Example #1
        private RouteMatchedParam _completeParamsByRouteDefaultsWhenRouteValuesContainsValue(
            Type actionType, Type routeDefaultsType, Type targetType, string paramName
            RouteValueDictionary routeValues   = HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values;
            RouteValueDictionary routeDefaults = this.Route.Defaults;
            // if there is any target type resolved (there was something in action or in defaults - try to retype route.Values into it
            object            rawValue = routeValues[paramName];
            RouteMatchedParam result   = MatchedCompleter._setUpNewMatchedParamResult(paramName, rawValue, targetType);

            if (actionType is Type)
                // pokud je typ parametru na akci definován a má i nemá defaultní hodnotu, tak i když je v url
                // zkonvertovatelná hodnota, nesmyslná hodnota či nic, vždy se použije do hodnoty parametru v akci to,
                // co je definováno za defauktní hodnotu routy - překonvertovateln do typu parametru akce.
                // - pro takové případy kdyby se měla stejně nakonec použít překonvertovatelná hodnota z url a místo toho se použije route.Default- zobrazt WEIRD!
                // - pokud tedy dojde k úspěčné konverzi z hodnoty query stringu - zobrazíme navíc i tuto hodnotu jako variantu
                // - pokud nedojde k dobré konverzi pak taky jako podvariantu ale s jiným komentářem
                // - pokud v query stringu nic není - zobrazíme jen to co je nakonec dosazeno z route default
                // - pokud v route default je třeba nějaký nezkonvertovatelný nesmysl - pak se routa nematchne, nikdy k situaci nedochází
                // pokud není typ parametru v akci definován a metoda je bez něj, zbývá zobrazit buď jen hlášky:
                // - nothing, not contained in action params - pro případ že nic v query stringu ani neni
                //	 - někdy když je query string hodnota zkonvertovatelna do ciloveho typu podle route.Defaults, pak to zobrazit jako variantu
                //	   že je možné použít i toto po manuálním přetypování, pokud to přetypovat nepujde - zobrazit co v query stringu bylo jako raw...
                //   - vždy se do route.Values stejně dosadí to co je v route.Defaults - i tak zobrazit
Example #2
        private RouteMatchedParam _completeParamsByRouteUrlWhenRouteValuesContainsValue(
            Type actionType, Type routeDefaultsType, Type targetType, string paramName
            RouteValueDictionary routeValues   = HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values;
            RouteValueDictionary routeDefaults = this.Route.Defaults;
            // if there is any target type resolved (there was something in action or in defaults - try to retype route.Values into it
            object            rawValue = routeValues[paramName];
            RouteMatchedParam result   = MatchedCompleter._setUpNewMatchedParamResult(paramName, rawValue, targetType);

            if (result.PrimaryValue != null)
                // retyping was possible - there could be used value from url successfully retyped or default value successfully retyped
                if (routeDefaultsType is Type)
                    if (
                        routeDefaultsType.FullName == routeValues[paramName].GetType().FullName&&
                        routeDefaults[paramName].GetHashCode() == routeValues[paramName].GetHashCode()
                        if (actionType is Type)
                            result.PrimaryValueDescription = new[] { "default", "from route default" };
                            result.PrimaryValueDescription = new[] { "default", "from route default in route values" };
                if (result.PrimaryValueDescription.Length < 2)
                    if (actionType is Type)
                        result.PrimaryValueDescription = new[] { "ok", "from url" };
                        result.PrimaryValueDescription = new[] { "ok", "in route values" };
                        result.ValueVariations.Add("after manual retype", result.PrimaryValue);
                        result.PrimaryValue = rawValue;
                // there is some value in url, but not matching exactly target type
                // so there should be used default value from route.Default or default value from action or nothing
                if (actionType is Type && this.Target.Params[paramName].DefaultValue is System.DBNull)
                    // method has argument named as paramName but with no default value - doesn't matter if method argument type is Nullable(?) or not
                    if (this.Target.Params[paramName].IsNullable)
                        result.PrimaryValue = null;
                        if (routeDefaultsType is Type && routeDefaultsType.FullName == actionType.FullName)
                            result.PrimaryValueDescription = new[] { "weird", "from action default", "WTF: why it's not used the route default value?" };
                            // some value in url, not matching exactly target type, method has paramName without default, but nullable
                            result.PrimaryValueDescription = new[] { "default", "from action default" };
                        // display route.Values[paramName] as subvalue if any
                        if (routeValues.ContainsKey(paramName) && rawValue != null)
                            Type rawValueType = rawValue.GetType();
                            rawValueType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(rawValueType) ?? rawValueType;
                            if (rawValueType.Name != "UrlParameter" && rawValueType.FullName != actionType.FullName)
                                result.ValueVariations.Add("in route values", routeValues[paramName]);
                            else if (rawValueType.Name != "UrlParameter")
                                result.ValueVariations.Add("url value", routeValues[paramName]);
                        // here is always MVC Exception - so display at least what is in route.Values[paramName]
                        result.PrimaryValue            = routeValues[paramName];
                        result.PrimaryValueDescription = new[] { "weird", "not possible", "add default value to action:-(" };
                else if (actionType is Type)
                    // method has it's own default argument value
                    if (routeDefaultsType is Type && routeDefaultsType.FullName == actionType.FullName)
                        result.PrimaryValueDescription = new[] { "weird", "from action default", "WTF: why it's not used the default route value?" };
                        result.PrimaryValueDescription = new[] { "default", "from action default" };
                    result.PrimaryValue = this.Target.Params[paramName].DefaultValue;
                    // display route.Values[paramName] as subvalue if any
                    if (routeValues.ContainsKey(paramName))
                        if (rawValue != null)
                            if (rawValue.GetType().Name != "UrlParameter")
                                result.ValueVariations.Add("url value", routeValues[paramName]);
                    // method has not any argument with paramName
                    if (routeValues.ContainsKey(paramName))
                        if (rawValue != null)
                            if (rawValue.GetType().Name == "UrlParameter")
                                result.PrimaryValue            = System.DBNull.Value;
                                result.PrimaryValueDescription = new[] { "empty", "nothing, not contained in route values" };
                    if (result.PrimaryValueDescription.Length < 2)
                        result.PrimaryValue            = routeValues[paramName];
                        result.PrimaryValueDescription = new[] { "raw", "from url in route values" };