public static UIScreen HighScoreScreen(UIScreen replayScreen, SMAnalysis.AnalyzedCampaign[] campaigns, SMAnalysis.AnalyzedDayCampaign?days = null) { if (campaigns.Length == 0) { return(new UIScreen(new UINode(scores_nocampaign))); } var replays = new Dictionary <string, int>(); var key = new InstanceRecord().RequestKey; var cmpIndex = 0; void AssignCampaign(int cmpInd) { cmpIndex = cmpInd; key.campaign = key.boss.Item1.campaign = key.challenge.Item1.Item1.Item1.campaign = key.stage.Item1.campaign = campaigns[cmpIndex].Key; AssignStage(0); if (campaigns[cmpIndex].bosses.Length > 0) { AssignBoss(campaigns[cmpIndex].bosses[0].boss.key); } else { throw new Exception("No high score handling for days menu implemented yet"); //AssignBoss(days!.bosses[]); } } void AssignBoss(string boss) { key.boss.Item1.boss = key.challenge.Item1.Item1.boss = boss; AssignBossPhase(0); } void AssignStage(int stage) { //Better not to mix with AssignBoss to avoid invalid assignments. key.stage.Item1.stage = stage; AssignStagePhase(0); } void AssignBossPhase(int phase) { key.boss.phase = key.challenge.Item1.phase = phase; } void AssignStagePhase(int phase) { key.stage.phase = phase; } key.stage.phase = 1; //only show full-stage practice AssignCampaign(0); key.type = 0; SaveData.p.ReplayData.ForEachI((i, r) => replays[r.metadata.RecordUuid] = i); var scoreNodes = SaveData.r.FinishedGames.Values //If the user doesn't enter a name on the replay screen, the score won't show up, but it will still be recorded internally .Where(g => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(g.CustomNameOrPartial) && g.Score > 0) .OrderByDescending(g => g.Score).Select(g => { //Don't need to show the request (eg. Yukari (Ex) p3) because it's shown by the option nodes above this var node = new UINode(g.AsDisplay(true, false)); if (replays.TryGetValue(g.Uuid, out var i)) { node.SetConfirmOverride(() => (true,[i])); } return(node.With(monospaceClass).With(small2Class) .With(CheckmarkClass(replays.ContainsKey(g.Uuid))) .VisibleIf(() => DUHelpers.Tuple4Eq(key, g.RequestKey))); }); var optnodes = new UINode[] { new OptionNodeLR <short>(practice_type, i => key.type = i, new (LocalizedString, short)?[] {