public ArticleList PostList(int categoryRowId, int currentPage, int numberPerPage, int categoryLev) { ArticleList al = new ArticleList(); al.ListItems = new List <Article>(); al.CurrentPage = currentPage; string queryString = "sp_LoadPostList"; using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(Base.conn)) { // Create the Command and Parameter objects. SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection); command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CategoryRowId", categoryRowId)); try { connection.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { Article a = new Article(); a.ArticleId = reader.GetInt32(0); a.Name = reader.GetString(1); a.Title = reader.GetStringSafe(2); a.Description = reader.GetStringSafe(3); a.ListItemContent = reader.GetStringSafe(4); a.ViewRequests = reader.GetInt32(5); a.URLLink = reader.GetString(6); a.NameId = reader.GetString(7); a.CategoryRowId = reader.GetInt32(8); a.CategoryId = reader.GetInt32Safe(9); a.SecondLevCategoryId = reader.GetInt32Safe(10); a.ThirdLevCategoryId = reader.GetInt32Safe(11); a.CategoryName = reader.GetString(12); a.CategoryUrl = reader.GetString(13); a.SecondLevCategoryName = reader.GetStringSafe(14); a.SecondLevCategoryUrl = reader.GetStringSafe(15); a.ThirdLevCategoryName = reader.GetStringSafe(16); a.ThirdLevCategoryUrl = reader.GetStringSafe(17); a.CreatedDate = reader.GetDateTime(18); al.ListItems.Add(a); } reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { DIYError sError = new DIYError(ex); } } al.TotalItems = 25; return(al); }
public ArticleList PostList(int categoryRowId, int currentPage, int numberPerPage, int categoryLev) { ArticleList al = new ArticleList(); al.ListItems = new List<Article>(); al.CurrentPage = currentPage; string queryString = "sp_LoadPostList"; using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(Base.conn)) { // Create the Command and Parameter objects. SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection); command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CategoryRowId", categoryRowId)); try { connection.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { Article a = new Article(); a.ArticleId = reader.GetInt32(0); a.Name = reader.GetString(1); a.Title = reader.GetStringSafe(2); a.Description = reader.GetStringSafe(3); a.ListItemContent = reader.GetStringSafe(4); a.ViewRequests = reader.GetInt32(5); a.URLLink = reader.GetString(6); a.NameId = reader.GetString(7); a.CategoryRowId = reader.GetInt32(8); a.CategoryId = reader.GetInt32Safe(9); a.SecondLevCategoryId = reader.GetInt32Safe(10); a.ThirdLevCategoryId = reader.GetInt32Safe(11); a.CategoryName = reader.GetString(12); a.CategoryUrl = reader.GetString(13); a.SecondLevCategoryName = reader.GetStringSafe(14); a.SecondLevCategoryUrl = reader.GetStringSafe(15); a.ThirdLevCategoryName = reader.GetStringSafe(16); a.ThirdLevCategoryUrl = reader.GetStringSafe(17); a.CreatedDate = reader.GetDateTime(18); al.ListItems.Add(a); } reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { DIYError sError = new DIYError(ex); } } al.TotalItems = 25; return al; }