Example #1
        // a method to calculate the order total for a specific order (order ID) from the order details:
        public static decimal CalOrdTotal(int orderID)
            // make an empty total
            decimal total = 0;

            // get connected to the database
            SqlConnection con = NorthwindDB.GetConnection();

            // creating the proper sql query to extract data from MS SQL server
            string SelectQuery = "SELECT SUM(Quantity* UnitPrice *(1 - Discount)) AS Total " +
                                 "FROM [Order Details] WHERE OrderID = @OrderID Group by OrderID";

            // creating the proper command to run the query
            SqlCommand cmnd = new SqlCommand(SelectQuery, con);

            // adding the input parameter for running the command (Order ID) to it
            cmnd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@OrderID", orderID);

            // try to run the command
                // opening the connection

                // creating a sql data reader and run it to update the data in the database
                SqlDataReader dr = cmnd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleRow);

                if (dr.Read())
                    total = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["Total"]);
                dr.Close(); // closing the data reader
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Example #2
        // a method to update shipping date in the database
        public static bool UpdateOrder(Order newOrder, Order oldOrder)
            bool result = true;

            // get connected to the database
            SqlConnection con = NorthwindDB.GetConnection();

            // creating the proper sql query to update data in MS SQL server
            string UpdateQuery = "Update Orders SET ShippedDate = @NewShippedDate " +
                                 // to identify record to update
                                 "WHERE OrderID = @OldOrderId " +
                                 // remaining conditions for optimistic concurrency
                                 "AND (ShippedDate = @OldShippedDate OR ShippedDate IS NULL AND @OldShippedDate IS NULL)";

            // creating the proper command to run the query
            SqlCommand cmnd = new SqlCommand(UpdateQuery, con);

            // adding the input parameter for running the command (Order ID) to it
            if (newOrder.ShippedDate == null)
                cmnd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NewShippedDate", DBNull.Value);
                cmnd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NewShippedDate", newOrder.ShippedDate);

            cmnd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@OldOrderId", oldOrder.OrderID);

            if (oldOrder.ShippedDate == null)
                cmnd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@OldShippedDate", DBNull.Value);
                cmnd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@OldShippedDate", oldOrder.ShippedDate);

            // try to run the command
                // opening the connection

                // running the command to update the data in the database
                int rowUpdated = cmnd.ExecuteNonQuery();
                if (rowUpdated == 0)
                    result = false; // did not update (another user updated or deleted)
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Example #3
        // a method to get a list of orders from the database:
        public static List <Order> GetOrders()
            // make an empty list of orders
            List <Order> OrderList = new List <Order>();

            // make an empty order object
            Order ord;

            // get connected to the database
            SqlConnection con = NorthwindDB.GetConnection();

            // creating the proper sql query to extract data from MS SQL server
            string SelectQuery = "SELECT OrderID, CustomerID, OrderDate, RequiredDate," +
                                 "ShippedDate FROM Orders ORDER BY OrderID";

            // creating the proper command to run the query
            SqlCommand cmnd = new SqlCommand(SelectQuery, con);

            // try to run the command
                // opening the connection

                // creating a sql data reader and run it to read the data from the database
                SqlDataReader dr = cmnd.ExecuteReader();

                // read line by line as much as there is something to read
                while (dr.Read())
                    // for each line of the returned rows of data from database,
                    //assign the column values to the properties of a new order object
                    ord         = new Order();
                    ord.OrderID = (int)dr["OrderID"];

                    // ***************************************************************************
                    // these columns can be null in the database
                    // so we need to check if they are null for the current row of data or not.
                    // if they are null, the value for the related property of the object is null.
                    // ***************************************************************************
                    // get the index of the related column in the database
                    int CustomerIDIndex = dr.GetOrdinal("CustomerID");
                    if (dr.IsDBNull(CustomerIDIndex))
                        ord.CustomerID = null;
                        ord.CustomerID = dr["CustomerID"].ToString();

                    int OrderDateIndex = dr.GetOrdinal("OrderDate");
                    if (dr.IsDBNull(OrderDateIndex))
                        ord.OrderDate = null;
                        ord.OrderDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["OrderDate"]);

                    int RequiredDateIndex = dr.GetOrdinal("RequiredDate");
                    if (dr.IsDBNull(RequiredDateIndex))
                        ord.RequiredDate = null;
                        ord.RequiredDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["RequiredDate"]);

                    int ShippedDateIndex = dr.GetOrdinal("ShippedDate");
                    if (dr.IsDBNull(ShippedDateIndex))
                        ord.ShippedDate = null;
                        ord.ShippedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["ShippedDate"]);
                    // ***************************************************************************
                    // adding the new object to the list of objects
                dr.Close(); // closing the data reader
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

Example #4
        // a method to get an order from the database:
        public static Order GetOrder(int orderId)
            // make an empty order object
            Order ord = null;

            // get connected to the database
            SqlConnection con = NorthwindDB.GetConnection();

            // creating the proper sql query to extract data from MS SQL server
            string SelectQuery = "SELECT OrderID, CustomerID, OrderDate, RequiredDate," +
                                 "ShippedDate FROM Orders WHERE OrderID = @OrderId ";

            // creating the proper command to run the query
            SqlCommand cmnd = new SqlCommand(SelectQuery, con);

            // adding the input parameter for running the command (Order ID) to it
            cmnd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@OrderId", orderId);

            // try to run the command
                // opening the connection

                // creating a sql data reader and run it to read the data from the database
                SqlDataReader dr = cmnd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleRow);

                // read line by line as much as there is something to read
                if (dr.Read())
                    // assign the column values to the properties of a new order object
                    ord         = new Order();
                    ord.OrderID = (int)dr["OrderID"];

                    // ***************************************************************************
                    // these columns can be null in the database
                    // so we need to check if they are null for the current row of data or not.
                    // if they are null, the value for the related property of the object is null.
                    // ***************************************************************************
                    // get the index of the related column in the database
                    int CustomerIDIndex = dr.GetOrdinal("CustomerID");
                    if (dr.IsDBNull(CustomerIDIndex))
                        ord.CustomerID = null;
                        ord.CustomerID = dr["CustomerID"].ToString();

                    int OrderDateIndex = dr.GetOrdinal("OrderDate");
                    if (dr.IsDBNull(OrderDateIndex))
                        ord.OrderDate = null;
                        ord.OrderDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["OrderDate"]);

                    int RequiredDateIndex = dr.GetOrdinal("RequiredDate");
                    if (dr.IsDBNull(RequiredDateIndex))
                        ord.RequiredDate = null;
                        ord.RequiredDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["RequiredDate"]);

                    int ShippedDateIndex = dr.GetOrdinal("ShippedDate");
                    if (dr.IsDBNull(ShippedDateIndex))
                        ord.ShippedDate = null;
                        ord.ShippedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["ShippedDate"]);
                    // ***************************************************************************
                dr.Close(); // closing the data reader
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;