public void Run(string[] args) { var conArgs = new ConArgs(args, "-"); var jsonFile = conArgs[1]; if (!AlertUtility.ConfirmUseOnlineService()) { return; } Echo.Print("Connect to dawnx service...").Line(); var resp = Http.PostFor <JSend>($"{Program.SUPPORT_URL}/JsonToCsFile", new Dictionary <string, object> { ["Namespace"] = Program.ProjectInfo.RootNamespace, ["ClassName"] = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(jsonFile), ["Json"] = File.ReadAllText(jsonFile), }); if (resp.IsSuccess()) { var path = $"{Path.GetPathRoot(Path.GetFullPath(jsonFile))}/{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(jsonFile)}.cs"; File.WriteAllText(path, as string); Echo.Print($"{resp.message}").Line(); Echo.Print($" File Saved: {Path.GetFullPath(path)}").Line(); } else { AlertUtility.PrintErrorMessage(resp); } }
public void Run(string[] args) { var conArgs = new ConArgs(args, "-"); var name = conArgs[1]; var resp = Http.PostFor <JSend>($"{Program.SUPPORT_URL}/Install", new Dictionary <string, object> { ["name"] = name, }); try { if (resp.IsSuccess()) { var model = as JObject; var cli_version = model["cli_version"].Value <string>(); if (new Version(Program.CLI_VERSION) >= new Version(cli_version)) { int fileCount = model["count"].Value <int>(); int fileDownload = 0; int fileSkip = 0; int fileDone() => fileDownload + fileSkip; int fileVerifySuccess = 0; int fileVerifyFailed = 0; int colLength1 = fileCount * 2 + 1; int[] tableLengths = new[] { colLength1, 67 - colLength1, 7 }; List <string> extractFileList = new List <string>(); foreach (var item in model["files"] as JArray) { var url = item["url"].Value <string>(); var md5 = item["md5"].Value <string>(); var fileName = item["fileName"].Value <string>(); var saveas = $@"{Program.DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY}\{fileName}"; var extract = item["extract"].Value <bool>(); if (!File.Exists(saveas) || FileUtility.ComputeMD5(saveas) != md5) { #region Download files using (var file = new FileStream(saveas, FileMode.Create)) { var web = new HttpAccess(); web.DownloadProgress += (sender, _url, received, length) => { Echo.Row(new[] { $"{fileDone() + 1}/{fileCount}", $"| {fileName}", ((double)received / length).ToString("0.00%") }, tableLengths); }; int retry = 0, allowedRetry = 3; retry: try { web.GetDownload(file, url); if (extract) { extractFileList.Add(saveas); } fileDownload++; } catch (Exception ex) { Echo.Line(); if (retry < allowedRetry) { Echo.Print($" {ex.Message}, retry {++retry}/{allowedRetry}").Line(); goto retry; } else { Echo.Print($" File can not be downloaded from {url}").Line(); Echo.AskYN("Retry?", out var ansRetry); if (ansRetry) { retry = 0; goto retry; } else { fileSkip++; continue; } } } } #endregion #region Check file md5 var status = ""; if (FileUtility.ComputeMD5(saveas) == md5) { fileVerifySuccess++; status = "Safe"; } else { fileVerifyFailed++; status = "WARNING"; } Echo.Row(new[] { $"{fileDone()}/{fileCount}", $"| {Path.GetFileName(saveas)}", status }, tableLengths).Line(); #endregion } else { if (extract) { extractFileList.Add(saveas); } fileDownload++; Echo.Row(new[] { $"{fileDone()}/{fileCount}", $"| {Path.GetFileName(saveas)}", "Found" }, tableLengths).Line(); } } Echo .Line() .Print($" " + $"{fileDownload} downloaded." + $" {fileVerifySuccess} safe, {fileVerifyFailed} warning, {fileSkip} skiped.").Line() .Print($"---- All files has been downloaded using engine {typeof(Http).FullName} ----").Line() .Line(); // Setup void extractFiles() { foreach (var file in extractFileList) { ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(file, Program.ProjectInfo.ProjectRoot, true); Echo.Print($"Extract {file} done.").Line(); } Echo .Print($"---- Extract files completed ----").Line() .Line(); }; if (fileVerifyFailed > 0) { Echo.AskYN("Setup now?", out var ans); if (ans) { extractFiles(); } } else { extractFiles(); } } else { Echo.Print($"Install service requires the lowest cli tool version: {cli_version}.").Line(); } } else { AlertUtility.PrintErrorMessage(resp); } } catch (JsonReaderException ex) { Echo.Print($"Error occurred. ({ex.Message})").Line(); } }