public static LogEntry AddLogEntry(LogEntry entry) { LogEntry returnLog = new LogEntry(); string jsonString = JSONhelper.JSONSerializer<LogEntry>(entry); Debug.WriteLine(jsonString); HttpWebRequest webReq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("http://localhost:3369/LevelService.svc/entry/add"); //Addressen på metoden webReq.Method = "POST"; //Set metodetypen. Default er POST, men vi skriver det ALTID alligevel. webReq.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8"; //Sæt contenttypen, i.e Sæt til JSON webReq.ContentLength = jsonString.Length; //Længden på strengen Debug.WriteLine(webReq.ContentLength.ToString() + jsonString.Length.ToString()); using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(webReq.GetRequestStream())) //Opret en streamwriter med vores request som parameter (aner ikke hvad requeststream er, slå det selv op) { sw.Write(jsonString); //Skyder requesten afsted. } try { HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)webReq.GetResponse(); //Opret et objekt der kan modtage svar på vores request using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())) //Opret et objekt der kan læse svaret { string text = sr.ReadToEnd(); //Læs svaret igennem og gem det i en streng. Det er JSON streng svaret kommer i. returnLog = JSONhelper.JsonDeserialize<LogEntry>(text); //kør json-strengen igennem deserialiseringen, med PersonModel som type objekt } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine(e); } return returnLog; }
public LogEntry AddEntryToDb(string typeOfExcercise, string distance, int hours, int minutes, int seconds, int userId, string dateCreated, long kcal) { LogEntry demoLog = new LogEntry(); int result = -1; using (var db = new DataAccessContext()) { LogEntry log = new LogEntry { TypeOfExcercise = typeOfExcercise, Distance = distance, Hours = hours, Minutes = minutes, Seconds = seconds, UserId = userId, DateCreated = dateCreated, Kcal = kcal, }; demoLog = log; db.LogEntries.Add(log); result = db.SaveChanges(); } if (result != -1) { return demoLog; } else { return null; } }
public LogEntry GetEntryFromDB(int entryId, int userId) { LogEntry entry = new LogEntry(); using (var db = new DataAccessContext()) { LogEntry theEntry = (from log in db.LogEntries where log.LogEntryId == entryId & log.UserId == userId select log).Single(); entry = theEntry; } return entry; }
public void TestCreateLogEntry() { // Expected object properties int userId = 6; string typeOfExcerciseExpected = "Running"; string distanceExpected = "22km"; int hoursExpected = 1; int minutesExpected = 34; int secondsExpected = 54; int userIdExpected = 6; int logEntryIdExpected = 43; string dateExpected = "2013-12-11"; // Datetime Issues long kcal = 354; //DateTime DateExpected = new DateTime(2013,12,12); //string dateExpected = "2013-12-11"; // Datetime Issues //Debug.WriteLine("Expected : " + dateExpected); /* create a Log | check that Log can be found in db | compare */ // Add the Expected LogEntry to DB LogEntryController leCtr = new LogEntryController(); leCtr.AddEntryToDb(typeOfExcerciseExpected, distanceExpected, hoursExpected, minutesExpected, secondsExpected, userId, dateExpected, kcal); //leCtr.AddEntryToDb(typeOfExcerciseExpected, distanceExpected, hoursExpected, minutesExpected, secondsExpected); //leCtr.AddEntryToDb(typeOfExcerciseExpected, distanceExpected, hoursExpected, minutesExpected, secondsExpected, DateExpected); // Get the actual LogEntry from Entry Id LogEntry actualEntry = new LogEntry(); actualEntry = leCtr.GetEntryFromDB(logEntryIdExpected,userIdExpected); //int entryId, int userId // Properties of the Actual LogEntry string typeOfExcerciseActual = actualEntry.TypeOfExcercise; string distanceActual = actualEntry.Distance; int hoursActual = actualEntry.Hours; int minutesActual = actualEntry.Minutes; int secondsActual = actualEntry.Seconds; int userIdActual = actualEntry.UserId; //int logEntryIdActual = actualEntry.LogEntryId; //string dateActual = actualEntry.DateCreated.ToShortDateString(); //Debug.WriteLine("Actual : " + dateActual); /* COMPARE */ Assert.AreEqual(typeOfExcerciseExpected,typeOfExcerciseActual); Assert.AreEqual(distanceExpected,distanceActual); Assert.AreEqual(hoursExpected,hoursActual); Assert.AreEqual(minutesExpected,minutesActual); Assert.AreEqual(secondsExpected,secondsActual); Assert.AreEqual(userIdExpected,userIdActual); //Assert.AreEqual(logEntryIdExpected,logEntryIdActual); //Assert.AreEqual(dateExpected,dateActual, dateActual.ToString()); }
public void TestGetLogEntry() { /* EXPECTED */ string typeOfExcerciseExpected = "Running"; string distanceExpected = "22km"; int hoursExpected = 1; int minutesExpected = 34; int secondsExpected = 54; int userIdExpected = 6; int logEntryIdExpected = 22; DateTime dateExpected = new DateTime(2013, 12, 11); /* GET THE USER */ LogEntryController leCtr = new LogEntryController(); LogEntry actualLogEntry = new LogEntry(); actualLogEntry = leCtr.GetEntryFromDB(logEntryIdExpected,userIdExpected); /* COMPARE */ string typeOfExerciseActual = actualLogEntry.TypeOfExcercise; string distanceActual = actualLogEntry.Distance; int hoursActual = actualLogEntry.Hours; int minutesActual = actualLogEntry.Minutes; int secondsActual = actualLogEntry.Seconds; int userIdActual = actualLogEntry.UserId; int logEntryIdActual = actualLogEntry.LogEntryId; String dateActual = actualLogEntry.DateCreated; Assert.AreEqual(typeOfExcerciseExpected,typeOfExerciseActual); Assert.AreEqual(distanceExpected,distanceActual); Assert.AreEqual(hoursExpected,hoursActual); Assert.AreEqual(minutesExpected,minutesActual); Assert.AreEqual(secondsExpected,secondsActual); Assert.AreEqual(logEntryIdExpected,logEntryIdActual); Assert.AreEqual(userIdExpected,userIdActual); Assert.AreEqual(dateExpected,dateActual); // DONE }
public void ShowRewardsOutput(User u, LogEntry log) { string achievementName = "Collector"; string achFlavourText = "Bedrift for at oprette din første træning"; RewardOutput.Text += StringValues.REWARDS_TITLE; RewardOutput.Text += "\n"; RewardOutput.Text += " Du har i alt "+ u.Xp + " XP"; RewardOutput.Text += "\n"; RewardOutput.Text += " Du har forbrændt " + log.Kcal + " KCAL på denne træning"; RewardOutput.Text += "\n"; RewardOutput.Text += StringValues.ACHIEVEMENT_TITLE; RewardOutput.Text += "\n"; foreach( Achievement ach in u.Achievements) { RewardOutput.Text += " - " + ach.Name; RewardOutput.Text += "\n"; RewardOutput.Text += " - " + ach.Description; RewardOutput.Text += "\n" + "---------------"; } }
private void UpdateFields(LogEntry log) { excerciseTextBox.Text = log.TypeOfExcercise; distanceTextBox.Text = log.Distance; MinutesTextBox.Text = log.Minutes.ToString(); HoursTextBox.Text = log.Hours.ToString(); SecondsTextBox.Text = log.Seconds.ToString(); }
protected void CreateLog_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { User user = (User)Session["UserItem"]; if (IsValidActitity(excerciseTextBox.Text) && IsValidDistance(distanceTextBox.Text) && IsvalidTime(HoursTextBox.Text) && IsvalidTime(MinutesTextBox.Text) && IsvalidTime(SecondsTextBox.Text)) { LogEntry log = new LogEntry(); log.LogEntryId = 0; log.TypeOfExcercise = excerciseTextBox.Text; log.Distance = distanceTextBox.Text; log.Hours = Convert.ToInt32(HoursTextBox.Text); log.Minutes = Convert.ToInt32(MinutesTextBox.Text); log.Seconds = Convert.ToInt32(SecondsTextBox.Text); log.DateCreated = DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString(); log.UserId = user.UserId; int minutes = CalculateMinutes(Convert.ToInt32(HoursTextBox.Text), Convert.ToInt32(MinutesTextBox.Text), Convert.ToInt32(SecondsTextBox.Text)); log.Kcal = CalculateKcal(excerciseTextBox.Text, minutes, user.Weight); log = EntryCalls.AddLogEntry(log); UserCalls.UpdateUserXP(user.UserName, log.Kcal); Session["UserItem"] = UserCalls.GetUser(user.UserName, user.Password); user = (User)Session["UserItem"]; UpdateFields(log); ShowRewardsOutput(user, log); BindGrid(); // bind the gridView again after log is added to DB } else { // Pop up some dialog + accumulate error message string display = "Fejl i Input"; ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "myalert", "alert('" + display + "');", true); } }