private static int Pull(PullOptions opts) { string path = VersionManager.GetInstallationPath(opts.Version, opts.Tier ? ServerTier.Pro : ServerTier.Free, opts.Platform); if (path == null) { return(1); } return(0); }
private static int Pull(PullOptions opts) { // If --list was specified, list installed versions and tell if documentation for that version is available locally if (opts.List) { VersionManager.ListInstalledVersions(); return(0); } // if version provided is "latest", it is being replaced with currently most recent one if (opts.Version == "latest") { opts.Version = VersionManager.GetLatestDarkRiftVersion(); } if (opts.Version == null) { // if version info was omitted, overwrite any parameters with current project settings if (Project.Loaded) { opts.Version = Project.Runtime.Version; opts.Platform = Project.Runtime.Platform; opts.Pro = Project.Runtime.Tier == ServerTier.Pro; } else { Console.Error.WriteLine(Output.Red($"Couldn't find a version to install. To download latest version use \"latest\" as the version")); return(2); } } ServerTier actualTier = opts.Pro ? ServerTier.Pro : ServerTier.Free; // If --docs was specified, download documentation instead bool success = false; if (opts.Docs) { bool docsInstalled = VersionManager.IsDocumentationInstalled(opts.Version); if (docsInstalled && !opts.Force) { Console.WriteLine(Output.Green($"Documentation for DarkRift {opts.Version} - {actualTier} (.NET {opts.Platform}) already installed! To force a reinstall use darkrift pull docs {opts.Version} -f")); success = true; } else { success = VersionManager.DownloadDocumentation(opts.Version); } } else { bool versionInstalled = VersionManager.IsVersionInstalled(opts.Version, actualTier, opts.Platform); if (versionInstalled && !opts.Force) { Console.WriteLine(Output.Green($"DarkRift {opts.Version} - {actualTier} (.NET {opts.Platform}) already installed! To force a reinstall use darkrift pull {opts.Version} -f")); success = true; } else { success = VersionManager.DownloadVersion(opts.Version, actualTier, opts.Platform); } } if (!success) { Console.Error.WriteLine(Output.Red("Invalid command")); Console.Error.WriteLine("\t" + Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()[0] + " " + Parser.Default.FormatCommandLine(new PullOptions())); return(1); } return(0); }
private int Pull(PullOptions opts) { // If --list was specified, list installed versions and tell if documentation for that version is available locally if (opts.List) { PrintInstalledVersions(); return 0; } string version; ServerTier tier; string platform; if (opts.Version == null) { // If version info was omitted, set parameters to current project settings if (context.Project?.Runtime != null) { version = context.Project.Runtime.Version; platform = context.Project.Runtime.Platform; tier = context.Project.Runtime.Tier; } else { Console.Error.WriteLine(Output.Red($"Couldn't find a version to install. To download latest version use 'latest'")); return 1; } } else { version = opts.Version == "latest" ? installationManager.GetLatestDarkRiftVersion() : opts.Version; tier = opts.Pro ? ServerTier.Pro : ServerTier.Free; platform = opts.Platform; } // If --docs was specified, download documentation instead if (opts.Docs) { bool docsInstalled = documentationManager.GetInstallation(version) != null; if (docsInstalled && !opts.Force) { Console.WriteLine(Output.Green($"Documentation for DarkRift {version} - {tier} (.NET {platform}) already installed! To force a reinstall use the option -f or --force")); } else { if (documentationManager.Install(version, opts.Force) == null) { Console.Error.WriteLine(Output.Red($"Could not install the requested documentation.")); return 1; } } } else { bool versionInstalled = installationManager.GetInstallation(version, tier, platform) != null; if (versionInstalled && !opts.Force) { Console.WriteLine(Output.Green($"DarkRift {version} - {tier} (.NET {platform}) already installed! To force a reinstall use the option -f or --force")); } else { if (installationManager.Install(version, tier, platform, opts.Force) == null) { Console.Error.WriteLine(Output.Red($"Could not install the requested version.")); return 1; } } } return 0; }