public DataTable GetQuery(Interface_Connection Connection, Do_Constants.Str_QuerySource SourceObject, string Fields, QueryCondition Condition, string Sort = "", long Top = 0, int Page = 0)
            Fields = Do_Methods.Convert_String(Fields);
            Sort = Do_Methods.Convert_String(Sort);

            string Query_RowNumberSort = Sort;
            if (Query_RowNumberSort.Trim() == "")
            { Query_RowNumberSort = "(Select 0)"; }

            string Query_Top = "";
            if (Top > 0)
            { Query_Top = "Top " + Top.ToString(); }

            Int64 PageCondition = 0;
            if (Page > 0)
            { PageCondition = Top * (Page - 1); }

            if (SourceObject.ObjectName.Trim() != "")
            { SourceObject.ObjectName = @" From  " + SourceObject.ObjectName + " "; }
            if (SourceObject.Fields.Trim() == "")
            { SourceObject.Fields = @" * "; }
            if (SourceObject.Condition.Trim() != "")
            { SourceObject.Condition = @" Where " + SourceObject.Condition; }

            if (Fields.Trim() == "")
            { Fields = " * "; }
            if (Sort.Trim() != "")
            { Sort = " Order By " + Sort; }

            PreparedQuery Pq = this.CreatePreparedQuery();
            string Query_Condition = "";
            if (Condition != null)
                Query_Condition = " Where 1 = 1 ";
                Query_Condition += " And " + Condition.GetQueryCondition();

            //Pq.pQuery = @"Select " + Query_Top + @" [Tb].* From ( Select Row_Number() Over (Order By " + Query_RowNumberSort + @") As [RowNumber], " + Fields + " " + SourceObject + " " + Query_Condition + @" ) As [Tb] Where [Tb].RowNumber > " + PageCondition + " " + Sort;
            //Pq.pQuery = @"Declare @Query As VarChar(Max); Set @Query = 'Select ' + @Top + ' [Tb].* From ( Select Row_Number() Over (Order By ' + @RowNumberSort + ') As [RowNumber], ' + @Fields + ' ' + @ViewObject + ' ' + @Condition + ' ) As [Tb] Where [Tb].RowNumber >= ' + @PageCondition + ' ' + @Sort; Exec(@Query)";
            Pq.pQuery = @"Declare @ViewObject As VarChar(Max); Set @ViewObject = ' Select * ' + @Param_ViewObject_TableName + ' ' + @Param_ViewObject_Condition + ' ';  Declare @Query As VarChar(Max); Set @Query = 'Select ' + @Param_Top + ' [Tb].* From ( Select Row_Number() Over (Order By ' + @Param_RowNumberSort + ') As [RowNumber] , ' + @Param_Fields + ' From ('+ @ViewObject + ') As [Source] '" + @Query_Condition + @"' ) As [Tb] Where [Tb].RowNumber >= ' + @Param_PageCondition + ' ' + @Param_Sort; Exec(@Query);";
            Pq.Add_Parameter(new QueryParameter() { Name = "Param_ViewObject_TableName", Value = SourceObject.ObjectName, Type = Do_Constants.eParameterType.VarChar, Size = 8000 });
            Pq.Add_Parameter(new QueryParameter() { Name = "Param_ViewObject_Condition", Value = SourceObject.Condition, Type = Do_Constants.eParameterType.VarChar, Size = 8000 });
            Pq.Add_Parameter(new QueryParameter() { Name = "Param_Top", Value = Query_Top, Type = Do_Constants.eParameterType.VarChar, Size = 8000 });
            Pq.Add_Parameter(new QueryParameter() { Name = "Param_RowNumberSort", Value = Query_RowNumberSort, Type = Do_Constants.eParameterType.VarChar, Size = 8000 });
            Pq.Add_Parameter(new QueryParameter() { Name = "Param_PageCondition", Value = PageCondition.ToString(), Type = Do_Constants.eParameterType.VarChar, Size = 8000 });
            Pq.Add_Parameter(new QueryParameter() { Name = "Param_Fields", Value = Fields, Type = Do_Constants.eParameterType.VarChar, Size = 8000 });
            Pq.Add_Parameter(new QueryParameter() { Name = "Param_Sort", Value = Sort, Type = Do_Constants.eParameterType.VarChar, Size = 8000 });

            return Pq.ExecuteQuery().Tables[0];
        /// <summary>
        /// Fetches a result set from a data source object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Connection">
        /// An open connection object
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="SourceObject">
        /// Data source object to fetch from
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="Fields">
        /// List of fields tp fetch (SQL valid syntax)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="Condition">
        /// ClsQueryCondition Object to use the filter the result set
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="Sort">
        /// Sort expression to use to sort the result set (SQL Order By valid syntax)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="Top">
        /// Limits the number of returned rows in the result set,
        /// used in pagination
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="Page">
        /// Selects a section based on the Page and Top values in the result set,
        /// used in pagination
        /// </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable GetQuery(Interface_Connection Connection, String SourceObject, String Fields, QueryCondition Condition, String Sort = "", Int64 Top = 0, Int32 Page = 0)
            SourceObject = Do_Methods.Convert_String(SourceObject);
            Fields = Do_Methods.Convert_String(Fields);
            Sort = Do_Methods.Convert_String(Sort);

            string Query_RowNumberSort = Sort;
            if (Query_RowNumberSort.Trim() == "") Query_RowNumberSort = "(Select 0)";

            string Query_Top = "";
            if (Top > 0) Query_Top = "Top " + Top.ToString();

            Int64 PageCondition = 0;
            if (Page > 0)
            { PageCondition = Top * (Page - 1); }

            if (SourceObject.Trim() != "") SourceObject = " From " + SourceObject + " ";
            if (Fields.Trim() == "") Fields = " * ";
            if (Sort.Trim() != "") Sort = " Order By " + Sort;

            PreparedQuery Pq = this.CreatePreparedQuery();
            string Query_Condition = "";
            if (Condition != null)
                Query_Condition = " Where 1 = 1 ";
                Query_Condition += " And " + Condition.GetQueryCondition();

            Pq.pQuery = @"Select " + Query_Top + @" [Tb].* From ( Select Row_Number() Over (Order By " + Query_RowNumberSort + @") As [RowNumber], " + Fields + " " + SourceObject + " " + Query_Condition + @" ) As [Tb] Where [Tb].RowNumber > " + PageCondition + " " + Sort;

            return Pq.ExecuteQuery().Tables[0];