public AssetLoadScreen()
            // Initialize random number generator.
            random = new JoshoRandom();

            // Set the blink time so we know when to blink.
            blinkTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1);

            // Let's load.
            loadingComplete = false;
            isLoading = false;

            // Set the first color to white.
            color1 = Color.White;
            myColor = Color.White;

            // Set the second color to a random color.
			color2 = GenerateRandomColorWithoutAlpha();

            // This BackgroundWorker will be responsible for loading the assets and doing other initialization steps on a separate thread.
            bgWorker = new BackgroundWorker();

            // Add event handler to the method that's going to do work!
            bgWorker.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(bgWorker_DoWork);

            // Add event handler to when the thread is done working.
            bgWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(bgWorker_RunWorkerCompleted);
Example #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Draw the falling snow.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="spriteBatch">SpriteBatch that has been initialized and began.</param>
		public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
			// If it's not supposed to be snowing, then exit.
			if (!isSnowing)

			// This will be used as the index within our snow array.
			int i;

			// NOTE: The following conditional is not exactly the best "initializer."
			// If snow has not been initialized.
			if (this.snow[0] == new Point(0, 0))
				// Make the random a new random
				this.random = new JoshoRandom();

				// For every snow particle within our snow array,
				for (i = 0; i < this.snow.Length; i++)
					// Give it a new, random x and y. This will give the illusion that it was already snowing and won't cluster the particles
					this.snow[i] = new Point((random.NextInt(0, (this.Width - this.snowTexture.Width))), (random.NextInt(0, (this.Height))));

			// Reinitialize the random number generator.
			this.random = new JoshoRandom();

			// Go back to the start.
			i = 0;

			// Begin displaying the snow
			foreach (Point snowPnt in this.snow)
				// Get the exact rectangle for the snow particle
				Rectangle snowParticle = new Rectangle(
					snowPnt.X, snowPnt.Y, this.snowTexture.Width, this.snowTexture.Height);

				// Draw the snow particle (change white if you want any kind of tinting)
				spriteBatch.Draw(this.snowTexture, snowParticle, Color.White * random.NextInt(128, 255));

				//Make the current particle go down, but randomize it for a staggering snow
				this.snow[i].Y += random.NextInt(0, 5);

				// Make sure the point's location is not below quit point's.
				if (this.snow [i].Y >= this.quitPoint.Y)
					// If it is, give it a random X value, and the starting point variable's Y value.
					this.snow [i] = new Point ((random.NextInt(0, (this.Width - this.snowTexture.Width))), this.startPoint.Y);

				// Go to the next snowflake (or snow particle).
Example #3
		public void Initialize()
			random = new JoshoRandom();

			this.snowTexture = Assets.snowflakeTexture;

			this.w = screenManagerInstance.Game.Window.ClientBounds.Width;
			this.h = screenManagerInstance.Game.Window.ClientBounds.Height;

			// Set the snow's quit point. It's the bottom of the screen plus the texture's height so it looks like the snow goes completely off screen.
			this.quitPoint = new Point(0, this.Height + this.snowTexture.Height);

			// Set the snow's start point. It's the top of the screen minus the texture's height so it looks like it comes from somewhere, rather than appearing
			this.startPoint = new Point(0, 0 - this.snowTexture.Height);

			isSnowing = true;
Example #4
		public void Initialize()
			random = new JoshoRandom();

			this.snowTexture = Assets.snowflakeTexture;

			//this.w = screenManagerInstance.Game.Window.ClientBounds.Width;
			//this.h = screenManagerInstance.Game.Window.ClientBounds.Height;
			this.w = screenManagerInstance.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Width;
			this.h = screenManagerInstance.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Height;

			// Set the snow's quit point. It's the bottom of the screen plus the texture's height so it looks like the snow goes completely off screen.
			this.quitPoint = new Point(0, this.Height + this.snowTexture.Height);

			// Set the snow's start point. It's the top of the screen minus the texture's height so it looks like it comes from somewhere, rather than appearing.
			this.startPoint = new Point(0, 0 - this.snowTexture.Height);

			isSnowing = true;

			for (int i = 0; i < this.snow.Length; i++)
				this.snow[i] = new Snowflake(this.startPoint);
Example #5
		public Snowflake(Point startingPosition, JoshoRandom rand)
			this.Position = startingPosition;
			this.random = rand;

Example #6
		public Snowflake(Point startingPosition)
			this.Position = startingPosition;
			this.random = new JoshoRandom();
