public static void GetMaps(string datatoolPath, string overwatchPath, string outputFile)
            // Get DataTool's list-maps output.
            DataTool dataTool = new DataTool(datatoolPath, overwatchPath);

            string[] mapOutput = dataTool.RunCommand("list-maps", "list_maps").Split("\r\n");

            MapParseState   state      = MapParseState.GettingMap; // Stores the current state of reading the output.
            List <LobbyMap> maps       = new List <LobbyMap>();    // List of all maps.
            LobbyMap        currentMap = null;                     // The current map being added.

            Regex mapName     = new Regex("Name: (.*)");
            Regex variantName = new Regex("Name: (.*)");

            // Loop through each line.
            foreach (string line in mapOutput)
                // If the current line is empty, set the state to getting the map and continue.
                if (line == "")
                    state = MapParseState.GettingMap;
                // DataTool info starts with [
                if (line[0] == '[')

                // 'States' and 'GameModes' starts with 8 spaces.
                bool isList = line.StartsWith("        ");

                // If the current state is getting the map states and there are no more states, set the state to obtaining elements.
                if (state == MapParseState.States && !isList)
                    state = MapParseState.Elements;
                else if (state == MapParseState.GameModes)
                    // If the current state is getting the gamemodes and there are no more gamemodes, set the current state to getting elements.
                    // Otherwise, get the current gamemode.
                    if (!isList)
                        state = MapParseState.Elements;
                        currentMap.GameModes.Add(line.Substring(8, line.IndexOf('(') - 9));

                if (state == MapParseState.GettingMap)
                    // If the current state is getting the map, check if the current line contains a map name.
                    Match nameMatch = mapName.Match(line);
                    if (nameMatch.Success)
                        if (currentMap != null && IsValidMap(maps, currentMap))
                        currentMap = new LobbyMap(nameMatch.Groups[1].Value);
                        state      = MapParseState.Elements;
                if (state == MapParseState.Elements)
                    // Get the map elements.
                    if (line == "    States:")
                        state = MapParseState.States;
                    else if (line == "    GameModes:")
                        state = MapParseState.GameModes;
                        Match variantNameMatch = variantName.Match(line);
                        if (variantNameMatch.Success)
                            currentMap.Name = variantNameMatch.Groups[1].Value;

            if (IsValidMap(maps, currentMap))
            Program.WorkshopCodeResult(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(maps, Formatting.Indented));
 private static bool IsValidMap(List <LobbyMap> maps, LobbyMap newMap) => !maps.Any(map => map.Name == newMap.Name) && newMap.GameModes.Count > 0;