Example #1
 public PlayGame(DemolitionFalconsDbContext context, NumberGenerator numberGenerator)
     this.context         = context;
     this.numberGenerator = numberGenerator;
     this.keyboardInput   = new KeyboardInput();
     //this.timer = new Timer(1000);
Example #2
        public void SinglePlayerAttack(NumberGenerator numberGenerator)
            if (!context.GameCharacters.SingleOrDefault(ch => ch.CharacterId == characterId).SpellsId.Any())
                throw new ArgumentException("You cannot make an attack due to lack of spells!");

            var spellsId = context.GameCharacters.SingleOrDefault(ch => ch.CharacterId == characterId && ch.GameId == roomId).SpellsId.ToList();
            var dbSpells = context.Spells;
            var spells   = new List <Spell>();

            foreach (var id in spellsId)
                spells.Add(dbSpells.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id));

            Console.WriteLine("You can use one of the following spells to attack...");
            var counter = 1;

            foreach (var spell in spells)
                Console.WriteLine($"{counter}. {spell.Name}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Description: {spell.Description}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Damage: {spell.DamageBonus} + your weapon's dmg");
                Console.WriteLine($"Range: {spell.SpellRange}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Please select the number of your desired spell:");
            var num         = numberGenerator.GenerateNumber(1, counter);
            var chosenSpell = spells[num - 1];

            var chNum = context.GameCharacters.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CharacterId == characterId && c.GameId == roomId)
            var spellRange = chosenSpell.SpellRange;

            List <int> positions = PositionsInRange(chNum, spellRange);

            var availableCharactersToAttack = SeeAvailableCharacters(positions);

            if (availableCharactersToAttack.Count == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Sorry, there ain't any characters in your range...");
            Console.WriteLine($"You can attack the following characters:");
            int characterCounter = 1;

            foreach (var availableCharacter in availableCharactersToAttack)
                var character = context.Characters.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Id == availableCharacter.CharacterId);
                var player    = context.Players.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Id == availableCharacter.PlayerId);
                Console.WriteLine($"{characterCounter}.{character.Name}[{player.Username}] - currently has {availableCharacter.Health}hp and {availableCharacter.Armour}armour. Current possition - {context.GameCharacters.SingleOrDefault(gc => gc.CharacterId == character.Id && gc.GameId == roomId).MapSectionNumber}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Please select the number of the character you want to attack:");
            var charNum         = numberGenerator.GenerateNumber(1, characterCounter);
            var chosenCharacter = availableCharactersToAttack[charNum - 1];

            AttackCharacter(chosenSpell, chosenCharacter);