private void btnLJSC_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region ����֤��Ϣ�����ԡ� for (int i = 0; i < this.dgv.Rows.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (this.dgv.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value.ToString() == "") { MessageBox.Show("���Ϊ" + this.dgv.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value + "����Աȱ��" + this.dgv.Columns[j].Name.ToString() + "��Ϣ������д���������������ļ���", " ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return; } if (this.dgv.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value.ToString().IndexOf(";") >= 0 | this.dgv.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value.ToString().IndexOf(" ") >= 0 | this.dgv.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value.ToString().IndexOf(" ") >= 0) { MessageBox.Show("���Ϊ" + this.dgv.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value + "����Ա" + this.dgv.Columns[j].Name.ToString() + "��Ϣ������пոֺš��Ʊ���Ȳ��Ϸ��ַ�����������д!", " ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return; } } } bool IsBlank = false; DataGridViewRowCollection dgvrc = dgv.Rows; foreach (DataGridViewRow dgvr in dgvrc) { foreach (DataGridViewCell dgvc in dgvr.Cells) { if (dgvc.Value == null) { IsBlank = true; break; } } } if (IsBlank) { MessageBox.Show("��Ա��Ϣ�б����пհı������Կհı�������б༭��", " ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return; } #endregion #region ��������Ա��Ϣ�ļ��� MyDataTable MDT = new MyDataTable(DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL("select distinct MineNO,(MineNO+PersonCardNO) PersonCardNO,PersonName,IDCard,WorkType,DeptName,WorkPlace,substring(convert(varchar(20),birthday,120),1,10) birthday,sex,bloodtype,schoolrecord,marrystate,CellPhoneNO,HomeAddress,WorkTypeNO,case when WorkTypeValidityDate IS NULL THEN '' else substring(convert(varchar(20),WorkTypeValidityDate,120),1,10) end as WorkTypeValidityDate from parameter_Person").Tables[0], DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"), "RYXX", "D:\\Location"); SetFormMainListBoxMsg(MDT.returnStr); try { //ɾ����ʷ�켣��Ϣ����������һ�� //DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL(" delete from Parameter_TrackPoints"); } catch { } MessageBox.Show("��Ա��Ϣ�ļ����ɳɹ�", " ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); isUseClose = true; #endregion }
private void btnLJSC_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region [��֤��Ϣ] bool IsBlank = false; DataGridViewRowCollection dgvrc = dgvAreaInfo.Rows; foreach (DataGridViewRow dgvr in dgvrc) { foreach (DataGridViewCell dgvc in dgvr.Cells) { if (dgvc.Value == null) { IsBlank = true; break; } } } for (int i = 0; i < this.dgvAreaInfo.Rows.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (this.dgvAreaInfo.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value.ToString() == "") { MessageBox.Show(this.dgvAreaInfo.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value + " ����Ϣ������������д���������������ļ���", " ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return; } if (this.dgvAreaInfo.Rows[i].Cells["������"].Value.ToString().Length != 13) { MessageBox.Show(this.dgvAreaInfo.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value + " �ķ�վ���벻��ȷ������д���������������ļ���", " ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return; } } } if (IsBlank) { MessageBox.Show("������Ϣ�б����пհı������Կհı�������б༭��", " ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return; } #endregion #region [����Ϣ] DataTable dt = DS.Tables[0].GetChanges();//strTerName.GetHashCode() int iTempCount = DS.Tables[0].Rows.Count; if (dt != null || IAreacount != iTempCount) { DataTable dt1 = DS.Tables[0]; DO.ReturnInt_ExcuteSQL("delete from parameter_Area"); DO.ReturnInt_ExcuteSQL("delete from Territorial_Info "); DO.ReturnInt_ExcuteSQL("delete from Territorial_Set "); DO.ReturnInt_ExcuteSQL("delete from Territorial_Config "); foreach (DataRow dr1 in dt1.Rows) { if (DO.ReturnInt_ExcuteSQL("insert into Parameter_Area(MineNO,AreaNO,AreaName,AreaType,AreaCheckPersonCount) values('" + dr1["������"].ToString().Substring(0, 11) + "','" + dr1["������"].ToString().Substring(11) + "','" + dr1["��������"] + "','" + dr1["��������"] + "'," + dr1["����˶�����"] + ")") <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("�Ѿ�������ͬ����������!", " ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return; } } foreach (DataRow dr1 in dt1.Rows) { int areaTypeID = SetAreaTypeID(dr1["��������"].ToString().Trim()); DO.ReturnInt_ExcuteSQL("insert into Territorial_Info (TerritorialID,TerritorialName,TerritorialTypeID, IsEnable, Instruction,Remark,TerritorialNO) " + " values(" + dr1["��������"].ToString().GetHashCode() + ",'" + dr1["��������"].ToString() + "'," + areaTypeID + ",1,'','','" + dr1["������"].ToString().Substring(11) + "')"); //ͬ���������� DO.ReturnInt_ExcuteSQL("insert into Territorial_Config (TerConfigID ,TerritorialID,TerWorkTime,TerEmpCount) values(" + dr1["��������"].ToString().GetHashCode() + "," + dr1["��������"].ToString().GetHashCode() + ",-1," + dr1["����˶�����"] + ")"); } foreach (DataRow dr1 in DT_Before.Rows) { if (dr1["�ĺ���������"].ToString().Trim() != "") { DO.ReturnInt_ExcuteSQL(" update Parameter_Area_Station set AreaNO= '" + dr1["�ĺ�������"].ToString() + "',AreaName='" + dr1["�ĺ���������"].ToString() + "' where AreaName ='" + dr1["��������"].ToString() + "'"); } } //ɾ�������վ���ñ����Ѿ�ɾ�������� DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL(" delete from Parameter_Area_Station where AreaName not in ( select AreaName from Parameter_Area)"); } #endregion #region [������Ϣ] DataSet ds = DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL("select MineNO,AreaType,(MineNO+AreaNO) AreaNO,AreaCheckPersonCount,AreaName from parameter_Area"); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("��������ϢҪ���ɣ�", " ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return; } MyDataTable MDT = new MyDataTable(ds.Tables[0], DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"), "RYQY", "D:\\Location"); SetFormMainListBoxMsg(MDT.returnStr); try { //ɾ����ʷ�켣��Ϣ����������һ�� // DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL(" delete from Parameter_TrackPoints"); } catch { } MessageBox.Show("������Ϣ���ɳɹ�", " ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); isUseClose = true; #endregion }
public void GetProcessFile() { DataTable DT = null; DataBase DB = new DataBase(); DT = DB.ExcuteProcedure("DataProduct_KJ128N_Shanxi_Process"); MyDataTable MYDT = new MyDataTable(DT, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"), "process", FilePath); if (txtShow.Lines.Length > 27) { txtShow.Text = ""; txtShow.Text += DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " ������������ ʵʱ���������ļ�" + Environment.NewLine; } else { txtShow.Text += DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " ������������ ʵʱ���������ļ�" + Environment.NewLine; } }
private void btnLJSC_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL("select distinct PSWTL.MineNO,(PS.MineNO+PS.PersonCardNO) PersonCard,PSWTL.PersonName,PSWTL.WorkType,AllPointNOTime from parameter_SpecialWork_TrackLine PSWTL left join parameter_Person PS on convert(int,ps.PersonCardNO)=PSWTL.PersonCardNO").Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("û������������ҵ��ԱԤ��·����Ϣ,��˲���Ҫ�����ļ�!", " ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); isUseClose = true; return; } MyDataTable MDT = new MyDataTable(DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL("select distinct PSWTL.MineNO,(PS.MineNO+PS.PersonCardNO) PersonCard,PSWTL.PersonName,PSWTL.WorkType,AllPointNOTime from parameter_SpecialWork_TrackLine PSWTL left join parameter_Person PS on convert(int,ps.PersonCardNO)=PSWTL.PersonCardNO").Tables[0], DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"), "RYLXYS", "D:\\Location"); SetFormMainListBoxMsg(MDT.returnStr); MessageBox.Show("������ҵ��ԱԤ��·���ļ����ɳɹ�", " ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); isUseClose = true; }
private void btnLJSC_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region���ж��Ƿ��з�վ��Ϣû��������ȫ�� for (int i = 0; i < this.dgv.Rows.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (this.dgv.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value.ToString() == "") { MessageBox.Show("˳��Ϊ" + this.dgv.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value + "�ķ�վ��Ϣ������������д���������������ļ���", " ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return; } if (this.dgv.Rows[i].Cells["��վ����"].Value.ToString().Length != 16) { MessageBox.Show("˳��Ϊ" + this.dgv.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value + "�ķ�վ�������ò���ȷ������д���������������ļ���", " ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return; } } } #endregion #region ������Ϣ�����ݿ⡿ //foreach (DataRow dr1 in DT_Before.Rows) //{ // DO.ReturnInt_ExcuteSQL("update Station_Head_Info set StationHeadNO= '" + dr1["��վ���"].ToString() + "', StationHeadPlace='" + dr1["��վλ��"].ToString() + "' where SelfNO= " + dr1["˳��"].ToString()); //} //DO.ReturnInt_ExcuteSQL(" TRUNCATE TABLE Parameter_Station "); //Thread.Sleep(500); //DO.ReturnInt_ExcuteSQL(" TRUNCATE TABLE Parameter_Area_Station "); //Thread.Sleep(500); //foreach (DataRow dr1 in DS_Show.Tables[0].Rows) //{ // DO.ReturnInt_ExcuteSQL("insert into Parameter_Station( MineNO, SerialNumber, Type, StationNO, StationName, X, Y, CoordinateRemark) values ('" // + str_MineNO + "'," + dr1["˳��"].ToString() + ",'" + dr1["����"].ToString() + "','" // + dr1["StationNO"].ToString() + "','" + dr1["��ϵͳ��վ"].ToString() + "','" + dr1["X����"].ToString() + "','" // + dr1["Y����"].ToString() + "','" + dr1["λ������"].ToString() + "')"); // DO.ReturnInt_ExcuteSQL(" insert into Parameter_Area_Station ( MineNO, AreaNO, AreaName, StationNO, StationName ) values ('" + str_MineNO + "','" // + dr1["AreaNO"].ToString() + "','" + dr1["��������"].ToString() + "','" + dr1["StationNO"].ToString() + "','" + dr1["��ϵͳ��վ"].ToString() + "')"); //} //Thread.Sleep(1000); #endregion try { #region ��������������ֵķ�վ��Ϣ�� //DO.ReturnInt_ExcuteSQL("update Parameter_SpecialWork_RTStnHead set RTStationNO=SHI.StationHeadNO,RTStationName=SHI.StationHeadAddress from Station_Head_Info SHI where StnHeadID=SHI.StationHeadID"); //DO.ReturnInt_ExcuteSQL("update Parameter_SpecialWT_Exception set CheckReachStationNO=SHI.StationHeadNO,CheckReachStationName=SHI.StationHeadAddress from Station_Head_Info SHI where CheckReachStnHeadID=SHI.StationHeadID "); //DataTable dt_Point = DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL("select distinct EmpID,AllPointNameTime from Parameter_SpecialWork_TrackLine").Tables[0]; //DataTable dt_StnName = DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL("select distinct StnHeadID, StationName, '��λ��' as NewStnName from Parameter_SpecialWork_TrackLine").Tables[0]; //DataTable dt_Stn = DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL("select StationHeadID, StationHeadPlace from Station_Head_Info where StationHeadID in (select distinct StnHeadID from Parameter_SpecialWork_TrackLine)").Tables[0]; //if (dt_Point.Rows.Count > 0) //{ // //��÷�վ�µ�λ�� // for (int i = 0; i < dt_StnName.Rows.Count; i++) // { // foreach (DataRow dr_s in dt_Stn.Rows) // { // if (dt_StnName.Rows[i]["StnHeadID"].ToString() == dr_s["StationHeadID"].ToString()) // { // dt_StnName.Rows[i]["NewStnName"] = dr_s["StationHeadPlace"].ToString(); // } // } // } // //����·�߷�վλ�� // for (int i = 0; i < dt_Point.Rows.Count; i++) // { // foreach (DataRow dr_n in dt_StnName.Rows) // { // dt_Point.Rows[i]["AllPointNameTime"] = dt_Point.Rows[i]["AllPointNameTime"].ToString().Replace(dr_n["StationName"].ToString(), dr_n["NewStnName"].ToString()); // } // } // DO.ReturnInt_ExcuteSQL(" update Parameter_SpecialWork_TrackLine set StationNO=SHI.StationHeadNO,StationName=SHI.StationHeadPlace from Station_Head_Info SHI where StnHeadID=SHI.StationHeadID"); // foreach (DataRow dr_p in dt_Point.Rows) // { // DO.ReturnInt_ExcuteSQL(" update Parameter_SpecialWork_TrackLine set AllPointNameTime= '" + dr_p["AllPointNameTime"].ToString() // + "' where EmpID= " + dr_p["EmpID"].ToString()); // } //} #endregion } catch { } string sql = "SELECT PS.MineNO , " + " ( PAS.MineNO + PAS.AreaNO + PAS.StationNO ) StationNO , " + " PAS.StationName , " + " PS.CoordinateRemark " + "FROM Parameter_Station PS " + " LEFT JOIN Parameter_Area_Station PAS ON PS.StationName = PAS.StationName "; MyDataTable MDT = new MyDataTable(DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL(sql).Tables[0], DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyMMddHHmmss"), "RYFZ", "D:\\Location"); //MyDataTable MDT = new MyDataTable(DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL("select PS.MineNO,PS.SerialNumber,PS.Type,(PAS.MineNO+PAS.AreaNO+PAS.StationNO) StationNO,PAS.StationName,PS.X,PS.Y,PS.CoordinateRemark from Parameter_Station PS left join Parameter_Area_Station PAS on PS.StationName=PAS.StationName").Tables[0], DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyMMddHHmmss"), "RYFZ", "D:\\Location"); SetFormMainListBoxMsg(MDT.returnStr); try { //ɾ����ʷ�켣��Ϣ����������һ�� FormMain.IsCzltCreate = false; //DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL(" TRUNCATE TABLE Parameter_TrackPoints"); //Thread.Sleep(100); //Czlt-2011-07-10 ���վ�켣���в���켣���� //DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL(" declare @myCodeSenderAddress int declare @InStationHeadTime datetime declare @StationHeadPlace varchar(50) declare @stationHeadID int declare @StationNO varchar(20) declare @TempStationNO VARCHAR(50) declare @AreaCheckPersonCount int declare @RealCount int declare @AreaNo varchar(30) DECLARE @MineNO VARCHAR(30) declare MyCursor_SSGC cursor for select CodeSenderAddress,StationHeadTime,shi.StationHeadPlace,PAS.AreaNO,PAS.MineNO from rt_InStationHeadInfo rtishi left join Station_Head_Info shi on rtishi.StationHeadID = shi.StationHeadID left join Parameter_Person PP on rtishi.CodeSenderAddress = convert(int,PP.PersonCardNO) left join Parameter_Area_Station PAS on shi.StationHeadPlace=PAS.StationName where rtishi.cstypeid=0 open MyCursor_SSGC fetch next from MyCursor_SSGC into @MyCodeSenderAddress,@InStationHeadTime,@StationHeadPlace,@AreaNO,@MineNO while @@fetch_status = 0 begin select @StationNO = StationNO from Parameter_Area_Station where StationName= @StationHeadPlace if not exists(select 1 from Parameter_TrackPoints where CodeSenderAddress = @myCodeSenderAddress) begin insert into Parameter_TrackPoints(CodeSenderAddress,TrackPoints,LastStationNO) values(@myCodeSenderAddress,(@MineNO+@AreaNO+@StationNO)+'&'+replace(convert(varchar(20),@InStationHeadTime,120),' ','/'),@StationHeadPlace) end else begin select @TempStationNO = LastStationNO from Parameter_TrackPoints where CodeSenderAddress = @myCodeSenderAddress if(@TempStationNO<>@StationHeadPlace) BEGIN update Parameter_TrackPoints set TrackPoints = TrackPoints+','+(@MineNO+@AreaNO+@StationNO)+'&'+replace(convert(varchar(20),@InStationHeadTime,120),' ','/'),LastStationNO = @StationHeadPlace where CodeSenderAddress = @myCodeSenderAddress END end fetch next from MyCursor_SSGC into @MyCodeSenderAddress,@InStationHeadTime,@StationHeadPlace,@AreaNO,@MineNO end CLOSE MyCursor_SSGC DEALLOCATE MyCursor_SSGC"); DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL(" if exists (select * from sysobjects where [name]='Czlt_RT_InSHInfo') drop table Czlt_RT_InSHInfo "); DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL(" declare @myCodeSenderAddress int declare @InStationHeadTime datetime declare @StationHeadPlace varchar(50) declare @StationNO varchar(20) declare @TempStationNO VARCHAR(50) declare @index int declare @RealCount int declare @AreaNO varchar(30) DECLARE @MineNO VARCHAR(30) select ID=IDEntity(int,1,1),* into Czlt_RT_InSHInfo from ( select CodeSenderAddress,StationHeadTime,shi.StationHeadPlace,PAS.AreaNO,PAS.MineNO from rt_InStationHeadInfo rtishi left join Station_Head_Info shi on rtishi.StationHeadID = shi.StationHeadID left join Parameter_Person PP on rtishi.CodeSenderAddress = convert(int,PP.PersonCardNO) left join Parameter_Area_Station PAS on shi.StationHeadPlace=PAS.StationName where rtishi.cstypeid=0 ) dd select @RealCount=count(ID) from Czlt_RT_InSHInfo set @index = 1 while @index <=@RealCount begin select @MyCodeSenderAddress=CodeSenderAddress,@InStationHeadTime=StationHeadTime, @StationHeadPlace=StationHeadPlace,@AreaNO=AreaNO,@MineNO=mineno from Czlt_RT_InSHInfo where ID=@index set @index = @index+1 select @StationNO = StationNO from Parameter_Area_Station where StationName= @StationHeadPlace if not exists(select 1 from Parameter_TrackPoints where CodeSenderAddress = @myCodeSenderAddress) begin insert into Parameter_TrackPoints(CodeSenderAddress,TrackPoints,LastStationNO) values(@myCodeSenderAddress,(@MineNO+@AreaNO+@StationNO)+'&'+replace(convert(varchar(20),@InStationHeadTime,120),' ','/'),@StationHeadPlace) end else begin select @TempStationNO = LastStationNO from Parameter_TrackPoints where CodeSenderAddress = @myCodeSenderAddress if(@TempStationNO<>@StationHeadPlace) BEGIN update Parameter_TrackPoints set TrackPoints = TrackPoints+','+(@MineNO+@AreaNO+@StationNO)+'&'+replace(convert(varchar(20),@InStationHeadTime,120),' ','/'),LastStationNO = @StationHeadPlace where CodeSenderAddress = @myCodeSenderAddress END end end "); //Czlt-2011-07-29 �ϲ��� -ע�� // DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL(" select ID=IDEntity(int,1,1),* into Czlt_RT_InSHInfo from ( select CodeSenderAddress,StationHeadTime,shi.StationHeadPlace,PAS.AreaNO,PAS.MineNO from rt_InStationHeadInfo rtishi left join Station_Head_Info shi on rtishi.StationHeadID = shi.StationHeadID left join Parameter_Person PP on rtishi.CodeSenderAddress = convert(int,PP.PersonCardNO) left join Parameter_Area_Station PAS on shi.StationHeadPlace=PAS.StationName where rtishi.cstypeid=0 ) dd insert into Parameter_TrackPoints(CodeSenderAddress,TrackPoints,LastStationNO) select * from (select cz.CodeSenderAddress,(cz.MineNO+cz.AreaNO+pas.StationNO)+'&'+ replace(convert(varchar(20),cz.StationHeadTime,120),' ','/') as TrackPoints, cz.StationHeadPlace from Czlt_RT_InSHInfo cz join Parameter_Area_Station pas on cz.StationHeadPlace=pas.StationName) a"); Thread.Sleep(6000); FormMain.IsCzltCreate = true; } catch { } MessageBox.Show("���ɷ�վ�ļ��ɹ���", " ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); isUseClose = true; }
private void btnLJSC_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region [��֤���ݸ�ʽ�Ƿ���ȷ] if (lblMineNO.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("ú����벻��Ϊ�գ����ȱ༭ú����룡", " ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return; } Control.ControlCollection cc = this.groupBox1.Controls; foreach (Control C in cc) { C.Text = SBCcaseAndDBCcase.ConvertSBCcaseToDBCcase(C.Text); if (C.Name != null & C.Name != "txtRemark" & C.Name != "txtSafeProductLicence_NOC") { #region if (C.Name.IndexOf("txt") >= 0) { //�˴���֤�Ƿ��ַ������룬��Unicode��������֤��������� byte[] b = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(C.Text); for (int i = 0; i < b.Length; i = i + 2) { if (Int32.Parse(b[i + 1].ToString()) * 256 + int.Parse(b[i].ToString()) >= 9472 && Int32.Parse(b[i + 1].ToString()) * 256 + int.Parse(b[i].ToString()) <= 9587) { MessageBox.Show(C.Tag + "������пոֺš��Ʊ���Ȳ��Ϸ��ַ�����������д!", " ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); C.Focus(); return; } if (Int32.Parse(b[i + 1].ToString()) * 256 + int.Parse(b[i].ToString()) == 47 || (Int32.Parse(b[i + 1].ToString()) * 256 + int.Parse(b[i].ToString()) >= 58 && Int32.Parse(b[i + 1].ToString()) * 256 + int.Parse(b[i].ToString()) <= 64) || (Int32.Parse(b[i + 1].ToString()) * 256 + int.Parse(b[i].ToString()) >= 32 && Int32.Parse(b[i + 1].ToString()) * 256 + int.Parse(b[i].ToString()) <= 34) || (Int32.Parse(b[i + 1].ToString()) * 256 + int.Parse(b[i].ToString()) >= 36 && Int32.Parse(b[i + 1].ToString()) * 256 + int.Parse(b[i].ToString()) <= 44) || (Int32.Parse(b[i + 1].ToString()) * 256 + int.Parse(b[i].ToString()) >= 91 && Int32.Parse(b[i + 1].ToString()) * 256 + int.Parse(b[i].ToString()) <= 96) || (Int32.Parse(b[i + 1].ToString()) * 256 + int.Parse(b[i].ToString()) >= 123 && Int32.Parse(b[i + 1].ToString()) * 256 + int.Parse(b[i].ToString()) <= 255)) { MessageBox.Show(C.Tag + "������Ƿ��ַ�!", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); C.Focus(); return; } } if (C.Text.ToString().IndexOf(" ") >= 0 | C.Text.ToString().IndexOf(";") >= 0 | C.Text.ToString().IndexOf(" ") >= 0) { MessageBox.Show(C.Tag + "��д����Ϣ�а����пոֺš��Ʊ�Ȳ��Ϸ��ַ�!", " ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); C.Focus(); return; } else if (C.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show(C.Tag.ToString() + "����Ϊ�գ�", " ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); C.Focus(); return; } else { if (C.Name.IndexOf("_int") >= 0) { if (!DO.IsNumber(C.Text)) { MessageBox.Show(C.Tag.ToString() + "ֻ��Ϊ���֣�", " ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); C.Focus(); return; } if (!IsNumeric(C.Text)) { MessageBox.Show(C.Tag.ToString() + "��������ֲ���Ϊ����", " ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); C.Focus(); return; } if (C.Text.IndexOf(".") == 0) { MessageBox.Show(C.Tag + "�ַ���.������������ڵ�һλ��", " ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); C.Focus(); return; } if (C.Tag.ToString().IndexOf("ʱ��") >= 0 & float.Parse(C.Text) > 24) { MessageBox.Show(C.Tag + "���ܳ���24Сʱ", " ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); C.Focus(); return; } if (C.Tag.ToString().IndexOf("IP") >= 0 & float.Parse(C.Text) > 255) { MessageBox.Show(C.Tag.ToString() + "�е����ֲ��ܳ���255", " ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); C.Focus(); return; } } else if (C.Name == "txtDealerLicence_NOC") { if (!CheckNoAndChinese(C.Text)) { MessageBox.Show(C.Tag.ToString() + "�зǷ��ַ���ո����������룡", " ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); C.Focus(); return; } } } } #endregion } else if (C.Name == "txtSafeProductLicence_NOC") { #region if (C.Name.IndexOf("txt") >= 0) { //�˴���֤�Ƿ��ַ������룬��Unicode��������֤��������� byte[] b = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(C.Text); for (int i = 0; i < b.Length; i = i + 2) { if (Int32.Parse(b[i + 1].ToString()) * 256 + int.Parse(b[i].ToString()) >= 9472 && Int32.Parse(b[i + 1].ToString()) * 256 + int.Parse(b[i].ToString()) <= 9587) { MessageBox.Show(C.Tag + "������пոֺš��Ʊ���Ȳ��Ϸ��ַ�����������д!", " ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); C.Focus(); return; } if (Int32.Parse(b[i + 1].ToString()) * 256 + int.Parse(b[i].ToString()) == 47 || (Int32.Parse(b[i + 1].ToString()) * 256 + int.Parse(b[i].ToString()) >= 58 && Int32.Parse(b[i + 1].ToString()) * 256 + int.Parse(b[i].ToString()) <= 64) || (Int32.Parse(b[i + 1].ToString()) * 256 + int.Parse(b[i].ToString()) >= 32 && Int32.Parse(b[i + 1].ToString()) * 256 + int.Parse(b[i].ToString()) <= 34) || (Int32.Parse(b[i + 1].ToString()) * 256 + int.Parse(b[i].ToString()) >= 36 && Int32.Parse(b[i + 1].ToString()) * 256 + int.Parse(b[i].ToString()) <= 39) || (Int32.Parse(b[i + 1].ToString()) * 256 + int.Parse(b[i].ToString()) >= 42 && Int32.Parse(b[i + 1].ToString()) * 256 + int.Parse(b[i].ToString()) <= 44) || (Int32.Parse(b[i + 1].ToString()) * 256 + int.Parse(b[i].ToString()) >= 94 && Int32.Parse(b[i + 1].ToString()) * 256 + int.Parse(b[i].ToString()) <= 96) || (Int32.Parse(b[i + 1].ToString()) * 256 + int.Parse(b[i].ToString()) >= 123 && Int32.Parse(b[i + 1].ToString()) * 256 + int.Parse(b[i].ToString()) <= 255)) { MessageBox.Show(C.Tag + "������Ƿ��ַ�!", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); C.Focus(); return; } } if (C.Text.ToString().IndexOf(" ") >= 0 | C.Text.ToString().IndexOf(";") >= 0 | C.Text.ToString().IndexOf(" ") >= 0) { MessageBox.Show(C.Tag + "��д����Ϣ�а����пոֺš��Ʊ�Ȳ��Ϸ��ַ�!", " ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); C.Focus(); return; } else if (C.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show(C.Tag.ToString() + "����Ϊ�գ�", " ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); C.Focus(); return; } else { if (C.Name.IndexOf("_int") >= 0) { if (!DO.IsNumber(C.Text)) { MessageBox.Show(C.Tag.ToString() + "ֻ��Ϊ���֣�", " ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); C.Focus(); return; } if (!IsNumeric(C.Text)) { MessageBox.Show(C.Tag.ToString() + "��������ֲ���Ϊ����", " ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); C.Focus(); return; } if (C.Text.IndexOf(".") == 0) { MessageBox.Show(C.Tag + "�ַ���.������������ڵ�һλ��", " ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); C.Focus(); return; } if (C.Tag.ToString().IndexOf("ʱ��") >= 0 & float.Parse(C.Text) > 24) { MessageBox.Show(C.Tag + "���ܳ���24Сʱ", " ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); C.Focus(); return; } if (C.Tag.ToString().IndexOf("IP") >= 0 & float.Parse(C.Text) > 255) { MessageBox.Show(C.Tag.ToString() + "�е����ֲ��ܳ���255", " ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); C.Focus(); return; } } else if (C.Name == "txtDealerLicence_NOC") { if (!CheckNoAndChinese(C.Text)) { MessageBox.Show(C.Tag.ToString() + "�зǷ��ַ���ո����������룡", " ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); C.Focus(); return; } } } } #endregion } } #endregion UpdateMineInfo();//UpDate EnumTable Set EnumValue='" + strEmpCount + "' Where FunID=8 and EnumID=1 //���Ŀ���Ա���� int iEmpCount = Convert.ToInt32(txtCheckDownWellPersonCount_int.Text.ToString()); DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL("UpDate EnumTable Set EnumValue='" + iEmpCount.ToString() + "' Where FunID=8 and EnumID=1"); //������������������������˶�������ͬ DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL("update Parameter_Area set AreaCheckPersonCount=" + iEmpCount.ToString() + " where AreaType='��������' or AreaType ='��������'"); string sql = "SELECT MineNO , " + " CityName , " + " MineFullName , " + " MineSimpleName , " + " EconomicClass , " + " UndermanagerName , " + " BetterAddress , " + " CheckDownWellPersonCount , " + " Tel , " + " Remark " + "FROM dbo.Parameter_Mine "; MyDataTable MDT = new MyDataTable(DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL(sql).Tables[0], DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"), "RYMK", "D:\\Location"); SetFormMainListBoxMsg(MDT.returnStr); isUseClose = true; try { //ɾ����ʷ�켣��Ϣ����������һ�� // DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL(" delete from Parameter_TrackPoints"); } catch { } MessageBox.Show("����ú����Ϣ�ļ��ɹ�", " ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); }
private void Time5Second_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //iCount20S++; iCount2M++; #region��2���Ӷ�ʱ����ʵʱ�����ļ��� if (iCount2M >= 24) { //DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL("update Station_Head_Info set StationHeadNO=selfno"); if (DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL("exec proc_SXLW_SSGC_Select").Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { //ʵʱ�����ļ�----ʱ���+RYSS MyDataTable MDT = new MyDataTable(DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL("exec proc_SXLW_SSGC").Tables[0], DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"), "RYSS", "D:\\Location"); SetFormMainListBoxMsg(MDT.returnStr); intProcdutCount++; //lblResult.Text = "��ǰ������Ѿ�����ʵʱ�ļ� [ " + intProcdutCount.ToString() + " ] ��"; } else { MyDataTable MDT = new MyDataTable(new DataTable(), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"), "RYSS", "D:\\Location"); intProcdutCount++; SetFormMainListBoxMsg(MDT.returnStr); } iCount2M = 0; } #endregion #region���жϻ�����Ϣ�Ƿ��Ѿ�������ȫ�� try { DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL(" declare @MineNOss varchar(30) set @MineNOss=(select distinct( MineNO) from Parameter_Mine) update Parameter_OverEmployee set MineNO =@MineNOss " + " update Parameter_RT_OverTime set MineNO=@MineNOss update Parameter_SpecialWT_Exception set MineNO=@MineNOss " + " update Parameter_Station_Break set MineNO=@MineNOss update Parameter_TrackLine set MineNO=@MineNOss "); //if (FindFormByName()) //{ // return; //�������ÿ���Ϣ���ݲ�����ʵʱ�ļ� //} dsTemp = DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL(" SELECT MineFullName FROM Parameter_Mine " + " SELECT AreaNO from Parameter_Area where AreaNO IS NOT NULL " + " SELECT StationName AS ��ϵͳ��վ FROM Parameter_Station WHERE StationNO=NULL OR StationName NOT IN(SELECT StationName FROM Parameter_Area_Station ) " + " UNION ALL SELECT StationHeadPlace AS ��ϵͳ��վ FROM Station_Head_Info WHERE SelfNO NOT IN (SELECT SerialNumber FROM Parameter_Station ) " + " SELECT PersonName FROM dbo.Parameter_Person WHERE MineNO='' OR IDCard ='' OR WorkPlace='' OR WorkType='' OR birthDay IS NULL "); if (dsTemp.Tables[0].Rows.Count < 1 || dsTemp.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString() == "") { if (isMine == false) { Err myErr = new Err(" δ¼�����Ϣ������¼�����Ϣ��--��ʼʱ��" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:ss:mm")); isMine = true; MessageBox.Show("δ¼�����Ϣ������¼�����Ϣ��", "��ʾ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } // return; } else { isMine = false; } if (dsTemp.Tables[1].Rows.Count < 1) { if (isArea == false) { Err myErr = new Err(" δ����������Ϣ��������������Ϣ��--��ʼʱ��" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:ss:mm")); isArea = true; MessageBox.Show("δ����������Ϣ��������������Ϣ��", "��ʾ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } // return; } else { isArea = false; } if (dsTemp.Tables[2].Rows.Count > 0) { if (isStat == false) { Err myErr = new Err(" ��վ��Ϣ���ò�ȫ�������÷�վ��Ϣ��--��ʼʱ��" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:ss:mm")); isStat = true; MessageBox.Show(" ��վ��Ϣ���ò�ȫ�������÷�վ��Ϣ��", "��ʾ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } //return; } else { isStat = false; } if (dsTemp.Tables[3].Rows.Count > 0) { if (isPeople == false) { Err myErr = new Err(" ��Ա��Ϣ���ò�ȫ����������Ա��Ϣ��--��ʼʱ��" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:ss:mm"));///// isPeople = true; MessageBox.Show("��Ա��Ϣ���ò�ȫ����������Ա��Ϣ��", "��ʾ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } // return; } else { isPeople = false; } } catch { Err myErr = new Err("����ʵʱ����ǰ�жϴ���"); } #endregion DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL(" Proc_SXLW_GZYC_ADD "); DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL(" IF EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM Parameter_SpecialWT_Exception WHERE DATEDIFF(ss, CheckReachStationTime,GETDATE()) >0 and DATEDIFF(ss, CheckReachStationTime,GETDATE()) <6 ) " + " BEGIN update Parameter_SpecialWT_Exception SET IsRead=0 WHERE state='�ٵ�' OR (DATEDIFF(ss, CheckReachStationTime,GETDATE()) >=0 OR state='δ��') END "); //5������ϵͳ�����쳣�ļ� #region��5������ϵͳ�����쳣�ļ��� //*******Czlt-2011-07-10**������վ���ϱ���*XTYC-ϵͳ�쳣**************************** int tempCount = DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL("Proc_SXLW_XTYC_Select").Tables[0].Rows.Count; if (tempCount > 0) { //DataSet dsStnNO = DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL(" select StationNO from Parameter_Station_Break PSB where PSB.IsRead = 0 order by StationNO "); if (_stnLastCount == tempCount) { //ϵͳ�����쳣�ļ�-----ʱ���+RYYC MyDataTable mt = new MyDataTable(DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL("Proc_SXLW_XTYC").Tables[0], DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"), "RYYC", "D:\\Location"); intProcdutCount++; SetFormMainListBoxMsg(mt.returnStr); //lblResult.Text = "��ǰ������Ѿ�����ʵʱ�ļ� [ " + intProcdutCount.ToString() + " ] ��"; } } _stnLastCount = tempCount; #endregion //20������ʵʱ�ļ� #region��5������ʵʱ�ļ��� //***************Czlt-2011-07-10 ��ʱ��������****************Start**************** int rtOver = Convert.ToInt32(DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL("Select count(1) from Parameter_RT_OverTime where OverTimeEndTime is null").Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString()); if (rtOverTime != rtOver) { if (DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL("exec Proc_SXLW_SSCS_Select") != null && DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL("exec Proc_SXLW_SSCS_Select").Tables.Count > 0) { if (DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL("exec Proc_SXLW_SSCS_Select").Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { //��ʱ�����ļ�-----ʱ���+RYSC MyDataTable MYT = new MyDataTable(DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL("exec Proc_SXLW_SSCS").Tables[0], DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"), "RYCS", "D:\\Location"); intProcdutCount++; SetFormMainListBoxMsg(MYT.returnStr); //lblResult.Text = "��ǰ������Ѿ�����ʵʱ�ļ� [ " + intProcdutCount.ToString() + " ] ��"; } } rtOverTime = rtOver; } //***************Czlt-2011-07-10 ��ʱ��������****************End****************** int InOut = Convert.ToInt32(DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL("Select count(1) from parameter_OverEmployee where AlarmEndTime is null").Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString()); if (InOut != dtInOutMine) { if (DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL("exec Proc_SXLW_SSCY_Select").Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { //��Ա/�������������ļ�-----ʱ���+RYCY MyDataTable mdt = new MyDataTable(DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL("exec Proc_SXLW_SSCY").Tables[0], DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"), "RYCYXZ", "D:\\Location"); intProcdutCount++; SetFormMainListBoxMsg(mdt.returnStr); //lblResult.Text = "��ǰ������Ѿ�����ʵʱ�ļ� [ " + intProcdutCount.ToString() + " ] ��"; } dtInOutMine = InOut; } if (DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL("exec Proc_SXLW_GZYC_Select").Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { //������ҵ��Ա�����쳣-----ʱ���+RYTZ MyDataTable md = new MyDataTable(DO.ReturnDataSet_ExcuteSQL("exec Proc_SXLW_GZYC").Tables[0], DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"), "RYTZYC", "D:\\Location"); intProcdutCount++; SetFormMainListBoxMsg(md.returnStr); //lblResult.Text = "��ǰ������Ѿ�����ʵʱ�ļ� [ " + intProcdutCount.ToString() + " ] ��"; } #endregion } catch { //*********************Czlt-2011-05-19 ���ݿ����Ӳ���*Start**************************************** try { strMessage = DO.CheckConIsOpen(); lblMessage.Text = strMessage; } catch { lblMessage.Text = "���ݿ������쳣������������Ϣ��"; //*******Czlt-2011-05-05 ȡ����¼����******** this.MainPanel.Visible = true; IsLogin = true; return; } //*******************Czlt-2011-05-19 ���ݿ����Ӳ���*End***************************************** } }