public static void Run() { //Point a = new Point(); PointVal a; a.X = 3; a.Y = 5; PointVal b = a; b.X = 7; b.Y = 10; a.LogValues(); b.LogValues(); // PointRef c = new PointRef() { X = 3, Y = 5 }; //c.X = 3; //c.Y = 5; PointRef d = c; d.X = 7; d.Y = 10; c.LogValues(); d.LogValues(); }
private static void NullRefExceptionNullable() { //tell about nulls PointRef c = null; Console.WriteLine(c.X); //exception PointVal?nulllableVal = null; //useful when we fetch data from a databse and the field is null in db if (nulllableVal.HasValue) { } //or PointVal defaultVal = nulllableVal.GetValueOrDefault(); }