private void HandleReorderableOptions(ReorderableAttribute arrayAttr, SerializedProperty property, SortableListData data)
            // Custom element header
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(arrayAttr.ElementHeader) == false)
                data.ElementHeaderCallback = i => string.Format("{0} {1}", arrayAttr.ElementHeader, (arrayAttr.HeaderZeroIndex ? i : i + 1));

            // Draw property as single line
            if (arrayAttr.ElementSingleLine)
                var list = data.GetPropertyList(property);
                list.elementHeightCallback = index => EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight;
                list.drawElementCallback   = (rect, index, active, focused) =>
                    var element    = property.GetArrayElementAtIndex(index);
                    int childCount = element.Copy().CountRemaining();
                    childCount -= (property.arraySize - 1) - index;

                    if (element.NextVisible(true))
                        float restoreWidth = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth;
                        EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth /= childCount;

                        float padding = 5f;
                        float width   = rect.width - padding * (childCount - 1);
                        width /= childCount;

                        Rect childRect = new Rect(rect)
                            width = width
                        int depth = element.Copy().depth;
                            if (element.depth != depth)
                            if (childCount <= 2)
                                EditorGUI.PropertyField(childRect, element, false);
                                EditorGUI.PropertyField(childRect, element, GUIContent.none, false);
                            childRect.x += width + padding;
                        } while (element.NextVisible(false));

                        EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = restoreWidth;
        private void CreateListData(SerializedProperty property)
            string parent = GetGrandParentPath(property);

            // Try to find the grand parent in SortableListData
            SortableListData data = listIndex.Find(listData => listData.Parent.Equals(parent));

            if (data == null)
                data = new SortableListData(parent);

            object[] attr = property.GetAttributes <ReorderableAttribute>();
            if (attr != null && attr.Length == 1)
                ReorderableAttribute arrayAttr = (ReorderableAttribute)attr[0];
                if (arrayAttr != null)
                    HandleReorderableOptions(arrayAttr, property, data);