private void respondToUpdateRequest(JObject obj) { var toUpdate = EntityRepository.GetEntityFromSetsByID(entity.Id); if (toUpdate != null) { var userId = fromUser.Id; if (toUpdate is Vote) { // update the subject Vote updatedVote = (Vote)toUpdate; var success = true; if (success) { var subject = EntityRepository.GetEntityFromSetsByID(updatedVote.subjectId); subject.IncrementVersion(); ///we have to increment version of the subject too } } } }
public virtual bool RegisterVote(Vote vote) { return(EntityRepository.Add(vote)); }
internal void resolveEntityRequest(IWebSocketConnection socket, JObject receivedObj) { switch (operation) { case 'c': //create new user generated entity /* * //Example shows json which creates new Vote for the present user * { * "msgType": "entity", * "operation": "c", * "className": "Vote", * "entity": {"subjectID": "voting/215", "Agrees": true} * } * * // TODO implement create spam check here */ { try { var className = (string)receivedObj["className"]; Type type = Type.GetType("Dem2UserCreated." + className); var sourceJSON = receivedObj["entity"].ToString(); var instance = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(sourceJSON, type, new IsoDateTimeConverter()); entity = (ServerClientEntity)instance; entity.OwnerId = fromUser.Id; entity.Subscribe(fromUser); switch (className) { case "Vote": var newVote = (Vote)instance; //the serialized entity must be initialized newVote.InitVote(fromUser); //the after initialization, we return the entity back Console.WriteLine("Created new vote with Id {0}", newVote.Id); break; case "Comment": var newComment = (Comment)instance; EntityRepository.Add(newComment); Console.WriteLine("Created new comment with Id {0}", newComment.Id); break; case "Listing": var newListing = (Listing)instance; newListing.JSONQuery.sourceJSON = receivedObj["entity"]["JSONQuery"].ToString();; var added = EntityRepository.Add(newListing); if (added == false) { entity = EntityRepository.allListings.Single(x => x.JSONQuery.sourceJSON == sourceJSON); entity.Subscribe(fromUser); sendTo(socket); } Console.WriteLine("Created new listing with Id {0}", newListing.Id); break; default: break; } //var op = new entityOperation() { operation = 'c', entity = instance as ServerClientEntity }; // Console.WriteLine("Object {0} created", instance.ToString()); } catch (Exception) { throw; } } break; case 'r': //read an entity /* * Example shows json for this branch * { * "msgType": "entity", * "operation": "r", * "entity":{ * "Id": "user/132" * } * }*/ respondToReadRequest(socket); break; case 'u': //read an entity /* * Example shows json for this branch * { * "msgType": "entity", * "operation": "r", * "entity":{ * "Id": "user/132" * } * }*/ respondToUpdateRequest(receivedObj); break; case 'd': //delete an entity /* * { * "msgType": "entity", * "operation": "d", * "entity": {"Id": "voting/215"} * } * */ { string IdPrefixStr = entity.Id.Split('/')[0]; Type type = EntityRepository.GetRepoTypeById(IdPrefixStr); var instance = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(receivedObj["entity"].ToString(), type, new IsoDateTimeConverter()); { var Id = (string)receivedObj["entity"]["Id"]; ServerClientEntity toDelete = EntityRepository.GetEntityFromSetsByID(Id); var deletor = socket.ConnectionInfo.Cookies["user"]; if (deletor == toDelete.OwnerId) { var success = toDelete.Delete(); if (success) { if (toDelete is Vote) { // update the subject Vote aVote = (Vote)toDelete; var subject = EntityRepository.GetEntityFromSetsByID(aVote.subjectId); subject.IncrementVersion(); } var op = new entityOperation() { operation = 'd', entity = new ServerClientEntity(toDelete.Id, toDelete.version) }; Dem2Hub.sendItTo(op, socket); } } else { var err = new ServerError() { message = "sorry, you can't delete the entity id " + Id }; Dem2Hub.sendItTo(err, socket); } } } break; default: Console.WriteLine("Unknown type of request: {0}", operation); break; } }
public static void ResolveMessage (string message, IWebSocketConnection socket) { JObject receivedObj = JObject.Parse(message); User user = null; switch ((string)receivedObj["msgType"]) { case "login": Console.WriteLine("Login request"); User heWhoWantsToLogin = receivedObj["theUser"].ToObject<User>(); if (heWhoWantsToLogin != null) { //login successful heWhoWantsToLogin.connection = socket; if (heWhoWantsToLogin.accessToken != null) { #if IS_RUNNING_ON_SERVER using (WebClient asyncWebRequest = new WebClient()) { asyncWebRequest.DownloadDataCompleted += heWhoWantsToLogin.ProcessAccesTokenCheckResponse; socket.ConnectionInfo.Cookies["authentication"] = "awaitingFBResponse"; Uri urlToRequest = new Uri("" + heWhoWantsToLogin.accessToken + "&fields=id,first_name,last_name,gender,link,installed,verified,picture"); asyncWebRequest.DownloadDataAsync(urlToRequest); } #else if (heWhoWantsToLogin.accessToken == "TESTING_TOKEN_1") { heWhoWantsToLogin.LogInUser("{\"id\":\"1533221860\",\"first_name\":\"Ji\\u0159\\u00ed\",\"last_name\":\"\\u0160p\\u00e1c\",\"gender\":\"male\",\"link\":\"http:\\/\\/\\/Capaj\",\"installed\":true,\"verified\":true,\"picture\":{\"data\":{\"url\":\"https:\\/\\/\\/hprofile-ak-prn1\\/27439_1533221860_985_q.jpg\",\"is_silhouette\":false}}}"); } } #endif } else { //we don't know that user Console.WriteLine("Login failed"); } break; case "logout": Console.WriteLine("logout request"); User heWhoWantsToLogout = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<User>(message); break; case "entity": user = User.getUserFromSocket(socket); if (user != null) { entityOperation op = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<entityOperation>(message); op.fromUser = user; op.resolveEntityRequest(socket, receivedObj); } break; case "Subscription": /* { "msgType": "Subscription", "operation": "d", "entity": {"onEntityId": "voting/215"} } */ user = User.getUserFromSocket(socket); if (user != null) { var subsOp = (string)receivedObj["operation"]; var id = (string)receivedObj["operation"]["onEntityId"]; var entity = EntityRepository.GetEntityFromSetsByID(id); switch (subsOp) { case "d": entity.Unsubscribe(user); break; case "c": entity.Subscribe(user); break; default: break; } } break; default: Console.WriteLine("Unrecognized msgType"); break; } }