Example #1
        public void SerializerTest2()
            var serializer = new Daytona.Store.Serializer(Encoding.Unicode);
            var cust = new Customer
                Firstname = "Jie",
                Lastname = "wilson"
            var pl = new DBPayload<Customer>();
            pl.Payload = cust;
            var input = serializer.GetSerializedPayload<Customer>(pl);

            var output = serializer.Deserializer<DBPayload<Customer>>(input);
            Assert.AreEqual(pl.Payload.Firstname, output.Payload.Firstname);
            Assert.AreEqual(pl.Payload.Lastname, output.Payload.Lastname);
Example #2
        public void SerializerTest2()
            var serializer = new Daytona.Store.Serializer(Encoding.Unicode);
            var cust       = new Customer
                Firstname = "Jie",
                Lastname  = "wilson"
            var pl = new DBPayload <Customer>();

            pl.Payload = cust;
            var input = serializer.GetSerializedPayload <Customer>(pl);

            var output = serializer.Deserializer <DBPayload <Customer> >(input);

            Assert.AreEqual(pl.Payload.Firstname, output.Payload.Firstname);
            Assert.AreEqual(pl.Payload.Lastname, output.Payload.Lastname);
Example #3
        private static string SynchronizedSender(string input)
            using (var context = ZmqContext.Create())
                using (ZmqSocket pub = Helper.GetConnectedPublishSocket(context, Pipe.PublishAddressClient),
                       syncService = context.CreateSocket(SocketType.REP))
                    //for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
                    //    syncService.Receive(Encoding.Unicode);
                    //    syncService.Send("", Encoding.Unicode);

                    for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
                        Console.WriteLine("Enter to send message=>");
                        input = Console.ReadLine();

                        if (input == "Exit")

                        var cust = new Customer
                            Firstname = "John",
                            Lastname  = "Lemon"
                        var pl = new Daytona.Store.DBPayload <Customer>();
                        pl.Payload = cust;
                        ISerializer serializer = new Daytona.Store.Serializer(Encoding.Unicode);
                        Helper.SendOneMessageOfType <Daytona.Store.DBPayload <Customer> >("Writer", pl, serializer, pub);
                        // Helper.SendOneSimpleMessage("Writer", "Hello its me", pub);
                        Console.WriteLine("message sent");

                    Console.WriteLine("message sent enter to exit=>");
                    input = Console.ReadLine();
Example #4
        private static void SendCustomers(ZmqContext context)
            ISerializer serializer = new Daytona.Store.Serializer(Encoding.Unicode);

            using (ZmqSocket publisher = context.CreateSocket(SocketType.PUB))
                Helper.SendOneSimpleMessage("XXXX", "stop", publisher);
Example #5
        private static string RunSenderWriterTest(string input)
            using (var context = ZmqContext.Create())
                ISerializer serializer   = new Daytona.Store.Serializer(Encoding.Unicode);
                var         actorFactory = new Actor(context);

                actorFactory.RegisterActor <DBPayload <Customer> >("Writer", "Writer", "Sender", serializer, (IPayload message, byte[] messageAsBytes, string inRoute, string outRoute, ZmqSocket socket, Actor actor) =>
                    Actor.Writeline("Got here in the writer");
                    var writer = new Writer();
                    //int Id = writer.Save(messageAsBytes);
                    int Id        = 3;
                    var dBPayload = new DBPayload <Customer>();
                    dBPayload.Id  = Id;
                    actor.SendOneMessageOfType <DBPayload <Customer> >(outRoute, dBPayload, serializer, socket);

                actorFactory.RegisterActor <DBPayload <Customer> >("Sender", "Sender", "NO OUT ROUTE", serializer, (IPayload message, byte[] messageAsBytes, string inRoute, string outRoute, ZmqSocket socket, Actor actor) =>
                        Actor.Writeline("Got here in the Sender");
                        var dBPayload = new DBPayload <Customer>();
                        actor.CallBack(1, null, null);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        actor.CallBack(1, null, ex);


                Console.WriteLine("enter to exit=>");
                input = Console.ReadLine();
Example #6
 private static void SendCustomers(ZmqContext context)
     ISerializer serializer = new Daytona.Store.Serializer(Encoding.Unicode);
     using (ZmqSocket publisher = context.CreateSocket(SocketType.PUB))
         Helper.SendOneSimpleMessage("XXXX", "stop", publisher);
Example #7
        private static string SynchronizedSender(string input)

            using (var context = ZmqContext.Create())
                using (ZmqSocket pub = Helper.GetConnectedPublishSocket(context, Pipe.PublishAddressClient),
                      syncService = context.CreateSocket(SocketType.REP))
                    //for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
                    //    syncService.Receive(Encoding.Unicode);
                    //    syncService.Send("", Encoding.Unicode);

                    for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
                        Console.WriteLine("Enter to send message=>");
                        input = Console.ReadLine();

                        if (input == "Exit") break;

                        var cust = new Customer
                            Firstname = "John",
                            Lastname = "Lemon"
                        var pl = new Daytona.Store.DBPayload<Customer>();
                        pl.Payload = cust;
                        ISerializer serializer = new Daytona.Store.Serializer(Encoding.Unicode);
                        Helper.SendOneMessageOfType<Daytona.Store.DBPayload<Customer>>("Writer", pl, serializer, pub);
                        // Helper.SendOneSimpleMessage("Writer", "Hello its me", pub);
                        Console.WriteLine("message sent");

                    Console.WriteLine("message sent enter to exit=>");
                    input = Console.ReadLine();
            return input;