public int outputDataSize;			// Size of the intermediate and output data in Mb
											// All jobs have a constant input size of 4000Mb.  Defined in the GV class. 

		 * When a job is constructed, it generates itself and Initializes all the member variables.
		public Job()
			jobNumber = GetNewJobNumber();

			// Our slowest transfer speed is in Mbps, so when I generate a job, I calculate 
			// the job length in seconds, and the output data size in Mb.  Transmission time
			// of this metadata is negligible.
			jobLength = GV.GenerateRandomNumer(10800, 86400);

			outputDataSize = GV.GenerateRandomNumer(250, 1000) * 8;

			// Set the start time to the current simulation time.
			StartTime = GV.currentTime;
			investedRuntime = 0;

		} // Initialize