internal AddArgosPlatformForm(ArgosProgram program = null)
     Program = program;
     CurrentUser = Environment.UserDomainName + @"\" + Environment.UserName;
 public ArgosProgramDetailsForm(ArgosProgram program)
     Program = program;
     CurrentUser = Environment.UserDomainName + @"\" + Environment.UserName;
Example #3
 internal static void exceptionHandler(Exception ex, ArgosProgram program, ArgosPlatform platform)
     if (program == null && platform == null)
         AddErrorToEmail(_admin, null, null, "Downloader exception handler called without a program or platform: " + ex.Message);
     string errors = null;
     if (program != null)
         errors = "Download error '" + ex.Message + "' for program " + program.ProgramId;
     //If program and platform are both non-null (unanticipated), then program is ignored.
     if (platform != null)
         errors = "Download error '" + ex.Message + "' for platform " + platform.ProgramId;
         program = platform.ArgosProgram;
     AddErrorToEmail(program.ProjectInvestigator.Email, program.UserName, program.ProgramId, errors);
     AddErrorToEmail(_admin, program.UserName, program.ProgramId, errors);
 /// <summary>
 /// Retrieves data for an Argos Program from the Argos Web Server
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="program">The Argos Program (contains Platforms) to retrieve from the server</param>
 /// <param name="daysToRetrieve">The number of most recent days to retrieve from the server</param>
 public static void DownloadArgosProgram(ArgosProgram program, int? daysToRetrieve = null)
     int daysSinceLastDownload;
     if (daysToRetrieve.HasValue)
         daysSinceLastDownload = daysToRetrieve.Value;
         var database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
         var dateOfLastDownload = (from log in database.ArgosDownloads
                                   where log.ProgramId == program.ProgramId && log.FileId != null
                                   orderby log.TimeStamp descending
                                   select log.TimeStamp).FirstOrDefault();
         //Problem: using Days always truncates.
         // If I download at 1am on day 1, and then 11pm on day 2, (1.9 days -> 1day),
         //   I will miss any data created between 1am and 11pm on day 1.
         // However, rounding up may cause a lot of duplication,
         // (i.e. 6:01am on day1 and then 6:02am on day2, will need to download 2 days to get the extra minute)
         // by default we should round up to make sure that all data is obtained.  However, since this is
         // typically called on a scheduled task at the same time (+/- download/processing time) everyday.
         // I will check if we are close to an even day, and then round tword that day
         var timespan = DateTime.Now - dateOfLastDownload;
         int extraDay = timespan.Hours == 0 && timespan.Minutes < 5 ? 0 : 1;
         daysSinceLastDownload = timespan.Days + extraDay;
     var days = Math.Min(ArgosWebSite.MaxDays, daysSinceLastDownload);
     if (days < ArgosWebSite.MinDays)
     string errors;
     var results = ArgosWebSite.GetProgram(program.UserName, program.Password, program.ProgramId, days,
                                          out errors);
     CollarFile file = FileLoader.LoadProgram(program, days, results, errors);
     if (file == null)
        private void LoadDataContext()
            Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            //Database.Log = Console.Out;
            //Program is in a different DataContext, get one in this DataContext
            if (Program != null)
                Program = Database.ArgosPrograms.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProgramId == Program.ProgramId);

            //Validate Program and Editor on load, so we can show a messagebox.
 // ReSharper restore UnusedAutoPropertyAccessor.Local
 private void LoadPlatformsListBox(ArgosProgram program)
     var query = from platform in program.ArgosPlatforms
                 select new PlatformListItem
                     Platform = platform,
                     Name = GetPlatformName(platform),
                     CanDelete = !platform.ArgosDeployments.Any()
     var sortedList = query.OrderBy(p => p.Platform.Active ? 0 : 1).ThenBy(p => p.Name).ToList();
     PlatformsListBox.DataSource = sortedList;
     PlatformsListBox.DisplayMember = "Name";
     PlatformsListBoxLabel.Text = sortedList.Count < 5 ? "Argos Ids" : String.Format("Argos Ids ({0})", sortedList.Count);
     for (int i = 0; i < sortedList.Count; i++)
         var programStatus = sortedList[i].Platform.ArgosProgram.Active;
         var platformStatus = sortedList[i].Platform.Active;
         if ((programStatus.HasValue && !programStatus.Value) || (!programStatus.HasValue && !platformStatus))
             PlatformsListBox.SetItemColor(i, Color.DarkGray);
 private static string GetProgramName(ArgosProgram program)
     var active = program.Active.HasValue
                      ? (program.Active.Value ? "Active download" : "Inactive download")
                      : "Download status defered to platforms";
     return program + " (" + active + ")";
        private void LoadDataContext()
            Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            //Database.Log = Console.Out;
            //Platform is in a different DataContext, get one in this DataContext
            if (Program != null)
                Program = Database.ArgosPrograms.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProgramId == Program.ProgramId);
            if (Program == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Argos Platform Details Form not provided a valid Platform.");

            var functions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();
            IsEditor = functions.IsInvestigatorEditor(Program.Manager, CurrentUser) ?? false;