Example #1
        public static List <lineModel> LoadLine()
            string sql = @"select lineId, lineName from [Line];";

            return(SqlDataAccess.LoadData <lineModel>(sql));
Example #2
        public static List <EmployeeModel> LoadEmployees()
            string sql = @"select Id, EmployeeId, FirstName, LastName, EmailAddress 
                           from dbo.Employee";

            // This Return EmployeeModel <T>
            return(SqlDataAccess.LoadData <EmployeeModel>(sql));
        public static List <ScheduleModel> LoadSchedule()
            string sql = @"select orderId,partId,lineId,backendId,BEDate,EarliestStartDate,
                        from [Schedule]  order by SMTStart;";

            return(SqlDataAccess.LoadData <ScheduleModel>(sql));
Example #4
        public static List <int> CheckTable(string userId, string projectName)
            string sql = $@"IF EXISTS(
                SELECT 1 FROM sys.tables WHERE name LIKE '{userId}@{projectName}')
                SELECT 1
                ELSE SELECT 0";

            return(SqlDataAccess.LoadData <int>(sql));
Example #5
        //For reading from the database
        public static List <AllBooks> LoadBooks()
            //sql query for selecting (reading) from the book table
            string sql = @"select *
                        from dbo.Books ORDER BY Title ASC;";

            //Using function for reading from the book table
            return(SqlDataAccess.LoadData <AllBooks>(sql));
        public static List <EmployeeModel> LoadEmployees()
            //Load all employees with department name
            string sql = @"select E.Id, E.EmpName, E.EmpID, E.EmpContacts, E.EmpAge, D.DepName
                           from dbo.[Employee] as E, dbo.[Department] as D
                           where E.EmpDept = D.Id;";

            return(SqlDataAccess.LoadData <EmployeeModel>(sql));
Example #7
        // this is the Business logic data access Employee Model
        public static List <EmployeeModel> LoadEmployees()
            // this statement just returns everything
            string sql = @"select Id, EmployeeId, FirstName, LastName, EmailAddress
                         from dbo.Employee;";

            // load all our employees back
            return(SqlDataAccess.LoadData <EmployeeModel>(sql));
Example #8
        public static List <NFLHistory> LoadPickHistory(int week, string id)
            string sql = @"SELECT G.HomeTeam, G.AwayTeam, G.Winner, U.GamePick
                           FROM dbo.usrPicks as U, dbo.gamePicks as G
                           WHERE U.GameKey = G.GameKey
                           AND U.UserID ='" + id + "' AND U.Week = '" + week + "';";

            return(SqlDataAccess.LoadData <NFLHistory>(sql));
Example #9
        //Methodto load data
        public static List <TagsModel> LoadTags()
            //create the sql command
            string sql = @"SELECT Id, TagDescription, TagType, TimeStamp
                            FROM dbo.Tags";

            //call the sql data access to load the Tags data
            return(SqlDataAccess.LoadData <TagsModel>(sql));
Example #10
        //Methodto load data
        public static List <UserModel> LoadUser()
            //create the sql command
            string sql = @"SELECT Id, UserName, FirstName, LastName
                            FROM dbo.[User]";

            //call the sql data access to load the User data
            return(SqlDataAccess.LoadData <UserModel>(sql));
Example #11
        public static List <RoommateModel> LoadRoommates()
            //string sql = @"select RoommateId, FirstName, LastName
            //              from dbo.Roommates;";

            string sql = "sp_GetAllRoommates";

            return(SqlDataAccess.LoadData <RoommateModel>(sql));
Example #12
        public static List <NFLLoadPickem> LoadPickem(string gKey, string user)
            string sql = @"SELECT games.*, picks.* 
                           FROM dbo.gamePicks as games, dbo.usrPicks as picks
                           WHERE games.GameKey ='" + gKey + "' AND picks.UserID ='" + user + "';";

            return(SqlDataAccess.LoadData <NFLLoadPickem>(sql));
        // Read Client Data
        public static List <ClientModel> LoadClient()
            //Create SQL Query
            string sql = @"SELECT *
                            FROM dbo.[Client];";

            //load the data access to call the client data
            return(SqlDataAccess.LoadData <ClientModel>(sql));
        // read employee data
        public static List <EmployeeModel> LoadEmployee()
            //create SQL Query
            string sql = @"SELECT * 
                           FROM dbo.[Employee];";

            // load the data access to call the employee data
            return(SqlDataAccess.LoadData <EmployeeModel>(sql));
Example #15
        public static List <ItemModel> GetBookById(int id)
            var sql = "SELECT * FROM library_item " +
                      "WHERE Category = 'book' " +
                      $"AND Id = {id} " +
                      $"AND Access = 'public'";

            return(SqlDataAccess.LoadData <ItemModel>(sql));
        //Methodto load data
        public static List <ProjectModel> LoadProjects()
            //create the sql command
            string sql = @"select Id, Name, Description, DeadLine
                            from dbo.Project;";

            //call the sql data access to load the project data
            return(SqlDataAccess.LoadData <ProjectModel>(sql));
        public static List <partModel> LoadPartId()
            string sql = @"select partId
                        from [Part];";

            return(SqlDataAccess.LoadData <partModel>(sql));
Example #18
        //For reading only books with Genre Biography
        public static List <AllBooks> LoadBiography()
            //sql query for reading only Biography books
            string sql = @"select *
                        from dbo.Books where Genre = 'Biography';";

            //Using functions to celect from the table with our query
            return(SqlDataAccess.LoadData <AllBooks>(sql));
        //public static List<Province> LoadProvince(int countryId)
        //    string sql = @"dbo.Provinces_GetByCountryId @CountryId";

        //    var p = new DynamicParameters();
        //    p.Add("@CountryId", countryId);

        //    return SqlDataAccess.LoadData<Province>(sql, p);
        public static List <Province> LoadProvince(string countryName)
            string sql = @"dbo.Provinces_GetByCountryName @CountryName";

            var p = new DynamicParameters();

            p.Add("@CountryName", countryName);

            return(SqlDataAccess.LoadData <Province>(sql, p));
Example #20
        // Series
        public static List <SeriesModel> LoadSeries(string connectionString)
            string sql = "SELECT * FROM series.view_ListSeries ORDER BY title;";

            SqlDataAccess sqlDataAccess = new SqlDataAccess();


            return(sqlDataAccess.LoadData <SeriesModel>(sql));
Example #21
        public static List <CommissionReportModel> LoadCommissionReport()
            string sql = @"select p.ProductName, p.SalePrice, p.CommissionPercentage, (p.SalePrice * (p.CommissionPercentage/100)) as 'Commission', sp.FName as 'SalesPersonFName', sp.LName as 'SalesPersonLName', s.SaleDate
                                from Products p
                                join Sales s on s.ProductID=p.ProductID
                                join SalesPerson sp on sp.SalesPersonID = s.SalesPersonID
                                where s.SaleDate BETWEEN '4/1/2021' AND '6/30/2021'
                                order by SalesPersonLName";

            return(SqlDataAccess.LoadData <CommissionReportModel>(sql));
Example #22
        public static List <SalesListModel> LoadSales(DateTime beginDate, DateTime endDate)
            string sql = @"select p.ProductName, p.Manufacturer, p.Style, c.FName as 'CustomerFName', c.LName as 'CustomerLName', s.SaleDate, p.SalePrice, sp.FName as 'SalesPersonFName', sp.LName as 'SalesPersonLName',(p.SalePrice * (p.CommissionPercentage/100)) as 'Commission'
                                from Sales s
                                join Customer c on s.CustomerID=c.CustomerID
                                join Products p on s.ProductID=p.ProductID
                                join SalesPerson sp on s.SalesPersonID=sp.SalesPersonID
                                where s.SaleDate BETWEEN '" + beginDate + "' AND '" + endDate + "' ";

            return(SqlDataAccess.LoadData <SalesListModel>(sql));
Example #23
        public static List <orderModel> LoadOrder(string status)
            orderModel data = new orderModel
                status = status,
            string sql = @"select orderId,partId,projectName,lastMaterialDate,shipDate,quantity,status,priority 
                        from [Order] where status = @status;";

            return(SqlDataAccess.LoadData <orderModel>(sql, data));
Example #24
        public static int get_id(int userid)
            string sql    = @"Select Member_ID from dbo.Member where User_ID = '" + userid + "'";
            var    result = SqlDataAccess.LoadData <MemberModel>(sql);

            foreach (var row in result)
Example #25
        public static int get_id(string userName)
            string sql    = @"Select User_ID from dbo.Users where Username = '******'";
            var    result = SqlDataAccess.LoadData <UserModel>(sql);

            foreach (var row in result)
Example #26
        public static List <UsrSelections> UsrLosses(string userID, int week)
            string sql = @"SELECT U.UserID, U.Week, U.GameKey, U.GamePick, G.Winner
                           FROM dbo.usrPicks as U, dbo.gamePicks as G
                           WHERE U.GameKey = G.GameKey
                           AND U.GamePick <> '" + null + "' AND U.GamePick <> 'TIE' AND U.GamePick <> G.Winner AND U.UserID = '" + userID + "' AND U.Week = '" + week + "';";

            return(SqlDataAccess.LoadData <UsrSelections>(sql));
Example #27
        public static int get_id(string studio_name)
            string sql    = @"Select Studio_ID from dbo.Studio_Details where Studio_Name = '" + studio_name + "'";
            var    result = SqlDataAccess.LoadData <StudioModel>(sql);

            foreach (var row in result)
Example #28
        public static int get_id_lname(string lname)
            string sql    = @"Select Cast_ID from dbo.Cast_Details where LastName = '" + lname + "'";
            var    result = SqlDataAccess.LoadData <CastModel>(sql);

            foreach (var row in result)
Example #29
        public static int get_id(string producer_name)
            string sql    = @"Select Producer_ID from dbo.Producer_Details where Producer_name = '" + producer_name + "'";
            var    result = SqlDataAccess.LoadData <ProducerModel>(sql);

            foreach (var row in result)
Example #30
        // Episodes
        public static List <EpisodeModel> LoadEpisodes(string connectionString, int id)
            string sqlAllEpisodes = $"SELECT * FROM series.uf_list_all_episodes( { id } )";

            SqlDataAccess sqlDataAccess = new SqlDataAccess();


            List <EpisodeModel> episodeList = TransformEpisodeModel(sqlDataAccess.LoadData <EpisodeSqlModel>(sqlAllEpisodes));
