/// <summary>
        /// Sets up the data lists to display the reservoir collection data in the GUI.
        /// </summary>
        private void setupData()
            int[]         years        = null;
            int           yearArrayLen = 0;
            int           nwell        = _data.size();
            int           nParts       = 0;
            int           nIdTypes     = 0;
            StateMod_Well well         = null;
            string        colType      = null;
            string        id           = null;
            string        partType     = null;

            System.Collections.IList ids     = null;
            System.Collections.IList idTypes = null;
            string idType = null;

            __data = new System.Collections.IList[__COLUMNS];
            for (int i = 0; i < __COLUMNS; i++)
                __data[i] = new List <object>();

            int rows = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < nwell; i++)
                well = (StateMod_Well)_data.get(i);
                id   = well.getID();

                years    = well.getCollectionYears();
                colType  = well.getCollectionType();
                partType = well.getCollectionPartType();

                if (years == null)
                    yearArrayLen = 1;             // Cause the loop below to go through once
                    yearArrayLen = years.Length;

                for (int j = 0; j < yearArrayLen; j++)
                    // Part IDs for the year
                    if ((years == null) || (years.Length == 0))
                        ids = well.getCollectionPartIDs(0);
                        ids = well.getCollectionPartIDs(years[j]);
                    if (ids == null)
                        nParts = 0;
                        nParts = ids.Count;
                    // Part ID types for the year.
                    idTypes = well.getCollectionPartIDTypes();
                    if (idTypes == null)
                        nIdTypes = 0;
                        nIdTypes = idTypes.Count;

                    for (int k = 0; k < nParts; k++)
                        __data[__COL_YEAR].Add(new int?(years[j]));
                        idType = "";
                        if (nIdTypes != 0)
                            idType = (string)idTypes[k];                     // Should align with ids.get(k)
            _rows = rows;