public bool AddNewTask(Task task)
     List<string> to = new List<string>();
     foreach (Faculty f in task.AssignedTo)
     Communication.Sendmail("*****@*****.**", task.Name, to, "You have been assigned a task by " + task.AssignedBy.Name, task.Description + "<br/>" + "The deadline for this task is: <b>" + task.EndDate.ToString("dd-MMMM-yy") + "</b>");
     return repository.AddNewTask(task);
 /// <summary>
 /// This method gets all the tasks that are assigned to the faculty based on the id of the faculty.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="facultyID">An integer parameter containing the ID of the faculty.</param>
 /// <returns>It returns a dictionary of tasks assigned to the faculty along with the status of each task.</returns>
 public Dictionary<Task, TaskStatusType> GetAllTasksAssignedToAFaculty(int facultyID)
     SqlParameter FacultyID = new SqlParameter("facultyID", facultyID);
     List<SqlParameter> parameterCollection = new List<SqlParameter>(){FacultyID};
     DataTable taskTable = new DataTable();
     using(DBDataHelper helper = new DBDataHelper())
         taskTable = helper.GetDataTable("dbo.GetAllTasksAssignedToAFaculty", SQLTextType.Stored_Proc, parameterCollection);
     //List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>();
     Dictionary<Task, TaskStatusType> tasks = new Dictionary<Task, TaskStatusType>();
     foreach (DataRow row in taskTable.Rows)
         Task task = new Task()
             ID = int.Parse(row["TaskID"].ToString()),
             Name = row["Name"].ToString(),
             Priority = (PriorityType)(Enum.Parse(typeof(PriorityType), row["PriorityID"].ToString())),
             StartDate = DateTime.Parse(row["StartDate"].ToString()),
             EndDate = DateTime.Parse(row["EndDate"].ToString()),
             Description = row["Description"].ToString(),
             Type = (TaskType)(Enum.Parse(typeof(TaskType), row["TaskTypeID"].ToString()))
         TaskStatusType taskStatus = (TaskStatusType)(Enum.Parse(typeof(TaskStatusType),row["TaskStatusID"].ToString()));
         DataTable table = new DataTable();
         SqlParameter HODID = new SqlParameter("ID",row["HODID"]);
         List<SqlParameter> collection = new List<SqlParameter>(){HODID};
         using(DBDataHelper helper = new DBDataHelper())
             table = helper.GetDataTable("dbo.GetFacultyByID", SQLTextType.Stored_Proc, collection);
         HOD hod = new HOD()
             ID = int.Parse(table.Rows[0]["FacultyID"].ToString()),
             Name = table.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(),
             EmailID = table.Rows[0]["EmailID"].ToString(),
             Designation = DesignationType.HOD,
             Department = (DepartmentType)(Enum.Parse(typeof(DepartmentType),table.Rows[0]["DepartmentID"].ToString())),
             ImageURL = table.Rows[0]["ImageURL"].ToString(),
             ContactNo = table.Rows[0]["ContactNo"].ToString()
         task.AssignedBy = hod;
         task.AssignedTo = GetAllFacultiesHavingTheTask(task.ID);
     return tasks;
 /// <summary>
 /// This method assigns the task to different persons.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="task">An object of type Task containing the details of the task.</param>
 /// <returns>It returns true if the task is successfully assigned to all the persons.</returns>
 public bool AssignTaskToFaculties(Task task)
     DataTable table = new DataTable("data");
     foreach (Faculty faculty in task.AssignedTo)
         table.Rows.Add(new object[] { task.ID, faculty.ID, 1 });
     int result = 0;
     SqlParameter TaskFacultiesTVP = new SqlParameter("TaskFacultiesTVP", table);
     TaskFacultiesTVP.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Structured;
     List<SqlParameter> parameterCollection = new List<SqlParameter>() { TaskFacultiesTVP };
     using (DBDataHelper helper = new DBDataHelper())
         result = helper.GetRowsAffected("dbo.AssignTaskToFaculties", SQLTextType.Stored_Proc, parameterCollection);
     if (result > 0)
         return true;
         return false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a new task to the database and assigns the task to different persons.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="task">An object of Task class containing the details about the task.</param>
 /// <returns>It returns true if the task is added and assigned successfully.</returns>
 public bool AddNewTask(Task task)
     SqlParameter Name = new SqlParameter("name", task.Name);
     SqlParameter Description = new SqlParameter("description", task.Description);
     SqlParameter StartDate = new SqlParameter("startDate", task.StartDate);
     SqlParameter EndDate = new SqlParameter("endDate", task.EndDate);
     SqlParameter HODID = new SqlParameter("hodID", task.AssignedBy.ID);
     SqlParameter PriorityID = new SqlParameter("priorityID", (int)task.Priority);
     SqlParameter TaskTypeID = new SqlParameter("TaskTypeID", (int)task.Type);
     SqlParameter TaskID = new SqlParameter("id", SqlDbType.Int);
     TaskID.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
     TaskID.Size = 50;
     SqlParameter ReminderTime = new SqlParameter("reminderTime", task.ReminderTime);
     List<SqlParameter> parameterCollection = new List<SqlParameter>()
     using (DBDataHelper helper = new DBDataHelper())
         helper.ExecSQL("dbo.AddNewTask", SQLTextType.Stored_Proc, parameterCollection);
     task.ID = int.Parse(TaskID.SqlValue.ToString());
     return AssignTaskToFaculties(task);
 //public List<string> GetAllPriotities()
 //    DataTable priorityDataTable = new DataTable();
 //    List<string> priorities = new List<string>();
 //    using (DBDataHelper helper = new DBDataHelper())
 //    {
 //        priorityDataTable = helper.GetDataTable("dbo.GetAllPriorities", SQLTextType.Stored_Proc);
 //    }
 //    foreach (DataRow row in priorityDataTable.Rows)
 //    {
 //        priorities.Add(row["Priority"].ToString());
 //    }
 public List<Task> GetSemesterTasks(int hodID)
     SqlParameter HodID = new SqlParameter("hodID", hodID);
     List<SqlParameter> parameterCollection = new List<SqlParameter> { HodID };
     DataTable table = new DataTable();
     List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>();
     using (DBDataHelper helper = new DBDataHelper())
         table = helper.GetDataTable("dbo.GetSemesterTasks", SQLTextType.Stored_Proc, parameterCollection);
     foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
         Task t = new Task
             ID = int.Parse(row["TaskID"].ToString()),
             Name = row["Name"].ToString(),
             Description = row["Description"].ToString(),
             StartDate = DateTime.Parse(row["StartDate"].ToString()),
             EndDate = DateTime.Parse(row["EndDate"].ToString()),
             Priority = (PriorityType)(Enum.Parse(typeof(PriorityType), row["PriorityID"].ToString())),
             Type = (TaskType)(Enum.Parse(typeof(TaskType), row["TaskTypeID"].ToString())),
             ReminderTime = int.Parse(row["ReminderTime"].ToString())
         t.AssignedTo = GetAllFacultiesHavingTheTask(t.ID);
     return tasks;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method gets all the tasks assigned by a HOD alongwith all the faculties who have been assigned that task and their task status.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hodID">An integer parameter containing the id of the HOD.</param>
        /// <returns>It returns a list of tasks given by a hod.</returns>
        public List<Task> GetAllTasksAssignedByAHOD(int hodID)
            SqlParameter HodID = new SqlParameter("hodID", hodID);
            List<SqlParameter> parameterCollection = new List<SqlParameter> { HodID };
            DataTable table = new DataTable();
            List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>();
            using (DBDataHelper helper = new DBDataHelper())
                table = helper.GetDataTable("dbo.GetAllTasksAssignedByAHOD", SQLTextType.Stored_Proc, parameterCollection);
            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                Task t = new Task
                    ID = int.Parse(row["TaskID"].ToString()),
                    Name = row["Name"].ToString(),
                    Description = row["Description"].ToString(),
                    StartDate = DateTime.Parse(row["StartDate"].ToString()),
                    EndDate = DateTime.Parse(row["EndDate"].ToString()),
                    Priority = (PriorityType)(Enum.Parse(typeof(PriorityType), row["PriorityID"].ToString())),
                    Type = (TaskType)(Enum.Parse(typeof(TaskType), row["TaskTypeID"].ToString())),
                    ReminderTime = int.Parse(row["ReminderTime"].ToString())
                t.AssignedTo = GetAllFacultiesHavingTheTask(t.ID);
                for (int i = 0; i < t.AssignedTo.Count; i++)
                    TaskStatusType status = new TaskStatusType();
                    SqlParameter TaskID = new SqlParameter("taskID", t.ID);
                    SqlParameter FacultyID = new SqlParameter("facultyID", t.AssignedTo[i].ID);
                    List<SqlParameter> col = new List<SqlParameter> { TaskID, FacultyID };
                    using (DBDataHelper helper = new DBDataHelper())
                        status = (TaskStatusType)(Enum.Parse(typeof(TaskStatusType), helper.GetDataTable("dbo.GetTaskStatus", SQLTextType.Stored_Proc, col).Rows[0]["TaskStatusID"].ToString()));
                    Dictionary<Task, TaskStatusType> abc = new Dictionary<Task, TaskStatusType>();
                    abc.Add(t, status);
                    t.AssignedTo[i].Tasks = abc;

            return tasks;
 public bool AssignTaskToFaculties(Task task)
     return repository.AssignTaskToFaculties(task);