Example #1
		public DTMObject removeObject()
			DTMObject elem = _DTMList[_DTMList.Count - 1];
			if ( !_DTMList.Remove( elem ) )
				Console.WriteLine( "Cannot remove DTMObject from List!" );
			return elem;
Example #2
		public bool readDTMFile( string path )
			if ( !File.Exists( path ) ) {
				onFileNotFound( path );
				return false;

			Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
			Console.WriteLine( "Start reading DTM file..." );
			string STRFileName = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);
			int lineNr = 0;
			DTMObject dtm = new DTMObject();
			dtm.objects = new Dictionary<int, int[]>();

			string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines( path );
			foreach ( string line in lines ) {

				// ignore second and third line
				if ( lineNr == 2 )

				string[] parts = line.Split( ',' );

				if ( lineNr == 3 ) {
					dtm.objectNumber = Convert.ToInt32( parts[1] );

				// first line in file -> read String filename!
				if ( lineNr == 1 ) {
					STRFileName = Path.Combine(STRFileName, line.Split( ',' )[0]);

					// string-file is not exisiting? -> Exception
					if ( !File.Exists( STRFileName ) ) {
						onFileNotFound( STRFileName );
						return false;

				if ( parts.Length > 0 ) {
					switch ( parts[0] ) {
						case "TRISOLATION":  // New trisolation information
							dtm.configLine = line.TrimEnd();
							// if more than one trisolation per object -> insert and create a new object
							if ( dtm.objects.Count > 0 ) {
								addObject( dtm );
								DTMObject dtm2 = new DTMObject();
								dtm2.objects = new Dictionary<int, int[]>();
								dtm2.objectNumber = dtm.objectNumber;
								dtm = dtm2;
						case "END":
						case "OBJECT":  // save object to List, first occurance in line 3 is skipped before!
							addObject( dtm );
							if ( parts[0] == "OBJECT" ) {
								dtm = new DTMObject();
								dtm.objects = new Dictionary<int, int[]>();
								dtm.objectNumber = Convert.ToInt32( parts[1] );
						default:  // add triangle to the list
							int[] numbers;

							// dtm with neighbouring information ? numbers[6] : numbers[3]
							try {
								if ( parts.Length > 6 )
									numbers = new int[] {
										Convert.ToInt32( parts[1] ), Convert.ToInt32( parts[2] ), Convert.ToInt32( parts[3] ), Convert.ToInt32( parts[4] ), Convert.ToInt32( parts[5] ), Convert.ToInt32( parts[6] ) };
									numbers = new int[] { Convert.ToInt32( parts[1] ), Convert.ToInt32( parts[2] ), Convert.ToInt32( parts[3] ) };

							catch ( Exception ex ) {
								Console.WriteLine( "An exception occured!" );
								Console.WriteLine( ex.Message );
								foreach ( string key in ex.Data.Keys )
									Console.WriteLine( key + " - " + ex.Data[key] );
								Console.WriteLine( "Conversation line: \"" + line + "\"" );
								return false;

							// Console.WriteLine( "Numbers: " + numbers?.Length.ToString() );
							// Console.WriteLine( "Parts: " + parts?.Length.ToString() );

							try { dtm.objects.Add( Convert.ToInt32( parts[0] ), numbers ); }
							catch ( Exception ex ) {
								Console.WriteLine( "An exception occured!" );
								Console.WriteLine( ex.Message );
								foreach ( string key in ex.Data.Keys )
									Console.WriteLine( key + " - " + ex.Data[key] );
								Console.WriteLine( "Conversation line: \"" + line + "\"" );
								return false;

			Console.WriteLine( "Finished readind DTM file.\nFound {0} new Objects in the DTM file!\n", _DTMList.Count );
			Console.WriteLine( "Time: {0} ms", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds );
			Console.WriteLine( "Start reading string file..." );


			lineNr = 0;
			lines = File.ReadAllLines( STRFileName );
			foreach ( string line in lines ) {

				// ignore first 2 lines
				if ( lineNr < 3 )

				string[] parts = line.Split( ',' );
				if ( parts.Length < 4 ) {
					Console.WriteLine( "To Less parts! Ignoring..." );
					Console.WriteLine( "Line: " + line );
				if ( parts[0] == "0" )

				try {
					if ( _StringDict.ContainsKey( lineNr - 2 ) ) {
						KeyExistingException ex = new KeyExistingException( "Key " + ( lineNr + 2 ) + " is existing in dictionary!" );
						ex.Data.Add( "Time", DateTime.Now );
						ex.Data.Add( "Key", lineNr + 2 );
						ex.Data.Add( "Existing Object", _StringDict[lineNr + 2] );
						ex.Data.Add( "Current Line", line );
						throw ex;

					StringObject strObj = new StringObject();
					// ATTENTION: SURPAC first stores Y-Coordinate, after that X-Coordinate
					strObj.Y = ( float ) Convert.ToDouble( parts[1] );
					strObj.X = ( float ) Convert.ToDouble( parts[2] );
					strObj.Z = ( float ) Convert.ToDouble( parts[3] );
					strObj.ID = Convert.ToInt32( parts[0] );

					_StringDict[lineNr - 2] = strObj;
				catch ( KeyExistingException ex ) {
					Console.WriteLine( ex.Message );
					foreach ( string key in ex.Data.Keys )
						Console.WriteLine( key + " - " + ex.Data[key] );
					Console.WriteLine( "Skipping this line...\n" );
				catch ( Exception ex ) {
					Console.WriteLine( "An exception occured!" );
					Console.WriteLine( ex.Message );
					foreach ( string key in ex.Data.Keys )
						Console.WriteLine( key + " - " + ex.Data[key] );
					Console.WriteLine( "Conversation line: \"" + line + "\"" );
					return false;

			// foreach ( int index in _StringDict.Keys ) {
			// 	Console.WriteLine( _StringDict[index].ID + " - " + _StringDict[index].X + " - " + _StringDict[index].Y + " - " + _StringDict[index].Z );
			// }

			Console.WriteLine( "Finished reading string file.\nFound {0} vertices in the string file!\n", _StringDict.Count );
			Console.WriteLine( "Time: {0} ms", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds );

			return true;
Example #3
		public void addObject( DTMObject obj )
			_DTMList.Add( obj );
Example #4
		public bool readSKUAFile( string path )
			if ( !File.Exists( path ) ) {
				onFileNotFound( path );
				return false;

			Console.WriteLine( "Start reading SKUA-GOCAD surface file..." );
			DTMObject dtm = new DTMObject();
			dtm.objects = new Dictionary<int, int[]>();
			int OIDField = 0, properties = 0, lastVertexID = 0, existingVerts = 0, triangleNr = 0;
			bool first = true;
			List<int> idList = new List<int>();

			string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines( path );
			foreach ( string line in lines ) {
				//Console.Write( line + " ... " );
				// line == "END" ? save and new DTM; reset also OIDField : continue;
				string trimed = line.TrimEnd();
				if ( trimed == "END" ) {
					//Console.WriteLine( "END" );
					if ( OIDField != 0 ) {
						int most = idList.GroupBy( i => i ).OrderByDescending( grp => grp.Count() ).Select( grp => grp.Key ).First();
						dtm.objectNumber = most;
						//Console.WriteLine( "Setting objectNr to {0}", most );
					} else {
						dtm.objectNumber = 32000;
						//Console.WriteLine( "OID not available. Setting objectNr to 32000" );
					addObject( dtm );
					dtm = new DTMObject();
					dtm.objects = new Dictionary<int, int[]>();
					OIDField = 0;
					properties = 0;
					first = true;
					existingVerts += lastVertexID;
					lastVertexID = 0;

				// line == "TFACE" ? save and new DTM; DON'T reset also OIDField : continue;
				// skip for first TFACE
				if ( trimed == "TFACE" ) {
					//Console.WriteLine( "TFACE" );
					if ( first ) {
						//Console.WriteLine( "... First occurance..." );
						first = false;
					if ( OIDField != 0 ) {
						int most = idList.GroupBy( i => i ).OrderByDescending( grp => grp.Count() ).Select( grp => grp.Key ).First();
						dtm.objectNumber = most;
						//Console.WriteLine( "Setting objectNr to {0}", most );
					} else {
						dtm.objectNumber = 32000;
						//Console.WriteLine( "OID not available. Setting objectNr to 32000" );
					addObject( dtm );
					dtm = new DTMObject();
					dtm.objects = new Dictionary<int, int[]>();

				string[] parts = line.Split( ' ' );
				if ( parts.Length < 2 ) {
					//Console.WriteLine( "< 2" );

				bool failure = false;
				StringObject strObj;
				try {
					switch ( parts[0] ) {
						case ( "PROPERTIES" ):
							//Console.WriteLine( "PROPERTIES" );
							if ( parts[1] == "OID" )
								OIDField = properties;
						case ( "VRTX" ):
							//Console.WriteLine( "VRTX" );
							if ( parts.Length < 5 ) {
								failure = true;
							strObj = new StringObject();
							strObj.X = ( float ) Convert.ToDouble( parts[2] );
							strObj.Y = ( float ) Convert.ToDouble( parts[3] );
							strObj.Z = ( float ) Convert.ToDouble( parts[4] );
							lastVertexID = Convert.ToInt32( parts[1] ); ;
							strObj.ID = 32000;
							idList.Add( strObj.ID );
							_StringDict.Add( lastVertexID + existingVerts, strObj );

						case ( "PVRTX" ):
							//Console.WriteLine( "PVRTX" );
							if ( parts.Length < ( 5 + OIDField ) ) {
								failure = true;
							strObj = new StringObject();
							strObj.X = ( float ) Convert.ToDouble( parts[2] );
							strObj.Y = ( float ) Convert.ToDouble( parts[3] );
							strObj.Z = ( float ) Convert.ToDouble( parts[4] );
							lastVertexID = Convert.ToInt32( parts[1] );
							strObj.ID = ( OIDField != 0 ) ? Convert.ToInt32( parts[4 + OIDField] ) : 32000;
							idList.Add( strObj.ID );
							_StringDict.Add( lastVertexID + existingVerts, strObj );
						case ( "TRGL" ):
							//Console.WriteLine( "TRGL" );
							if ( parts.Length < 4 ) {
								failure = true;
							int[] points = { Convert.ToInt32( parts[1] ) + existingVerts, Convert.ToInt32( parts[2] ) + existingVerts, Convert.ToInt32( parts[3] ) + existingVerts };
							dtm.objects.Add( triangleNr, points );
							//Console.WriteLine( "default" );
				catch ( IndexOutOfRangeException ex ) {
					Console.WriteLine( "Index out of range Exception occured!" );
					Console.WriteLine( ex.Message );
					foreach ( string key in ex.Data.Keys )
						Console.WriteLine( key + " - " + ex.Data[key] );
					Console.WriteLine( "Conversation line: \"" + line + "\"" );
					return false;
				catch ( Exception ex ) {
					Console.WriteLine( "An exception occured!" );
					Console.WriteLine( ex.Message );
					foreach ( string key in ex.Data.Keys )
						Console.WriteLine( key + " - " + ex.Data[key] );
					Console.WriteLine( "Conversation line: \"" + line + "\"" );
					return false;
				if ( failure ) {
					Console.WriteLine( "WARNING: Cannot read line:" );
					Console.WriteLine( line );
			return true;