public static void menu() { char chon; int x = 2; do { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t Huong Dan"); Console.WriteLine("\n\t\t\tLuat choi"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tCach choi"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tChe do Classic"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tChe do Survivor"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tBang xep hang"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tTro lai menu chinh"); GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(x, 22); Console.Write("→"); chon = GIAOTHUC.getch(); if (chon == 'w' || chon == 'W') { if (x > 2) { x--; } } if (chon == 's' || chon == 'S') { if (x < 7) { x++; } } if (chon == 13) { if (x == 2) { luatchoi(); } if (x == 3) { cachchoi(); } if (x == 4) { chedoclassic(); } if (x == 5) { chedosurvive(); } if (x == 6) { BXH(); } if (x == 7) { break; } } } while (chon != 27); }
protected bool notemty() { if (s[x, y] != ' ') { GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(m + 2, n / 2 + 16); GIAOTHUC.textcolor(ConsoleColor.Red); Console.WriteLine("Vi tri nay da thao tac"); GIAOTHUC.colordefault(); GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(x, y + 16); return(true); } return(false); }
public void xuat() { GIAOTHUC.textcolor(ConsoleColor.Red); Console.WriteLine("\n\t\t »»»»» CHE DO SURVIVOR «««««\n"); GIAOTHUC.colordefault(); for (int i = 0; i < ng.Length; i++) { Console.Write("\t\t\t {0}. ", i + 1); ng[i].xuat(); } }
public static void gioithieu() { GIAOTHUC.textcolor(ConsoleColor.Red); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t ======================"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t | DO AN MON OOP NHOM 7 |"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t ======================"); GIAOTHUC.textcolor(ConsoleColor.Green); Console.WriteLine("\n\t\t\t»»»»»GAME TIM KHO BAU«««««"); GIAOTHUC.textcolor(ConsoleColor.Magenta); Console.WriteLine("THANH VIEN :"); GIAOTHUC.textcolor(ConsoleColor.Yellow); Console.WriteLine("\n NGUYEN MANH CUONG \n\n CAO TRAN MINH HIEN \n\n NGUYEN XUAN BINH \n\n PHAM QUACH HOANG GIANG"); GIAOTHUC.textcolor(ConsoleColor.White); Console.ReadKey(); }
protected void endgame(int x) { GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(m + 3, n / 2 + 10); //canh toa do xuat KQ if (x == 0) { GIAOTHUC.textcolor(ConsoleColor.Blue); GIAOTHUC.backgroundcolor(ConsoleColor.White); Console.WriteLine("RAT TIEC! TRO CHOI KET THUC T-T "); GIAOTHUC.colordefault(); Console.ReadKey(true); } if (x == 1) { GIAOTHUC.textcolor(ConsoleColor.Red); GIAOTHUC.backgroundcolor(ConsoleColor.Yellow); Console.Write("CHUC MUNG BAN DA DANH DAU DU SO KHO BAU"); GIAOTHUC.colordefault(); Console.ReadKey(true); } }
static void luatchoi() { char ch; Console.Clear(); do { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Nhiem vu cua ban la danh dau tat ca so kho bau trong moi man choi."); Console.WriteLine("\nDe co thong tin ve vi tri kho bau ma ban can danh dau,ban can pha huy mot so ô.\nKhi ban pha huy 1 ô,ban se biet duoc so luong kho bau xung quanh no"); Console.WriteLine("\nNeu ban pha huy vao nhung ô có kho bau hoac danh dau vao nhung ô KHONG có kho bau thi tro choi se ket thuc."); Console.WriteLine("\nDanh dau du so luong kho bau thi ban chien thang "); Console.WriteLine("\nBan da nam ro chua ?:(Y)"); ch = GIAOTHUC.getch(); if (ch == 'y' || ch == 'Y') { break; } } while (ch != 'y' || ch != 'Y'); }
protected void luamau() { if (s[x, y] == c) { GIAOTHUC.textcolor(ConsoleColor.Red); } if (s[x, y] == '4' || s[x, y] == '8' || s[x, y] == '0') { GIAOTHUC.textcolor(ConsoleColor.Yellow); } if (s[x, y] == '2' || s[x, y] == '5') { GIAOTHUC.textcolor(ConsoleColor.Cyan); } if (s[x, y] == '3' || s[x, y] == '6') { GIAOTHUC.textcolor(ConsoleColor.Magenta); } if (s[x, y] == '1' || s[x, y] == '7') { GIAOTHUC.textcolor(ConsoleColor.Green); } }
virtual public void dichuyen() { GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(x, y + 16); Console.Write("*"); GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(x, y + 16); do { a = GIAOTHUC.getch(); if (a == 32)//khoang trang { if (notemty()) { continue; } if (BANDO.kt(x, y) == -1) { endgame(0); win(); break; } //khi sai thao tac s[x, y] = (char)BANDO.kt(x, y); luamau(); Console.Write("{0}", s[x, y]); GIAOTHUC.textcolor(ConsoleColor.White); GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(x, y + 16); } if (a == 13)//enter { if (notemty()) { continue; } if (BANDO.kt(x, y) != -1) { endgame(0); win(); break; } //khi sai thao tac s[x, y] = c; luamau(); Console.Write("{0}", s[x, y]); dem--; GIAOTHUC.textcolor(ConsoleColor.White); GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(x, y + 16); if (dem == 0) { endgame(1); win(); break; } } if (a == 'w' || a == 'W') { luamau(); Console.Write("{0}", s[x, y]); GIAOTHUC.textcolor(ConsoleColor.White); if (x == 1) { x = m - 2; } else { x = x - 2; } GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(x, y + 16); Console.Write("*"); GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(m + 2, n / 2 + 16); Console.WriteLine("\t\t "); GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(x, y + 16); } if (a == 'a' || a == 'A') { luamau(); Console.Write("{0}", s[x, y]); GIAOTHUC.textcolor(ConsoleColor.White); if (y == 1) { y = n - 2; } else { y = y - 2; } GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(x, y + 16); Console.Write("*"); GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(m + 2, n / 2 + 16); Console.WriteLine("\t\t "); GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(x, y + 16); } if (a == 's' || a == 'S') { luamau(); Console.Write("{0}", s[x, y]); GIAOTHUC.textcolor(ConsoleColor.White); if (x == m - 2) { x = 1; } else { x = x + 2; } GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(x, y + 16); Console.Write("*"); GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(m + 2, n / 2 + 16); Console.WriteLine("\t\t "); GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(x, y + 16); } if (a == 'd' || a == 'D') { luamau(); Console.Write("{0}", s[x, y]); GIAOTHUC.textcolor(ConsoleColor.White); if (y == n - 2) { y = 1; } else { y = y + 2; } GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(x, y + 16); Console.Write("*"); GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(m + 2, n / 2 + 16); Console.WriteLine("\t\t "); GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(x, y + 16); } } while (a != 27); }
public override void dichuyen() { GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(x, y + 16); Console.Write("*"); GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(m / 2, n + 20); /*toa do xuat ra DIEM*/ Console.Write("DIEM:{0} ", diem); GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(x, y + 16); //dua con tro console ve vi tri con tro * tren man hinh do { a = GIAOTHUC.getch(); if (a == 32) { if (notemty()) { continue; } if (BANDO.kt(x, y) == -1) { endgame(0); win(); break; } //khi sai thao tac s[x, y] = (char)BANDO.kt(x, y); luamau(); Console.Write("{0}", s[x, y]); GIAOTHUC.textcolor(ConsoleColor.White); GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(x, y + 16); } if (a == 13)//enter { if (notemty()) { continue; } if (BANDO.kt(x, y) != -1) { endgame(0); win(); break; } //khi sai thao tac diem = diem + 100; s[x, y] = c; dem--; luamau(); Console.Write("{0}", s[x, y]); GIAOTHUC.textcolor(ConsoleColor.White); GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(m / 2, n + 20); /*toa do xuat ra DIEM*/ Console.Write("DIEM:{0} ", diem); GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(x, y + 16); //dua con tro console ve vi tri con tro * tren man hinh if (dem == 0) { endgame(1); win(); break; } } if (a == 'w' || a == 'W') { luamau(); Console.Write("{0}", s[x, y]); GIAOTHUC.textcolor(ConsoleColor.White); if (x == 1) { x = m - 2; } else { x = x - 2; } GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(x, y + 16); Console.Write("*"); GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(m + 2, n / 2 + 16); Console.WriteLine("\t\t "); GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(x, y + 16); } if (a == 'a' || a == 'A') { luamau(); Console.Write("{0}", s[x, y]); GIAOTHUC.textcolor(ConsoleColor.White); if (y == 1) { y = n - 2; } else { y = y - 2; } GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(x, y + 16); Console.Write("*"); GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(m + 2, n / 2 + 16); Console.WriteLine("\t\t "); GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(x, y + 16); } if (a == 's' || a == 'S') { luamau(); Console.Write("{0}", s[x, y]); GIAOTHUC.textcolor(ConsoleColor.White); if (x == m - 2) { x = 1; } else { x = x + 2; } GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(x, y + 16); Console.Write("*"); GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(m + 2, n / 2 + 16); Console.WriteLine("\t\t "); GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(x, y + 16); } if (a == 'd' || a == 'D') { luamau(); Console.Write("{0}", s[x, y]); GIAOTHUC.textcolor(ConsoleColor.White); if (y == n - 2) { y = 1; } else { y = y + 2; } GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(x, y + 16); Console.Write("*"); GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(m + 2, n / 2 + 16); Console.WriteLine("\t\t "); GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(x, y + 16); } } while (a != 27); }
static void Main(string[] args) { int x = 2; char chon; OPEN.gioithieu(); BANDO map; GAMEPLAY game; do { Console.Clear(); Console.Write("\t\t\t MENU"); Console.Write("\n\n\t\t\tChe do Classic"); Console.Write("\n\t\t\tChe do Survivor"); Console.Write("\n\t\t\tLuyen tap"); Console.Write("\n\t\t\tHuong dan"); Console.Write("\n\t\t\tBang xep hang"); Console.Write("\n\t\t\tThoat"); Console.Write("\n\nBam W,S,Enter de thuc hien su lua chon"); GIAOTHUC.gotoxy(x, 22); Console.Write("→"); DSCD1 ds1 = new DSCD1(); DSCD2 ds2 = new DSCD2(); chon = GIAOTHUC.getch(); if (chon == 'w' || chon == 'W') { if (x > 2) { x--; } } if (chon == 's' || chon == 'S') { if (x < 7) { x++; } } if (chon == 13) //enter { if (x == 2) //Classic { int m = 3, n = 3, r; game = new CLASSIC(); do { r = (m * n) / 3 - 2; map = new BANDO(m, n, r); game = new CLASSIC(CLASSIC.Diem); map.taobando(); game.vekhung(); game.xuatkhung(); //map.xuat(); game.dichuyen(); if ( == false) //khi thua { ds1.docfile(); if (ds1.sosanh(CLASSIC.Diem) && CLASSIC.Diem > 0) { ds1.them(); } ds1.sapxep(); ds1.ghifile(); break; } m = m + 1; n = n + 2; } while ( == true); } if (x == 3)//Survive { int m = 3, n = 3, r; game = new SURVIVE(); do { r = (m * n) / 3 - 2; map = new BANDO(m, n, r); game = new SURVIVE(SURVIVE.Diem); map.taobando(); game.vekhung(); game.xuatkhung(); //map.xuat(); game.dichuyen(); if ( == false) { ds2.docfile(); if (ds2.sosanh(SURVIVE.Level) && SURVIVE.Level > 1) { ds2.them(); } ds2.sapxep(); ds2.ghifile(); break; } m = m + 1; n = n + 2; } while ( == true); } if (x == 4) //Luyen tap { Console.Clear(); int a, b, c; Console.Write("Nhap chieu cao:"); a = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); while (a > 25) { Console.Write("Chieu cao khong the lon hon 25.\nHay nhap lai chieu cao : "); a = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } Console.Write("\nNhap chieu dai: "); b = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); while (b > 25) { Console.Write("Chieu dai khong the lon hon 25\nHay nhap lai chieu dai : "); b = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } Console.Write("\nNhap so luong kho bau:"); c = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); while (c > a * b - (a + b - 1)) { Console.Write("So luong kho bau chi co the <={0}.Hay nhap lai sl:", a * b - (a + b - 1)); c = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } map = new BANDO(a, b, c); map.taobando(); game = new GAMEPLAY(); game.vekhung(); game.xuatkhung(); //map.xuat(); game.dichuyen(); } if (x == 5) {; } if (x == 6) { Console.Clear(); ds1.docfile(); ds1.sapxep(); ds1.xuat(); ds2.docfile(); ds2.sapxep(); ds2.xuat(); Console.ReadKey(true); } if (x == 7) { break; } } } while (chon != 27); }