Add(cfa); } } // remove all remaining files foreach (CourseFileAssociation notUpdated in courseFiles) { didacheDb.CourseFileAssociations.Remove(notUpdated); } } */ didacheDb.SaveChanges(); // need to deserialize this and update all the groups and files return Json(new { success = true }); }
public static List<CourseUserGroup> GetCourseUserGroups(int courseID) { List<CourseUserGroup> userGroups = new DidacheDb().CourseUserGroups .Include("Students.User") //.Include("Facilitator") .Where(g => g.CourseID == courseID) .ToList(); foreach (CourseUserGroup group in userGroups) { List<CourseUser> users = group.Students.ToList(); users.Sort(delegate(CourseUser a, CourseUser b) { return a.User.FormattedNameLastFirst.CompareTo(b.User.FormattedNameLastFirst); }); group.Students = users; } return userGroups; }