public unsafe void ExtractLines(ref BallSocketPrestepData prestepBundle, int innerIndex, int setIndex, int *bodyIndices,
                                        Bodies bodies, ref Vector3 tint, ref QuickList <LineInstance, Array <LineInstance> > lines)
            //Could do bundles of constraints at a time, but eh.
            var poseA = bodies.Sets[setIndex].Poses[bodyIndices[0]];
            var poseB = bodies.Sets[setIndex].Poses[bodyIndices[1]];

            Vector3Wide.ReadSlot(ref prestepBundle.LocalOffsetA, innerIndex, out var localOffsetA);
            Vector3Wide.ReadSlot(ref prestepBundle.LocalOffsetB, innerIndex, out var localOffsetB);
            Quaternion.Transform(localOffsetA, poseA.Orientation, out var worldOffsetA);
            Quaternion.Transform(localOffsetB, poseB.Orientation, out var worldOffsetB);
            var endA            = poseA.Position + worldOffsetA;
            var endB            = poseB.Position + worldOffsetB;
            var color           = new Vector3(0.2f, 0.2f, 1f) * tint;
            var packedColor     = Helpers.PackColor(color);
            var backgroundColor = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f) * tint;
            var lineA           = new LineInstance(poseA.Position, endA, packedColor, 0);
            var lineB           = new LineInstance(poseB.Position, endB, packedColor, 0);

            lines.AddUnsafely(ref lineA);
            lines.AddUnsafely(ref lineB);
            var errorColor       = new Vector3(1, 0, 0) * tint;
            var packedErrorColor = Helpers.PackColor(errorColor);
            var errorLine        = new LineInstance(endA, endB, packedErrorColor, 0);

            lines.AddUnsafely(ref errorLine);
        public unsafe void ExtractLines(ref BallSocketPrestepData prestepBundle, int innerIndex, BodyLocation *bodyLocations,
                                        Bodies bodies, ref QuickList <LineInstance, Array <LineInstance> > lines)
            //Could do bundles of constraints at a time, but eh.
            var poseA = bodies.Sets[bodyLocations[0].SetIndex].Poses[bodyLocations[0].Index];
            var poseB = bodies.Sets[bodyLocations[1].SetIndex].Poses[bodyLocations[1].Index];

            Vector3Wide.GetLane(ref prestepBundle.LocalOffsetA, innerIndex, out var localOffsetA);
            Vector3Wide.GetLane(ref prestepBundle.LocalOffsetB, innerIndex, out var localOffsetB);
            Quaternion.Transform(ref localOffsetA, ref poseA.Orientation, out var worldOffsetA);
            Quaternion.Transform(ref localOffsetB, ref poseB.Orientation, out var worldOffsetB);
            var endA  = poseA.Position + worldOffsetA;
            var endB  = poseB.Position + worldOffsetB;
            var color = new Vector3(0.2f, 0.2f, 1f);
            var lineA = new LineInstance(ref poseA.Position, ref endA, ref color);
            var lineB = new LineInstance(ref poseB.Position, ref endB, ref color);

            lines.AddUnsafely(ref lineA);
            lines.AddUnsafely(ref lineB);
            var errorColor = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);
            var errorLine  = new LineInstance(ref endA, ref endB, ref errorColor);

            lines.AddUnsafely(ref errorLine);