public void SolveCollision(CollisionBody colA, CollisionBody colB, out CollisionResult result)
     result = CollisionResult.NoCollision;
     ICollisionSolver solver = FindCollisionSovler(colA, colB);
     if (solver != null) 
         result = solver.SolveCollision(colA, colB);
Example #2
        public bool IsSolveable(CollisionBody colA, CollisionBody colB)
            // we the assume the calling function has checked for null shapes.
            if (colA.Shape is Circle && colB.Shape is Box) return true;
            else if (colA.Shape is Box && colB.Shape is Circle) return true;
            else return false;
        public CollisionResult SolveCollision(CollisionBody colA, CollisionBody colB)
            Circle circleA = (Circle)colA.Shape;
            Circle circleB = (Circle)colB.Shape;

            Vector2 distance = colA.Position - colB.Position;
            float abSize = circleA.Radius + circleB.Radius;
            float penetration = abSize - distance.Length();
            Vector2 mtv = default(Vector2);
            if (penetration <= 0)
                return CollisionResult.NoCollision;
            mtv = distance;
            Vector2Extensions.SafeNormalize(ref mtv);
            // the distance vector determines the direction of movement. the distance and mtv
            // should always oppose each other to repel collisions.
            if (Vector2.Dot(distance, mtv) < 0f)
                mtv = -mtv;
            return new CollisionResult()
                Us = colA,
                Them = colB,
                CollisionResponse = penetration * mtv,
                IsColliding = true
Example #4
        protected override void Initialize()
            Vector2 offset = Vector2.Zero;
            CollisionBody temp = new CollisionBody();
            Play(AnimationName, AnimationOptions);
            foreach(ColBodyAttributes ColAttribute in CollisionBodiesAttributes)
                if (ColAttribute._bodytype == ColBodyType.Box)
                    temp = CollisionBody.Create(null, new Box(ColAttribute._dimensions.X, ColAttribute._dimensions.Y));
                    offset = new Vector2((temp.Shape as Box).HalfWidth, (temp.Shape as Box).HalfHeight);
                else if(ColAttribute._bodytype == ColBodyType.Circle) 
                    temp = CollisionBody.Create(null, new Circle(ColAttribute._dimensions.X));
                    offset = new Vector2((temp.Shape as Circle).Radius, (temp.Shape as Circle).Radius);
                    //temp._body = CollisionBody.Create(null, new Ellipse(ColAttribute._dimensions.X, ColAttribute._dimensions.Y));

                temp.Flags = CollisionFlags.Ignore;
                temp.SimulationPosition = Position - Offset + ColAttribute._offset + offset;
            Depth = Position.Y;
Example #5
 private bool HandleOnCollision(CollisionBody them, Vector2 normal)
     if (Collision != null)
         return(Collision(them as IWrappedBody, normal));
Example #6
 private bool HandleBeforeCollision(CollisionBody them)
     if (BeforeCollisionEvent != null)
         return(BeforeCollisionEvent(them as IWrappedBody));
Example #7
        public CollisionResult SolveCollision(CollisionBody colA, CollisionBody colB)
            Box boxA = colA.Shape as Box;
            Box boxB = colB.Shape as Box;
            Matrix3 transformA = colA.WorldTransform;
            Matrix3 transformB = colB.WorldTransform;

            float projectedDistance = 0;
            float minPenetration = float.MaxValue;
            Vector2 distance = colA.Position - colB.Position;
            Vector2 mtv = default(Vector2); // the minimum translation vector

            // merge normals from both polygons
            // NOTE: For OBB's we only need to check their half widths. ie. 4 axis total.
            // For AABB's we only need to check 2 axis since they don't rotate.
            boxA.CalculateOrientation(ref transformA, out _axisToCheck[0]);
            boxB.CalculateOrientation(ref transformB, out _axisToCheck[1]);
            _axisToCheck[2] = Vector2Extensions.PerpendicularLeft(_axisToCheck[0]);
            _axisToCheck[3] = Vector2Extensions.PerpendicularLeft(_axisToCheck[1]);

            // TODO: remove parallel normals

            for (int i = 0; i < _axisToCheck.Length; i++)
                Vector2 projectionA, projectionB;
                projectedDistance = Math.Abs(Vector2.Dot(distance, _axisToCheck[i]));
                boxA.ProjectOnto(ref transformA, ref _axisToCheck[i], out projectionA);
                boxB.ProjectOnto(ref transformB, ref _axisToCheck[i], out projectionB);
                float aSize = Math.Abs(projectionA.X) + Math.Abs(projectionA.Y);
                float bSize = Math.Abs(projectionB.X) + Math.Abs(projectionB.Y);
                float abSize = aSize + bSize;
                float penetration = abSize - projectedDistance;

                // a seperating axis found; there is no collision.
                if (penetration <= 0)
                    return CollisionResult.NoCollision;
                // project the object along the axis with the smalled penetration depth.
                else if (Math.Abs(penetration) < Math.Abs(minPenetration))
                    minPenetration = penetration;
                    mtv = _axisToCheck[i];
            // the distance vector determines the direction of movement. the distance and mtv
            // should always oppose each other to repel collisions.
            if (Vector2.Dot(distance, mtv) < 0f)
                mtv = -mtv;
            // seperating axis could not be found; a collision occurs.
            return new CollisionResult()
                Us = colA,
                Them = colB,
                CollisionResponse = minPenetration * mtv,
                IsColliding = true
Example #8
        public static CollisionBody Create(TransformableEntity entity, CollisionShape shape)
            CollisionBody collider = Pool.Acquire <CollisionBody>();

            collider.Owner            = entity;
            collider.Shape            = shape;
            collider.OnCollision     += collider.HandleOnCollision;
            collider.BeforeCollision += collider.HandleBeforeCollision;
Example #9
        public void SolveCollision(CollisionBody colA, CollisionBody colB, out CollisionResult result)
            result = CollisionResult.NoCollision;
            ICollisionSolver solver = FindCollisionSovler(colA, colB);

            if (solver != null)
                result = solver.SolveCollision(colA, colB);
Example #10
        public CollisionResult SolveCollision(CollisionBody colA, CollisionBody colB)
            // we want boxes and circles included too..
            ConvexShape polyA = (ConvexShape)colA.Shape;
            ConvexShape polyB = (ConvexShape)colB.Shape;

            float projectedDistance = 0;
            float minPenetration = float.MaxValue;
            Vector2 distance = colA.Position - colB.Position;
            Vector2 mtv = default(Vector2); // the minimum translation vector

            // merge normals from both polygons
            Vector2[] axisToCheck = new Vector2[polyA.Normals.Length + polyB.Normals.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < polyA.Normals.Length; i++)
                axisToCheck[i] = polyA.Normals[i];
            for (int i = polyA.Normals.Length; i < axisToCheck.Length; i++)
                axisToCheck[i] = polyB.Normals[i - polyA.Normals.Length];

            // TODO: remove parallel normals

            for (int i = 0; i < axisToCheck.Length; i++)
                float minA, maxA, minB, maxB;
                minA = maxA = minB = maxB = 0;

                projectedDistance = Math.Abs(Vector2.Dot(distance, axisToCheck[i]));
                polyA.ProjectOnto(ref axisToCheck[i], out minA, out maxA);
                polyB.ProjectOnto(ref axisToCheck[i], out minB, out maxB);
                float penetration = maxB - minA;

                // a seperating axis has been found; there is no collision.
                if (minA - maxB > 0f || minB - maxA > 0f)
                    return CollisionResult.NoCollision;
                // project the object along the axis with the smalled penetration depth.
                else if (Math.Abs(penetration) < Math.Abs(minPenetration))
                    minPenetration = penetration;
                    mtv = axisToCheck[i];
            // the distance vector determines the direction of movement. the distance and mtv
            // should always oppose each other to repel collisions.
            if (Vector2.Dot(distance, mtv) < 0f)
                mtv = -mtv;
            // seperating axis could not be found; a collision occurs.
            return new CollisionResult()
                Us = colA,
                Them = colB,
                CollisionResponse = minPenetration * mtv,
                IsColliding = true
Example #11
 public override void RemoveCollider(CollisionBody collider)
     Debug.Assert(collider != null);
     if (_colliders.Contains(collider))
Example #12
 public override void RemoveCollider(CollisionBody collider)
     Debug.Assert(collider != null);
     if (_colliders.Contains(collider))
         _colliders.FastRemove <CollisionBody>(collider);
 /// <summary>
 /// From the available algorithms, find the algorithm that matches the shapes the closest.
 /// </summary>
 private ICollisionSolver FindCollisionSovler(CollisionBody colA, CollisionBody colB)
     // factor out the null checks for speed. TODO: what about null collisionbodies?
     if (colA.Shape == null || colB.Shape == null)
         return null;
     foreach (ICollisionSolver solver in _solvers)
         if (solver.IsSolveable(colA, colB))
             return solver;
     return null;
Example #14
 public bool IsSolveable(CollisionBody colA, CollisionBody colB)
     // we the assume calling function has checked for null shapes.
     if (colA.Shape is Circle && colB.Shape is Circle)
Example #15
 public bool IsSolveable(CollisionBody colA, CollisionBody colB)
     // we assume the calling function has checked for null shapes.
     if (colA.Shape is ConvexShape && colB.Shape is ConvexShape)
         return(true);                                                        // catch all.
Example #16
        public override void AddCollider(CollisionBody collider)
            Debug.Assert(collider != null);
            if (!_colliders.Contains(collider))

                // add broadphase proxy
                collider.BroadphaseProxy = BroadphaseProxy.Create(collider);
Example #17
        public override void AddCollider(CollisionBody collider)
            Debug.Assert(collider != null);
            if (!_colliders.Contains(collider))

                // add broadphase proxy
                collider.BroadphaseProxy = BroadphaseProxy.Create(collider);
Example #18
 /// <summary>
 /// From the available algorithms, find the algorithm that matches the shapes the closest.
 /// </summary>
 private ICollisionSolver FindCollisionSovler(CollisionBody colA, CollisionBody colB)
     // factor out the null checks for speed. TODO: what about null collisionbodies?
     if (colA.Shape == null || colB.Shape == null)
     foreach (ICollisionSolver solver in _solvers)
         if (solver.IsSolveable(colA, colB))
Example #19
        protected void UpdateAABBs()
            CollisionGlobals.UpdatedAABBs = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < _colliders.Count; i++)
                CollisionBody collider = _colliders[i];

                // only update an aabb if the collider has moved
                if (collider.IsAwake || _forceUpdateAABBs)
                    _colliders[i].IsAwake = false; // HACK: collider should deactivate itself.
            _forceUpdateAABBs = false;
Example #20
        public void SolveCollisions(OverlappingPairCache overlappingPairs)
            CollisionGlobals.NarrowphaseDetections = 0;
            foreach (OverlappingPair pair in overlappingPairs._pairs)
                CollisionResult result;
                CollisionBody   colA = pair.ProxyA.ClientObject as CollisionBody;
                CollisionBody   colB = pair.ProxyB.ClientObject as CollisionBody;

                // calculates the collision result if there's an algorithm that matches the pair of shapes.
                SolveCollision(colA, colB, out result);

                // handle collision events and resolve shape penetration.
                if (result.IsColliding)

                    // translate the body to a safe non-penetrating position.
                    if ((result.Us.Flags & CollisionFlags.Response) != 0)
                        result.Us.Position += result.CollisionResponse;
                    if ((result.Them.Flags & CollisionFlags.Response) != 0)
                        result.Them.Position += -result.CollisionResponse;

                    // handle collision events
                    if (colA.OnCollision != null)
                        colA.OnCollision(colB, Vector2.Zero);
                    if (colB.OnCollision != null)
                        colB.OnCollision(colA, Vector2.Zero);
Example #21
        public CollisionResult SolveCollision(CollisionBody colA, CollisionBody colB)
            // normalize parameters such that colA is the circle and colB is the box.
            // there are only two possibilities, therefore we only need to swap if colB is the circle.
            if (colB.Shape is Circle)
                CollisionBody tmp = colA;
                colA = colB;
                colB = tmp;
                tmp  = null;

            Circle  circleA    = (Circle)colA.Shape;
            Box     boxB       = (Box)colB.Shape;
            Matrix3 transformB = colB.WorldTransform;

            float   projectedDistance = 0;
            float   minPenetration    = float.MaxValue;
            Vector2 distance          = colA.Position - colB.Position;
            Vector2 mtv = default(Vector2); // the minimum translation vector

            Vector2[] axisToCheck = new Vector2[3];
            boxB.CalculateOrientation(ref transformB, out axisToCheck[0]);
            axisToCheck[1] = Vector2Extensions.PerpendicularLeft(axisToCheck[0]);
            float   minDistance   = float.MaxValue;
            Vector2 closestVertex = default(Vector2);

            for (int i = 0; i < boxB.Vertices.Length; i++)
                float vertexDistance = Vector2.DistanceSquared(colA.Position, boxB.Vertices[i]);
                if (vertexDistance < minDistance)
                    minDistance   = vertexDistance;
                    closestVertex = colB.Position - boxB.Vertices[i];
            axisToCheck[2] = closestVertex;
            Vector2Extensions.SafeNormalize(ref axisToCheck[2]);

            for (int i = 0; i < axisToCheck.Length; i++)
                Vector2 projectionA, projectionB;

                projectedDistance = Math.Abs(Vector2.Dot(distance, axisToCheck[i]));
                circleA.ProjectOnto(ref axisToCheck[i], out projectionA);
                boxB.ProjectOnto(ref transformB, ref axisToCheck[i], out projectionB);

                float aSize       = projectionA.Length(); //Math.Abs(projectionA.X) + Math.Abs(projectionA.Y);
                float bSize       = Math.Abs(projectionB.X) + Math.Abs(projectionB.Y);
                float abSize      = aSize + bSize;
                float penetration = abSize - projectedDistance;

                // a seperating axis found; there is no collision.
                if (penetration <= 0)
                // project the object along the axis with the smalled penetration depth.
                else if (Math.Abs(penetration) < Math.Abs(minPenetration))
                    minPenetration = penetration;
                    mtv            = axisToCheck[i];
            // the distance vector determines the direction of movement. the distance and mtv
            // should always oppose each other to repel collisions.
            if (Vector2.Dot(distance, mtv) < 0f)
                mtv = -mtv;
            // seperating axis could not be found; a collision occurs.
            return(new CollisionResult()
                Us = colA,
                Them = colB,
                CollisionResponse = minPenetration * mtv,
                IsColliding = true
Example #22
        public override void DrawDebug(ref Matrix view, ref Matrix projection)
            G.PrimitiveBatch.Begin(ref projection, ref view);
            for (int i = 0; i < _colliders.Count; i++)
                CollisionBody col = _colliders[i];
                if (col.Shape == null || !col.BelongsToGroup(CollisionGlobals.ViewGroups))

                Matrix3 transform = col.WorldTransform;
                if ((CollisionGlobals.ViewFlags & DebugViewFlags.Shape) != 0)
                    Vector2[] transformedVerts = col.Shape.VerticesCopy;
                    for (int j = 0; j < transformedVerts.Length; j++)
                        transform.TransformVector(ref transformedVerts[j]);
                    G.PrimitiveBatch.DrawPolygon(transformedVerts, transformedVerts.Length, CollisionGlobals.ShapeColor);

                if ((CollisionGlobals.ViewFlags & DebugViewFlags.Extents) != 0)
                    if (col.Shape is Box)
                        Box     box = (Box)col.Shape;
                        Vector2 halfwidthX, halfwidthY;
                        box.CalculateExtents(ref transform, out halfwidthX, out halfwidthY);
                        G.PrimitiveBatch.DrawSegment(col.Position, halfwidthX, CollisionGlobals.ExtentsColor);
                        G.PrimitiveBatch.DrawSegment(col.Position, halfwidthY, CollisionGlobals.ExtentsColor);
                    else if (col.Shape is Circle)
                        Circle  circle = (Circle)col.Shape;
                        Vector2 extents;
                        circle.CalculateExtents(ref transform, out extents);
                        G.PrimitiveBatch.DrawSegment(col.Position, extents, CollisionGlobals.ExtentsColor);

                if ((CollisionGlobals.ViewFlags & DebugViewFlags.AABB) != 0)
                    AABB aabb;
                    col.Shape.CalculateAABB(ref transform, out aabb);
                    G.PrimitiveBatch.DrawSegment(new Vector2(aabb.Min.X, aabb.Min.Y), new Vector2(aabb.Max.X, aabb.Min.Y), CollisionGlobals.BoundingColor);
                    G.PrimitiveBatch.DrawSegment(new Vector2(aabb.Max.X, aabb.Min.Y), new Vector2(aabb.Max.X, aabb.Max.Y), CollisionGlobals.BoundingColor);
                    G.PrimitiveBatch.DrawSegment(new Vector2(aabb.Min.X, aabb.Max.Y), new Vector2(aabb.Max.X, aabb.Max.Y), CollisionGlobals.BoundingColor);
                    G.PrimitiveBatch.DrawSegment(new Vector2(aabb.Min.X, aabb.Min.Y), new Vector2(aabb.Min.X, aabb.Max.Y), CollisionGlobals.BoundingColor);
            if ((CollisionGlobals.ViewFlags & DebugViewFlags.CollisionResponse) != 0)
                while (CollisionGlobals.Results.Count > 0)
                    CollisionResult result = CollisionGlobals.Results.Pop();
                    G.PrimitiveBatch.DrawSegment(result.Us.Position, result.Us.Position + 10 * result.CollisionResponse, CollisionGlobals.ResponseColor);
            //G.SpriteBatch.DrawString(G.Font, DebugInfo, new Vector2(0, 50), Color.White);
Example #23
 public bool IsSolveable(CollisionBody colA, CollisionBody colB)
     // we assume the calling function has checked for null shapes.
     if (colA.Shape is ConvexShape && colB.Shape is ConvexShape) return true; // catch all.
     else return false;
Example #24
        public CollisionResult SolveCollision(CollisionBody colA, CollisionBody colB)
            // normalize parameters such that colA is the circle and colB is the box.
            // there are only two possibilities, therefore we only need to swap if colB is the circle.
            if (colB.Shape is Circle) {
                CollisionBody tmp = colA;
                colA = colB;
                colB = tmp;
                tmp = null;

            Circle circleA = (Circle)colA.Shape;
            Box boxB = (Box)colB.Shape;
            Matrix3 transformB = colB.WorldTransform;

            float projectedDistance = 0;
            float minPenetration = float.MaxValue;
            Vector2 distance = colA.Position - colB.Position;
            Vector2 mtv = default(Vector2); // the minimum translation vector

            Vector2[] axisToCheck = new Vector2[3];
            boxB.CalculateOrientation(ref transformB, out axisToCheck[0]);
            axisToCheck[1] = Vector2Extensions.PerpendicularLeft(axisToCheck[0]);
            float minDistance = float.MaxValue;
            Vector2 closestVertex = default(Vector2);
            for (int i = 0; i < boxB.Vertices.Length; i++)
                float vertexDistance = Vector2.DistanceSquared(colA.Position, boxB.Vertices[i]);
                if (vertexDistance < minDistance)
                    minDistance = vertexDistance;
                    closestVertex = colB.Position - boxB.Vertices[i];
            axisToCheck[2] = closestVertex;
            Vector2Extensions.SafeNormalize(ref axisToCheck[2]);

            for (int i = 0; i < axisToCheck.Length; i++)
                Vector2 projectionA, projectionB;

                projectedDistance = Math.Abs(Vector2.Dot(distance, axisToCheck[i]));
                circleA.ProjectOnto(ref axisToCheck[i], out projectionA);
                boxB.ProjectOnto(ref transformB, ref axisToCheck[i], out projectionB);

                float aSize = projectionA.Length(); //Math.Abs(projectionA.X) + Math.Abs(projectionA.Y);
                float bSize = Math.Abs(projectionB.X) + Math.Abs(projectionB.Y);
                float abSize = aSize + bSize;
                float penetration = abSize - projectedDistance;

                // a seperating axis found; there is no collision.
                if (penetration <= 0)
                    return CollisionResult.NoCollision;
                // project the object along the axis with the smalled penetration depth.
                else if (Math.Abs(penetration) < Math.Abs(minPenetration))
                    minPenetration = penetration;
                    mtv = axisToCheck[i];
            // the distance vector determines the direction of movement. the distance and mtv
            // should always oppose each other to repel collisions.
            if (Vector2.Dot(distance, mtv) < 0f)
                mtv = -mtv;
            // seperating axis could not be found; a collision occurs.
            return new CollisionResult()
                Us = colA,
                Them = colB,
                CollisionResponse = minPenetration * mtv,
                IsColliding = true
Example #25
        public CollisionResult SolveCollision(CollisionBody colA, CollisionBody colB)
            // we want boxes and circles included too..
            ConvexShape polyA = (ConvexShape)colA.Shape;
            ConvexShape polyB = (ConvexShape)colB.Shape;

            float   projectedDistance = 0;
            float   minPenetration    = float.MaxValue;
            Vector2 distance          = colA.Position - colB.Position;
            Vector2 mtv = default(Vector2); // the minimum translation vector

            // merge normals from both polygons
            Vector2[] axisToCheck = new Vector2[polyA.Normals.Length + polyB.Normals.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < polyA.Normals.Length; i++)
                axisToCheck[i] = polyA.Normals[i];
            for (int i = polyA.Normals.Length; i < axisToCheck.Length; i++)
                axisToCheck[i] = polyB.Normals[i - polyA.Normals.Length];

            // TODO: remove parallel normals

            for (int i = 0; i < axisToCheck.Length; i++)
                float minA, maxA, minB, maxB;
                minA = maxA = minB = maxB = 0;

                projectedDistance = Math.Abs(Vector2.Dot(distance, axisToCheck[i]));
                polyA.ProjectOnto(ref axisToCheck[i], out minA, out maxA);
                polyB.ProjectOnto(ref axisToCheck[i], out minB, out maxB);
                float penetration = maxB - minA;

                // a seperating axis has been found; there is no collision.
                if (minA - maxB > 0f || minB - maxA > 0f)
                // project the object along the axis with the smalled penetration depth.
                else if (Math.Abs(penetration) < Math.Abs(minPenetration))
                    minPenetration = penetration;
                    mtv            = axisToCheck[i];
            // the distance vector determines the direction of movement. the distance and mtv
            // should always oppose each other to repel collisions.
            if (Vector2.Dot(distance, mtv) < 0f)
                mtv = -mtv;
            // seperating axis could not be found; a collision occurs.
            return(new CollisionResult()
                Us = colA,
                Them = colB,
                CollisionResponse = minPenetration * mtv,
                IsColliding = true
Example #26
 private bool HandleBeforeCollision(CollisionBody them)
     if (BeforeCollisionEvent != null)
         return BeforeCollisionEvent(them as IWrappedBody);
     return true;
Example #27
 protected void UpdateAABB(CollisionBody collider)
     AABB aabb;
     Matrix3 worldTransform = collider.WorldTransform;
     collider.Shape.CalculateAABB(ref worldTransform, out aabb);
     _broadphase.SetProxyAABB(collider.BroadphaseProxy, ref aabb);
Example #28
 public abstract void RemoveCollider(CollisionBody colider);
Example #29
 private bool HandleOnCollision(CollisionBody them, Vector2 normal)
     if (Collision != null)
         return Collision(them as IWrappedBody, normal);
     return true;
Example #30
 public abstract void AddCollider(CollisionBody colider);