public DoorTimerWrapper(Door DoorObject, ContentManager ContentArg, List<ScreenModel> modelsArg, GraphicsDeviceManager graphicsArg,CollisionCheckSystem User)
            : base()
            //object that needs to be referenced in order to be closed
            DoorOfInterest = DoorObject;

            Content = ContentArg;
            models = modelsArg;
            graphics = graphicsArg;
            UserRef = User;
 //clears all models except for the door object being closed
 public static void ClearModelList(List<ScreenModel> models, Door DoorObject)
     Door TempDoor = (Door)models.Find(
         delegate(ScreenModel DelegateObj)
             return (DelegateObj == DoorObject);
     //add that door back to the model list
        public static void DeleteRoom(Door ThisDoor, List<ScreenModel> models)

                for (int x = 0; x < ThisDoor.LocalModels.Count; x++)
                    if ((ThisDoor.LocalModels[x].GetType() == typeof(Door)) && (((Door)ThisDoor.LocalModels[x]).OpenTrue) && ((Door)ThisDoor.LocalModels[x] != ThisDoor.InverseDoor))
                        DeleteRoom((Door)ThisDoor.LocalModels[x], models);
                DeleteRoom(ThisDoor, models);
        public void LoadNewRoom(ContentManager Content, List<ScreenModel> models, GraphicsDeviceManager graphics)
            if (this.ThisRoomModels.Count == 0)
                foreach (ScreenModel ThisModel in models)

            //extracts the rooms from the file
            LocalModels = DataValues.LoadListOfModel(this.OutsideDoor, Content, graphics);

            //finds the door in the other room that matches this door, so that it can be used to make the other room relative to this one
            foreach (ScreenModel model in LocalModels)
                if (model.GetType() == typeof(Door))
                    foreach (ScreenModel ThisModel in LocalModels)
                    if ((((Door)model).OutsideDoor.Equals(this.InsideDoor)) || (((Door)model).InsideDoor.Equals(this.OutsideDoor)) || InverseDoor==this)
                        InverseDoor = (Door)model;

            //finds the relative difference in rotation and position
            Vector3 RoomRotation = this.modelRotation - InverseDoor.modelRotation+new Vector3(0,(float)Math.PI,0);
            Vector3 RoomPosition = this.Position - InverseDoor.Position;

            //adds the rooms to delete when the inverse door is closed(because it will be set to open when the room is created)
            InverseDoor.OpenTrue = true;

            if (InverseDoor != this)
                foreach (ScreenModel ThisModel in ThisRoomModels)

            //creates the transformation so that all objects are rotated about the door's position
            Matrix Transforms = Matrix.CreateRotationX(RoomRotation.X) * Matrix.CreateRotationY(RoomRotation.Y) * Matrix.CreateRotationZ(RoomRotation.Z) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(this.Position);

            //physically rotates the objects, and adds them to the models list
            foreach (ScreenModel model in LocalModels)
                model.Position += RoomPosition;
                model.Position = Vector3.Transform(model.Position, Transforms);
                model.modelRotation += RoomRotation;

            //repositions all objects so that they are aligned to the door
            RoomPosition = this.Position - InverseDoor.Position;
            foreach (ScreenModel model in LocalModels)
                model.Position += RoomPosition;
 public static OrientedBoundingBox GetBoundingBoxSurroundings(Door ThisDoor)
     //makes a bounding box around the room
     Vector3 Min = new Vector3(float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue);
     Vector3 Max = new Vector3(float.MinValue, float.MinValue, float.MinValue);
     foreach (ScreenModel ThisModel in ThisDoor.ThisRoomModels)
         if (ThisModel != ThisDoor)
             if(ThisModel.GetType() != typeof(Door))
                 foreach (OrientedBoundingBox Box in ThisModel.MovingBoxes)
                     foreach (Vector3 Corner in Box.GetRotatedCorners())
                         Max = Vector3.Max(Corner, Max);
                         Min = Vector3.Min(Corner, Min);
     return (new OrientedBoundingBox((Max + Min) / 2, (Max - Min) / 2, Quaternion.Identity));
 //find the center point of a room to spawn the character
 public static Vector3 FindCenterRoom(Door ThisDoor)
     OrientedBoundingBox BoundBox = GetBoundingBoxOther(ThisDoor);