Example #1
		internal void AddModule(Module module)
			module.OrderOfLoading = lastAssignedModuleOrderOfLoading;
Example #2
		void AddModule(Module module)
			dynamic obj = new ExpandoObject();
			obj.Tag = module;
			module.SymbolsUpdated += delegate { RefreshItem(obj); };
Example #3
		public void SetBreakpoint(Module module)
			foreach(var symbolSource in module.Process.Debugger.SymbolSources) {
				foreach (var seq in symbolSource.GetSequencePoints(module, this.FileName, this.Line, this.Column)) {
					ICorDebugFunction corFunction = module.CorModule.GetFunctionFromToken(seq.MethodDefToken);
					ICorDebugFunctionBreakpoint corBreakpoint = corFunction.GetILCode().CreateBreakpoint((uint)seq.ILOffset);
					corBreakpoint.Activate(enabled ? 1 : 0);
 public DebuggerProcessEntityModelContext(Process process, Module currentModule)
     if (process == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("process");
     if (currentModule == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("currentModule");
     this.process       = process;
     this.currentModule = currentModule;
Example #5
		public ModuleItem(Module module)
			this.Name = module.Name;
			this.Address = string.Format("{0:X8}", module.BaseAdress);
			if (module.IsDynamic) {
				this.Path = StringParser.Parse("${res:MainWindow.Windows.Debug.Modules.DynamicModule}");
			} else if (module.IsInMemory) {
				this.Path = StringParser.Parse("${res:MainWindow.Windows.Debug.Modules.InMemoryModule}");
			} else {
				this.Path = module.FullPath;
			this.Order = module.OrderOfLoading.ToString();
			this.Symbols = module.HasSymbols ? StringParser.Parse("${res:MainWindow.Windows.Debug.Modules.HasSymbols}") : StringParser.Parse("${res:MainWindow.Windows.Debug.Modules.HasNoSymbols}");
		public IEnumerable<Debugger.SequencePoint> GetSequencePoints(Module module, string filename, int line, int column)
			var name = DecompiledTypeReference.FromFileName(filename);
			if (name == null || !FileUtility.IsEqualFileName(module.FullPath, name.AssemblyFile))
				yield break;
			var file = SD.ParserService.ParseFile(name.ToFileName()) as ILSpyUnresolvedFile;
			if (file == null)
				yield break;
			TextLocation loc = new TextLocation(line, column);
			foreach(var symbols in file.DebugSymbols.Values.Where(s => s.StartLocation <= loc && loc <= s.EndLocation)) {
				Decompiler.SequencePoint seq = null;
				if (column != 0)
					seq = symbols.SequencePoints.FirstOrDefault(p => p.StartLocation <= loc && loc <= p.EndLocation);
				if (seq == null)
					seq = symbols.SequencePoints.FirstOrDefault(p => line <= p.StartLocation.Line);
				if (seq != null)
					yield return seq.ToDebugger(symbols, filename);
Example #7
		public IEnumerable<SequencePoint> GetSequencePoints(Module module, string filename, int line, int column)
			// Do not use ISymUnmanagedReader.GetDocument!  It is broken if two files have the same name
			// Do not use ISymUnmanagedMethod.GetOffset!  It sometimes returns negative offset
			ISymUnmanagedReader symReader = module.SymReader;
			if (symReader == null)
				yield break; // No symbols
			// Find ISymUnmanagedDocument which excactly matches the filename.
			var symDoc = module.SymDocuments.FirstOrDefault(d => string.Equals(filename, d.GetURL(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
			// Find the file even if the symbol is relative or if the file was moved
			var symDocs = module.SymDocuments.Where(d => string.Equals(Path.GetFileName(filename), Path.GetFileName(d.GetURL()), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
			symDoc = symDoc ?? symDocs.FirstOrDefault(d => string.Equals(GetSourceCodePath(module.Process, d.GetURL()), filename, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
			if (symDoc == null) yield break; // Document not found
			ISymUnmanagedMethod[] symMethods;
			try {
				uint validLine = symDoc.FindClosestLine((uint)line);
				symMethods = symReader.GetMethodsFromDocumentPosition(symDoc, validLine, (uint)column);
			} catch {
				yield break; //Not found
			foreach (ISymUnmanagedMethod symMethod in symMethods) {
				var corFunction = module.CorModule.GetFunctionFromToken(symMethod.GetToken());
				int codesize = (int)corFunction.GetILCode().GetSize();
				var seqPoints = symMethod.GetSequencePoints(codesize).Where(s => s.StartLine != 0xFEEFEE);
				SequencePoint seqPoint = null;
				if (column != 0) {
					seqPoint = seqPoints.FirstOrDefault(s => (s.StartLine < line || (s.StartLine == line && s.StartColumn <= column)) &&
					                                    (line < s.EndLine || (line == s.EndLine && column <= s.EndColumn)));
				seqPoint = seqPoint ?? seqPoints.FirstOrDefault(s => line <= s.StartLine);
				if (seqPoint != null)
					yield return seqPoint;
Example #8
        public override bool SetBreakpoint(Module module)
            bool okMod = MethodKey.IsSameModule(module.FullPath);
            Debug.Assert(okMod, "Trying to set a BP that belongs in another module");
            if (!okMod)
                return false;
            SourcecodeSegment segment = SourcecodeSegment.CreateForIL(module, this.Location.Line, (int)MethodKey.Token, (int)ILOffset);
            if (segment == null)
                return false;
            try {
                ICorDebugFunctionBreakpoint corBreakpoint = segment.CorFunction.GetILCode().CreateBreakpoint((uint)segment.ILStart);
                corBreakpoint.Activate(Enabled ? 1 : 0);


                OnSet(new BreakpointEventArgs(this));

                return true;
            } catch {
                return false;
Example #9
		internal void OnModuleUnloaded(Module module)
			if (this.ModuleUnloaded != null) {
				this.ModuleUnloaded(this, new ModuleEventArgs(module));
		// Returns true if found
		internal bool GetFunctionAndOffset(Module module, bool normailize, out ICorDebugFunction function, out int ilOffset)
			function = null;
			ilOffset = 0;
			ISymUnmanagedReader symReader = module.SymReader;
			if (symReader == null) {
				return false; // No symbols
			ISymUnmanagedDocument symDoc = null;
			symDoc = symReader.GetDocument(SourceFullFilename, Guid.Empty, Guid.Empty, Guid.Empty);
			if (symDoc == null) {
				return false; // Does not use source file
			uint validLine;
			try {
				validLine = symDoc.FindClosestLine((uint)StartLine);
			} catch {
				return false; // Not on a vaild point
			if (validLine != StartLine && normailize) {
				StartLine = (int)validLine;
				EndLine = (int)validLine;
				StartColumn = 0;
				EndColumn = 0;
			ISymUnmanagedMethod symMethod;
			try {
				symMethod = symReader.GetMethodFromDocumentPosition(symDoc, validLine, 0);
			} catch {
				return false; //Not found
			// Check that StartLine is within the method
			uint start = uint.MaxValue;
			uint end = uint.MinValue;
			foreach(SequencePoint sqPoint in symMethod.SequencePoints) {
				if (sqPoint.Line == 0xFEEFEE) continue;
				start = Math.Min(start, sqPoint.Line);
				end = Math.Max(end, sqPoint.EndLine);
			if (StartLine < start || StartLine > end) return false;
			function = module.CorModule.GetFunctionFromToken(symMethod.Token);
			ilOffset = (int)symMethod.GetOffset(symDoc, validLine, 0);
			return true;
		public DebuggerProcessEntityModelContext(Process process, Module currentModule)
			if (process == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("process");
			if (currentModule == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("currentModule");
			this.process = process;
			this.currentModule = currentModule;
		static IAssemblyModel CreateAssemblyModel(Module module)
			IEntityModelContext context = new DebuggerProcessEntityModelContext(module.Process, module);
			IUpdateableAssemblyModel model = SD.GetRequiredService<IModelFactory>().CreateAssemblyModel(context);
			var types = module.Assembly.TopLevelTypeDefinitions.SelectMany(td => td.Parts).ToList();
			model.AssemblyName = module.UnresolvedAssembly.AssemblyName;
			model.FullAssemblyName = module.UnresolvedAssembly.FullAssemblyName;
			model.Update(EmptyList<IUnresolvedTypeDefinition>.Instance, types);
			model.References = module.GetReferences().Select(r => new DomAssemblyName(r)).ToArray();
			return model;
		public static SourcecodeSegment CreateForIL(Module module, int line, int metadataToken, int iLOffset)
			try {
				SourcecodeSegment segment = new SourcecodeSegment();
				segment.module        = module;
				segment.typename      = null;
				segment.checkSum      = null;
				segment.startLine     = line;
				segment.startColumn   = 0;
				segment.endLine       = line;
				segment.endColumn     = 0;
				segment.corFunction   = module.CorModule.GetFunctionFromToken((uint)metadataToken);
				segment.ilStart 	  = iLOffset;
				segment.ilEnd   	  = iLOffset;
				segment.stepRanges    = null;
				return segment;
			} catch {
				return null;
		/// <summary>
		/// 'ILStart &lt;= ILOffset &lt;= ILEnd' and this range includes at least
		/// the returned area of source code. (May incude some extra compiler generated IL too)
		/// </summary>
		internal static SourcecodeSegment Resolve(Module module, ICorDebugFunction corFunction, int offset)
			ISymUnmanagedReader symReader = module.SymReader;
			if (symReader == null) return null; // No symbols
			ISymUnmanagedMethod symMethod;
			try {
				symMethod = symReader.GetMethod(corFunction.GetToken());
			} catch (COMException) {
				// Can not find the method
				// eg. Compiler generated constructors are not in symbol store
				return null;
			if (symMethod == null) return null;
			uint sequencePointCount = symMethod.GetSequencePointCount();
			SequencePoint[] sequencePoints = symMethod.GetSequencePoints();
			// Get i for which: offsets[i] <= offset < offsets[i + 1]
			// or fallback to first element if  offset < offsets[0]
			for (int i = (int)sequencePointCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // backwards
				if ((int)sequencePoints[i].Offset <= offset || i == 0) {
					// Set inforamtion about current IL range
					int codeSize = (int)corFunction.GetILCode().GetSize();
					int ilStart = (int)sequencePoints[i].Offset;
					int ilEnd = (i + 1 < sequencePointCount) ? (int)sequencePoints[i+1].Offset : codeSize;
					// 0xFeeFee means "code generated by compiler"
					// If we are in generated sequence use to closest real one instead,
					// extend the ILStart and ILEnd to include the 'real' sequence
					// Look ahead for 'real' sequence
					while (i + 1 < sequencePointCount && sequencePoints[i].Line == 0xFeeFee) {
						ilEnd = (i + 1 < sequencePointCount) ? (int)sequencePoints[i+1].Offset : codeSize;
					// Look back for 'real' sequence
					while (i - 1 >= 0 && sequencePoints[i].Line == 0xFeeFee) {
						ilStart = (int)sequencePoints[i].Offset;
					// Wow, there are no 'real' sequences
					if (sequencePoints[i].Line == 0xFeeFee) {
						return null;
					List<int> stepRanges = new List<int>();
					for (int j = 0; j < sequencePointCount; j++) {
						// Step over compiler generated sequences and current statement
						// 0xFeeFee means "code generated by compiler"
						if (sequencePoints[j].Line == 0xFeeFee || j == i) {
							// Add start offset or remove last end (to connect two ranges into one)
							if (stepRanges.Count > 0 && stepRanges[stepRanges.Count - 1] == sequencePoints[j].Offset) {
								stepRanges.RemoveAt(stepRanges.Count - 1);
							} else {
							// Add end offset | handle last sequence point
							if (j + 1 < sequencePointCount) {
							} else {
					SourcecodeSegment segment = new SourcecodeSegment();
					segment.module        = module;
					segment.filename      = GetFilenameFromSymDocument(module, sequencePoints[i].Document);
					segment.checkSum      = sequencePoints[i].Document.GetCheckSum();
					segment.startLine     = (int)sequencePoints[i].Line;
					segment.startColumn   = (int)sequencePoints[i].Column;
					segment.endLine       = (int)sequencePoints[i].EndLine;
					segment.endColumn     = (int)sequencePoints[i].EndColumn;
					segment.corFunction   = corFunction;
					segment.ilStart       = ilStart;
					segment.ilEnd         = ilEnd;
					segment.stepRanges    = stepRanges.ToArray();
					// VB.NET sometimes produces temporary files which it then deletes
					// (eg 17d14f5c-a337-4978-8281-53493378c1071.vb)
					string filename = Path.GetFileName(segment.filename);
					if (filename.Length == 40 && filename.EndsWith(".vb")) {
						bool guidName = true;
						foreach(char c in filename.Substring(0, filename.Length - 3)) {
							if (('0' <= c && c <= '9') ||
							    ('a' <= c && c <= 'f') ||
							    ('A' <= c && c <= 'F') ||
							    (c == '-'))
								guidName = true;
							} else {
								guidName = false;
						if (guidName)
							return null;
					return segment;
			return null;
		static string GetFilenameFromSymDocument(Module module, ISymUnmanagedDocument symDoc)
			foreach (string filename in RelocateSymURL(module, symDoc.GetURL())) {
				if (File.Exists(filename))
					return filename;
			return symDoc.GetURL();
		public static SourcecodeSegment Resolve(Module module, string fileName, byte[] checkSum, int line, int column)
			// Do not use ISymUnmanagedReader.GetDocument!  It is broken if two files have the same name
			// Do not use ISymUnmanagedMethod.GetOffset!  It sometimes returns negative offset
			ISymUnmanagedReader symReader = module.SymReader;
			if (symReader == null) return null; // No symbols
			ISymUnmanagedDocument symDoc = GetSymDocumentFromFilename(module, fileName, checkSum);
			if (symDoc == null) return null; // Document not found
			ISymUnmanagedMethod symMethod;
			try {
				uint validLine = symDoc.FindClosestLine((uint)line);
				symMethod = symReader.GetMethodFromDocumentPosition(symDoc, (uint)validLine, (uint)column);
			} catch {
				return null; //Not found
			SequencePoint[] seqPoints = symMethod.GetSequencePoints();
			if (seqPoints.Length == 0) return null;
			if (line < seqPoints[0].Line) return null;
			foreach(SequencePoint sqPoint in seqPoints) {
				if (sqPoint.Line == 0xFEEFEE) continue;
				// If the desired breakpoint position is before the end of the sequence point
				if (line < sqPoint.EndLine || (line == sqPoint.EndLine && column < sqPoint.EndColumn)) {
					SourcecodeSegment segment = new SourcecodeSegment();
					segment.module        = module;
					segment.filename      = symDoc.GetURL();
					segment.checkSum      = symDoc.GetCheckSum();
					segment.startLine     = (int)sqPoint.Line;
					segment.startColumn   = (int)sqPoint.Column;
					segment.endLine       = (int)sqPoint.EndLine;
					segment.endColumn     = (int)sqPoint.EndColumn;
					segment.corFunction   = module.CorModule.GetFunctionFromToken(symMethod.GetToken());
					segment.ilStart = (int)sqPoint.Offset;
					segment.ilEnd   = (int)sqPoint.Offset;
					segment.stepRanges    = null;
					return segment;
			return null;
		static ISymUnmanagedDocument GetSymDocumentFromFilename(Module module, string filename, byte[] checksum)
			if (filename == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("filename");
			if (Path.IsPathRooted(filename)) {
				foreach(ISymUnmanagedDocument symDoc in module.SymDocuments) {
					foreach (string url in RelocateSymURL(module, symDoc.GetURL())) {
						if (string.Equals(url, filename, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
							return symDoc;
			} else {
				foreach(ISymUnmanagedDocument symDoc in module.SymDocuments) {
					if (filename.StartsWith(@".\")) filename = filename.Substring(2);
					if (filename.StartsWith(@"\"))  filename = filename.Substring(1);
					if (symDoc.GetURL().ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith(@"\" + filename.ToLowerInvariant())) {
						return symDoc;
			return null;
		public void LoadModule(ICorDebugAppDomain pAppDomain, ICorDebugModule pModule)
			EnterCallback(PausedReason.Other, "LoadModule " + pModule.GetName(), pAppDomain);
			Module module = new Module(process.AppDomains[pAppDomain], pModule);
		public static SourcecodeSegment ResolveForIL(Module module, ICorDebugFunction corFunction, int line, int offset, int[] ranges)
			try {				
				SourcecodeSegment segment = new SourcecodeSegment();
				segment.module        = module;
				segment.typename      = null;
				segment.checkSum      = null;
				segment.startLine     = line;
				segment.startColumn   = 0;
				segment.endLine       = line;
				segment.endColumn     = 0;
				segment.corFunction   = corFunction;
				segment.ilStart 	  = offset;
				segment.ilEnd   	  = ranges[1];
				segment.stepRanges    = ranges;
				return segment;
			} catch {
				return null;
		public DebuggerModuleModel(Module module)
			if (module == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("module");
			this.module = module;
			this.assemblyModel = CreateAssemblyModel(module);
		/// <summary>
		/// Use the module path to figure out where to look for the source file
		/// </summary>
		static IEnumerable<string> RelocateSymURL(Module module, string symUrl)
			string modulePath = module.Process.WorkingDirectory;
			if (module.IsInMemory || module.IsDynamic) {
				// Just use any module with symboles
				foreach(Module m in module.Process.Modules) {
					if (m.HasSymbols) {
						if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.FullPath)) {
							modulePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(m.FullPath);
			} else {
				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(module.FullPath))
					modulePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(module.FullPath);
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(modulePath)) {
				yield return symUrl;
				yield break;
			if (Path.IsPathRooted(symUrl)) {
				Dictionary<string, object> returned = new Dictionary<string, object>();
				// Try without relocating
				returned.Add(symUrl, null);
				yield return symUrl;
				// The two paths to combine
				string[] moduleDirs = modulePath.Split('\\');
				string[] urlDirs = symUrl.Split('\\');
				// Join the paths at some point (joining directry must match)
				for (int i = 0; i < moduleDirs.Length; i++) {
					for (int j = 0; j < urlDirs.Length; j++) {
						if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(moduleDirs[i]) &&
						    !string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlDirs[j])    &&
						    string.Equals(moduleDirs[i], urlDirs[j], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
							// Join the paths
							string[] joinedDirs = new string[i + (urlDirs.Length - j)];
							Array.Copy(moduleDirs, joinedDirs, i);
							Array.Copy(urlDirs, j, joinedDirs, i, urlDirs.Length - j);
							string joined = string.Join(@"\", joinedDirs);
							// Return joined path
							if (!returned.ContainsKey(joined)) {
								returned.Add(joined, null);
								yield return joined;
			} else {
				if (symUrl.StartsWith(@".\")) symUrl = symUrl.Substring(2);
				if (symUrl.StartsWith(@"\"))  symUrl = symUrl.Substring(1);
				// Try 0, 1 and 2 levels above the module directory
				string dir = modulePath;
				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dir)) yield return Path.Combine(dir, symUrl);
				dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(dir);
				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dir)) yield return Path.Combine(dir, symUrl);
				dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(dir);
				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dir)) yield return Path.Combine(dir, symUrl);
		public DebuggerModuleTreeNode(DebuggerModuleModel model)
			: base(model.AssemblyModel)
			this.module = model.Module;
 public DebuggerModuleTreeNode(DebuggerModuleModel model)
     : base(model.AssemblyModel)
     this.module = model.Module;
Example #24
		public ModuleEventArgs(Module module): base(module.Process)
			this.module = module;
Example #25
		public override bool SetBreakpoint(Module module)
			SourcecodeSegment segment = SourcecodeSegment.CreateForIL(module, this.Line, MemberMetadataToken, ILOffset);
			if (segment == null)
				return false;
			try {
				ICorDebugFunctionBreakpoint corBreakpoint = segment.CorFunction.GetILCode().CreateBreakpoint((uint)segment.ILStart);
				corBreakpoint.Activate(Enabled ? 1 : 0);
				OnSet(new BreakpointEventArgs(this));
				return true;
			} catch
				#if DEBUG
				return false;
Example #26
		internal void OnModuleLoaded(Module module)
			module.OrderOfLoading = lastAssignedModuleOrderOfLoading++;
			if (BreakInMain) {
				try {
					// create a BP at entry point
					uint entryPoint = module.GetEntryPoint();
					if (entryPoint != 0) { // no EP
						var corBreakpoint = module.CorModule
						BreakInMain = false;
				} catch {
					// the app does not have an entry point - COM exception
			if (this.ModuleLoaded != null) {
				this.ModuleLoaded(this, new ModuleEventArgs(module));
Example #27
 internal void RemoveModule(Module module)
		static ISymUnmanagedDocument GetSymDocumentFromFilename(Module module, string filename, byte[] checksum)
			if (filename == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("filename");
			filename = filename.ToLower();
			ISymUnmanagedDocument[] symDocs = module.SymDocuments;
			// "c:\project\file.cs" N/A
			if (Path.IsPathRooted(filename) && checksum == null) {
				foreach(ISymUnmanagedDocument symDoc in symDocs) {
					if (symDoc.URL.ToLower() == filename) return symDoc;
				if (module.IsDynamic) {
					foreach(ISymUnmanagedDocument symDoc in symDocs) {
						string url = symDoc.URL.ToLower();
						if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(url) && !Path.IsPathRooted(url)) {
							string workingDir = Path.GetFullPath(module.Process.WorkingDirectory).ToLower();
							url = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(workingDir, url));
						if (url == filename) return symDoc;
				return null; // Not found
			// "c:\project\file.cs" 0123456789
			if (Path.IsPathRooted(filename) && checksum != null) {
				foreach(ISymUnmanagedDocument symDoc in symDocs) {
					if (symDoc.URL.ToLower() == filename) return symDoc;
				// Not found - try to find using checksum
				filename = Path.GetFileName(filename);
			// "file.cs" N/A
			if (!Path.IsPathRooted(filename) && checksum == null) {
				if (!filename.StartsWith(@"\")) {
					filename = @"\" + filename;
				foreach(ISymUnmanagedDocument symDoc in symDocs) {
					if (symDoc.URL.ToLower().EndsWith(filename)) return symDoc;
				return null; // Not found
			// "file.cs" 0123456789
			if (!Path.IsPathRooted(filename) && checksum != null) {
				if (!filename.StartsWith(@"\")) {
					filename = @"\" + filename;
				foreach(ISymUnmanagedDocument symDoc in symDocs) {
					if (!symDoc.URL.ToLower().EndsWith(filename)) continue;
					byte[] symDocCheckSum = symDoc.CheckSum;
					if (symDocCheckSum.Length != checksum.Length) continue;
					for (int i = 0; i < checksum.Length; i++) {
						if (symDocCheckSum[i] != checksum[i]) continue;
					return symDoc;
				return null; // Not found
			return null;
Example #29
		public static DebugType Create(Module module, uint token, params DebugType[] typeArguments)
			List<ICorDebugType> gen_args = new List<ICorDebugType>();
			if (typeArguments != null && typeArguments.Length > 0)
				for (int i=0; i<typeArguments.Length; i++)
			if ((token & 0xFF000000) == (uint)CorTokenType.mdtTypeDef) {
				return Create(module.Process, module.CorModule.GetClassFromToken(token),gen_args.ToArray());
			} else if ((token & 0xFF000000) == (uint)CorTokenType.mdtTypeRef) {
				string fullName = module.MetaData.GetTypeRefProps(token).Name;
				return Create(module.Process, module.AppDomainID, fullName);
			} else {
				throw new DebuggerException("Unknown token type");
Example #30
		public virtual bool SetBreakpoint(Module module)
			if (this.fileName == null)
				return false;
			SourcecodeSegment segment = SourcecodeSegment.Resolve(module, FileName, CheckSum, Line, Column);
			if (segment == null) return false;
			originalLocation = segment;
			ICorDebugFunctionBreakpoint corBreakpoint = segment.CorFunction.GetILCode().CreateBreakpoint((uint)segment.ILStart);
			corBreakpoint.Activate(enabled ? 1 : 0);
			OnSet(new BreakpointEventArgs(this));
			return true;
Example #31
        uint GetEntryPointMethodToken(Module module)
            if (module.SymReader != null)
                return module.SymReader.GetUserEntryPoint();

            if (module.IsDynamic)
                return 0;
            if (module.IsInMemory)
                return 0;//TODO: Support reading it from memory

            try {
                //TODO: You could get this from dnSpy's MainWindow
                using (var mod = ModuleDefMD.Load(module.FullPath)) {
                    var ep = mod.EntryPoint;
                    if (ep != null)
                        return ep.MDToken.ToUInt32();
            } catch (IOException) {
            } catch (BadImageFormatException) {

            return 0;
		public void LoadModule(ICorDebugAppDomain pAppDomain, ICorDebugModule pModule)
			EnterCallback("LoadModule " + pModule.GetName(), pAppDomain);
			Module module = new Module(process.GetAppDomain(pAppDomain), pModule);
Example #33
		DebugType(Process process, ICorDebugType corType)
			if (corType == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("corType");
			this.process = process;
			this.corType = corType;
			this.corElementType = (CorElementType)corType.Type;
			if (this.IsClass || this.IsValueType) {
				this.corClass = corType.Class;
				this.module = process.GetModule(corClass.Module);
				this.classProps = module.MetaData.GetTypeDefProps(corClass.Token);
			if (this.IsClass || this.IsValueType || this.IsArray || this.IsPointer) {
				foreach(ICorDebugType t in corType.EnumerateTypeParameters().Enumerator) {
					typeArguments.Add(DebugType.Create(process, t));
			this.fullName = GetFullName();