public static void NhapKho(KaraokeEntities kara, BOChiTietNhapKho chitiet,BONhapKho nhapKho) { LICHSUTONKHO lichSuDauKy = (from a in kara.LICHSUTONKHOes where a.MonID == chitiet.MenuKichThuocMon.MenuKichThuocMon.MonID && a.KhoID==nhapKho.NhapKho.KhoID orderby a.ID descending select a).FirstOrDefault(); LICHSUTONKHO lichSu = new LICHSUTONKHO(); if (lichSuDauKy == null) { lichSu.DauKySoLuong = 0; lichSu.DauKyDonGia = 0; } else { lichSu.DauKySoLuong = lichSuDauKy.CuoiKySoLuong; lichSu.DauKyDonGia = lichSuDauKy.CuoiKyDonGia; } int soluong = chitiet.ChiTietNhapKho.SoLuongNhap * chitiet.MenuKichThuocMon.MenuKichThuocMon.KichThuocLoaiBan; lichSu.NhapSoLuong = soluong; lichSu.NhapDonGia = chitiet.ChiTietNhapKho.GiaNhap / chitiet.MenuKichThuocMon.MenuKichThuocMon.KichThuocLoaiBan; lichSu.CuoiKySoLuong = lichSu.DauKySoLuong + lichSu.NhapSoLuong; lichSu.CuoiKyDonGia = lichSu.CuoiKyDonGia; lichSu.NgayGhiNhan = DateTime.Now; lichSu.MonID = chitiet.MenuKichThuocMon.MenuKichThuocMon.MonID; lichSu.KhoID = nhapKho.NhapKho.KhoID; lichSu.LoaiPhatSinhID = 1; kara.LICHSUTONKHOes.AddObject(lichSu); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new LICHSUTONKHO object. /// </summary> /// <param name="id">Initial value of the ID property.</param> /// <param name="ngayGhiNhan">Initial value of the NgayGhiNhan property.</param> /// <param name="dauKySoLuong">Initial value of the DauKySoLuong property.</param> /// <param name="dauKyDonGia">Initial value of the DauKyDonGia property.</param> /// <param name="nhapSoLuong">Initial value of the NhapSoLuong property.</param> /// <param name="nhapDonGia">Initial value of the NhapDonGia property.</param> /// <param name="xuatSoLuong">Initial value of the XuatSoLuong property.</param> /// <param name="xuatDonGia">Initial value of the XuatDonGia property.</param> /// <param name="cuoiKySoLuong">Initial value of the CuoiKySoLuong property.</param> /// <param name="cuoiKyDonGia">Initial value of the CuoiKyDonGia property.</param> public static LICHSUTONKHO CreateLICHSUTONKHO(global::System.Int32 id, global::System.DateTime ngayGhiNhan, global::System.Int32 dauKySoLuong, global::System.Decimal dauKyDonGia, global::System.Int32 nhapSoLuong, global::System.Decimal nhapDonGia, global::System.Int32 xuatSoLuong, global::System.Decimal xuatDonGia, global::System.Int32 cuoiKySoLuong, global::System.Decimal cuoiKyDonGia) { LICHSUTONKHO lICHSUTONKHO = new LICHSUTONKHO(); lICHSUTONKHO.ID = id; lICHSUTONKHO.NgayGhiNhan = ngayGhiNhan; lICHSUTONKHO.DauKySoLuong = dauKySoLuong; lICHSUTONKHO.DauKyDonGia = dauKyDonGia; lICHSUTONKHO.NhapSoLuong = nhapSoLuong; lICHSUTONKHO.NhapDonGia = nhapDonGia; lICHSUTONKHO.XuatSoLuong = xuatSoLuong; lICHSUTONKHO.XuatDonGia = xuatDonGia; lICHSUTONKHO.CuoiKySoLuong = cuoiKySoLuong; lICHSUTONKHO.CuoiKyDonGia = cuoiKyDonGia; return lICHSUTONKHO; }
/// <summary> /// Deprecated Method for adding a new object to the LICHSUTONKHOes EntitySet. Consider using the .Add method of the associated ObjectSet<T> property instead. /// </summary> public void AddToLICHSUTONKHOes(LICHSUTONKHO lICHSUTONKHO) { base.AddObject("LICHSUTONKHOes", lICHSUTONKHO); }
public static void ChuyenKho(KaraokeEntities kara, BOChuyenKho chuyenKho) { var ktm = (from a in kara.MENUKICHTHUOCMONs where a.MonID == chuyenKho.TonKho.MonID orderby a.KichThuocLoaiBan ascending select a).FirstOrDefault(); if (ktm!=null) { int soluong = chuyenKho.SoLuong; //if (ktm.KichThuocLoaiBan>0) //{ // soluong = soluong / ktm.KichThuocLoaiBan; //} //kho di LICHSUTONKHO lichSuDauKyDi = (from a in kara.LICHSUTONKHOes where a.MonID == ktm.MonID && a.KhoID == chuyenKho.TonKho.KhoID orderby a.ID descending select a).FirstOrDefault(); LICHSUTONKHO lichSuDi = new LICHSUTONKHO(); if (lichSuDauKyDi == null) { lichSuDi.DauKySoLuong = 0; lichSuDi.DauKyDonGia = 0; } else { lichSuDi.DauKySoLuong = lichSuDauKyDi.CuoiKySoLuong; lichSuDi.DauKyDonGia = lichSuDauKyDi.CuoiKyDonGia; } lichSuDi.XuatSoLuong = soluong; lichSuDi.XuatDonGia = chuyenKho.TonKho.GiaNhap; lichSuDi.CuoiKySoLuong = lichSuDi.DauKySoLuong - lichSuDi.XuatSoLuong; lichSuDi.CuoiKyDonGia = lichSuDi.CuoiKyDonGia; lichSuDi.NgayGhiNhan = DateTime.Now; lichSuDi.MonID = ktm.MonID; lichSuDi.KhoID = chuyenKho.TonKho.KhoID; lichSuDi.LoaiPhatSinhID = 2; kara.LICHSUTONKHOes.AddObject(lichSuDi); //kho den LICHSUTONKHO lichSuDauKyDen = (from a in kara.LICHSUTONKHOes where a.MonID == ktm.MonID && a.KhoID == chuyenKho.KhoDenID orderby a.ID descending select a).FirstOrDefault(); LICHSUTONKHO lichSuDen = new LICHSUTONKHO(); if (lichSuDauKyDen == null) { lichSuDen.DauKySoLuong = 0; lichSuDen.DauKyDonGia = 0; } else { lichSuDen.DauKySoLuong = lichSuDauKyDen.CuoiKySoLuong; lichSuDen.DauKyDonGia = lichSuDauKyDen.CuoiKyDonGia; } lichSuDen.NhapSoLuong = soluong; lichSuDen.XuatDonGia = chuyenKho.TonKho.GiaNhap; lichSuDen.CuoiKySoLuong = lichSuDen.DauKySoLuong + lichSuDen.NhapSoLuong; lichSuDen.CuoiKyDonGia = lichSuDen.CuoiKyDonGia; lichSuDen.NgayGhiNhan = DateTime.Now; lichSuDen.MonID = ktm.MonID; lichSuDen.KhoID = chuyenKho.KhoDenID; lichSuDen.LoaiPhatSinhID = 2; kara.LICHSUTONKHOes.AddObject(lichSuDen); } }
public static void BanHang(KaraokeEntities kara, BOBanHang banhang) { foreach (var chitiet in banhang._ListChiTietBanHang) { int soluong = chitiet.ChiTietBanHang.SoLuongBan * chitiet.ChiTietBanHang.KichThuocLoaiBan; LICHSUTONKHO lichSuDauKy = (from a in kara.LICHSUTONKHOes where a.MonID == chitiet.MenuKichThuocMon.MonID orderby a.ID descending select a).FirstOrDefault(); LICHSUTONKHO lichSu = new LICHSUTONKHO(); if (lichSuDauKy == null) { lichSu.DauKySoLuong = 0; lichSu.DauKyDonGia = 0; } else { lichSu.DauKySoLuong = lichSuDauKy.CuoiKySoLuong; lichSu.DauKyDonGia = lichSuDauKy.CuoiKyDonGia; } lichSu.XuatSoLuong = soluong; lichSu.XuatDonGia = chitiet.ChiTietBanHang.GiaBan; lichSu.CuoiKySoLuong = lichSu.DauKySoLuong - lichSu.XuatSoLuong; lichSu.CuoiKyDonGia = lichSu.CuoiKyDonGia; lichSu.NgayGhiNhan = DateTime.Now; lichSu.MonID = chitiet.MenuKichThuocMon.MonID; lichSu.KhoID = banhang.KhoID; lichSu.LoaiPhatSinhID = 5; kara.LICHSUTONKHOes.AddObject(lichSu); } }